Friday, March 24, 2017

Wave of accidents in US after attack in Chechnya | » amtrak train derailed - Google Search 24/03/17 12:26

wave of accidents in US after attack in Chechnya - Google Search

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Amtrak train derails; Penn Station service suspended

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'Foul play' suspected in Farmingville deathSuffolk cops say

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On Friday, March 24, 2017, Suffolk County police said they suspect "foul play" in the death of a man found in a home on Iroquois Avenue in ...
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‘Foul play’ suspected in Farmingville death, Suffolk cops say

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Нападение на Росгвардию в Чечне: шесть бойцов погибли, трое ранены

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МОСКВА, 24 мар — РИА Новости. Шесть военных погибли и еще трое получили ранения при нападении боевиков ночью в пятницу на воинскую часть Росгвардии в Чечне, все воинские части Росгвардии на Северном Кавказе приведены в боевую готовность; Следственный комитет РФ возбудил уголовное дело по факту нападения сразу по четырем статьям.

Шестеро от каждой стороны

Сообщения о нападении боевиков на воинскую часть Росгвардии в Чеченской республике появились утром в пятницу от источника РИА Новости в силовых структурах. Как сообщил собеседник агентства, шесть террористов-смертников в результате попытки нападения на военный городок были уничтожены.
Вскоре Национальный антитеррористический комитет (НАК) подтвердил эту информацию. В ведомстве добавили, что боевики совершили нападение на объект воинской части Росгвардии, дислоцирующейся в районе станицы Наурская, около 02:30. В Росгвардии подчеркнули, что "во время нападения боевики воспользовались сильным туманом".
"В ходе завязавшегося боестолкновения все члены банды были нейтрализованы. У бандитов обнаружено огнестрельное оружие и боеприпасы, а на телах двух из них — муляжи поясов смертников", — добавили в НАК.
Позже Росгвардия заявила, что в ходе нападения появились жертвы и среди военных. "В ходе боестолкновения погибли шестеро военнослужащих, имеются раненные", — сообщили в ведомстве, добавив, что благодаря решительным действиям личного состава террористы-смертники не смогли проникнуть внутрь военного городка.
Источник РИА Новости в силовых ведомствах Чечни сообщил, что в результате нападения ранены трое военных, они госпитализированы в медицинское учреждение.
"Раненные в результате нападения боевиков военнослужащие 140 артиллерийского полка воинской части 3761, расположенной в Наурском районе, доставлены в центральную районную больницу. Это дальномерщик артполка, командир инженерно-саперной батареи, замкомандира батареи. Они получили огнестрельные ранения нижних конечностей, головы", — сказал собеседник агентства.
Заместитель командующего Северо-Кавказским округом войск Росгвардии Николай Долонин вскоре сообщил журналистам, что жизни раненных военных ничто не угрожает.
"Приняты меры для поддержания их здоровья, они находятся в больнице. С семьями военнослужащих работают психологи, командиры. Принимаются меры по оказанию им психологической и материальной помощи", — сказал Долонин.
Кроме того, он сообщил, что все воинские части ведомства на Северном Кавказе приведены в боевую готовность после нападения боевиков. Также, по его словам, "проводятся мероприятия совместно с ФСБ, МВД, направленные на недопущение подобного, усилена разведка".
Долонин добавил, что целью нападавших на воинскую часть в Чечне, скорее всего, было завладение оружием.


Днем в пятницу Следственный комитет РФ сообщил, что по факту нападения на воинскую часть в Чечне возбуждено уголовное дело по нескольким статьям.

© Фото: АГН "Москва"/ Кирилл Зыков
"Возбуждено уголовное дело по факту вооруженного нападения на военнослужащих в Чеченской Республике по статьям… "Посягательство на жизнь военнослужащих", "Участие в вооруженном формировании, не предусмотренном федеральным законом", "Незаконный оборот оружия", "Хищение огнестрельного оружия", — сообщили в ведомстве.
Кроме того, в СК РФ отметили, что в настоящее время члены следственно-оперативной группы проводят следственные действия, направленные на установление всех обстоятельств произошедшего.

Реакция на нападение

Глава комитета Госдумы по безопасности и противодействию терроризму Василий Пискарев после нападения боевиков на воинскую часть сообщил журналистам, что Россия при помощи высококвалифицированных действий правоохранительных органов и впредь будет жестко реагировать на проявления терроризма.
"Так поступают от безысходности. Когда идут ва-банк — это говорит о том, что люди достигли края, дна, когда идти дальше невозможно. Терроризм — это и есть дно, тупик, из которого нет выхода", — добавил парламентарий.
Директор Росгвардии Виктор Золотов заявил, что военные, отразившие атаку боевиков на воинскую часть, предотвратили жертвы среди мирного населения.
"К сожалению, наше торжественное мероприятие омрачено трагическими событиями, произошедшими минувшей ночью в станице Наурской Чеченской республики. В результате подлого нападения террористов-смертников погибло шестеро наших боевых товарищей. Они честно выполнили свой воинский долг, предотвратив жертвы среди мирного населения", — сказал Золотов во время вручения государственных и ведомственных наград военнослужащим и сотрудникам ведомства, отличившимся при выполнении служебно-боевых и оперативно-служебных задач.
По словам директора ведомства, "данные события лишний раз подтверждают, что войска Росгвардии — это войска постоянной боевой готовности".
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Путин обсудил с Совбезом нападение на объект Росгвардии в Чечне - Политика

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МОСКВА, 24 марта. /ТАСС/. Президент РФ Владимир Путин провел оперативное совещание с постоянными членами Совета безопасности России, в ходе которого обсудил, в частности, нападение на объект воинской части Росгвардии в Чечне. Об этом сообщил пресс-секретарь главы государства Дмитрий Песков.
"Обсуждено нападение на объект Росгвардии в Чеченской республике", - отметил Песков.
По словам пресс-секретаря, помимо этого "обсуждалась текущая социально-экономическая повестка дня". "Затрагивались актуальные международные проблемы", - добавил он.
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Путин обсудил с Совбезом нападение на объект Росгвардии в ...

ТАСС-1 hour ago
"Обсуждено нападение на объект Росгвардии в Чеченской республике", - отметил Песков. По словам пресс-секретаря, помимо этого ...
В Чечне шесть военнослужащих Росгвардии погибли при ...
In-Depth-<a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>-7 hours ago

Gowanus wreck - Google Search

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Gowanus crash sparks nightmare commute for Staten Islanders

<a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>-Jan 7, 2016
STATEN ISLAND, N.Y. -- A multi-vehicle wreck on the outbound Gowanus Expressway is wreaking havoc on the morning commute for Staten ...

Gowanus crash sparks nightmare commute for Staten Islanders

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Update: Gowanus lanes were re-opened at 8:30 a.m., according to radio transmissions. Delays of more than an hour still remain for Staten Island commuters.
STATEN ISLAND, N.Y. -- A multi-vehicle wreck on the outbound Gowanus Expressway is wreaking havoc on the morning commute for Staten Islanders Thursday morning.
Delays of about an hour and 10 minutes are being reported for commuters heading toward Brooklyn on the Verrazano-Narrows Bridge and the Staten Island Expressway.
Motorists and the crowd-sourcing traffic site is reporting heavy traffic spilling onto most secondary streets leading to expressway entrances, including Capodanno Boulevard, Lily Pond Avenue, Narrows Road South, Clove Road, Victory Boulevard and Hylan Boulevard, near the service road.
The crash was reported on the westbound Gowanus near 65th Street and Sixth Avenue shortly after 6 a.m.
The accident involved as many as four cars -- one of which was a tractor-trailer, according to a report by  
One car was crushed, and a victim needed to be extricated from the vehicle and transported to a hospital, according to that report.
All westbound lanes had been closed for a period during the extrication. There were closures on the inbound side as well.
All lanes were re-opened around 8:30 a.m., according to emergency radio transmissions, but heavy residual delays continue to plague motorists.
Frustrated commuters sounded off on both <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> and social media.
"Stuck on the express bus for almost 2 hours. It doesn't take much to cripple the island that has been shown time and time again," said <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> user Guest1817.  
Said midislander: "With no lane restrictions on Brooklyn-bound Gowanus all delays are caused by rubbernecking. Can people show some respect to themselves and others behind them and just GO without much looking? You never saw an accident before?"
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Donald Trump associates 'will be indicted,' former NSA analyst says; John McCain calls for new probe

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California Rep. Devin Nunes, the Republican chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, stepped into the spotlight on Wednesday.
He declared at a press conference that he had come upon information that suggested U.S. intelligence agencies might have picked up communications by then-President-elect Donald Trump and his transition team last year. Nunes implied that this discovery gave credence to Trump's now-infamous March 4 claim that former President Barack Obama had "wiretapped" Trump Tower, an allegation FBI Director James Comey debunked on Monday.
But Nunes' announcement proved a transitory diversion, as once again new developments popped up related to the investigation of alleged ties between Trump's campaign and Russian officials seeking to sow chaos in the U.S. electoral process. Trump critics believe the president's accusations against Obama were meant to distract attention from the investigation.
The New York Times and the Washington Post have owned the Russia-Trump story so far, mining well-placed sources in the U.S. intelligence community. But on Wednesday it was CNN that landed the big headline of the day. The cable-news outlet's report opened with this stunning statement:
"The FBI has information that indicates associates of President Donald Trump communicated with suspected Russian operatives to possibly coordinate the release of information damaging to Hillary Clinton's campaign, U.S. officials told CNN."
During the campaign last fall, the anti-secrecy website WikiLeaks dribbled out hacked emails from the Democratic National Committee and Hillary Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta. It is widely believed Russian operatives provided the emails to WikiLeaks in an effort to damage Clinton's campaign. Russian President Vladimir Putin wanted to see Clinton defeated, believing she tried to undermine his rule when she was U.S. secretary of state.
The information leaked to CNN this week, unlike Nunes' intelligence leak, could be a true bombshell -- if, that is, it turns out to be true. "One law enforcement official," CNN reported, "said the information in hand suggests 'people connected to the campaign were in contact [with Russian operatives] and it appeared they were giving the thumbs up to release information when it was ready.'"
It must be noted that we're still in the realm of anonymous sources. And that the evidence, whatever it actually might be, is still reportedly circumstantial.
But national-security experts with deeply established relationships in the U.S. intelligence community are beginning to suggest we're no longer in the early stages of an amorphous, hydra-like investigation. That instead we're approaching the end game of an unprecedented scandal.
John Schindler, a conservative columnist for the New York Observer and a former National Security Agency analyst, declared on Twitter that "Trump will be forced out & his cronies will be indicted. Get ready."
Such rumblings in the intelligence community just might send Nunes, a Trump backer who was part of Trump's transition team, into panic mode. There is, after all, no good explanation for his actions on Wednesday. He is the head of a congressional committee investigating the president's campaign and related associates, but instead of sharing his newly found information with his colleagues on the intelligence committee -- or even checking it with the FBI, which is conducting its own investigation -- he rushed to the White House to brief Trump and then called a press conference.
Then there's the fact that the newly discovered intelligence that had Nunes "steaming" mad on Wednesday apparently doesn't amount to much. In fact, it actually ends up looking kind of bad for the president -- and suggests Nunes is in over his head on the intelligence committee.
"This is a normal, incidental collection, based on what I could collect," Nunes admitted. "This appears to be all legally collected foreign intelligence under [the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act]."
Normal, incidental intelligence collection is not what Trump said in his now-infamous tweets about Obama. And it implies that Trump or his associates were talking to foreign agents who were legally under surveillance by U.S. intelligence. It also means Nunes might have leaked classified information in an attempt to provide cover for the president.
California Rep. Adam Schiff, the ranking Democrat on the intelligence committee, slapped Nunes hard for his freelancing. "The chairman will need to decide whether he is the chairman of an independent investigation into conduct which includes allegations of potential coordination between the Trump campaign and the Russians, or he is going to act as a surrogate of the White House, because he cannot do both," Schiff said.
Arizona Sen. John McCain, a Republican who has been critical of Trump, has already reached his own conclusion on Nunes' ability to lead the House investigation into the matter. On Wednesday he called for a special independent committee, or even an independent prosecutor, to take over the investigation.
"What the American people have found out so far [is that] no longer does the Congress have the credibility to handle this alone," McCain told MSNBC. "And I don't say that lightly."
-- Douglas Perry
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FBI Investigating Whether Trump Camp Coordinated With Russian Operatives to Release Info Damaging to Clinton: Sources

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The FBI has information that indicates associates of President Donald Trump communicated with suspected Russian operatives to possibly coordinate the release of information damaging to Hillary Clinton’s campaign, US officials told CNN.

