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Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Is The United States Enabling Russia’s Power Plans? - Tuesday April 4th, 2017 at 4:04 PM In Homeland Security -By John Ubaldi

Is The United States Enabling Russia’s Power Plans?

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By John UbaldiContributor, In Homeland Security
United States foreign policy is facing its greatest crisis, one in which the global system it created is under extreme stress from outside powers. One of its central challenges is the result of its confusing foreign policy toward Russia.
Democrats and Republicans cannot seem to determine whether Russia is a geo-political foe, an adversary or just a nuisance that has to be factored in when forging foreign policy.

Putin Clearly Resents the US

Russian President Vladimir Putin has made his decision abundantly clear. At the prestigious Munich Security Conference in 2005, Putin described the Soviet Union’s collapse as the 20th century’s “greatest geopolitical catastrophe.” Since then, Putin has tried to revive the remnants of the old Soviet Union.
Putin believed that after the demise of the Soviet Union, the West in particular and especially the United States, did not treat Russia with the respect due a great power.
The Center for Strategic and International Studies conducted a year-long study on the recalibration of U.S. strategy toward Russia. In that recalibration, Moscow views its options through the lens of a security dilemma that defines U.S. strength as its own weakness and vice versa.
Russia believes control of its periphery is central to its own security. Putin could be seeking to reap domestic political benefits through foreign escapades.
Russia is testing its tools of coercion, which are increasingly unconstrained by the rule of law because the Kremlin finds this coercion sufficiently effective to meet its objectives. Russia doesn’t want war; it is finding it can get a lot accomplished without one.

The US Fails to Understand Putin and Russia

The United States and policymakers on both sides of the political spectrum need to understand that Putin is playing a weak hand. But considering his country’s dismal economic and political situation, Putin has accomplished his objectives brilliantly.
The West and particularly the United States has failed to understand Putin’s true objective. He seeks to undermine the global international system set up by the U.S. after the Second World War.
Putin is exploiting the crisis of confidence in the international institutions that have been the West’s hallmark, such as NATO and the European Union. These institutions have become victims to a lack of transparency, corruption and economic stagnation that have manifested themselves in Europe’s cutbacks in defense and a lack of a clear strategy and shared goals with the United States.

The World Sees a Retrenching United States

The world is now experiencing crises in the Middle East and Asia. For the first time, there is a prevailing view that the United States has retreated from the global leadership role it has held since 1945. This view has never been more pronounced than it is in Europe, where critics of U.S. policy point to how the United States has dealt with an aggressive Russia.
Former Danish Prime Minister and NATO Secretary-General Anders Fogh Rasmussen stated in his recently published book, “The Will to Lead: Indispensable Role in the Global Fight for Freedom,” that “If the United States retrenches and retreats, or even if the world thinks that American restraint reflects a lack of willingness to engage in preventing and resolving conflicts by using military force if need be, it leaves a vacuum that will be filled by the bad guys. Nowhere is this more evident than in Russia and President Vladimir Putin’s behavior.”

Obama Changed US Foreign Policy

President Barack Obama ushered in a radically different foreign policy than that of his predecessor. Obama wanted America to have a diminished role and allow other nations to fill the vacuum.
This “lead from behind” strategy allowed Russia to begin its aggression in Eastern Europe and elsewhere. Throughout his presidency, Obama allowed Russia and Putin to reassert their influence, either by American acquiescence (removing missile defense systems in Eastern Europe) or by force (Russian annexation of the Crimea and its use of military force in Ukraine).
Obama’s strongest signal to the world and our European allies of this new U.S. strategy was the president’s disastrous Syria policy. This hands-off policy allowed Russia to re-enter the Middle East.
Two events in 2012 illustrate how Obama planned to deal with Russia.
The first event took place in Seoul, South Korea. Speaking with then-Russian President Dmitry Medvedev, Obama inadvertently stated on an open mic that he would have more flexibility in dealing with the issue of missile defense after his re-election.
The second event occurred during one of the 2012 presidential debates with Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney. Obama recalled a statement Romney had made earlier. “… a few months ago when you were asked what’s the biggest geopolitical threat facing America, you said Russia, not al-Qaida. You said Russia,” Obama said. The President then added “ … the 1980s, they’re now calling to ask for their foreign policy back because, you know, the Cold War’s been over for 20 years.”
Throughout the 2016 presidential campaign and afterword, Donald Trump has given mixed signals about how he would deal with Russia and Putin. He often speaks fondly of the Russian leader’s leadership style, how he would make a deal with Moscow and how he would like to work with Putin on a host of issues.

Trump Fails to Understand Putin’s Motives

President Trump seems to be falling into the same trap that Obama did. Trump thinks he can work with Russia on various issues and believes that Moscow will help the U.S. end the Syrian civil war.
The Trump administration needs to understand that Moscow’s aim is to replace the United States by forcing it out of the Middle East and diminish the global system that Washington has dominated for decades. The Middle East is a prime example of how Russia is cozying up to Iran, one of the principal protagonists in Syria and the region.
The United States must show its allies that recent Russian aggression is now a thing of the past and will not be tolerated. We need to remember that others are watching how we deal with Moscow, most notably China and Iran.


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Russian Spies Said to Have Tried to Recruit Businessman Who Later Advised Trump

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Court documents do not identify Mr. Page, but the details in a statement he emailed to reporters on Tuesday match the individual described as “Male-1” in the court case. Mr. Page’s contact with the Russian spy was first reported on Monday by BuzzFeed News.
The disclosure is the latest to shed light on Mr. Page’s extensive contacts with Russian businessmen and government officials. A former Moscow-based investment banker for Merrill Lynch, Mr. Page joined the Trump campaign last year and traveled to Russia in July to deliver a speech to the New Economic School, a Moscow university.
The trip caught the attention of United States intelligence agencies. Later that month, the F.B.I. opened a counterintelligence investigation into Russian attempts to influence the presidential election and whether any of Mr. Trump’s associates were involved in that effort. American businessmen who visit Russia, even those who are not advising a presidential campaign, are frequently targeted by Russian operatives trying to collect information about the United States.
Mr. Page has given few specifics about whom he met with on that trip. In an interview with The New York Times last month, he said he had met with “mostly scholars.”
According to the court documents filed in 2015, the F.B.I. secretly recorded Mr. Podobnyy and another Russian operative named Igor Sporyshev discussing efforts to recruit Mr. Page, who was then working in New York as a consultant.
To record their conversations, the F.B.I. inserted a listening device into binders that were passed to the Russian intelligence operatives during an energy conference, according to a former United States intelligence official. The Russians then took the binders into a secure room where they thought they could evade American intelligence eavesdropping attempts.
In a transcript of the conversation included in the court documents, Mr. Podobnyy tells his Russian colleague that Mr. Page frequently flies to Moscow and is interested in earning large sums of money. Mr. Page was apparently interested in striking a deal with Gazprom, the Russian state-run oil firm, according to the transcript. Mr. Podobnyy called Mr. Page an “idiot” but said he was enthusiastic.
Russian intelligence officers had been given the task of gathering information on potential United States sanctions against their country, according to the F.B.I., and the three men were focused on economic issues in particular. The third Russian spy, Evgeny Buryakov, posed as an employee of a Russian bank. Mr. Sporyshev worked as a trade representative of the Russian Federation in New York.
Mr. Podobnyy promised through his contacts with Russian trade officials to steer contracts to Mr. Page.
“I will feed him empty promises,” he was overheard saying, according to the transcript.
In June 2013, the F.B.I. interviewed Mr. Page, who said he had first met Mr. Podobnyy at an energy symposium in New York earlier that year. Mr. Page said that he had exchanged emails with Mr. Podobnyy about the energy business, that they had met in person once to talk about the energy industry, and that he had also given Mr. Podobnyy documents about the energy business.
In his emailed statement, Mr. Page said, “as I explained to federal authorities prior to the January 2015 filing of this case, I shared basic immaterial information and publicly available research documents with Podobnyy who then served as a junior attaché at the Permanent Mission of the Russian Federation to the United Nations.”
Mr. Page, who at the time was also teaching a course on energy and politics at New York University, said in his statement that he had given the Russian “nothing more than a few samples from the far more detailed lectures I was preparing at the time for the students.”
Mr. Podobnyy and Mr. Sporyshev left the country before the F.B.I. decided to arrest them, but Mr. Buryakov was arrested in 2015 and later pleaded guilty to conspiring to act as an unregistered foreign agent. Last year, he was sentenced to 30 months in prison.
“Evgeny Buryakov, in the guise of being a legitimate banker, gathered intelligence as an agent of the Russian Federation in New York,” Preet Bharara, the United States attorney in Manhattan at the time, said in a statement after Mr. Buryakov’s sentencing. “He traded coded messages with one of his Russian spy co-defendants, who sent the clandestinely collected information back to Moscow.”
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Germany clashes with US over NATO funding

