Attacks on 2 Syrian Security Offices Kill Dozensby THE ASSOCIATED PRESS
Also in Syria on Saturday, men evacuated children from the rubble of destroyed buildings after a reported government airstrike on Douma, on the eastern outskirts of the capital Damascus.

BEIRUT (AP) - The Latest on developments in Syria and at peace talks in Geneva (all times local):
10:50 p.m.
Syria's top opposition delegates taking part in talks mediated by the United States in Geneva said they condemn terrorism but are hinting that Saturday's attacks in the city of Homs ...
Documents indicate that Germany spied on the phones, faxes or emails of several foreign news organizations, Der Spiegel reported.
Sputnik International |
Russia Registers 14 Ceasefire Violations in Syria Over Past 24 Hours - Ministry
Sputnik International Russia and Turkey are guarantors of a nationwide Syrian ceasefire regime that came into force on December 30, and has been holding up in general, despite continued reports of violations. The UN Security Council passed a resolution supporting the effort ... and more » |
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CNN International |
Trump still has to fill nearly 2000 vacancies
CNN International Trump complained about the pace of confirmations Friday in a speech at the Conservative Political Action Conference in Washington. He told the crowd the administration was "setting records" for Senate delays and that he didn't like seeing "all those ... No president has ever waited this long to get a Cabinet approvedCNBC all 6 news articles » |
Sputnik International |
Prospects of Syrian Conflict Settlement Depend on Russia, US - Opposition
Sputnik International "Russia and the United States control the Syrian issue," Zoubi, who is also the commander of Yarmouk Army, said. The comment comes after the US delegation has been invited to join talks between Damascus and Syrian opposition in the Kazakh capital of ... |
Nashville Scene |
From Skater to Hater: Mike Flynn's Wipe Out
Nashville Scene Flynn started tweeting stuff like “Fear of Muslims is rational,” and he tried to connect HillaryClinton with pedophilia and other crimes. He was photographed at a dinner with Vladimir Putin in 2015. He resigned as national security advisor to Trump ... and more » |
Business Insider |
Democratic senator accuses FBI Director Comey of withholding information on Russia for political reasons
Business Insider Sen. Ron Wyden has suggested that FBI Director James Comey is using classification to hide information about possible Russian interference in the US election for political reasons, according to The New Yorker. The Democratic senator from Oregon told ... and more » |
Business Insider |
The story of the week is Trump, Russia and the FBI. The rest is a distraction
The Guardian That is what the Trump administration is desperately trying to do around Russia right now. The White House reportedly interfered with the FBI in the middle of an active investigation involving counter-intelligence. This was not only foolhardy but also ... The Trump team may have gone even further to knock down news about its Russia tiesBusiness Insider Trump administration asked intelligence officials, key lawmakers to counter RussiastoriesChicago Tribune Liberal Activists' Prank Had Some at CPAC Waving Russian 'Trump' ABC News -The Hill (blog) -New York Times all 2,093 news articles » |
Germany: Man drives vehicle into pedestrians, shot by police
CNN (CNN) A man armed with a knife was shot and injured by police Saturday after he drove a car into a group of pedestrians in Heidelberg, Germany, local police said. Three people were injured, one seriously, Mannheim police said. After driving his car ... Germany: Man hits 3 with car and flees, is shot by policeFox News Man drives into crowd in German town, three people injured: policeReuters German Police Shoot, Injure Man After Apparent Car AttackVoice of America Irish Independent -Daily Caller -The Guardian all 63 news articles » |
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Sputnik International |
Russia Should Exert Pressure on Damascus, Tehran for Settlement in Syria - HNC
Sputnik International Russia as a guarantor country of the Syrian ceasefire regime should take a well-balanced position and use its opportunities to impose pressure upon Damascus and Tehran, spokesman for the Syrian opposition High Negotiations Committee (HNC) Salem ... and more » |
Politico |
Comey finds himself in the political crosshairs — again
Politico When the White House asked the FBI to publicly refute news reports that associates of President Donald Trump, including campaign staff, engaged in possibly illegal contacts with Russian intelligence, Director James Comey refused. But the interaction ... Comey in middle of political fray over Trump and RussiansOCRegister Comey faces pressure as White House fights Russia reportsWashington Post Bolton: Comey Should Have Been Gone On Day OneDaily Caller Daily Kos -The Independent -CNN all 2,102 news articles » |