President Donald Trump speaks during a meeting with the Congressional Black Caucus Executive Committee in the Cabinet Room at the White House March 22, 2017, in Washington, D.C. (Credit: Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images)
This is partly what FBI Director James Comey was referring to when he made a bombshell announcement Monday before Congress that the FBI is investigating the Trump campaign’s ties to Russia, according to one source.
The FBI is now reviewing that information, which includes human intelligence, travel, business and phone records and accounts of in-person meetings, according to those U.S. officials. The information is raising the suspicions of FBI counterintelligence investigators that the coordination may have taken place, though officials cautioned that the information was not conclusive and that the investigation is ongoing.
In his statement on Monday Comey said the FBI began looking into possible coordination between Trump campaign associates and suspected Russian operatives because the bureau had gathered “a credible allegation of wrongdoing or reasonable basis to believe an American may be acting as an agent of a foreign power.”
The White House did not comment and the FBI declined to comment.
White House press secretary Sean Spicer maintained Monday after Comey’s testimony that there was no evidence to suggest any collusion took place.
“Investigating it and having proof of it are two different things,” Spicer said.

James Comey, FBI director, left, and Michael Rogers, director of the National Security Agency, testify during a House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence hearing concerning Russian meddling in the 2016 election March 20, 2017, in Washington. (Credit: Drew Angerer/Getty Images)
One law enforcement official said the information in hand suggests “people connected to the campaign were in contact and it appeared they were giving the thumbs up to release information when it was ready.” But other U.S. officials who spoke to CNN say it’s premature to draw that inference from the information gathered so far since it’s largely circumstantial.
The FBI cannot yet prove that collusion took place, but the information suggesting collusion is now a large focus of the investigation, the officials said.
The FBI has already been investigating four former Trump campaign associates — Michael Flynn, Paul Manafort, Roger Stone and Carter Page — for contacts with Russians known to US intelligence. All four have denied improper contacts and CNN has not confirmed any of them are the subjects of the information the FBI is reviewing.
One of the obstacles the sources say the FBI now faces in finding conclusive intelligence is that communications between Trump’s associates and Russians have ceased in recent months given the public focus on Russia’s alleged ties to the Trump campaign. Some Russian officials have also changed their methods of communications, making monitoring more difficult, the officials said.
Last July, Russian intelligence agencies began orchestrating the release of hacked emails stolen in a breach of the Democratic National Committee and associated organizations, as well as email accounts belonging to Clinton campaign officials, according to U.S. intelligence agencies.
The Russian operation was also in part focused on the publication of so-called “fake news” stories aimed at undermining Hillary Clinton’s campaign. But FBI investigators say they are less focused on the coordination and publication of those “fake news” stories, in part because those publications are generally protected free speech.
The release of the stolen emails, meanwhile, transformed an ordinary cyber-intrusion investigation into a much bigger case handled by the FBI’s counterintelligence division.
FBI counterintelligence investigations are notoriously lengthy and often involve some of the U.S. government’s most highly classified programs, such as those focused on intelligence-gathering, which can make it difficult for investigators to bring criminal charges without exposing those programs.
Investigators continue to analyze the material and information from multiple sources for any possible indications of coordination, according to US officials. Director Comey in Monday’s hearing refused to reveal what specifically the FBI was looking for or who they’re focusing on.
US officials said the information was not drawn from the leaked dossier of unverified information compiled by a former British intelligence official compiled for Trump’s political opponents, though the dossier also suggested coordination between Trump campaign associates and Russian operatives.
38.907192 -77.036871
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Five dead, around 40 injured in UK parliament 'terrorist' attack

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LONDON Five people were killed and about 40 injured in London on Wednesday after a car plowed into pedestrians and a suspected Islamist-inspired attacker stabbed a policeman close to Britain's parliament.

The dead, in what police called a "marauding terrorist attack," included the assailant and the policeman he stabbed. The other three victims were among those hit by the car as it sped across Westminster Bridge before crashing into railings just outside parliament.

Prime Minister Theresa May condemned the attack as "sick and depraved".

"The location of this attack was no accident," she said in a statement outside her 10 Downing Street office late in the evening.

"The terrorist chose to strike at the heart of our capital city, where people of all nationalities, religions and cultures come together to celebrate the values of liberty, democracy and freedom of speech."

Any attempt to defeat those values through violence was "doomed to failure", May said.

Mark Rowley, Britain's most senior counter-terrorism officer, told reporters the attack started when a car was driven over Westminster Bridge, hitting and injuring members of the public and three police officers.

"A car then crashed near to parliament and at least one man, armed with a knife, continued the attack and tried to enter parliament," Rowley said.

He said the police's "fast-paced investigation" was working on the assumption that the attack was "Islamist-related terrorism". Police believed they knew the identity of the attacker but would not provide details at this stage, he said.

It was the deadliest attack in London since four British Islamists killed 52 commuters and themselves in suicide bombings on the city's transport system in July 2005, in London's worst peacetime attack.

It took place on the first anniversary of attacks by Islamist militants that killed 32 people in Brussels.

Reuters reporters inside parliament during Wednesday's attack heard loud bangs and shortly afterwards saw the knifeman and the stabbed policeman lying on the ground in a courtyard within the gates of parliament.

The dead police officer was identified as Keith Palmer, 48, with 15 years of service.
REUTERS/Toby Melville

"The Lapdog Nunes":

It became somewhat lonely in the Halls of Power. And takes a lot of coffee to wake up. 