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By Johannes Stern
4 April 2017
A sharp clash took place at Friday’s NATO meeting between German Foreign Minister Sigmar Gabriel (Social Democrats, SPD) and his American counterpart Rex Tillerson.
Tillerson demanded that NATO’s European members and Germany in particular issue a statement on how they intend to meet the goal of spending 2 percent of GDP on defence with “annual milestones and progress commitments.” According to the official text of Tillerson’s remarks, published on the US State Department’s website, he added, “Allies that do not have a concrete plan to spend 2 percent of GDP on defense by 2024 need to establish one now.” Such plans are to be presented prior to the NATO conference in Brussels on 25 May.
Gabriel bluntly responded that he thought it was “completely unrealistic to believe that Germany will reach an annual military budget of more than €70 billion.” He was aware of “no politician who believes that this is achievable or even desirable in our country.” In addition, he had “absolutely no” idea “where we would put all of the aircraft carriers that we would have to buy in order to invest €70 billion in the German army every year.”
Gabriel’s remarks have nothing to do with pacifism. The Social Democrat Foreign Minister left no doubt about his commitment to the substantial rearming of the German army which was agreed to by his predecessor Frank-Walter Steinmeier (SPD) at NATO’s 2014 summit in Wales. “We have a plan—it is called a budget plan,” Gabriel said. “We are increasing military spending, but on a scale that we deem responsible.”
Gabriel’s message was clear: Germany is rearming and preparing an expansion of its policy of military interventions, but only on its own terms. “We Germans are currently spending a lot of money on accepting refugees. They come because military interventions went wrong. And because there was no stabilisation afterwards. So we know what it means when the only focus is on military spending,” he stated.
This was a thinly-veiled criticism of the US-led wars in the Middle East, against which Gabriel counterposes an imperialist European foreign policy dominated by Berlin.
In his speech in the German parliament (Bundestag) on continuing the German-European intervention in Mali, the foreign minister stated on Thursday, “Europe is being asked more than ever before to be a global actor, which is also ready to assume responsibility, and this is even though the European Union was not constructed as a global political actor. It was never made for that. Despite this, we cannot be indifferent to the conflicts going on around us.”
The “deployment of German soldiers as part of the European training mission EUTM Mali” shows “that where Europe is ready to do so, we engage jointly and can certainly achieve good results.” It was a “European strength” that “we deal with crises with a broad range of instruments: with diplomatic, civilian and police capabilities, and also militarily.”
A few days earlier, Gabriel announced a “new orientation” for Germany’s “Asia policy” and stated, “In many areas of international politics, we are currently experiencing crises, upheavals and new dynamics. One has the sense that this world is being measured anew—and everybody is using their own tape measure to do so. One thing is clear: Asia’s rising powers will play a key role in this.”
This is the old language of German imperialism. In the new scramble among the imperialist powers for raw materials, markets and cheap labour, Germany is once again laying claim to “a place in the sun.” The task is to “intensify [German] relations with Asia and organise them more strategically so they correspond to the rapidly rising significance of this region with 4 billion inhabitants and rapidly growing sales markets,” Gabriel wrote.
He had “decided, therefore, to establish an independent Asia department within the Foreign Ministry for the first time, which will better consolidate and further expand our regional competencies.” It was “high time that the composition of our team in the Foreign Ministry appropriately reflects the further growth of Asia’s weight.”
But this could “only be a first step. It is vital that Asia be seen as the key region of the future in our thinking and daily politics—in the Foreign Ministry, in the federal government and in the EU.” Ultimately, “the road to resolving our global task” runs “ever more frequently through Asia.”
As in the periods prior to the first and second World Wars, the “global tasks” of German imperialism are leading to growing conflicts with the United States and these will culminate in trade war and military conflict unless the working class intervenes.
On the same day as the clash with Tillerson, Gabriel demanded that the EU resist the “anti-dumping” measures against European steel producers being pushed for by the United States. He acknowledged the proceedings “with a large degree of incomprehension.” The goal was clear to him, “American industry is to be protected by disadvantaging the better German steel industry.”
There was no question that the United States was practicing “trade warfare” and was thereby violating international trade law so as to secure a competitive advantage for their companies, according to Gabriel. A clear position had to be taken against the US government and “the EU now had to consider whether to file a complaint with the WTO. I would strongly support that.”
In a comment on Monday, the Süddeutsche Zeitung warned, “Trump has to realise: if America adopts protectionist measures, Germany, the EU and China will adopt counter-measures, immediately, ruthlessly and without compromise.” This would involve “direct consequences, counter-tariffs, other penalties, but also publicly effective lawsuits at the WTO.” Europe and China would have the privilege of being “strong enough for such a course.”
The author, Marc Beise, then gave free rein to his great power fantasies for Germany, noting, “That also applies to Germany, which likes to play small politically, but which as an economic power is a great power that can afford to assert itself.”
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Jalilov Akbarjon Akramjanovich - Google Search

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Jalilov Akbarjon Akramjanovich - Google Search

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Russia: Metro Bombing Suspect A Kyrgyz-Born Russian Citizen

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The main suspect in t
he April 3 metro bombing in St. Petersburg, Russia
, is a Russian suspect of Kyrgyz origin, according to Kyrgyzstan's State National Security Committee, AKIpress reported April 4. The report supports an earlier report by St. Petersburg-based Channel Five TV, which circulated a photo of the suspect — 22-year-old Jalilov Akbarjon Akramjanovich — and said he was a Russian national from Kyrgyzstan. According to Interfax, Russian security services made an official request to their Kyrgyz counterparts with help identifying the suspect, who is believed to have carried the explosive device into the subway in a rucksack and reportedly has links to radical Islamic groups banned in Russia. The blast killed 11 people and injured more than 40 others.