Survey: Fraud-free elections, free speech, key to democracy
Phys.Org "My own hunch is that anxiety about this issue is related not just to reporting that there was Russian influence (in the November presidential election), but also to reports of the insidious nature of that influence—that it was carried out in a highly ... and more » |
Washington Post |
Reagan and Trump and the swift transformation of the GOP
Washington Post The speed with which the transformation of the Republican Party is taking place is breathtaking, at least on the surface. Many conservative intellectuals remain holdouts, but rank-and-file Republicans so far are enthusiastic, and Trump's hardcore ... and more » |
Press TV |
US arming Syrian militants to create absolute mess: Analyst
Press TV US General Joseph Votel, the commander of the US Central Command (CENTCOM), has secretly headed to Northern Syria to meet US-backed militant groups, two days after announcing that Washington was mulling more US boots on the ground in the Arab country ... and more » |
ABC Online |
Donald Trump: Post-election euphoria in Russia begins to fade
ABC Online There had been celebrations in Russia at the thought of a White House that did not involve Hillary Clinton, with hopes it would end years of fractious diplomacy. Donald Trump was given blanket coverage on state media and souvenir matryoshka dolls (at ... and more » |
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Government prosecutor says aim of suspected attempt to seize parliament and assassinate former president was to try to stop the Balkan nation joining Nato
A Montenegrin prosecutor has said that “Russian state bodies” were involved in a coup attempt during October’s election, with the aim of stopping the Balkan country from joining Nato.
The organs of the Russian state must investigate which bodies are involved and open a criminal trial
Continue reading...Ukraine ambassador attacks Trump allies' secret peace planby Patrick Wintour Diplomatic editor
Under deal reportedly discussed by allies of US president and Ukrainian politician Russian sanctions would be lifted
A secret attempt to persuade Donald Trump to strike a deal that would involve Moscow keeping Crimea in return for ensuring peace in eastern Ukraine must be seen off, the Ukrainian ambassador to London has said.
The New York Times reported on Sunday that Trump’s personal lawyer and a former business associate met privately in New York last month with a member of the Ukrainian parliament to discuss a peace plan that could give Russia long-term control over territory it seized in 2014 and lead to the lifting of sanctions against Moscow.
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Marika Rökk revealed as Soviet agent working from 1940s onwards for network passing Third Reich secrets to Moscow
One of Germany’s best-loved postwar actors has been exposed as a Soviet agent following the declassification of top secret intelligence documents.
Marika Rökk, who was banned from acting for two years for her apparent closeness to the Nazi regime, had in fact been working from the 1940s onwards for a reconnaissance network passing Third Reich secrets to Moscow.
Continue reading...Russian envoy to UN dies in New Yorkby Patrick Wintour Diplomatic editor
Vitaly Churkin, a pugnacious defender of Russian policy, died day before 65th birthday, says foreign ministry in Moscow
Vitaly Churkin, Russia’s ambassador to the United Nations for the past decade and leading international exponent of Vladimir Putin’s increasingly self-confident foreign policy, has died suddenly aged 64, the foreign ministry in Moscow has said.
In a statement on Monday night, the ministry said Churkin died in New York, where the UN headquarters are located, a day before his 65th birthday. His death at NewYork-Presbyterian hospital followed what was described as a cardiac condition in his office at 9am local time, it said.
Devastated by passing of Russian UN Amb Vitaly Churkin.Diplomatic maestro &deeply caring man who did all he cld to bridge US-RUS differences
Continue reading...Contradicting Trump on Russia: Russian Officialsby By MATTHEW ROSENBERG
President Trump has insisted his campaign had no contact with Russian officials — denials that stand at odds with the utterances of Russian officials themselves.
Trump’s Russia Motives by By DAVID LEONHARDT
He has business ties, political ties and ideological ties to Putin’s Russia, and it’s up to the Senate and the F.B.I. to clarify them.
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Russia increases involvement in Libya by signing oil dealby Patrick Wintour Diplomatic editor
Libyan national oil corporation says contract with Rosneft to redevelop oilfields lays groundwork for further investment
Russia has significantly boosted its involvement in Libya by signing a potentially major contract to help redevelop Libyan oilfields.