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mikenova shared this story . Gowanus crash sparks nightmare commute for Staten Islanders <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> - Jan 7, 2016 STATEN ISLAND, N.Y. -- A multi-vehicle wreck on the outbound Gow...
» Gowanus crash sparks nightmare commute for Staten Islanders
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mikenova shared this story from Staten Island Real-Time News. Update: Gowanus lanes were re-opened at 8:30 a.m., according to radio transmissions. Delays of more than an hour still remain for Staten Island commuters. STATEN ISLAND, ...
» Donald Trump associates 'will be indicted,' former NSA analyst says; John McCain calls for new probe
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mikenova shared this story from Today's News. California Rep. Devin Nunes, the Republican chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, stepped into the spotlight on Wednesday. He declared at a press conference that he had come upon ...
» FBI Investigating Whether Trump Camp Coordinated With Russian Operatives to Release Info Damaging to Clinton: Sources
22/03/17 21:57 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from KTLA. The FBI has information that indicates associates of President Donald Trump communicated with suspected Russian operatives to possibly coordinate the release of information damaging to Hillary Clinto...
» Five dead, around 40 injured in UK parliament 'terrorist' attack
22/03/17 21:50 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story . LONDON Five people were killed and about 40 injured in London on Wednesday after a car plowed into pedestrians and a suspected Islamist-inspired attacker stabbed a policeman close to Britain's parliament. The...
» London attack: What we know so far
22/03/17 21:16 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from BBC News - Home. Five people have died and 40 people have been injured in a terror attack near the Houses of Parliament. Here is what we know so far. What happened? At 14.40 GMT a single attacker drove a c...
» Police Hold Press Conference On London Attack - YouTube
22/03/17 20:57 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story . Published on Mar 22, 2017 There are "a number of casualties" including police officers in London attack, officials said.
» May: We will all move forward, never giving in to terror - YouTube
22/03/17 20:53 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story . Published on Mar 22, 2017 British prime minister comments on London terror attack
» Rep. Adam Schiff slams Rep. Devin Nunes' comments on Trump intel - YouTube
22/03/17 20:24 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story . Published on Mar 22, 2017 Rep. Adam Schiff, the ranking Democratic member of the House Intelligence Committee, slammed his Republican counterpart, Rep. Devin Nunes, for announcing there may have been "inciden...
» «Большие дела» Манафорта в Украине и России - YouTube
22/03/17 19:55 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story . Published on Mar 22, 2017 Всплыли новые подробности де ...
» Report: Manafort secretly worked for Russian billionaire - YouTube
22/03/17 19:13 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story . Published on Mar 22, 2017 Insight from Jeff Horwitz, reporter for The Associated Press
» NATO general, Russia military chief hold phone call: Stoltenberg
22/03/17 19:08 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story . &amp;amp;amp;amp;lt;iframe src="//" height="0" width="0" style="display:none;visibility:hidden"&amp;amp;amp;amp;gt;&amp;amp;amp;amp;lt;/iframe&amp...
» Trump’s legitimacy is in Comey’s hands, Dems are digging deeper ditch, and other comments
22/03/17 19:05 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from Post Editorial Board – New York Post. Security desk: Comey Now DC’s Most Powerful Man James Comey has emerged as “ the most powerful person in Washington ,” contends Eli Lake at Bloomberg...
» AssociatedPress's YouTube Videos: AP Top Stories March 22 P
22/03/17 19:04 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from 1. VIDEO NEWS from mikenova (64 sites). From: AssociatedPress Duration: 01:13 Here are the top stories for Wednesday, March 22nd: An attacker in London kills 4; AP finds Paul Manafort secretly worked for R...
» Voice of America: Lawmakers Want Details on Flynn's Foreign Contacts, Payments
22/03/17 19:01 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from 1. Russia from mikenova (90 sites). Republicans joined Democrats on Wednesday in pressuring the Trump administration to surrender records of former national security adviser Michael Flynn's payments and co...
» putin's face - Google News: AP Exclusive: Before Trump job, Manafort worked to aid Putin - NBC2 News
22/03/17 19:00 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from 1. Russia from mikenova (90 sites). TIME AP Exclusive: Before Trump job, Manafort worked to aid Putin NBC2 News Los Angeles' police chief says reports of sexual assault and domestic violence by Latino resi...
» The Interpreter: Magnitsky Family Lawyer in Suspicious Accident Now Conscious, Moved from ‘Critical’ to ‘Serious’
22/03/17 18:59 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from 1. Russia from mikenova (90 sites). Update: Russian lawyer Nikolai Gorokhov, attorney for the family of Sergei Magnitsky, has been upgraded from “critical” to “serious” in the Botki...
» trump russia treason - Google News: Did Paul Manafort Commit Treason? Former Trump Campaign Chief Advanced Russian Interests, Report Says - International Business Times
22/03/17 18:58 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from 1. Trump from mikenova (130 sites). International Business Times Did Paul Manafort Commit Treason ? Former Trump Campaign Chief Advanced Russian Interests, Report Says International Business Times As the W...
» euronewsru's YouTube Videos: Германия выдаст компенсации осуждённым за гомосексуализм
22/03/17 18:54 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from 1. VIDEO NEWS from mikenova (64 sites). From: euronewsru Duration: 01:18 Правительство Германии одобрило законопроект о реабилитации гомосексуалистов, осуждённых по этой статье после войны. Речь идёт о так...
» Trump and Russia - Google News: Schiff: There is now 'more than circumstantial evidence' of Trump-Russia collusion - Politico
22/03/17 18:52 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from 1. Trump from mikenova (130 sites). Politico Schiff: There is now 'more than circumstantial evidence' of Trump - Russia collusion Politico Rep. Adam Schiff, the top Democrat on the House Intelligence Commi...
» trump and republican party - Google News: Hawaii Republican Resigns From Party After Criticizing Trump - U.S. News & World Report
22/03/17 18:51 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from 1. Recent Events Review from mikenova (87 sites). Hawaii Republican Resigns From Party After Criticizing Trump U.S. News & World Report Fukumoto was asked to resign her post as House Minority Leader in Feb...
» Russia, Putin and Putinism: Trump's Team May Have Been 'Monitored'
22/03/17 18:51 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from 1. Digests from mikenova (32 sites). The Republican chairman of the House intelligence committee, Representative Devin Nunes of California, said President Trump's communications may have been "monitored" d...
» Here’s why the latest Trump-Russia revelations are so important
22/03/17 17:52 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story . The inside track on Washington politics. Be the first to know about new stories from PowerPost. Sign up to follow, and we’ll e-mail you free updates as they’re published. You’ll receive free...
» Manafort had plan to benefit Putin government
22/03/17 08:49 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story . WASHINGTON (AP) — President Donald Trump's former campaign chairman, Paul Manafort, secretly worked for a Russian billionaire to advance the interests of Russian President Vladimir Putin a decade ago an...
» Manafort worked to ‘benefit Putin government’: report
22/03/17 08:47 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story . By Mark Hensch - 03/22/17 07:19 AM EDT 789 The Hill 1625 K Street, NW Suite 900 Washington DC 20006 | 202-628-8500 tel | 202-628-8503 fax The contents of this site are ©2017 Capitol Hill Publishing Corp....
» First Read's Morning Clips: Manafort and Russia
22/03/17 08:46 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story . TRUMP AGENDA: Paul Manafort's Russian connection Breaking this morning from the AP : "President Donald Trump's former campaign chairman, Paul Manafort, secretly worked for a Russian billionaire to advance the...
» U.S. Moves To Strip Citizenship From Al-Qaeda Operative In Brooklyn Plot
22/03/17 07:50 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty. U.S. authorities have taken rare action to strip U.S. citizenship from a man convicted in 2003 of involvement in an Al-Qaeda plot to destroy the Brooklyn Bridge in New Yo...
» La Stampa: Путин посеял «семена раздора» в обществе США - ИА REGNUM
22/03/17 07:50 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from Putin and Putinism - News Review. La Stampa: Путин посеял «семена раздора» в обществе США ИА REGNUM Рим, 22 марта 2017, 10:52 — REGNUM Президент Российской Федерации Владимир Путин , который якобы посеял «...
» Oil Prices Fall on Bloated US Crude Storage
22/03/17 07:49 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from Voice of America. Oil prices dipped on Wednesday as rising crude stocks in the United States underscored an ongoing global fuel supply overhang despite an OPEC-led effort to cut output. Prices for front-mo...
» Iran Steps Up Supplies to Houthis, Including Kamikaze Drones
22/03/17 07:49 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from Voice of America. They are nicknamed "kamikaze" drones. Houthi forces and those aligned with former President Ali Abdullah Saleh in Yemen are using them to target the missile-defense systems of Saudi-led c...
» Russia underplayed losses in recapture of Syria's Palmyra - Reuters
22/03/17 07:48 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from Russia - Google News. Reuters Russia underplayed losses in recapture of Syria's Palmyra Reuters Russian Cossack commander Vladimir Bagliy shows a local newspaper with a picture of his fellow Cossack Yuri S...
» Израиль показывает России и Ирану рамки, за которые нельзя заходить в Сирии – Der Spiegel - СЕГОДНЯ
22/03/17 07:48 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from россия и запад - Google News. СЕГОДНЯ Израиль показывает России и Ирану рамки, за которые нельзя заходить в Сирии – Der Spiegel СЕГОДНЯ Взрыв от попадания ракеты Arrow-2 в C-200 можно было услышать во мног...
» «Живет православной традицией»: старообрядец рассказал, как Путин соблюдает Великий пост - Московский Комсомолец
22/03/17 07:48 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from Putin and Putinism - News Review. Московский Комсомолец «Живет православной традицией»: старообрядец рассказал, как Путин соблюдает Великий пост Московский Комсомолец По словам Корнилия, в беседе с Путиным...
» Украинская художница делает портрет Путина из патронов (Фото) - Телеграф
22/03/17 07:47 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from лицо путина - Google News. Телеграф Украинская художница делает портрет Путина из патронов (Фото) Телеграф На фото украинская художница Дарья Марченко работает над портретом российского президента Владимир...
» РБК и CIT узнали еще о девяти погибших в Сирии россиянах - Радіо Свобода
22/03/17 07:47 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from В мире – Новости Google. Радіо Свобода РБК и CIT узнали еще о девяти погибших в Сирии россиянах Радіо Свобода В Сирии погибли еще девять россиян, как минимум шесть из которых являются наемниками так называ...
» US and the Middle East: Power politics or amateur hour? - Salon
22/03/17 07:47 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from turkish coup 2016 and russia - Google News. Salon US and the Middle East: Power politics or amateur hour? Salon Then he accused Washington of fomenting the abortive coup d'etat. By November 2016 , he was m...
» В Архангельске к приезду Путина выложили тротуар паркетом - GORDONUA.COM
22/03/17 07:47 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from лицо путина - Google News. В Архангельске к приезду Путина выложили тротуар паркетом GORDONUA.COM Оппозиционный политик Николай Травкин написал в Facebook, что таким образом местные власти готовятся к прие...
» US General Urges Nuclear Upgrade as Russia Grows 'More Aggressive' - New York Times
22/03/17 07:46 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from US - Russia relations reassessment - Google News. New York Times US General Urges Nuclear Upgrade as Russia Grows 'More Aggressive' New York Times Jack Weinstein of the Air Force made the remarks against t...
» Russia Underplayed Losses in Recapture of Syria's Palmyra
22/03/17 07:46 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from Voice of America. Russia's force in Syria has suffered losses since late January more than three times higher than the official toll, according to evidence gathered by Reuters, a tally that shows the fight...
» Montenegro at crossroads: toward the West, or back to Russia - Washington Post
22/03/17 07:46 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from russia and the west - Google News. Washington Post Montenegro at crossroads: toward the West , or back to Russia Washington Post With its 2,000-strong army, the scenic country — squeezed between towering m...
» GOP Takes Up Russia-Aligned Attack On Soros - Politico