U.S. Ill-Prepared to Stop Widespread Russian Information Warfare

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Clint Watts testifies before the Senate Intelligence Committee March 30
Clint Watts testifies before the Senate Intelligence Committee March 30 / Getty Images
BY: Bill Gertz 
Russia is engaged in wide-ranging information warfare operations aimed at undermining the United States, and the federal government has few defenses against the attacks, information specialists told a Senate hearing last week.
Moscow's large-scale operations include the covert attempt to sway the 2016 presidential election and dissemination of false news reports to sow confusion and weaken American democracy, according to testimony before the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence Thursday.
The committee hearing was called as part of an investigation into the Russian campaign to influence the 2016 election.
In addition to the hacking and leaking campaign during the election, Russian intelligence agencies engaged in covert influence operations that falsely reported terrorist attacks in the United States and against the key U.S. military base in Incirlik, Turkey.
The Russian government also backed the Occupy Wall Street protest movement and trumpeted racially charged news to sow social unrest.
The federal government has been unable to stop Moscow's propaganda and influence operations. Likewise, it has failed to counter cyber attacks aimed at stealing data or sabotaging critical networks.
"Americans should be concerned because right now a foreign country, whether they realize it or not, is pitting them against their neighbor, other political parties, ramping up divisions based on things that aren't true," said Clint Watts, a cyber security expert and former FBI special agent.
Russian information warfare operations seek to erode Americans' trust in the government.
"If they can do that, if Americans don't believe that their vote counts, they're not going to show up to participate in democracy," said Watts, a senior fellow at the Foreign Policy Research Institute.
Retired Gen. Keith Alexander, former director of the National Security Agency, said the United States lacks a strategy for dealing with information warfare and adequate defenses for protecting private sector infrastructure from attacks.
"The consequence is if there were a massive attack, we'd have to go back and get authority to act," Alexander said. "Where, if it were missiles coming in, we already have rules of engagement. So, I think we need to step that up as well."
Alexander, who once led the military's Cyber Command, lamented that the military "wouldn't have the right people set up to react" to a major cyber attack.
"The American public, indeed all democratic societies, need to understand that malign actors are using old techniques with new platforms to undermine our democratic institutions," said Sen. Richard Burr (R., N.C.), the committee chairman.
"We're all targets of a sophisticated and capable adversary and we must engage in a whole of government approach to combat Russian active measures," Burr added.
"Active measures" is the term used to describe asymmetric warfare activities that combine propaganda and media disinformation with cyber operations to achieve foreign policy objectives.
The Russian election campaign hacked key political figures and institutions, notably the Democratic National Committee. A U.S. intelligence community assessment of the influence campaign concluded in January that the Russians sought to discredit Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton and assist Republican nominee Donald Trump.
Cyber attacks were carried out by the FSB civilian security service backed by hackers working for the GRU military spy agency.
Information obtained from the cyber attacks was leaked to Russian-affiliated news outlets <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> and WikiLeaks using a Russian online persona called Guccifer 2.0. Russian intelligence also exploited state-linked propaganda outlets RT and Sputnik to spread false information aimed at sowing discord in America.
The Russian government was able to manipulate key social media outlets such as Twitter and Facebook to cause topics favorable to Moscow's policies to trend on the Internet. Russia employs thousands of Internet trolls and botnet computers to tilt social media trends in its favor.
Cyber security expert Thomas Rid said the Russians use Internet trolls and botnets to flood the zone with disinformation during influence operations.
"The Russians were able to flood the zone, actually not in a broad-based [way] across the whole country, but literally target it down to precinct levels in certain states," he said.
The operations succeeded in fooling major mainstream media outlets into parroting Russian disinformation against the United States.
Russia is using many of the same tactics against American allies in Europe and is expected to resume its disinformation campaign in the United States ahead of future elections.
FBI Director James Comey disclosed to Congress on March 20 that bureau counterintelligence agents are investigating links between Trump campaign aides and the Russian government. So far, no evidence of such links has surfaced.
Eugene Rumer, former U.S. national intelligence officer for Russia and Eurasia between 2010 and 2014, testified that it is not necessary to publicly disclose technical evidence of Russian election meddling.
"It is the totality of Russian efforts in plain sight to mislead, to misinform, to exaggerate that is more convincing than any cyber evidence," Rumer said. "RT, Russia Today, broadcasts, internet trolls, fake news and so on are an integral part of Russian foreign policy to date."
Rumer said Russia remains weak militarily despite modernization and a growing nuclear arsenal. However, he noted that "Russian leaders have embraced a different toolkit, information warfare, intimidation, espionage, economic tools, and so on."
The Russian influence campaign is viewed by Moscow as an unqualified success, he added.
"The payoffs include but are not limited to, one, a major distraction to the United States, for the United States, damage to U.S. leadership in the world, and perhaps most importantly the demonstration effect: If the Kremlin can do this to the world's sole remaining global superpower imagine how other countries see it," Rumer said.
Other Russian influence campaigns have included efforts to skew online White House petitions, such as a petition calling for Alaska to be returned to Russia, spread false claims the military is preparing for martial law in the United States, and sow hatred and discord by backing the Black Lives Matter protests and land disputes in the western United States.
"Russia hopes to win the second Cold War through the force of politics, as opposed to the politics of forces," Watts said.
He added that Russia's goal is to topple democracies by undermining governments, fostering social division, and creating confusion about information sources by blurring the lines between fact and fiction.
Russian disinformation has included political messages and propaganda aimed at tarnishing leaders and institutions, especially financial markets and capitalist economies.
The Russians also have used "gray" propaganda outlets that promote conspiracy theories and are financed and led by Russians.
Russian propaganda promoted a false story on July 30 that the U.S. air base in Incirlik, Turkey, which stores nuclear weapons, had been overrun by terrorists. More than 4,000 tweets were used to promote the false Russian disinformation.
Watts said the U.S. intelligence community has failed to deal with disinformation and is overly focused on terrorism and counterintelligence.
"The U.S., in failing to respond to active measures, will surrender its position as the world's leader, forgo its role as chief promoter and defender of democracy, and give up on over 70 years of collective action to preserve freedom and civil liberties around the world," Watts said.
"The intel community in the United States is very biased against open source information," he said. "And has been surprised repeatedly."
Social media companies and journalists also are failing to deal with foreign disinformation.
"The media needs to improve. Our U.S. government institutions need to improve and we got to help Americans understand what the facts are, because if we don't, we are lost," Watt said.
"We'll become two separate, maybe three separate worlds in the United States just because of this little bitty pinprick that was put in by a foreign country."
The State Department and Department of Homeland Security need to create mechanisms capable of rapidly refuting disinformation, he said.
Watts said the Russians are winning at cyber and information warfare because they have "great propagandists" and hackers.
"We, on the other hand, worry a lot about who we're going to bring into the cyber field because they might have smoked weed one day or they can't pass a security clearance," he said.
Kevin Mandia, head of the cyber security firm FireEye, said technical analysis of the Russian cyber intrusions revealed sophisticated malware and techniques used by Moscow in its cyber attacks.
"So there is a huge infrastructure, comprised of machines or false fronts or organizations that are used for these attacks," he said. "And we found over 500 of those. We've analyzed over 70 lure documents written in many different languages. And these are the documents that you receive during a spear phishing [attack], and they're armed documents."
Alexander said the United States needs to engage Russia diplomatically while confronting it using intelligence capabilities.
"We have to come up with a way of sharing threat intelligence information at network speed and practicing what our government and industry do together and work that with our allies," Alexander said.
"I believe we can do this and protect civil liberties and privacy," he said. "I think we often convolve those two, but we can actually separate and show that you can do both."
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FBI agent arrives armed, drunk at police station after partner shot at cop, report shows