The head of the Libyan national oil corporation (NOC) signed a cooperation agreement with Rosneft, the Russian oil giant, which NOC said on Tuesday “lays the groundwork for investment by Rosneft in Libya’s oil sector”.
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Louis J. Marinelli says that he had practical reasons for moving to Russia while running the Yes California movement and that he has no ties to the Russian government.
Prosecutors are weighing charges against Andrii V. Artemenko, who worked on a back-channel plan to settle Ukraine’s conflicts with Russia.
Syria talks resume in Geneva with rivals still deadlocked over Assad's future by Patrick Wintour Diplomatic editor in Geneva
With the US lacking a strategy, Turkey taking steps away and Bashar al-Assad going nowhere, UN talks resume with little prospect of a breakthrough
When the UN’s special envoy for Syria, Staffan de Mistura, reconvenes the Syrian peace talks in the Palais Des Nations in Geneva on Thursday, he will be facing a totally recast political landscape since he brought the warring sides together in the same city last year.
Back in February 2016 there was a degree of quiet optimism in western diplomatic circles that Russia felt it had secured its chief strategic goal. By intervening militarily in September 2015 to save President Bashar al-Assad, Vladimir Putin had made himself indisputably the key player in Syria and, as a result, might be ready to deliver a conciliatory Syrian government delegation to the talks.
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The Foreign Ministry’s website now highlights articles it considers to be false, but critics say that the ministry’s designation should be considered a “medal.”
What do we know about Donald Trump and Russia? – video explainer by Luke Harding, Phil Maynard and Tom Silverstone
Luke Harding considers the many links between Donald Trump’s administration and Russia. As well as praising President Vladimir Putin, Trump has surrounded himself with men with close ties with Russia. He has failed to quash allegations that his staff had improper contact with Russian officials, or that he has business interests in Russia
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Chief of staff Reince Priebus accused of violating protocols that protect pending investigations from political interference
Donald Trump’s chief of staff asked the FBI to deny media reports that campaign advisers were frequently in touch with Russian intelligence agents during the election, a White House official has said.
Reince Priebus’s discussion with the FBI’s deputy director, Andrew McCabe, has sparked outrage, with some Democrats saying he violated policies intended to limit communications between the law enforcement agency and the White House on pending investigations.
Short time ago @PressSec response to our story.
"We didn't try to knock the story down. We asked them to tell the truth."
Continue reading..."We didn't try to knock the story down. We asked them to tell the truth."
What’s Left of Communism by By DAVID PRIESTLAND
A hundred years after the Russian Revolution, can a phoenix rise from the ash heap of history?
White House confirms chief of staff discussed Trump and Russia with FBI by Spencer Ackerman in New York
Reince Priebus, FBI director James Comey and deputy director Andrew McCabe had a conversation which appears to violate justice department rules
The White House has confirmed that its chief of staff spoke with top FBI officials about the bureau’s inquiry into links between Donald Trump’s associates and Russia – a conversation which appears to violate justice department rules to ensure the integrity of investigations.
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The White House reportedly tried to influence an active counter-intelligence investigation. All else, press ban included, is designed to deflect attention
Narrative switching. That is what the Trump administration is desperately trying to do around Russia right now. The White House reportedly interfered with the FBI in the middle of an active investigation involving counter-intelligence. This was not only foolhardy but also suspicious, as it directly undermined their apparent objective: distracting us.
This bungled attempt to manage the media reveals the fear in the White House: that there may actually be a smoking gun
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Islamic State resistance stiffens as Iraqi jets and helicopters pound jihadists and carry out first airstrike in Syria
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Perez elected DNC chairmanby (Edward-Isaac Dovere)
ATLANTA — Tom Perez, the former Labor secretary for President Barack Obama, was elected as the new chairman of the Democratic National Committee on Saturday, replacing interim chair Donna Brazile. After a four-month long race to be in charge of Democrats' official party apparatus, the decision was made on the second ballot. Rep. Keith Ellison finished in second place.
Can the U.S. return to 4% growth -- a number not seen in this country since the early 2000s -- as President Trump has pledged?
Denunciation comes after Syrian envoy says any party that fails to censure bombing ‘an accomplice of terrorism’
Joseph Trevithick
Security, Middle East
They might be old, but they pack a big punch.