22/03/17 07:46 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from Russia influence in Eastern Europe - Google News. Politico GOP Takes Up Russia -Aligned Attack On Soros Politico A group of congressional Republicans is teaming up with Russia -backed politicians in Easter...
» Lithuania Boosts NATO’s Baltics Border Defenses With Eye on Russia
22/03/17 07:45 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from Voice of America. A German-led NATO battle group of tanks, armored vehicles, and troops, including Lithuanians, engaged “enemy attackers” mid-March on a field outside a military base in Rukla, Lithuania.  ...
» Блогер: Путин будет вести войны вплоть до крушения империи. Закончится война в Украине – начнется другая, потом третья - Новости в Украине Replyua (пресс-релиз) (Блог)
22/03/17 07:45 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from Putin and Putinism - News Review. Новости в Украине Replyua (пресс-релиз) (Блог) Блогер: Путин будет вести войны вплоть до крушения империи. Закончится война в Украине – начнется другая, потом третья Новос...
» Адвокат Магнитского выпал из окна
22/03/17 07:45 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from SvobodaRadio's YouTube Videos. From: SvobodaRadio Duration: 05:01 В Москве после падения из окна с множественными травмами попал в больницу адвокат Николай Горохов, представляющий интересы матери Серге...
» Lawyer for family of Russian whistleblower 'thrown from building'
22/03/17 07:45 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from Russia | The Guardian. Nikolai Gorokhov, who represents family of Sergei Magnitsky, is in intensive care after falling from fourth floor of apartment block A Russian lawyer who represents the family of Ser...
» How Much Of The Trump-Russia Story Is Smoke And How Much Is Fire? - FiveThirtyEight
22/03/17 07:36 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from Russia - Google News. FiveThirtyEight How Much Of The Trump- Russia Story Is Smoke And How Much Is Fire? FiveThirtyEight The four of us, however, are checking back in on the Trump- Russia ties story. FBI D...
» U.S. General Urges Nuclear Upgrade as Russia Grows ‘More Aggressive’
22/03/17 07:36 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from Russia. Lt. Gen. Jack Weinstein of the Air Force said the United States’ nuclear policy toward Russia “has got to be some behavior that gets them to the table.”
» ‘Turkish Trump,’ a Hotel Plan and a Tangle of Foreign Ties
22/03/17 07:00 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from Russia. President Trump pledged that his business would avoid overseas deals during his tenure. But his company is pursuing a hotel project with a firm with deep foreign connections.
» Заседание президиума РАН запланировано на 28 марта - ТАСС
22/03/17 07:00 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from В мире – Новости Google. РИА Новости Заседание президиума РАН запланировано на 28 марта ТАСС Главный ученый секретарь президиума Михаил Пальцев отметил, что заседание проведет Валерий Козлов, информация об...
» Жириновский рассказал, что сделает, когда победит Путина - Реал
22/03/17 06:59 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from Putin and Putinism - News Review. Реал Жириновский рассказал, что сделает, когда победит Путина Реал Стоит отметить, что Сталинградом город назвали в честь Иосифа Виссарионовича в 1925-ом, а в 1961 году, в...
» In Germany, right-wing violence flourishing amid surge in online hate
22/03/17 06:59 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from Europe. Conspiracy theories and online hate are stoking the surge in right-wing violence.
» Путин с улыбкой наблюдает за «ковбойской дракой» в США — СМИ -
22/03/17 06:59 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from Putin and Putinism - News Review. Путин с улыбкой наблюдает за «ковбойской дракой» в США — СМИ Жестокая схватка между командой президента Дональда Трампа и коа...
» Trump's former campaign chief drew up 2005 plan 'to benefit Putin' - The Courier
22/03/17 06:58 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from Putin and Putinism - News Review. The Courier Trump's former campaign chief drew up 2005 plan 'to benefit Putin ' The Courier Donald Trump's former campaign chairman Paul Manafort secretly worked for a Rus...
» Kremlin’s ‘Insincere and Officious Patriotism’ Turning Russians Off, Polls Show
22/03/17 06:58 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from Window on Eurasia -- New Series. Paul Goble             Staunton, March 22 – “Patriotism has become so officious and insincere that it has begun to be...
» The National Interest: How Germany's Merkel Can Lead the West
21/03/17 21:57 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from 1. US Security from mikenova (70 sites). Jeffrey Stacey Politics, Europe Germany must now hold the line against resurgent nationalism. Donald Trump’s presidential election was a shot heard around the world...
» PBSNewsHour's YouTube Videos: PBS NewsHour full episode March 21, 2017
21/03/17 21:54 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from 1. VIDEO NEWS from mikenova (64 sites). From: PBSNewsHour Duration: 54:39 Tuesday on the NewsHour, Supreme Court pick Neil Gorsuch gets grilled by Senate Democrats during his confirmation hearing. Also: Pr...
» russian organised crime in us - Google News: NZ companies linked to $21b money laundering scheme - New Zealand Herald
21/03/17 21:53 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from 1. Recent Events Review from mikenova (87 sites). NZ companies linked to $21b money laundering scheme New Zealand Herald Companies based in New Zealand were part of a criminal scheme to move large sums of ...
» Early Trump backer leads House panel probing links to Russia - Washington Post
21/03/17 21:52 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from Top Stories - Google News. Washington Post Early Trump backer leads House panel probing links to Russia Washington Post WASHINGTON — Devin Nunes once said all he wanted to do was work on a dairy farm. Now ...
» Assad ally Russia summons Israeli diplomat over Syria strike - Washington Post
21/03/17 21:52 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from Top Stories - Google News. Washington Post Assad ally Russia summons Israeli diplomat over Syria strike Washington Post MOSCOW — Russia's foreign ministry says the Israeli ambassador to Moscow was summoned...
» Article 50: Theresa May to trigger Brexit process next week - BBC News
21/03/17 21:51 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from Top Stories - Google News. Article 50: Theresa May to trigger Brexit process next week BBC News Prime Minister Theresa May is to officially notify the European Union next Wednesday that the...
» The White House Applied Two Very Different Standards to the Comey Hearing - TIME
21/03/17 21:50 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from Top Stories - Google News. TIME The White House Applied Two Very Different Standards to the Comey Hearing TIME The Trump Administration tried to have it both ways on questions about Russian attempts to inf...
» Paul Manafort faces fresh accusations in Ukraine after document find - CNN
21/03/17 21:48 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from Top Stories - Google News. CNN Paul Manafort faces fresh accusations in Ukraine after document find CNN Kiev (CNN) US President Donald Trump's ex-campaign chair Paul Manafort is facing fresh allegations ov...
» Comey’s Haunting News on Trump and Russia
21/03/17 15:51 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story . <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> no longer supports Internet Explorer 9 or earlier. Please upgrade your browser. LEARN MORE » Verified Commenters can leave comments...
» Congress can’t resolve the questions about Trump and Russia on its own
20/03/17 16:09 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story . The inside track on Washington politics. Be the first to know about new stories from PowerPost. Sign up to follow, and we’ll e-mail you free updates as they’re published. You’ll receive free...
» Syrian UN envoy: Putin sent message to Israel that its freedom to act in Syria is over - Syria
20/03/17 09:55 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story . Russia has sent a clear message to Israel that the rules of the game have changed in Syria and its freedom to act in Syrian skies is over, Syria’s ambassador to the United Nations said on Sunday night. ...
» Oil falls as investors cut bullish bets on worries over U.S. output
20/03/17 09:08 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story . &amp;amp;amp;amp;lt;iframe src="//" height="0" width="0" style="display:none;visibility:hidden"&amp;amp;amp;amp;gt;&amp;amp;amp;amp;lt;/iframe&amp...
» After Saudi king, China warmly welcomes Israel's prime minister
20/03/17 08:59 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story . &amp;amp;amp;amp;lt;iframe src="//" height="0" width="0" style="display:none;visibility:hidden"&amp;amp;amp;amp;gt;&amp;amp;amp;amp;lt;/iframe&amp...
» Commentary: How Trump-Russia ties have affected the administration – so far
20/03/17 08:49 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story . &amp;amp;amp;amp;lt;iframe src="//" height="0" width="0" style="display:none;visibility:hidden"&amp;amp;amp;amp;gt;&amp;amp;amp;amp;lt;/iframe&amp...
» Lawmakers seek FBI, NSA answers on Trump, Russia at rare public hearing
20/03/17 08:30 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story . &amp;amp;amp;amp;lt;iframe src="//" height="0" width="0" style="display:none;visibility:hidden"&amp;amp;amp;amp;gt;&amp;amp;amp;amp;lt;/iframe&amp...
» Ron Wyden: FBI director owes Americans 'status report' (David Sarasohn)
19/03/17 22:30 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from Opinion. Ron Wyden, whose idea of a good time is a heated town meeting in an overheated high school gym, has noticed a certain similarity in the experience lately. "There's the same conversation in places ...
» How to Listen to Jim Comey's Testimony on Monday - Lawfare (blog)
19/03/17 22:18 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from Comey - Google News. Lawfare (blog) How to Listen to Jim Comey's Testimony on Monday Lawfare (blog) Let me start by saying that I have absolutely no inside information about the testimony FBI Director Jim ...
» Dershowitz: Supreme Court Will Eventually Uphold Trump Travel Ban - Newsmax
19/03/17 22:17 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from psychoanalysis of Donald Trump - Google News. Dershowitz: Supreme Court Will Eventually Uphold Trump Travel Ban Newsmax Federal judges in Maryland and Hawaii who blocked President Donald Trump's revised tr...
» Vladimir Putin's outlook for 2017: isolation, hard work, fewer headlines -
19/03/17 22:17 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from putin won US 2016 election - Google News. Vladimir Putin's outlook for 2017: isolation, hard work, fewer headlines Russian rulers have long been content to accept fear and awe in li...
» How the UK spying claim traveled from an ex-CIA blogger to Trump's White House -
19/03/17 22:17 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from putin won US 2016 election - Google News. How the UK spying claim traveled from an ex-CIA blogger to Trump's White House He frequently appears on Russian state media to reject American i...
» Finally, we'll hear from Comey about Russia - CNN
19/03/17 22:16 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from Comey - Google News. CNN Finally, we'll hear from Comey about Russia CNN Julian Zelizer, a history and public affairs professor at Princeton University and a New America fellow, is the author of "The ...
» Long Before New Hacks, US Worried by Russian Spying Efforts - NewsFactor Network
19/03/17 22:09 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from Russian Intelligence services - Google News. NewsFactor Network Long Before New Hacks, US Worried by Russian Spying Efforts NewsFactor Network Years before Russian intelligence agencies stood accused of in...
» Here's Why Gay People 'Should Be Embarrassed' To Support Trump
19/03/17 22:08 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from Donald Trump 2012 on Huffington Post. Hey gay Republicans: Justin Sayre would like to have a word with you. In his latest video for HuffPost Queer Voices, the writer-performer doesn’t h... Read more: Donal...
» How Much Does Trump Actually Work At Mar-A-Lago? Maybe Not So Much
19/03/17 22:08 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from Donald Trump 2012 on Huffington Post. President Donald Trump likes to call his Mar-a-Lago golf resort the “Winter White House” but there may be more presidential putts than meetings oc... Read more: Donald...
» On His First Visit to the Middle East, Trump's Envoy Jason Greenblatt Surprises Everyone - Haaretz
19/03/17 22:08 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from analysis of trump electorate - Google News. Haaretz On His First Visit to the Middle East, Trump's Envoy Jason Greenblatt Surprises Everyone Haaretz Many people on the Israeli right anointed Trump as the M...
» Byron York: How pundits got key part of Trump-Russia story all wrong - Washington Examiner
19/03/17 22:08 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from trump and russia - Google News. Washington Examiner Byron York: How pundits got key part of Trump - Russia story all wrong Washington Examiner A key talking point in the theory that Donald Trump and the Ru...
» Many are furious at something Donald Trump just did - Morning Ticker
19/03/17 22:06 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from Donald Trump - Google News. Morning Ticker Many are furious at something Donald Trump just did Morning Ticker President Donald Trump is certainly shaking things up with his first budget proposal, and the f...
» Trump: The Scramble - The New York Review of Books