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GRAND RAPIDS, MI - After a Las Vegas-based FBI special agent was arrested for shooting at police in a bizarre episode at a fitness club, his partner showed up at police headquarters armed and drunk, reports say.
John Paul Salazar II was not arrested but the FBI is investigating his actions in the hours after his partner, Ruben Hernandez, fired at police Sgt. Neil Gomez outside of Planet Fitness at 3681 28th St. SE.
"It should be noted that Salazar seemed intoxicated to all officers speaking to him in the lobby," Deputy Chief Daniel Savage wrote in police reports obtained by MLive and The Grand Rapids Press under the Freedom of Information Act.
"It was eventually determined that Salazar was armed - (special agent Sean Burns) took possession of Salazar's handgun upon (Burns') arrival."
Grand Rapids police interviewed Salazar before he left with Burns, who was in charge of the Grand Rapids office before his recent retirement.
Police Sgt. Terry Dixon said investigators focused on Salazar as a witness but provided reports about his actions to the FBI and U.S. Office of Inspector General to determine if any discipline should be taken.
Ex-FBI agent who shot at Grand Rapids police could avoid jail
Dixon said that Salazar should not have possessed a firearm after drinking. He said police "basically turned everything over to the FBI, to allow them to handle the issues with him."
Police reports showed that Salazar's rented Nissan Versa was parked outside of police headquarters. Salazar later opened the car door in the presence of police to retrieve items.
No one witnessed Salazar driving the vehicle, police said.
Salazar did not drive away.
"He did not leave on his own accord. He left with the FBI special agent," Dixon said.
Sandy Breault, spokeswoman for the FBI's Las Vegas office, said: "The FBI takes allegations of misconduct very seriously. This matter has been referred to the FBI's Internal Investigations Section in Washington, DC. Because this is an ongoing investigation, we will not comment further."
The Office of Inspector General declined to comment.
It is the agency's practice "that we do not confirm or deny the existence of an ongoing investigation," senior counsel John Lavinsky said.
Police said Hernandez, after a night of drinking, brandished a handgun inside Planet Fitness around 1:15 a.m. then fired three shots at responding officers.
No one was injured. Police arrested Hernandez at gunpoint in a nearby parking lot. There, they learned he was an FBI agent.
'He's got a badge, he's a FBI agent:' Shooting suspect's arrest on body camera
Hernandez, who has lost his job, pleaded no contest to felonious assault and could avoid a jail sentence in a plea deal.
He had a blood-alcohol level of 0.13 percent - a motorist is presumed intoxicated at 0.08 percent - and no memory of the incident. He apparently suffered an alcohol-fueled paranoia attack.
A married father of two, he worked eight years for the FBI. He could not believe he shot at police, his attorney said.
Hernandez and Salazar were in Grand Rapids to conduct interviews as part of an investigation into a telemarketing scheme, police reports said.
The night before the early-morning shooting, they had dinner at Brann's Steakhouse and Grille, where, over the course of four hours, they ordered two 14-ounce Bells 2 Hearted Ales, and 10 of the 20-ounce ales, records showed.
They then went to Sensations Showgirls, records showed.
Hernandez did not remember what happened after that. Earlier that night, he called his brother and said he was in "danger." He sounded "confused and wasn't himself."
Grand Rapids police later told the brother that Hernandez was safe, but had been arrested, reports showed.
Hernandez was in custody when Salazar showed up at the police station. Salazar seemed initially reluctant to talk to police. He said he had to get the OK from FBI superiors.
Police suspected he tried to cover up his intoxication with gum and cologne. An officer whispered that he had "14 sticks" of gum. Salazar was "somewhat evasive" and made several calls, apparently to his supervisor in Las Vegas, police said.
He wanted to verify that Hernandez was the one behind the shooting.
"Can I just make sure I know who it is?"
An officer asked why.
Meanwhile, Savage, the deputy chief, said he wanted Salazar to help police piece everything together.
When shown Hernandez's photo, Salazar said: "What the? Oh my gosh. Ok. That is Ruben Hernandez."
Burns, the local FBI special agent, soon showed up. He told Salazar to let police take his firearm before he talked to him.
"Just let them do what they got to do," Burns said, before taking Salazar's gun.
Salazar then provided police consent to search his cell phone as well as his Holiday Inn Express room. He also provided police with Hernandez's FBI wallet with FBI identification that was in the rental car.
Detective Sgt. Chris Postma met with Burns at police headquarters.
"Burns had removed Agent John Salazar's weapon. We conducted a round count and all ammunition was accounted for," Postma wrote.
"I escorted Salazar to an interview room and searched him. He initially was reluctant to surrender a phone he was texting from. I seized it from him and had him remain in the interview room."
At 5:22 a.m., Salazar took a breath test for alcohol. It was 0.116 percent.
Two days later, Salazar agreed to a second interview with police, reports said. Police noted it was "voluntary."
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How long should US stay in Iraq?; In Syria, USAF digs in; Deadly blast in Russian subway; Livestream: Day 2 of #SAS2017; and just a bit more...

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“Hand-to-hand combat” in cyberspace is how a NSA official recently described the November 2014 intrusion into U.S. government computers. Tipped off by their own hacks into Russian surveillance cameras, top U.S. cyber defenders spent 24 action-packed hours “engaged in a pitched battle with Russian hackers who had breached the unclassified State Department computer system and displayed an unprecedented level of aggression that experts warn is likely to be turned against the private sector.” Read, here.
Back to today: “FBI plans to create special unit to co-ordinate Russia probe,” the Financial Timesreports (subscription required).
That unit will have this to chew on: “Blackwater founder held secret Seychelles meeting to establish Trump-Putin back channel,” the Washington Post reports.
How an online ad for lithium pointed intelligence agencies around the world toward North Korea. It’s an incredible story from The New York Times’ David Sanger and William J. Broad. Why did the ad raise eyebrows? “Lithium 6 offers a fast way to turn an ordinary atom bomb into a hydrogen bomb, magnifying its destructive power by up to 1,000 times. The seller listed in the ad — who even provided his cellphone number — was identified in a recent United Nations report as the third secretary in the North Korean Embassy in Beijing.”
Sanger and Broad write that the excess lithium sale may have been placed because “North Korea has produced so much of the precious material that it is too late to prevent the nation from becoming an advanced nuclear power. If that is the case, Mr. Trump may find little success in borrowing from the playbook of the four presidents before him, who fruitlessly tried, with differing mixes of negotiations, sanctions, sabotage and threats of unilateral strikes, to force the North to give up its program.” More here.
Number of the day: President Trump has now bombed Yemen once for each day he’s been president (74), Micah Zenko of the Council on Foreign Relations said Monday. What he was reacting to: the Pentagon’s announcement that it carried out 20 more airstrikes against al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula in Yemen since the middle of last week. Zenko has more to say about Trump’s rhetoric vs. reality when it comes to the Yemen conflict, here.
In case you were wondering: AQAP is believed to have some 4,000 members located primarily in the country’s “Abyan, Bayda and Shabwah governances in the center of southern Yemen,” Stripes reported Monday, citing defense officials’ estimates. A little bit more, here.
Piracy is back again off the coast of Somalia, this time hijacking an Indian vessel. Reuters: “United Kingdom Maritime Trade Operations (UKMTO), which coordinates shipping in the Gulf of Aden area, said it had received information that a dhow had been hijacked ‘in the vicinity of Socotra (Island).’ It named the vessel as Al Kausar and said it had been en route from Dubai to the port of Bosasso in northern Somalia’s semi-autonomous Puntland region. The EU naval force which patrols off Somalia’s coast as part of an international anti-piracy operation said on Monday afternoon the dhow had been spotted further south, off the Somali port of Hobyo.” Story here.
And now for a slight change of pace: See what the world will look like in 2045, according to DARPA and a fun 57-second video from the World Economic Forum. Some pullouts: We’ll control gadgets with brain signals; artificial intelligence will control passenger planes from take-off to landing; buildings will be incredibly strong and ultra-light; and we will talk to machines that learn and understand language (don’t we already?). More here.
Today at the Stimson Center: Ambassador Richard Olson, former U.S. Special Representative for Afghanistan and Pakistan, will speak at Stimson today about American strategy and policy options in Afghanistan. The event gets underway just after noon. Details, here.
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Putin and Frexit - Google Search

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Story image for Putin and Frexit from TIME

The Power of Le Pen

TIME-Mar 16, 2017
Like Trump's victory, a win by Le Pen would have a seismic impact far beyond the country's borders. A Frexit and ditching the euro would be a ...
Story image for Putin and Frexit from

What will Russia's Vladimir Putin do next?

<a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>-Mar 20, 2017
What might Russian President Vladimir Putin's next steps be toward Europe ... Election of populists such as Marine Le Pen could lead to "Frexit" ...
Story image for Putin and Frexit from

The populist drift of the French election campaign

<a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>-Mar 28, 2017
... arguments as soon as one mentions refugees or Islam and worships both Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin while dreaming of a Frexit.
Story image for Putin and Frexit from National Review

Democrats Aren't Thinking Ahead to When They Might Need the ...