In February 2017, Turkish troops brought out tanks, armored personnel carriers, self-propelled artillery and more for an annual winter war game called Kış Tatbikatı. Among the various weapons on display on the snowy training grounds were mobile howitzers that Turkey has had in service for over 50 years.
Between 1963 and 1966, Turkey received more than 350 M-52 guns from the United States, according to data from the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute. After World War II, the U.S. Army developed the tracked 105-millimeter weapons as part of a whole family of new vehicles to prepare for a major confrontation with the Soviet Union.
“In this era of a possible two-sided atomic war, where movement and dispersion are so vitally important, both in the offense and defense, vehicle mobility is more a matter of life or death than ever before,” a 1957 Army training aid declared, speaking about the M-52 and its cousins.
Five decades later, a significantly upgraded version is still ready for more conventional combat in and around Turkey — at least in theory.
The original M-52 was a squat-looking vehicle weighing just over 27 tons. Its primary armament was a single M-49 howitzer.
For limited defense against troops on the ground and low-flying aircraft, the vehicle had a .50 caliber machine gun on top. The five-man crew would also have their individual weapons.
The mobile howitzer had a maximum speed of only 35 miles per hour on flat, paved roads. The main advantage over a truck towing a similar gun was its off-road capabilities.
While the vehicle had armor on all sides and on top, it offered a defense against rifle bullets and shrapnel at best. And in exchange for this protection, the crew had to work in a relatively small space.
“Although the new family of weapons has shown a great improvement over the older type of self-propelled weapons, they still have certain inherent drawbacks,” the 1957 pamphlet noted. “These are primarily weight, size, high fuel consumption and lack of adequate operating space.”
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Can the U.S. return to 4% growth -- a number not seen in this country since the early 2000s -- as President Trump has promised? Economists Stephen Moore and Jeff Sachs have two very different opinions on that matter. They sat down with CNN's Fareed Zakaria to debate the question.
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Sen. Ron Wyden has suggested that FBI Director James Comey is using classification to hide information about possible Russian interference in the US election for political reasons, according toThe New Yorker.
The Democratic senator from Oregon told the magazine that he's concerned intelligence is becoming politicized.
"My increasing concern is that classification now is being used much more for political security than for national security," Wyden said.
Wyden sent a letter, along with six of his colleagues on the Senate Intelligence Committee, to President Barack Obama three weeks after the election saying the senators "believe there is additional information concerning the Russian Government and the US election that should be declassified and released to the public."
"We wanted to get that out before a new administration took place," Wyden told The New Yorker. "I can't remember seven senators joining a declassification request."
Wyden also pressed Comey on this point during a Congressional hearing in January. Comey said he couldn't discuss the supposed ties between some of President Donald Trump's associates and Russians.
"When a foreign power interferes with American institutions, you don't just say, 'Oh, that's business as usual,' and leave it at that," Wyden told The New Yorker. "There's a historical imperative here, too."
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Pence Talks Tough on Mideast, Iran by AssociatedPress
Vice President Mike Pence said on Friday the Trump administration would"hunt down and destroy" the Islamic State group (IS), and he talked tough on Iran at the Republican Jewish Coalition's annual conference in Las Vegas. (Feb. 24)
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Sputnik International |
Pentagon Mulls Sending Troops to Syria
Sputnik International US President Donald Trump instructed senior military officials to provide an overview of ways theUS can eliminate the threat of Daesh terrorism within the first 30 days of his administration, and that time is almost up. "Providing the president with ... Dunford: All Options on Table to Ramp Up ISIS Fight | Trump vows to 'obliterate ISIS' as he awaits new ISIS plan | Daily ...Daily Mail Joint Chiefs Chairman: Counter-ISIS strategy presents 'full range of options'Talk Media News CNN all 17 news articles » |
MINI: Russia: 'An oligarchical, Mafia-like state ... - Sioux City Journal
Sioux City Journal Vladimir Putin's schools stink, his roads stink, his taxes are high, and nothing gets fixed, but he could be wealthier than Bill Gates. Proof Russia is nothing but an ... and more » |
Quad City Times |
Ignatius: Russia's global hacking efforts are far from a 'ruse'
Quad City Times We may be missing the forest for the trees in the Russia story: The Kremlin's attempt to meddle in the 2016 U.S. presidential election is part of a much bigger tale of Russian covert action -- in which Donald Trump's campaign was perhaps a tool ... and more » |