19/03/17 22:06 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from trump as danger to National Security - Google News. The New York Review of Books Trump : The Scramble The New York Review of Books ... explosive news stories broke, one from the Associated Press describing...
» Donald Trump Calls MSNBC "Bad People," Denies Putin Relations in 'Watters' World' Interview - Hollywood Reporter
19/03/17 22:06 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from Putin Trump - Google News. Hollywood Reporter Donald Trump Calls MSNBC "Bad People," Denies Putin Relations in 'Watters' World' Interview Hollywood Reporter "Don't know him, but certainly he...
» Trump allies Roger Stone and Paul Manafort both wanted for questioning in Russia investigations - Raw Story
19/03/17 22:05 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from trump under federal investigation - Google News. New York Times Trump allies Roger Stone and Paul Manafort both wanted for questioning in Russia investigations Raw Story Stone is under ongoing scrutiny of ...
» One Trump Advisor Really Does Know All About Putin - Daily Beast
19/03/17 22:05 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from putin and trump - Google News. Daily Beast One Trump Advisor Really Does Know All About Putin Daily Beast Asked what it was about his KGB training that he believed informed his administration of a country ...
» Long before new hacks, US worried by Russian spying efforts - New Jersey Herald
19/03/17 22:04 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from Russian Intelligence services - Google News. New Jersey Herald Long before new hacks, US worried by Russian spying efforts New Jersey Herald Alarmingly to American authorities, Russian hackers engaged in m...
» Kellyanne unleashed: Conway calls her critics 'f***ing miserable', says she'd rather 'slit her wrists' than be ... - Daily Mail
19/03/17 22:04 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from Abedin has to resign - Google News. Daily Mail Kellyanne unleashed: Conway calls her critics 'f***ing miserable', says she'd rather 'slit her wrists' than be ... Daily Mail A fiery Kellyanne Conway lashed ...
» The information vacuum inside the Trump Russia controversy - Frederick News Post (subscription)
19/03/17 22:04 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from Trump and Russia - Google News. The information vacuum inside the Trump Russia controversy Frederick News Post (subscription) Put aside, for a moment, the raging controversies over this or that aspect of D...
» US communities crumbling under an evolving addiction crisis - Daily Mail
19/03/17 22:03 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from donald trump racketeering - Google News. Daily Mail US communities crumbling under an evolving addiction crisis Daily Mail And in Palm Beach County, Florida, where President Donald Trump spends his weekend...
» Here's 23 ways Trump should follow up his wiretap claims - New York Post
19/03/17 22:03 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from morell on trump - Google News. Here's 23 ways Trump should follow up his wiretap claims New York Post Michael Morell , the former CIA acting director and a close ally of Hillary Clinton, agreed, saying inv...
» Cut the Russians some slack - Baltimore Sun
19/03/17 22:02 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from putin won US 2016 election - Google News. Baltimore Sun Cut the Russians some slack Baltimore Sun As upsetting as Russia's interference in the 2016 election is, Americans should understand Russian history ...
» CIA blows cover of Russian spies posing as DIPLOMATS in Berlin and Vienna -
19/03/17 22:01 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from Russian Intelligence services - Google News. CIA blows cover of Russian spies posing as DIPLOMATS in Berlin and Vienna ... the CIA blew the cover of the agents on the Internet. ...
» The Mafia is all but dead in Western New York. So what killed it? - Buffalo News
19/03/17 22:00 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from former FBI agents power influence - Google News. Buffalo News The Mafia is all but dead in Western New York. So what killed it? Buffalo News The local mob raked in millions of dollars every year through ga...
» Investigate Trump's ties to Russia - Bloomington Pantagraph
19/03/17 22:00 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from trump russia ties - Google News. Investigate Trump's ties to Russia Bloomington Pantagraph Enough questions have been raised about the connections between President Trump's administration and Russia to mer...
» 'Crime of the Year': WSJ Smear of Flynn for Chat With Russian Girl Stuns Twitter - Sputnik International
19/03/17 21:59 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from Russian Intelligence services and international organized crime - Google News. Sputnik International ' Crime of the Year': WSJ Smear of Flynn for Chat With Russian Girl Stuns Twitter Sputnik International ...
» Trump on Putin: 'I don't know him but certainly he is a tough cookie' (VIDEO) - RT
19/03/17 21:58 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from trump and putin - Google News. RT Trump on Putin : 'I don't know him but certainly he is a tough cookie' (VIDEO) RT Trump , whose alleged relationship with the Russian president has come under major public...
» Comey set to testify on Capitol Hill on Russia, hacking, wiretapping - Fox News
19/03/17 21:57 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from former FBI agents power influence - Google News. Fox News Comey set to testify on Capitol Hill on Russia, hacking, wiretapping Fox News FBI Director James Comey is set to testify Monday before a House comm...
» Today in Trump: March 19, 2017 - CBS News
19/03/17 21:56 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from Donald Trump - Google News. CBS News Today in Trump : March 19, 2017 CBS News “And what's so strange about it all is many of the people, many of the millions of people who are benefiting from the Affordabl...
» Key US Officials to Testify about Trump's Wiretap Claim - Voice of America
19/03/17 21:55 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from putin won US 2016 election - Google News. Voice of America Key US Officials to Testify about Trump's Wiretap Claim Voice of America National Security Agency Director Admiral Michael Rogers (L), and FBI Dir...
» Dem Rep Schiff Claims 'Circumstantial Evidence of Collusion' Between Trump Campaign, Russia - Breitbart News
19/03/17 21:49 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from morell on trump - Google News. Breitbart News Dem Rep Schiff Claims 'Circumstantial Evidence of Collusion' Between Trump Campaign, Russia Breitbart News TODD: I want to get to the point of, look, collusion...
» FBI, Justice Department Documents Show No Evidence of Spying on Trump Tower - Spectrum News
19/03/17 21:48 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from Trump FBI file - Google News. Spectrum News FBI , Justice Department Documents Show No Evidence of Spying on Trump Tower Spectrum News WASHINGTON — The top two lawmakers on the House intelligence committee...
» Comey confronts an angry Congress - Politico
19/03/17 21:48 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from Comey - Google News. Politico Comey confronts an angry Congress Politico He upended the presidential election — twice. Now Democrats are pinning their hopes on the man many of them blame for Hillary Clinto...
» 'No evidence' of Obama wiretapping or Russian interference in US election - The New Daily
19/03/17 21:47 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from US elections and russia - Google News. The New Daily 'No evidence' of Obama wiretapping or Russian interference in US election The New Daily The head of a US congressional panel investigating allegations o...
» NY Times lends opinion page to strange conspiracy theorist - Power Line (blog)
19/03/17 21:47 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from Anthony Weiner - Google News. Power Line (blog) NY Times lends opinion page to strange conspiracy theorist Power Line (blog) According to Pfeiffer, she has written that “Breitbart and Russia are 100% linke...
» STROBEL: Will FBI squash Donald Trump bug story? - Canoe
19/03/17 21:46 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from trump, russia and the mob - Google News. Canoe STROBEL: Will FBI squash Donald Trump bug story? Canoe Say, Obama's people go digging for Russian meddling and, what the hell, Trump Tower is a good place to ...
» Ex-CIA Officer, Texas Rep. Will Hurd, On Russia's 'Greatest Covert Action Campaign' - NPR
19/03/17 21:45 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from cia - Google News. Ex- CIA Officer, Texas Rep. Will Hurd, On Russia's 'Greatest Covert Action Campaign' NPR Rep. Will Hurd (R-Texas) talks about President Trump's plan to build a wall, the Congressional in...
» Suspense builds over FBI director hearing - The Hill
19/03/17 21:45 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from fbi - Google News. The Hill Suspense builds over FBI director hearing The Hill In 2014, Nunes famously called Michigan Republican Justin Amash · Justin AmashSuspense builds over FBI director hearing...
» Democrats eager for Comey to debunk Trump wiretap allegations on Monday - Washington Times
19/03/17 21:44 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from james b. comey - Google News. Washington Times Democrats eager for Comey to debunk Trump wiretap allegations on Monday Washington Times Adam Schiff said he hopes FBI Director James B . Comey will debunk th...
» 1 Day Before FBI Chief Testifies About Russia's Potential Involvement in US Election, Lawmakers Offer Clashing Views - KTLA
19/03/17 21:44 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from fbi - Google News. KTLA 1 Day Before FBI Chief Testifies About Russia's Potential Involvement in US Election, Lawmakers Offer Clashing Views KTLA Lawmakers on the House and Senate intelligence panels offer...
» Trump Budget Director Calls President's Budget "Compassionate
19/03/17 21:42 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from Voice of America. President Donald Trump's budget director says the proposed government spending plan is the vision on which the president ran and that he actually is following through on his promises to t...
» Tests Find Drugs, Alcohol in Blood of Paris Airport Attacker
19/03/17 21:40 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from Voice of America. Blood tests determined Sunday that a suspected Islamic extremist consumed drugs and alcohol before a frenzied spree of violence that ended when he took a soldier hostage at Paris' Orly Ai...
» War Against ISIS and Syrian Kurds Aspirations Could Spark Another Civil War - Haaretz
19/03/17 21:36 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from syria kurds russia - Google News. Kurdistan24 War Against ISIS and Syrian Kurds Aspirations Could Spark Another Civil War Haaretz The Syrian Kurds ' backers include both America and Russia . Both countries...
» Israel Threatens To ‘Destroy’ Syrian Air Defenses After Missiles Fired
19/03/17 21:36 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty. Israel has warned Damascus not to use its air-defense systems against its warplanes after the Syrians fired at Israeli jets carrying out attacks against a convoy suspecte...
» For Putin, 1917 is no cause for celebration - The Times (subscription)
19/03/17 21:35 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from Putin personality cult - Google News. The Times (subscription) For Putin , 1917 is no cause for celebration The Times (subscription) But Russia runs on fascist (“brown”) lines: with merged political and bu...
» Russia orders check of American media in the country in retaliation for US bill - ABC News
19/03/17 21:34 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from US elections and russia - Google News. ABC News Russia orders check of American media in the country in retaliation for US bill ABC News A declassified U.S. intelligence report on Russian efforts to influe...
» Germany Reacts to Merkel-Trump Visit: 'Could Have Been a Lot Worse' - New York Times
19/03/17 21:30 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from trump - Google News. New York Times Germany Reacts to Merkel- Trump Visit: 'Could Have Been a Lot Worse' New York Times BERLIN — A strong relationship with the United States is a bedrock of German foreign ...
» Trump's 'wiretapping' claim traced to inventor of the 'Whitey' tape, via Russian state television - Daily Kos
19/03/17 21:28 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from trump and russia - Google News. Daily Kos Trump's 'wiretapping' claim traced to inventor of the 'Whitey' tape, via Russian state television Daily Kos Trump's grotesque claim that the Obama Administration h...
» 1 Dead, 4 Injured In North Strabane Twp. Crash « CBS Pittsburgh - CBS Pittsburgh / KDKA
19/03/17 21:26 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from Canonsburg police shooting - Google News. CBS Pittsburgh / KDKA 1 Dead, 4 Injured In North Strabane Twp. Crash « CBS Pittsburgh CBS Pittsburgh / KDKA NORTH STRABANE TWP. (KDKA) — Crews were called Saturday...
» Review: Russian individuals invested nearly $100M in Trump buildings - The Hill (blog)
19/03/17 21:24 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from trump and russia - Google News. The Hill (blog) Review: Russian individuals invested nearly $100M in Trump buildings The Hill (blog) Dozens of Russians have invested nearly $100 million in Trump -branded b...
» Five Fast Ways to Stop Putin In His Tracks - Newsweek
19/03/17 21:24 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from russian organised crime in us - Google News. Newsweek Five Fast Ways to Stop Putin In His Tracks Newsweek ... be expected. Just as regular policemen aren't able to fight organized crime , the current secur...