National Review-Apr 3, 2017
Marine Le Pen traveled to Moscow and met with Vladimir Putin in the Kremlin last week, and declared in a photo ... It's how you'll get Frexit, too.
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What will Russia's Vladimir Putin do next?

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What might Russian President Vladimir Putin's next steps be toward Europe, the West and the United States for advancing Russian interests globally?
Obviously, the policies of the Trump administration are, at best, unclear if not contradictory. Hence, Putin needs to understand who in the White House and administration is key in making policy.
An iron law of Washington politics is that influence on the president is inversely proportional to the physical distance from the Oval Office. While Secretary of Defense Jim Mattis is by far the most experienced and knowledgeable senior appointee in national security and defense, the Pentagon is metaphorically a million political miles from 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson has so far been relatively invisible in setting a mark on U.S. foreign policy.
No doubt the FSB has compiled dossiers on the two Stephens -- Bannon and Miller -- who appear to hold sway over much of President Donald Trump's thinking. That should make for interesting reading. Last weekend, the Washington Post ran a lengthy piece on Bannon's personal history, uncovering a man who combined secrecy and a vagabond existence with no clear permanent place of residence. And the new national security adviser Lt. Gen. H.R. McMaster has not been in place long enough to detect what his future policy recommendations may or may not be.
Putin has been described as someone who reads and learns from history. If that is correct, the Russian president only needs to go back four or five decades for appropriate lessons. The most relevant is President Richard Nixon's triangular politics balancing the Soviet Union with an outreach to China. The second is Ronald Reagan's firm stand on intermediate nuclear forces that ultimately led to the Intermediate Nuclear Forces Treaty between Moscow and Washington.
For much of the Cold War and certainly during the Eisenhower/Kennedy/Johnson administrations, the main enemy was the threat of "monolithic communism" embodied in the unshakable "alliance" between Moscow and Beijing. Of course, this monolithic threat was nonsense. Nixon understood or at least believed that major fissures existed. Hence, the overture to China not only eased withdrawal from the Vietnam War. Détente with the Soviet Union followed along with the ABM Treaty and Strategic Arms Limitations agreements.
In the face of powerful anti-nuclear forces demanding disarmament in the West, Reagan persisted in deploying both cruise and Pershing missiles to Europe to counter Moscow's SS-20s. Perseverance paid off. The INF treaty led to the withdrawal of these systems. Ironically, the aims of the nuclear disarmament factions were partly achieved because of Reagan's steadfastness.
For Putin, as Nixon exploited the USSR-PRC cleavages, Moscow can do the same regarding the United States and forces in Europe eroding alliance cohesion and the chaos in the Middle East and Persian Gulf. Listening to Reagan, Putin would not back down once he sets his policy course. If Putin heeds these American presidents and act accordingly, he will present a most formidable challenge for Washington.
As Putin gazes across the geostrategic landscape, what does he conclude? First, the seemingly monolithic cohesion of NATO and the EU is in tatters. Brexit, populism, the electoral popularity of both Trump and Sen. Bernie Sanders, elections in Holland (last Wednesday) and France and Germany later in the year, and the growing rift between Turkey, Holland and Denmark and possible confrontation with the United States in Syria over the Kurds are indicators that "something is rotten" in these alliances. This "rottenness" can be exploited as Nixon did in the early 1970s with China and Russia.
Second, conditions in the Middle East and Persian Gulf are even riper for Russian engagement than before. As the battle for Raqqa appears to grow closer, U.S. support and reliance on Kurdish Peshmerga and YPG forces enflame vehement Turkish hostility toward the PKK (Kurdish People's Party) and the Kurds. Further, the concern if not alarm of the Arab Gulf states over the P-5 Plus One nuclear agreement with Iran and growing costs of the Yemen intervention provide Moscow an opportunity to play honest broker.
Russian arms deals with Iran, Egypt, possibly Libya and the UAE, along with sales to Egypt, give the Arab states an alternative to the U.S. market. Worse for the United States, greater Russian access to these markets can lead to better understanding of the capability and technology of weapons the United States has sold. Along with arms sales, achieving greater influence is possible.
How then might Putin's fertile mind (or of those around him) be working? The major if not overriding aims are to enhance Russian security geostrategically, politically and economically. That means reducing or dissolving the coherence of NATO and the EU. In the Middle East, it means focusing on eliminating the danger of the Islamic State and other terrorist groups that could or do reach into Russia while reducing the influence of the United States.
A weakened Europe almost certainly could be manipulated to give relief from sanctions imposed over annexation of Crimea. Election of populists such as Marine Le Pen could lead to "Frexit" and very likely the beginning of the end of the EU. Whether Le Pen would attempt a Charles de Gaulle and withdraw from NATO militarily or entirely is surely not impossible. And defeat of Germany's Chancellor Angela Merkel by a coalition government more favorably disposed to Russia is likewise not beyond belief.
So, what to expect? If Putin is as clever as some believe, the opportunities are too great to waste. Reliance as in the past on military intimidation through no-notice exercises and increased military deployment to borders with the West and Kaliningrad in the Baltic would be replaced by both subtle and "active measures." As Nixon exploited cleavages between China and the Soviet Union, Putin would leverage the fault lines in the alliance. Closer relations with Turkey would provide leverage both in northern Europe and in Syria especially if Ankara were perceived to be moving toward Moscow's orbit.
Propaganda, fake news, disinformation and misinformation, hacking and the buying of political fellow travelers in these states are tools the Kremlin knows how to use. And if Western cohesion cannot be entirely shattered, it is unlikely that Russian interference would provide a new cause celebre around which NATO and the EU might reunite as during the Cold War. Given the tensions in the Gulf and uncertainty of what comes next when or if Mosul and Raqqa fall, Russian influence without the involvement of large number of military forces surely will grow. A further benefit is that if the Trump administration continues to increase forces in the fight against IS, it might be caught in a quagmire.
Time will tell to see how clever Putin may or may not be.
Harlan Ullman is a senior adviser at Washington D.C.'s Atlantic Council and chairman of two private companies. His next book, due out this year, is "Anatomy of Failure: Why America Loses Wars It Starts," which argues that failure to know and to understand the circumstances in which force is used guarantees failure. Follow him on Twitter @harlankullman.
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03/04/17 09:13 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
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mikenova shared this story from BBC News - World. Mr Sisi was not invited to the White House by Barack Obama amid concern over human rights violations.
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03/04/17 09:11 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from World. Afghan officials confirm that at least four provincial intelligence service agents have been killed in an attack by Taliban insurgents in eastern Ghazni province.
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03/04/17 09:10 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from BBC News - World. A small Jewish centre is targeted with Nazi symbols and threatening messages and decides to close.
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03/04/17 09:10 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from Reuters: World News. PARIS (Reuters) - French presidential candidate Francois Fillon, an outsider to win after involvement in financial scandal, said on Monday he would order a parliamentary inquiry into a...
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03/04/17 09:09 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
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03/04/17 09:09 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
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» Poland accuses Russian air traffic controllers over Smolensk air crash
03/04/17 09:09 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from Reuters: World News. WARSAW (Reuters) - Polish prosecutors said on Monday they would press charges against two Russian air traffic controllers of deliberately causing a 2010 plane crash that killed Poland'...
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03/04/17 09:08 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
