Trump's love/hate relationship with Russia & Putin via @YouTube— Mike Nova (@mikenov) April 11, 2017
Airmail Special Report on Tillerson's visit to Moscow on 4.11.17 - by Ella FitzgeraldElla Fitzgerald, Oscar Peterson.. Air Mail via @YouTube— Mike Nova (@mikenov) April 11, 2017
The Trumputkins, the Trumpumpkins,
and "The Tillerson Ultimatum"
The Trumputkins, the Trumpumpkins,
and "The Tillerson Ultimatum"
M.N.: And zis iz what my sweet little Ellochka whispered into my ear:
Zee "Airmail Special Report on Tillerson's visit to Moscow on 4.11.17 - by Ella Fitzgerald...", az above
It looks like this most fabulous transnational geo - finance - cum "Global Laundromat" as a dowry from the mutual German friends, the political Trumputkins's marriage, served by its various Trumpumpkins, passed through its (custom made in Heavens and designed the Hell only knows by whom, how, and where) the most tumultuous and passionate honeymoon, and ha-hangs there somewhere in the air now, possibly with some strings, visible, invisible, and not visible yet, hanging still, and maybe even still and very much attached and functioning... functioning... Someone and Hell knows.
FBI, in its broadcasting regarding the possibility of the "Trump Investigation" going on for years and while he is in the office for the full term, at least... (unless zis iz not zomething that iz zuitable for them, and prezumably, for the country), demonstrated its own whirling and embracing, controlling strings around the President. They are just like some good old fashioned country detective: he is not to investigate the crime only, but to control and to prevent it, mostly; since the investigation in and by itself is not sufficient, and also is quite difficult to perform accurately (like probably so many of the major counterintelligence investigations, where all the possible leads are thought about in advance carefully, and are very skillfully concealed). They also want the object of their attention to know about their continuing interest: maybe the object will behave better, or at least, less conspicuously.
It is logical to entertain a question: Is the mentality of a country detective re-ah-ah-illy applicable in this particular situation and the circumstances?
So, the Trump - Putin mysterious marriage is on the rocks...
With regard to Syria and the "Tillerson's Ultimatum": either we, the good guys, or him - that lowly, despicable gas-murderer, Assad... Putin does not like the "ultimatums" particularly (Who does?), hopefully, he will just disregard this term as a catchy journalistic invention or exaggeration. But in fact, it is an ultimatum. And a good one, I must say: simple, clear, understandable to all, reasonable, and executable by both parties, one way or another.
A good example of the productive diplomatic dualism as a thinking and as an action.
С руководителем Федеральной налоговой службы Михаилом Мишустиным.
Everything is relative, fluid, and uncertain, except death and taxes... If he wants to stay alive and continue to live comfortably, let B. Assad pay his share of taxes of what he "earned"; his actions, inactions, or inability for both is his own responsibility, the long-suffering Syrian people do not have to pay for this. Nuff's nuff,, and all that stuff. Let him go, Vovchick! Give him some nice dacha somewhere in Peredelkino, until it is too late, and let him write his memoirs...
The unresolved issues, whatever, whoever, and however triggers the attention to them and their discussions, have to be resolved: soundly, timely, fundamentally, and the long-term; otherwise they come back and accumulate, and together with the other unresolved issues, snowball and cause the avalanches. Nobody needs this mess, enough snow jobs everywhere...
That's what Mishustin thinks...

Smoke rises up from a part of the airfield where planes are parked at Vnukovo International Airport in Moscow, Russia, April 11, 2017. REUTERS/Maxim Shemetov
M.N.: If there is a smoke, there must be a fire... Fire the old crooked firesetter pretending to be a firefighter, B. Assad, and bring in the real, good, honest firefighters to contain the fire and finally to put it out.
Michael Novakhov
“We want to relieve the suffering of the Syrian people,” he said, and issued an ultimatum: “Russia can be a part of that future and play an important role. Or Russia can maintain its alliance with this group, which we believe is not going to serve Russia's interests longer term.”
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