» Other View: It's a lonelier world now for Putin - Twin Falls Times-News
19/03/17 21:23 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from Putin fears Clinton - Google News. Twin Falls Times-News Other View: It's a lonelier world now for Putin Twin Falls Times-News Russian rulers have long been content to accept fear and awe in lieu of respec...
» Germany on High Alert Amid Possible Cyberattacks - Information Security Office - Sputnik International
19/03/17 21:22 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from cyberattacks - Google News. Sputnik International Germany on High Alert Amid Possible Cyberattacks - Information Security Office Sputnik International German authorities also fear possible Russian cyberatt...
» Liberman: Elections are the last thing Israel needs right now - Jerusalem Post Israel News
19/03/17 21:22 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from elections - Google News. Jerusalem Post Israel News Liberman: Elections are the last thing Israel needs right now Jerusalem Post Israel News In the shadow of the acute coalition crisis, Defense Minister Av...
» Putin Is the Middle East's New Boss - Haaretz
19/03/17 21:22 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from Russia influence in Eastern Europe - Google News. Haaretz Putin Is the Middle East's New Boss Haaretz It positioned itself as the leader of the diplomatic process aimed at bringing about a cease-fire in Sy...
» NSA official: Reports that British spied on Trump 'arrant nonsense' - Normangee Star
19/03/17 21:21 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from nsa contractor - Google News. Normangee Star NSA official: Reports that British spied on Trump 'arrant nonsense' Normangee Star Claims by former NSA contractor Edward Snowden led to questions over GCHQ's r...
» Donald Trump looks forward to Xi Jinping visit, says Tillerson, as US-China tensions subside -
19/03/17 21:21 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from Donald Trump - Google News. Donald Trump looks forward to Xi Jinping visit, says Tillerson, as US-China tensions subside Donald Trump is looking forward to meeting Chinese p...
» The Denationalization of American Muslims - The Atlantic
19/03/17 21:21 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from trump as danger to National Security - Google News. The Atlantic The Denationalization of American Muslims The Atlantic Trump's CIA Director, Mike Pompeo, has appeared on Gaffney's radio program more than ...
» So much for the Russian threat: Putin slashes defense spending while Trump plans massive buildup - Salon
19/03/17 21:20 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from trump and russia - Google News. Salon So much for the Russian threat: Putin slashes defense spending while Trump plans massive buildup Salon In the case of the U.S., the hyping of the Russian threat is par...
» For Donald Trump, a Terror Attack Will Be an Opportunity Not a Curse - The Intercept
19/03/17 21:20 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from Donald Trump - Google News. The Intercept For Donald Trump , a Terror Attack Will Be an Opportunity Not a Curse The Intercept CAN WE BREATHE a sigh of relief after federal judges blocked President Donald T...
» Germany on High Alert Amid Possible Cyberattacks - Al-Manar TV
19/03/17 21:19 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from cyberattacks - Google News. Al-Manar TV Germany on High Alert Amid Possible Cyberattacks Al-Manar TV German authorities also fear possible Russian cyberattacks aimed at interfering in German parliamentary ...
» We lost a war: Russia's interference in our election was much more than simple mischief-making - New York Daily News
19/03/17 21:19 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from US elections and russia - Google News. New York Daily News We lost a war: Russia's interference in our election was much more than simple mischief-making New York Daily News After the election , the Russia...
» Why 'Trump Administration' Is An Oxymoron - Huffington Post
19/03/17 21:18 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from trump - Google News. Huffington Post Why ' Trump Administration' Is An Oxymoron Huffington Post WASHINGTON ― Donald Trump took the oath of office two months ago, but is not yet running a real presidency. H...
» Former Hillary Clinton Surrogate James P. Rubin: Angela Merkel, Not Trump, Is 'The Leader of The Free World' - Breitbart News
19/03/17 21:18 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from clinton trump debate - Google News. Breitbart News Former Hillary Clinton Surrogate James P. Rubin: Angela Merkel, Not Trump , Is 'The Leader of The Free World' Breitbart News Trump not only rejects the id...
» Russia mixes modern, old icons - The Columbian
19/03/17 21:17 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from russian organised crime in us - Google News. The Columbian Russia mixes modern, old icons The Columbian Instead, more economic hardship ensued, along with chaos, the rise of organized crime and the plunder...
» All eyes on FBI Director James Comey as Russia and wiretap claims swirl - Raw Story
19/03/17 21:16 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from comey - Google News. Raw Story All eyes on FBI Director James Comey as Russia and wiretap claims swirl Raw Story FBI director James Comey will be in the hot seat Monday facing lawmakers who accuse him of s...
» Trump Continues US Use of Special Forces, Keeping Wars at Arm's Length - New York Times
19/03/17 21:15 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from trump - Google News. New York Times Trump Continues US Use of Special Forces, Keeping Wars at Arm's Length New York Times MARA, Chad — From Yemen to Syria to here in Central Africa, the Trump administratio...
» Why does Donald Trump have such a problem with mature female politicians? - The Independent
19/03/17 21:14 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from Donald Trump - Google News. The Independent Why does Donald Trump have such a problem with mature female politicians? The Independent This may be both the most frequently posed question on earth and the on...
» SPECIAL REPORT: Russian elite invested nearly $100 million in Trump buildings, records show - AOL
19/03/17 21:13 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from trump and russia - Google News. AOL SPECIAL REPORT: Russian elite invested nearly $100 million in Trump buildings, records show AOL MIAMI/MOSCOW, March 17 (Reuters) - During the 2016 presidential campaign,...
» Networking Company To Help Coordinate Anti-Trump Protests - CBS New York
19/03/17 21:12 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from anti-trump protests - Google News. CBS New York Networking Company To Help Coordinate Anti-Trump Protests CBS New York The New York-based networking site will unveil plans in the coming days to partner wit...
» Voice of America: Rebel Attack in Syrian capital Triggers Heavy Fighting with Government Forces
19/03/17 21:10 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from 1. Russia from mikenova (90 sites). Heavy fighting broke out between Syrian government forces and rebel groups in several districts of the capital Damascus, after rebel fighters detonated two cars in a con...
» comey - Google News: Top Dem on House intel panel hopes Comey ends 'wild goose chase' over Trump wiretap claims - Yahoo News
19/03/17 21:09 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from 1. Recent Events Review from mikenova (87 sites). Yahoo News Top Dem on House intel panel hopes Comey ends 'wild goose chase' over Trump wiretap claims Yahoo News The leaders of the House Intelligence Comm...
» RSS for National Security: Former NC police chief detained at JFK for 90 minutes
19/03/17 21:09 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from 1. US Security from mikenova (70 sites). A former North Carolina police chief who now works as a law enforcement consultant says he's disappointed with his country of 42 years after he was detained at John...
» Trump on Putin: 'I Don't Know How He's Doing for Russia'
19/03/17 21:08 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story . President Donald Trump shied away from sizing up Russian president Vladimir Putin's leadership during an interview aired Saturday, in an apparent divergence from past praise for the Russian leader. "Don't kno...
» CBSNewsOnline's YouTube Videos: Trump administration faces critical week ahead
19/03/17 21:06 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from 1. VIDEO NEWS from mikenova (64 sites). From: CBSNewsOnline Duration: 04:12 The Trump administration has a critical week ahead. Supreme Court nominee Neil Gorsuch will testify in his confirmation hearing, ...
» michael flynn - Google News: Rand Paul: It is 'Very Important' That Whoever Released Flynn/Russia Call Transcripts 'Go to Jail' - Mediaite
19/03/17 20:53 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from 1. Trump from mikenova (130 sites). Mediaite Rand Paul: It is 'Very Important' That Whoever Released Flynn /Russia Call Transcripts 'Go to Jail' Mediaite Sen. Rand Paul: Whoever leaked transcript of former...
» Russia News Review: Информационное агентство УНИАН: В Лондоне по делу о хакерских атаках на банки задержали двух россиян
19/03/17 20:53 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from 1. Digests from mikenova (32 sites). Их подозревают в мошенничестве и отмывании денег. Информационное агентство УНИАН Russia News Review
» Russia News Review: Взгляд: Де Мистуру не впустили в Сирию
19/03/17 20:52 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from 1. Digests from mikenova (32 sites). Спецпосланник ООН по Сирии Стаффан де Мистура попросил у Дамаска разрешение приехать в страну, но получил отказ, сообщил источник. Де Мистура хотел встретиться с сирийс...
» Russia News Review: Sputnik International: UK Police Charges Two Russians With Money Laundering, Conspiracy to Commit Fraud
19/03/17 20:51 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from 1. Digests from mikenova (32 sites). London Metropolitan police said Sunday its detectives charged two Russian nationals with conspiracy to commit fraud and money laundering. Sputnik International Russia N...
» Donald Trump - Google News: Donald Trump just made a lot of people very angry - BABW News
19/03/17 20:50 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from 1. Trump from mikenova (130 sites). BABW News Donald Trump just made a lot of people very angry BABW News President Donald Trump is making people mad again, not surprisingly, and this time it has to do wit...
» Comey resignation - Google News: Russia election meddling gets airing with Comey - The Detroit News
19/03/17 20:49 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from 1. Trump from mikenova (130 sites). Raw Story Russia election meddling gets airing with Comey The Detroit News Members of the House Intelligence Committee will press FBI Director James Comey to provide det...
» trump, russia and the mob - Google News: Will FBI squash Trump bug story? - Toronto Sun
19/03/17 20:38 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from 1. Trump from mikenova (130 sites). Toronto Sun Will FBI squash Trump bug story? Toronto Sun Say, Obama's people go digging for Russian meddling and, what the hell, Trump Tower is a good place to look. “Un...
» Stars and Stripes: Intel documents offer no evidence of spying on Trump Tower
19/03/17 20:38 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from 1. US Security from mikenova (70 sites). The top two lawmakers on the House intelligence committee said Sunday that documents the Justice Department and FBI delivered late last week offered no evidence tha...
» russia and the west - Google News: Putin and Xi Combine to Outsmart Trump - Yahoo News
19/03/17 20:37 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from 1. Russia from mikenova (90 sites). Yahoo News Putin and Xi Combine to Outsmart Trump Yahoo News Russia and China recently vetoed a draft U.N. Security Council (UNSC) resolution backed by the Western power...
» Putin and Putinism - News Review: Putin deepens Middle East influence with Kremlin summits - Daily Journal Online
19/03/17 20:36 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from 1. Russia from mikenova (90 sites). Putin deepens Middle East influence with Kremlin summits Daily Journal Online Putin's interests hardly coincide with those of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan or I...
» Markets and Business News Review: Fox’s Andrew Napolitano Stirred the Pot for Trump’s British Tempest
19/03/17 20:36 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from 1. Digests from mikenova (32 sites). Napolitano, the network’s senior legal analyst, set off a global row by asserting that Britain’s top spy agency had wiretapped Mr. Trump on behalf of Barack Obama. Mark...
» polls - Google News: Poll: Trump job approval hits new low - The Hill
19/03/17 20:35 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from 1. Recent Events Review from mikenova (87 sites). The Hill Poll : Trump job approval hits new low The Hill President Trump's job approval rating has dropped to a new low of 37 percent, according to the lat...
» comey - Google News: Who is James Comey? - Fox News
19/03/17 20:35 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from 1. Recent Events Review from mikenova (87 sites). Fox News Who is James Comey ? Fox News FBI Director James Comey will enter the House hearing Monday on Russian activities during the presidential election ...
» Russia: Russia Inquiries Overlap in a Tangle of Secrets and Sniping
19/03/17 20:34 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from 1. Russia from mikenova (90 sites). The Senate, the House and the F.B.I. are conducting investigations into Russia’s election meddling, all with different agendas. Russia