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» Many Turkish diplomats, soldiers seeking asylum in Germany
03/04/17 09:08 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from Reuters: World News. BERLIN (Reuters) - At least 262 Turkish diplomats and army personnel have applied for asylum in Germany since a failed July coup that Turkey blames on supporters of a U.S.-based cleric...
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03/04/17 09:08 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from World News. President Trump’s senior adviser and son-in-law Jared Kushner arrived in Baghdad in a surprise visit to meet U.S. and Iraqi officials and to receive military briefings on the fight aga...
» Turkey's Erdogan says Turks in Europe should defy 'grandchildren of Nazism'
03/04/17 09:08 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from Reuters: World News. ANKARA (Reuters) - President Tayyip Erdogan on Monday called on Turkish voters in Europe to defy the "grandchildren of Nazism" and back a referendum this month on changing the constitu...
» Saint Petersburg 'bombing': Casualties after explosion on Metro train
03/04/17 09:07 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from News. None
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03/04/17 09:07 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from World. Syrian activists say government forces have intensified their bombardment of opposition-held areas around Damascus and the central city of Hama.
» Blast reported in St Petersburg metro
03/04/17 09:07 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from BBC News - World. Explosion in a St Petersburg metro station, casualties reported - Russian media
» U.S.-Russia Relations Are ‘Worse’ Than During the Cold War, Kremlin Spokesman Says
03/04/17 09:07 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from World – TIME. A Kremlin spokesman said relations between the U.S. and Russia may be more tense than they were during the Cold War . In an interview with ABC’ s This Week on Sunday , spokesman Dmitry ...
» Russian Reports Say Blast Hits St. Petersburg Subway System
03/04/17 09:06 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty. Several Russian media reports say there has been a blast in the St. Petersburg subway system.
» German tourist raped in south India; police search for 2 men
03/04/17 09:06 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from World. Indian police say they are searching for two men suspected of raping a German tourist in the beach town of Mamallapuram in southern India.
» Explosion in St. Petersburg metro; several injured: Life News
03/04/17 09:06 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from Reuters: World News. MOSCOW (Reuters) - An explosion in a metro station in St Petersburg on Monday has injured several people, according to Life News, a news outlet with close ties to Russia's security ser...
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03/04/17 09:05 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from Top Stories - Google News. Politico Trump revives Clinton criticisms in early morning tweets Politico President Donald Trump questioned Monday whether the brother of Hillary Clinton campaign chairman John ...
» Chechen Police Are Rounding Up and Killing Men for Being Gay, Report Says
03/04/17 09:05 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from World – TIME. More than 100 men suspected of being gay have been detained by Chechen authorities in a campaign against homosexuality, according to a report in a Russian newspaper. Novaya Gazeta reported on...
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03/04/17 09:04 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from Top Stories - Google News. USA TODAY Police tell Fla. woman to 'stop calling 911' hours before her death USA TODAY Police told a Florida woman to “stop calling 911” hours before she and her son were fatall...
» 10 Dead in St. Petersburg Subway Explosion: Reports
03/04/17 09:03 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from World – TIME. ST. PETERSBURG, Russia — Russian media is reporting that 10 people are dead in an explosion on a subway train in St. Petersburg. The subway’s administration says several stations ...
» Brothers in arms: Iraqi armed groups grow as Islamic State shrinks
03/04/17 09:03 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from Reuters: World News. MOSUL, Iraq (Reuters) - For Iraqi police officer Jassem and his brothers, the battle against Islamic State is personal. The militants captured and beheaded their father, a Shi'ite mili...
» Police: 3 high school students killed in Swedish bus crash
03/04/17 09:03 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from World. Swedish police say all three people who were killed when a bus skidded off the road and crashed Sunday in central Sweden were high school students.
» St. Petersburg subway press office: Explosive device was set off on a train in Russian city
03/04/17 09:02 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from World. St. Petersburg subway press office: Explosive device was set off on a train in Russian city.
» Document Dump Reveals Flynn's Russian And Turkish Income Sources - TPM
03/04/17 08:54 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from Turkey and Russia - Google News. TPM Document Dump Reveals Flynn's Russian And Turkish Income Sources TPM WASHINGTON (AP) — Former Trump administration national security adviser Michael Flynn has disclosed...
» DNC Chair: Trump, Republican Party Doesn't Care About People - Newsmax
03/04/17 08:54 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from Putin personal dictatorship - Google News. Newsmax DNC Chair: Trump, Republican Party Doesn't Care About People Newsmax As to the protesters the day after the inauguration, all they were were tantrums thro...
» Russians and Americans fighting close together in Syria - Blasting News
03/04/17 08:54 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from syria kurds russia - Google News. Blasting News Russians and Americans fighting close together in Syria Blasting News The United States and Russia are both supporting the Kurdish YPG fighters because they ...
» Syrian Kurdish militia says it's getting Russian training - ClickLancashire
03/04/17 08:54 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from syria kurds russia - Google News. ClickLancashire Syrian Kurdish militia says it's getting Russian training ClickLancashire Russia and the Syrian Kurdish YPG militia have signed a bilateral agreement estab...
» Flynn did not disclose income from Russian companies: White House - Reuters
03/04/17 08:53 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from Russia and US Presidential Elections of 2016 - Google News. Reuters Flynn did not disclose income from Russian companies: White House Reuters The retired general, who was forced to resign after only 24 day...
» Trump's Flynn-flam man seeks immunity deal: Darcy cartoon -
03/04/17 08:51 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from turkish coup 2016 and russia - Google News. Trump's Flynn-flam man seeks immunity deal: Darcy cartoon On Thursday, Flynn, through his attorney, requested immunity before testify...
» Intelligence official who 'unmasked' Trump associates is 'very high up,' source says
03/04/17 07:42 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story . The U.S. intelligence official who “unmasked,” or exposed, the names of multiple private citizens affiliated with the Trump team is someone “very well known, very high up, very senior in the...
» Trump's Flynn-flam man seeks immunity deal: Darcy cartoon
03/04/17 06:53 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from Editorial Cartoons by Jeff Darcy. CLEVELAND, Ohio -- President Donald Trump's call for "extreme vetting" obviously never applied to his former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn. Saturday, The White H...
» Russia condemns US over 'absurd' response to Mosul civilian deaths - CNN
03/04/17 06:46 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from US - Russia relations - Google News. CNN Russia condemns US over 'absurd' response to Mosul civilian deaths CNN Russia's Ministry of Defense issued a statement Sunday that derides US officials' comments ab...
» Conviction of Ukraine's army general causes backlash among military - Kyiv Post
03/04/17 06:45 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from Ukraine - Google News. Kyiv Post Conviction of Ukraine's army general causes backlash among military Kyiv Post On March 27, the Pavlograd district court found General Viktor Nazarov guilty of the death of ...
» Did the US, Turkey reach understanding on Assad? - Al-Monitor
03/04/17 06:44 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from US military options in Syria - Google News. Al-Monitor Did the US , Turkey reach understanding on Assad? Al-Monitor The administration's clarity on Assad allows a more realistic assessment of political and...
» Trump Says US Ready to Act Alone on North Korea
03/04/17 06:42 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from Voice of America. President Donald Trump says that the United States is prepared to act alone if China does not take a tougher stand against North Korea's nuclear program.   Trump's comments in an intervie...
» In Trump's Russia controversy, John McCain sees 'echoes of the Cold War' - Washington Post