» Russia News Review: Germany Reacts to Merkel-Trump Visit: ‘Could Have Been a Lot Worse’
19/03/17 20:31 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from 1. Digests from mikenova (32 sites). Germans saw Ms. Merkel’s first visit with Mr. Trump with a pragmatism similar to the chancellor’s, but his remarks 24 hours later pointed to differences on policy. Russ...
» Putin personal dictatorship - Google News: Trump needs a united front to win overseas - The Hill (blog)
19/03/17 20:30 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from 1. Russia from mikenova (90 sites). The Hill (blog) Trump needs a united front to win overseas The Hill (blog) Haley's statement is consistent with what Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu told Russi...
» comey - Google News: Comey confronts an angry Congress - Politico
19/03/17 20:29 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from 1. Recent Events Review from mikenova (87 sites). Politico Comey confronts an angry Congress Politico He upended the presidential election — twice. Now Democrats are pinning their hopes on the man many of ...
» trump and intelligence community - Google News: Trump's approval rating hit a new low - Business Insider
19/03/17 20:29 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from 1. Trump from mikenova (130 sites). Business Insider Trump's approval rating hit a new low Business Insider There has been no evidence to support that theory, according to bipartisan consensus in Congress ...
» cyberwar - Google News: The New Handbook For Cyberwar Is Being Written By Russia - BuzzFeed News
19/03/17 20:28 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from 1. Recent Events Review from mikenova (87 sites). BuzzFeed News The New Handbook For Cyberwar Is Being Written By Russia BuzzFeed News Cybersecurity experts had long theorized that such an attack was possi...
» Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks Review: Trump's campaign insults complicate Merkel's visit
19/03/17 20:27 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from 1. My Blogs from mikenova (19 sites). mikenova shared this story from AP Top News at 5:06 p.m. EDT. WASHINGTON (AP) -- If President Donald Trump wanted a close working relationship with German Chancellor A...
» World - Google News: Former police chief says he was detained at JFK - New York Post
19/03/17 20:26 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from 1. World from mikenova (18 sites). New York Post Former police chief says he was detained at JFK New York Post A retired top cop from North Carolina detailed his unwarranted detention at JFK in an emotiona...
» stories: Security: Schumer says Trump budget slashes NYC anti-terror funding
19/03/17 20:26 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from 1. US Security from mikenova (70 sites). NEW YORK (AP) - Sen. Charles Schumer is claiming the New York Police Department would lose nearly $200 million in anti-terror and disaster response funding under Pr...
» Israel News Review: Clashes in Syria capital after surprise rebel assault
19/03/17 20:25 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from 1. Digests from mikenova (32 sites). Attack on government forces comes days ahead of fresh UN-brokered peace talks in Geneva aiming at ending six-year war Israel News Review
» News: American diplomat expelled from New Zealand amid police inquiry
19/03/17 20:23 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from 1. World from mikenova (18 sites). News
» The XX Committee: Donald Trump’s White House Is Pushing Kremlin Storyline
19/03/17 20:16 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from 1. US Security from mikenova (70 sites). For all their denunciations of ‘fake news,’ the current administration has become a leading purveyor of it The threat to the West posed by Kremlin lies—...
» Stars and Stripes: Judge rejects US request to clarify order halting travel ban
19/03/17 20:16 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from 1. US Security from mikenova (70 sites). A federal judge on Sunday rejected the U.S. government's request to clarify his temporary order blocking President Donald Trump's revised travel ban. Stars and Stripes
» Lawfare - Hard National Security Choices: Weaponizing Twitter
19/03/17 20:15 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from 1. US Security from mikenova (70 sites). If you don't find this report seriously creepy , you are far more sanguine than I am. A Maryland man was arrested Friday on a cyberstalking charge in connection wit...
» Putin and American political process - Google News: Dostoyevsky's charming masterpiece - The Herald
19/03/17 20:13 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from 1. Trump from mikenova (130 sites). The Herald Dostoyevsky's charming masterpiece The Herald There is a new job for Vladimir Putin's couriers. The Russian president has recently been circulating Fyodor Dos...
» Russia News Review: Взгляд: Опрос показал падение рейтинга Трампа
19/03/17 20:12 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from 1. Digests from mikenova (32 sites). Поддержка американцами действий Дональда Трампа на посту президента США снизилась до наименьшей отметки со дня его вступления в должность, свидетельствует опрос, провед...
» Russia News Review: : Новости: Трамп раскритиковал Ким Чен Ына за «плохое поведение»
19/03/17 20:10 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from 1. Digests from mikenova (32 sites). Вашингтон негативно относится к действиям руководства КНДР в рамках ее ракетно-ядерной программы. «Он (лидер КНДР Ким Чен Ын) ведет себя очень, очень плохо», — заявил п...
» World Press: Conflict over Kirkuk oil returns
19/03/17 20:10 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from 1. Digests from mikenova (32 sites). As the Kurdish political dispute rises up, a military force from the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK) seized the Kirkuk oil field and stopped the oil flows in order t...
» Russia News Review: РБК - Все материалы: Мужчина пробрался в личный кабинет резиденции Трампа и сделал там селфи
19/03/17 20:09 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from 1. Digests from mikenova (32 sites). РБК - Все материалы Russia News Review
» Markets and Business News Review: The Importance of U.S. Oil And Natural Gas Exports
19/03/17 20:08 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from 1. Digests from mikenova (32 sites). The ability of the U.S. to export oil and natural gas is growing. We are getting critical help from outside buyers, and Mexico is at the forefront. Markets and Business...
» Opinions: Medicaid is out of control. Here’s how to fix it.
19/03/17 20:07 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from 1. Opinions from mikenova (37 sites). The federal government could cover long-term care costs while states would assume all costs for children and younger adults. Opinions
» Global Opinions: For this Russian dissident, holding Putin accountable was almost deadly — twice
19/03/17 20:06 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from 1. Opinions from mikenova (37 sites). Twice poisoned, Vladimir Kara-Murza still speaks up. Global Opinions
» Global Opinions: Trump’s foreign policy doctrine: Escalate to de-escalate
19/03/17 20:06 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from 1. Opinions from mikenova (37 sites). But with competing centers of power on foreign policy inside the administration, are decisions deliberate or ad hoc? Global Opinions
» james b. comey - Google News: Democrats eager for Comey to debunk Trump wiretap allegations on Monday - Washington Times
19/03/17 20:05 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from 1. US Security from mikenova (70 sites). Washington Times Democrats eager for Comey to debunk Trump wiretap allegations on Monday Washington Times Adam Schiff said he hopes FBI Director James B . Comey wil...
» Middle East News: Refugee deal the only bond left between Turkey, EU
19/03/17 20:04 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from 1. Digests from mikenova (32 sites). The refugee deal is the only point of dialogue left between Turkey and the EU, says Erkut Emcioğlu of the European Stability Initiative, adding that both sides have an ...
» PBSNewsHour's YouTube Videos: PBS NewsHour Weekend full episode March 19, 2017
19/03/17 20:03 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from 1. VIDEO NEWS from mikenova (64 sites). From: PBSNewsHour Duration: 22:28 On this edition for Sunday, March 19, South Korea helps decrease food waste with new policies, and what to expect from the Gorsuch ...
» syria kurds russia - Google News: War Against ISIS and Syrian Kurds Aspirations Could Spark Another Civil War - Haaretz
19/03/17 19:47 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from Russia Review by Topics from mikenova (28 sites). Kurdistan24 War Against ISIS and Syrian Kurds Aspirations Could Spark Another Civil War Haaretz The Syrian Kurds ' backers include both America and Russia ...
» Russia Inquiries Overlap in a Tangle of Secrets and Sniping
19/03/17 19:31 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story . And, while the F.B.I. conducts its investigation in secrecy, the White House insists publicly that there is nothing to investigate. “It puts us in a very difficult position,” said Frank Montoya Jr...
» Protesters march in Paris against police violence
19/03/17 18:40 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from World. Several thousand people marched in Paris on Sunday against police violence.
» 3 young people killed, 6 injured in car collision in Sweden
19/03/17 18:39 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from World. Swedish police and rescue officials say that three young people were killed in a collision of two cars in northern Sweden, and six others have been injured.
» Orly airport: France launches terror investigation
19/03/17 18:37 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from BBC News - Home. French anti-terror prosecutors are investigating an attack at Paris's Orly airport by a gunman who was eventually shot dead by security forces. Ziyed Ben Belgacem, 39, was killed on Saturd...
» Senate panel asks Trump ally Roger Stone to preserve Russia-related records - The Hill
19/03/17 18:36 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from Top Stories - Google News. The Hill Senate panel asks Trump ally Roger Stone to preserve Russia-related records The Hill The Senate Intelligence Committee has reportedly asked President Trump's longtime al...
» Indian engineer named Saddam Hussain cannot get a job
19/03/17 18:34 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from BBC News - World. The marine engineer has been turned down more than 40 times and went to court to change his name.
» Donald Trump looks forward to Xi Jinping visit, says Tillerson
19/03/17 18:34 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from News. None
» Germany rejects Trump's claim it owes NATO and U.S. 'vast sums' for defense
19/03/17 18:33 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from Reuters: World News. BERLIN (Reuters) - German Defense Minister Ursula von der Leyen on Sunday rejected U.S. President Donald Trump's claim that Germany owes NATO and the United States "vast sums" of money...
» Germany’s center-left to confirm Schulz as Merkel challenger
19/03/17 18:33 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from World. Germany’s center-left Social Democratic Party is holding a special convention to confirm Martin Schulz as the party’s top candidate to challenge Chancellor Angela Merkel in the country’s upcoming ge...
» Orly airport: Attacker phoned father to say 'I screw up'
19/03/17 18:30 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from BBC News - World. The gunman told his father he had "screwed up" with a gendarme before going on to the airport.
» While Trump talks tough, US quietly cutting nuclear force
19/03/17 18:29 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from AP Top News at 6:19 p.m. EDT. WASHINGTON (AP) -- The Air Force is quietly shrinking its deployed force of land-based nuclear missiles as part of a holdover Obama administration plan to comply with an arms ...
» Trump escapes the Beltway as challenges mount
19/03/17 18:28 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from AP Top News at 6:19 p.m. EDT. NASHVILLE, Tenn. (AP) -- President Donald Trump is returning to the road, rallying supporters to recapture the enthusiasm of his campaign and reassuring them about his tumultu...
» Former dairy farmer leads Trump-Russia investigation
19/03/17 18:26 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from AP Top News at 6:19 p.m. EDT. WASHINGTON (AP) -- Devin Nunes once said all he wanted to do was work on a dairy farm....
» House Intelligence chairman: 'No evidence of collusion' between Trump camp, Russia - The Hill
19/03/17 18:26 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from World - Google News. The Hill House Intelligence chairman: 'No evidence of collusion' between Trump camp, Russia The Hill House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes (R-Calif.) on Sunday said he's se...
» German Defense Ministry contradicts Trump, says it doesn't owe U.S. money for NATO
19/03/17 18:24 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from World. “NATO does not have a debt account,” German defense minister Ursula von der Leyen said.
» Three U.S. troops wounded after Afghan soldier opens fire
19/03/17 18:24 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from Reuters: World News. LASHKAR GAH, Afghanistan (Reuters) - Three U.S. troops were wounded on Sunday after an Afghan soldier opened fire on them at a base in the southern province of Helmand, the NATO-led Re...
» Syria war: Damascus sees fierce clashes after rebel attack - BBC News