03/04/17 06:42 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from Russia - Google News. Washington Post In Trump's Russia controversy, John McCain sees 'echoes of the Cold War' Washington Post Russia's actions, McCain told ABC's Martha Raddatz on “This Week,” are “echoes...
» Russia? No, the Pony in the Manure Is the Corruption of our Intelligence Officials
03/04/17 06:28 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from American Thinker. The Surveillance and “Unmasking” of Trump and his Associates  We learned this week that surveillance of Trump began long before he was the Republican nominee, and that th...
» Trump Son-In-Law, Adviser Arrives In Iraq, U.S. Says
03/04/17 06:10 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty. A senior Trump administration official says that Jared Kushner, President Donald Trump's senior adviser and his son-in-law, has arrived in Iraq with the highest-ranking P...
» Trump's Son-in-Law Visits Iraq
03/04/17 06:09 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from Voice of America. A senior White House official says Jared Kushner, the son-in-law and senior adviser to President Donald Trump, is in Iraq.  The official said Sunday Kushner is traveling with General Jose...
» Ivanov blessed himself when asked on rallies -
03/04/17 06:08 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from sergey ivanov - Google News. Ivanov blessed himself when asked on rallies The special representative of the President on issues of environmental prot...
» Russian region of Chechnya denies mass arrests of gay men -
03/04/17 06:08 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from Russia - Google News. Russian region of Chechnya denies mass arrests of gay men A respected Russian newspaper says it has uncovered information that police in the southern Russian r...
» Путин промахнулся. Пора им пожертвовать - inoСМИ.Ru
03/04/17 06:07 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from Putin and Putinism - News Review. inoСМИ.Ru Путин промахнулся. Пора им пожертвовать inoСМИ.Ru Но Путина интересует не борьба с глобальным потеплением, не экологические вопросы, а геополитические. Россия пр...
» Российского режиссера Сурину жестоко избили в Париже - Московский Комсомолец
03/04/17 06:06 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from В мире – Новости Google. Московский Комсомолец Российского режиссера Сурину жестоко избили в Париже Московский Комсомолец В Париже жестоко избили российского режиссера-документалиста Елену Сурину. В резуль...
» Human Right Watch: Israel Blocking Access to Gaza
03/04/17 05:48 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from Voice of America. An international human rights group on Monday accused Israel of barring foreign researchers from entering the Gaza Strip to document abuses, saying the restrictions call into question Isr...
» Putin says allegations of Russian interference in US election are 'lies' - International Business Times AU
03/04/17 05:47 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from Russia and US Presidential Elections of 2016 - Google News. International Business Times AU Putin says allegations of Russian interference in US election are 'lies' International Business Times AU Meanwhil...
» US Ambassador to UN Says No Question of Russian Interference - U.S. News & World Report
03/04/17 05:47 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from Russia - Google News. U.S. News & World Report US Ambassador to UN Says No Question of Russian Interference U.S. News & World Report Haley said Sunday, April 2, 2017, in an interview aired Sunday on ABC's ...
» What Was Lenin Thinking?
03/04/17 05:46 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from Russia. In the shape of its first leader, the Russian Revolution had a strategic genius it never found again.
» Dwindling Odds of Coincidence
03/04/17 05:44 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from Russia. Connecting the dots, which have been multiplying at an alarming rate.
» Russian Rights Chief Urges Check Of Report Of 'Monstrous' Treatment Of Gays In Chechnya
03/04/17 05:40 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty. The head of the Kremlin human rights council is calling for a "thorough check" of reports that authorities in Russia's North Caucasus republic of Chechnya have been arres...
» Частная разведка США: Зачем Россия разыгрывает политический театр на Балканах - inoСМИ.Ru
03/04/17 05:38 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from россия и запад - Google News. inoСМИ.Ru Частная разведка США: Зачем Россия разыгрывает политический театр на Балканах inoСМИ.Ru После окончания «холодной войны» Сербия, в отличие от многих своих соседствую...
» Science - Wheat Disease - Genes
03/04/17 05:37 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from Voice of America. Cereals such as wheat and barley are important food plants, grown almost everywhere in the world. But they are susceptible to diseases and one of the most damaging is a fungal pathogen th...
» The Chechen Government Is Reportedly Kidnapping And Murdering Gay Men
02/04/17 21:49 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story . Local authorities in Chechnya are behind the disappearance of more than 100 gay men from across the Muslim majority republic, a Russian newspaper reported on Saturday. The revelation came from Novaya Gazeta ,...
» FBI plans to create special unit to co-ordinate Russia probe
02/04/17 17:12 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story . The FBI is planning to create a special section based at its Washington headquarters to co-ordinate its investigation of Russian activities designed to influence the 2016 presidential election, according...
» Gay Men Are Being Rounded Up And...
02/04/17 16:58 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from Google News. Gay Men Are Being Rounded Up And Killed In Chechnya: Report Huffington Post  - ‎1 hour ago‎ A Chechen spokesman denied the report, saying, “You cannot arrest or repress ...
» Fire hits Dubai high-rise complex near world's tallest tower
02/04/17 16:42 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from AP Top News at 4:11 p.m. EDT. DUBAI, United Arab Emirates (AP) -- An inferno burned early Sunday in a high-rise tower complex being built alongside Dubai&apos;s largest mall, its thick black smoke shro...
» CNN's YouTube Videos: Schiff: Trump trying to distract from Russia
02/04/17 16:42 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from 1. VIDEO NEWS from mikenova (64 sites). From: CNN Duration: 02:26 Congressman Adam Schiff (D-CA) discusses the classified documents he reviewed at the White House, purported to be the same ones shown to Ho...
» Middle East News: Bob Dylan finally accepts Nobel prize
02/04/17 16:41 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from 1. Digests from mikenova (32 sites). Bob Dylan accepted the Nobel Prize for Literature at a private ceremony in Stockholm on April 1. The ceremony was attended by 12 academy members. Middle East News
» Stars and Stripes: Israel PM warns enemies at missile defense ceremony
02/04/17 16:40 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from 1. US Security from mikenova (70 sites). David's Sling, meant to counter medium-range missiles possessed by Iranian-backed Hezbollah militants in Lebanon, officially became operational at the ceremony, the...
» trump and russia - Google News: NYT's Maggie Haberman on Trump's Russia denials: 'He is punching at ghosts and hitting himself in the face' - Raw Story
02/04/17 16:26 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from 1. Recent Events Review from mikenova (87 sites). Raw Story NYT's Maggie Haberman on Trump's Russia denials: 'He is punching at ghosts and hitting himself in the face' Raw Story New York Times corresponden...
» World: Israel PM warns enemies at missile defense ceremony
02/04/17 16:26 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from 1. World from mikenova (18 sites). Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is warning Israel’s enemies not to test the Jewish state at a ceremony inaugurating a joint U.S.-Israeli missile interceptor. World
» CNN's YouTube Videos: Tapper: Can anyone tell Trump when he's making a mis...
02/04/17 16:25 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from 1. VIDEO NEWS from mikenova (64 sites). From: CNN Duration: 01:39 Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross discusses President Trump's executive order signing on trade with CNN's Jake Tapper. CNN's YouTube Videos
» Putin Trump - Google News: Putin seeking meeting with Trump - Washington Examiner
02/04/17 16:25 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from 1. Trump from mikenova (130 sites). Washington Examiner Putin seeking meeting with Trump Washington Examiner Russian President Vladimir Putin extended an invitation to meet with President Trump on Sunday t...
» Putin personal dictatorship - Google News: JARED KUSHNER tries to save the country, world, universe -- NEW WAVE of Kennedys make a mark in politics ... - Politico
02/04/17 16:23 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from 1. Russia from mikenova (90 sites). JARED KUSHNER tries to save the country, world, universe -- NEW WAVE of Kennedys make a mark in politics ... Politico MICHAEL CROWLEY on Egypt -- “Trump to welcome Egypt...
» Trump's and Putin's connections with organized crime - Google News: Report: Trump Planned to Meet with Putin Ally - Daily Beast