19/03/17 18:23 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from Top Stories - Google News. The Indian Express Syria war: Damascus sees fierce clashes after rebel attack BBC News Syrian security forces are engaged in fierce clashes with rebels on the eastern outskirts o...
» U.S. Lawmaker: 'No Evidence Of Collusion' Between Trump Campaign, Russia
19/03/17 18:22 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty. A senior U.S. lawmaker says he has seen "no evidence" of collusion between President Donald Trump's campaign and Russia during last year’s presidential campaign.
» Jimmy Breslin, chronicler of wise guys and underdogs, dies - Palm Beach Post
19/03/17 18:22 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from Top Stories - Google News. New York Times Jimmy Breslin, chronicler of wise guys and underdogs, dies Palm Beach Post Author-columnist Jimmy Breslin, the Pulitzer Prize-winning chronicler of wise guys and u...
» 3 US soldiers shot in Afghanistan 'insider attack' - Fox News
19/03/17 18:22 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from World - Google News. Fox News 3 US soldiers shot in Afghanistan 'insider attack' Fox News Three U.S. Army soldiers were shot and wounded Sunday when an Afghan Army soldier opened fire on them inside a base...
» Trump Continues U.S. Use of Special Forces, Keeping Wars at Arm’s Length
19/03/17 18:21 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from NYT > World. President Trump has so far maintained the strategy of training and supporting indigenous forces to fight their own wars instead of deploying large American forces to far-flung hot spots.
» Trump-Russia claims: No evidence of collusion - Nunes
19/03/17 18:20 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from BBC News - World. A Congress chief says there is no evidence so far of collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia.
» Israel warns Syria over anti-aircraft missiles
19/03/17 18:20 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from - RSS Channel - World. Israeli Defense Minister Avigdor Liberman has warned Syria that Israel would destroy its aerial defense system if Syria fired an anti-aircraft missile at Israeli aircraft aga...
» Germany rejects Trump’s claim it owes NATO ‘vast sums’
19/03/17 18:13 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from World. Germany has rejected President Donald Trump’s claim that the country owes NATO large sums for underspending on defense.
» Left-leaning alliance could oust Merkel's conservatives in German state
19/03/17 18:12 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from Reuters: World News. SAARBRUECKEN, Germany (Reuters) - When voters head to the polls in the German state of Saarland later this month, they are likely to deliver an upset to Chancellor Angela Merkel that c...
» Germany Rejects Trump Claim That It Owes NATO 'Vast Sums'
19/03/17 18:10 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty. Germany has rejected U.S. President Donald Trump's assertion that it owes "vast sums of money" to NATO and the United States for defense.
» Russian parliament backs investigation into U.S. media
19/03/17 18:03 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from Reuters: World News. MOSCOW (Reuters) - The Russian lower house of parliament, the State Duma, has approved a proposal to launch an investigation into U.S. media organizations that operate in Russia, it sa...
» German Foreign Minister says Turkey further away from EU membership than ever
19/03/17 18:02 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from Reuters: World News. BERLIN (Reuters) - German Foreign Minister Sigmar Gabriel said in an interview with news magazine Der Spiegel published on Saturday that Turkey has never been less likely to join the E...
» Germany's Merkel calls for standardized European rules on using data
19/03/17 18:02 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from Reuters: World News. BERLIN (Reuters) - German Chancellor Angela Merkel called on Saturday for Europe to set about standardizing rules on using data in Europe, ahead of a visit to the CeBIT technology fair...
» Turkey detains 740 suspects in operations against Kurdish militants: Anadolu
19/03/17 18:02 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from Reuters: World News. ISTANBUL (Reuters) - Turkish authorities have detained 740 people for suspected links to the outlawed Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) over the last three days, state media reported on Sa...
» German spy agency chief says does not believe Gulen behind Turkey coup attempt
19/03/17 18:01 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from Reuters: World News. BERLIN (Reuters) - The Turkish government has failed to convince Germany's BND foreign intelligence agency that U.S.-based cleric Fethullah Gulen was behind last summer's failed coup i...
» Russia-backed Crimea chief says Putin should be president for life
19/03/17 18:01 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from Reuters: World News. MOSCOW (Reuters) - The Russian-backed prime minister of Crimea said on Saturday that Vladimir Putin should be made president of Russia for life and that the Soviet Union would never ha...
» Spy comments proof Germany supports group behind attempted coup: Erdogan spokesman
19/03/17 18:00 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from Reuters: World News. ANKARA (Reuters) - Doubts expressed by Germany's spy agency regarding the role of a U.S.-based cleric in last year's attempted coup in Turkey are proof that Berlin supports the organiz...
» Deputy director of Britain's MI5 to head GCHQ spy agency: report
19/03/17 18:00 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from Reuters: World News. LONDON (Reuters) - The deputy director-general of Britain's internal security service is to become the new head of intelligence eavesdropping service GCHQ, the Sunday Times newspaper r...
» Netanyahu's rift with finance minister fuels talk of early Israeli election
19/03/17 17:59 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from Reuters: World News. JERUSALEM (Reuters) - A dispute between Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his finance minister over broadcast regulation sparked speculation on Sunday that Netanyahu could ...
» New York columnist Jimmy Breslin dies at age 86, media reports
19/03/17 17:59 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from Reuters: World News. NEW YORK (Reuters) - Pulitzer Prize-winning newsman Jimmy Breslin, a self-described “street reporter” who chronicled New York City for more than 60 years in newspaper stories and colum...
» Trump: North Korea's Kim 'acting very, very badly'
19/03/17 17:58 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from Reuters: World News. WEST PALM BEACH, Fla. (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump on Sunday criticized North Korean leader Kim Jong Un, saying he was "acting very, very badly."
» EMT struck, killed, by stolen ambulance in New York City
19/03/17 17:56 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from AP Top News at 5:06 p.m. EDT. NEW YORK (AP) -- An emergency medical technician in New York City was killed Thursday when she was struck and dragged by her own ambulance that had just been stolen, police sa...
» Missiles fired from Syria at Israeli jets after airstrikes
19/03/17 17:56 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from AP Top News at 5:06 p.m. EDT. JERUSALEM (AP) -- Anti-aircraft missiles were launched from Syria into Israeli-controlled territory early on Friday, following a series of Israeli airstrikes inside Syria, the...
» Long before new hacks, US worried by Russian spying efforts
19/03/17 17:22 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from AP Top News at 5:06 p.m. EDT. WASHINGTON (AP) -- Years before Russian intelligence agencies stood accused of interfering in the U.S. presidential election and of orchestrating a massive Yahoo data breach, ...
» Trump's campaign insults complicate Merkel's visit
19/03/17 17:21 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from AP Top News at 5:06 p.m. EDT. WASHINGTON (AP) -- If President Donald Trump wanted a close working relationship with German Chancellor Angela Merkel, he had a funny way of showing it during his presidential...
» Trump's defense budget boost raises questions on strategy
19/03/17 17:21 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from AP Top News at 5:06 p.m. EDT. WASHINGTON (AP) -- An essential element is missing from President Donald Trump&apos;s plan for boosting the budgets of the U.S. military services by $54 billion in 2018. H...
» AP Analysis: In Asia, Tillerson ponders US-N. Korea reboot
19/03/17 17:20 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from AP Top News at 5:06 p.m. EDT. TOKYO (AP) -- Back in 1976, all it took to bring the Korean Peninsula back to the brink of a war was a brawl over an attempt to trim a poplar tree. That escalated quickly into...
» The Latest: Orly attacker used revolver to detain soldier
19/03/17 17:15 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from AP Top News at 5:06 p.m. EDT. PARIS (AP) -- The Latest on incident at Orly Airport in Paris where a man was shot to death after attempting to seize a soldier&apos;s weapon (all times local):...
» Young Americans: Most see Trump as illegitimate president
19/03/17 17:15 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from AP Top News at 5:06 p.m. EDT. WASHINGTON (AP) -- Jermaine Anderson keeps going back to the same memory of Donald Trump, then a candidate for president of the United States, referring to some Mexican immigr...
» German Defense Ministry contradicts Trump, says it doesn’t owe U.S. money for NATO
19/03/17 17:00 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story . The inside track on Washington politics. Be the first to know about new stories from PowerPost. Sign up to follow, and we’ll e-mail you free updates as they’re published. You’ll receive free...
» What to Ask About Russian Hacking
19/03/17 16:12 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story . To the White House director of social media, Dan Scavino: “You tweeted an anti-Semitic meme about Hillary Clinton from Donald Trump’s account during the election. That meme appeared to have come f...
» DNA links shooting suspect to death of WSU officer Collin Rose
19/03/17 12:13 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story . Sponsor Message CLOSE Detroit police are investigating whether a man suspected of shooting two officers Wednesday night is connected with the fatal shooting last year of a Wayne State University policeman. Wo...
» Paris Orly airport shooting: Attacker was 'radicalised Muslim' man known to French intelligence services
19/03/17 08:31 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story . A “radicalised Muslim” known to security services has been shot dead after attempting to steal a soldier’s gun at Paris Orly Airport.  The 39-year-old French citizen, identified as Ziye...
» Clinton: 'Maybe it's time to come out of the woods' - Wilkes Barre Times-Leader
19/03/17 08:19 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from Top Stories - Google News. Wilkes Barre Times-Leader Clinton: 'Maybe it's time to come out of the woods' Wilkes Barre Times-Leader Hillary Clinton speaks at the Society of Irish Women 19th annual dinner at...
» Donald: Invite Hillary and Bill to WH for dinner. It will be gracious and healing gesture and will contribute to reconciliation and unity.
19/03/17 08:11 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from mikenov on Twitter. Donald: Invite Hillary and Bill to WH for dinner. It will be gracious and healing gesture and will contribute to reconciliation and unity. Posted by mikenov on Sun Mar 19 12:08:59 2017.
» Hillary Clinton, returning to the public spotlight, urges Americans to find common ground - Los Angeles Times
19/03/17 07:51 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from Top Stories - Google News. Los Angeles Times Hillary Clinton, returning to the public spotlight, urges Americans to find common ground Los Angeles Times Hillary Clinton says she's "ready to come out o...
» Secret Service Reveals White House Intruder Wandered for 17 Minutes Before Arrest -
19/03/17 07:31 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from Top Stories - Google News. Secret Service Reveals White House Intruder Wandered for 17 Minutes Before Arrest The Secret Service revealed in a statement Friday that an individual recen...
» Editorial: The American Health Care Act's hidden costs will hurt everyone -
19/03/17 07:29 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from Top Stories - Google News. Editorial: The American Health Care Act's hidden costs will hurt everyone It's time to start calling the American Health Care Act by its true name—the Force ...
» Fired US attorney was investigating Trump cabinet member, report says - The Boston Globe
19/03/17 07:29 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from Top Stories - Google News. The Boston Globe Fired US attorney was investigating Trump cabinet member, report says The Boston Globe A former US Attorney for the Southern District of New York was leading an ...
» Russia, Trump Wiretapping Claims Face Public Scrutiny Monday - Voice of America
19/03/17 07:28 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from Top Stories - Google News. Voice of America Russia, Trump Wiretapping Claims Face Public Scrutiny Monday Voice of America FILE - National Security Agency Director Admiral Michael Rogers (L) and FBI Directo...

RUSSIA and THE WEST - РОССИЯ и ЗАПАД: M.N.: Did you enjoy the show, Vovchick?

RUSSIA and THE WEST - РОССИЯ и ЗАПАД: M.N.: Did you enjoy the show, Vovchick?: Перед началом спектакля «Последняя жертва».  M.N.: Did you enjoy the show, Vovchick?  ...