02/04/17 16:22 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from 1. Trump from mikenova (130 sites). Daily Beast Report: Trump Planned to Meet with Putin Ally Daily Beast A national security official reportedly found out that Alexander Torshin, the deputy governor of th...
» Putin and the Mob - Google News: Report: Trump Planned to Meet with Putin Ally - Daily Beast
02/04/17 16:22 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from 1. Trump from mikenova (130 sites). Daily Beast Report: Trump Planned to Meet with Putin Ally Daily Beast President Donald Trump had planned to meet with a Russian bank executive and Vladimir Putin ally in...
» Trump, Putin and organized crime - Google News: Report: Trump Planned to Meet with Putin Ally - Daily Beast
02/04/17 16:22 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from 1. Trump from mikenova (130 sites). Daily Beast Report: Trump Planned to Meet with Putin Ally Daily Beast A national security official reportedly found out that Alexander Torshin, the deputy governor of th...
» Russia - Google News: Schiff: Trump trying to shift attention from Russia probe - USA TODAY
02/04/17 16:20 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from 1. Russia from mikenova (90 sites). USA TODAY Schiff: Trump trying to shift attention from Russia probe USA TODAY WASHINGTON — The top Democrat on the House intelligence committee said Sunday that Presiden...
» DEBKAFile: Medium-range missile interceptor David’s Sling goes operational
02/04/17 16:20 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from 1. US Security from mikenova (70 sites). April 2, 2017, 5:42 PM (IDT) David’s Sling, jointly developed by Israel and the US to counter medium-range missiles, was ceremonially declared operational Sun...
» fbi - Google News: FBI agent recognized after 25 years of service - SFGate
02/04/17 16:19 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from 1. US Security from mikenova (70 sites). SFGate FBI agent recognized after 25 years of service SFGate "Director Hoover structured the FBI so that any person, any agent in the FBI could always be avail...
» deutschewelleenglish's YouTube Videos: Accidental blast injures 18 in France | DW English
02/04/17 16:17 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from 1. VIDEO NEWS from mikenova (64 sites). From: deutschewelleenglish Duration: 01:16 An explosion rocked a busy carnival in a northeastern suburb of Paris, injuring more than a dozen people, some seriously. ...
» FoxNewsChannel's YouTube Videos: Gingrich on why he supports Flynn's request for immunity
02/04/17 16:14 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from 1. VIDEO NEWS from mikenova (64 sites). From: FoxNewsChannel Duration: 08:04 Former House speaker weighs in on 'Sunday Morning Futures' FoxNewsChannel's YouTube Videos
» Puerto Rico News - Selected Feeds Review: Moscow police detains up to 30 anti-corruption protesters
02/04/17 16:12 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from 1. Digests from mikenova (32 sites). MOSCOW (Reuters) - Police in Moscow detained more than 20 anti-corruption protesters who took to the streets on Sunday in a follow-up of last week's large-scale demonst...
» SvobodaRadio's YouTube Videos: Новые задержания в центре Москвы
02/04/17 15:55 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from 1. Russia from mikenova (90 sites). From: SvobodaRadio Duration: 04:34 В центре Москвы задержаны более 30 участников так называемой "прогулки оппозиции" - еженедельной акции гражданских активистов, которые...
» Putin and Putinism - News Review: Путин пошутил про горячих финских парней - Вести.Ru
02/04/17 15:53 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from 1. Russia from mikenova (90 sites). Вести.Ru Путин пошутил про горячих финских парней Вести.Ru Читать по губам американскому тележурналисту Путин предложил, когда тот дважды спросил, влияла ли Россия на ам...
» Russia - Google News: McCain: Nunes 'killed' bipartisan Russia investigation - Politico
02/04/17 15:52 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from 1. Russia from mikenova (90 sites). Politico McCain: Nunes 'killed' bipartisan Russia investigation Politico Sen. John McCain blamed House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes on Sunday for destroyi...
» Russia News Review: Газета.Ru - Хроника дня: Иванов вступился за "Платон"
02/04/17 15:49 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from 1. Digests from mikenova (32 sites). Спецпредставитель президента России по вопросам природоохранной деятельности, экологии и транспорта Сергей Иванов выступил в поддержку системы "Платон", передает коррес...
» путин – Новости Google: Владимир Путин обвинил Запад в попытках оказать давление на внутриполитическую жизнь в России - Первый канал
02/04/17 15:41 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from 1. Russia from mikenova (90 sites). Первый канал Владимир Путин обвинил Запад в попытках оказать давление на внутриполитическую жизнь в России Первый канал На пленарном заседании Арктического форума была з...
» World Press: Will EU take the lead on two-state solution?
02/04/17 15:40 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from 1. Digests from mikenova (32 sites). The European Union is developing a new Middle East policy, which will not depend on the Trump administration. World Press
» Top Stories - Google News: Texas, Louisiana brace for possible flooding and tornadoes - Tribune-Review
02/04/17 15:39 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from 1. Recent Events Review from mikenova (87 sites). WJCL News Texas, Louisiana brace for possible flooding and tornadoes Tribune-Review DALLAS — A storm system rumbling eastward through Texas toward the lowe...
» NYC to close notorious Rikers jail complex - USA TODAY
02/04/17 15:39 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from Top Stories - Google News. USA TODAY NYC to close notorious Rikers jail complex USA TODAY It is one of those places that people know only as a horrific legend, unless they have a reason to be there. After ...
» Most -- if not all -- of the occupants in the Texas bus crash were wearing seat belts: NTSB - ABC News
02/04/17 15:38 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from Top Stories - Google News. Most -- if not all -- of the occupants in the Texas bus crash were wearing seat belts: NTSB ABC News Most -- if not all -- of the occupants of a bus transporting churchgoers from...
» Bill O'Reilly Thrives at Fox News, Even as Harassment Settlements Add Up - New York Times
02/04/17 15:38 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from Top Stories - Google News. New York Times Bill O'Reilly Thrives at Fox News, Even as Harassment Settlements Add Up New York Times About $13 million has been paid out over the years to address complaints fr...
» Women Got $13 Million in Payouts for Not Pursuing O'Reilly Sexual Harassment Claims: Report - LawNewz
02/04/17 15:37 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from Top Stories - Google News. LawNewz Women Got $13 Million in Payouts for Not Pursuing O'Reilly Sexual Harassment Claims: Report LawNewz In January, Law Newz discovered that former Fox News anchor Juliet Hud...
» Trump's Washington means civil war — for both parties - Washington Post
02/04/17 15:37 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from Top Stories - Google News. Washington Post Trump's Washington means civil war — for both parties Washington Post On Saturday, an aide to President Trump took to Twitter to denounce a renegade House Republi...
» Report: Chechnya police arrest 100 alleged gays, 3 killed - Washington Post
02/04/17 15:36 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from Top Stories - Google News. Washington Post Report: Chechnya police arrest 100 alleged gays, 3 killed Washington Post MOSCOW — A respected Russian newspaper says it has uncovered information that police in ...
» Possible tornado kills 2 in Louisiana - USA TODAY
02/04/17 15:36 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from Top Stories - Google News. USA TODAY Possible tornado kills 2 in Louisiana USA TODAY A violent weather system killed two people in a small Louisiana town Sunday and threatened to spread heavy rains, damagi...
» Thunderstorms, flash flooding headed to New Orleans area, according to National Weather Service -
02/04/17 15:36 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from Top Stories - Google News. Thunderstorms, flash flooding headed to New Orleans area, according to National Weather Service Severe weather, including thunderstorms and a flash flood risk, ...
» 'Press 3' for election interference, Russian ministry voicemail jokes
02/04/17 14:16 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story . 33 9 Share This Story! Let friends in your social network know what you are reading about 'Press 3' for election interference, Russian ministry voicemail jokes Proposed embassy voicemail is for anyone seeking...
» Mike Flynn could finally end Donald Trump's lucky streak
02/04/17 08:05 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story . Donald Trump is lot like a cockroach – and not just because he’s generally chock-full of horse excrement. You can step on the guy all you want, but he always seems to scuttle away completely unsca...
» Trump’s new Russia expert wrote a psychological profile of Vladimir Putin — and it should scare Trump
02/04/17 07:49 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story . Russian President Vladimir Putin, November 2016. (Alexei Druzhinin/Sputnik, Kremlin Pool Photo via AP) MR. PUTIN: Operative in the Kremlin By Fiona Hill and Clifford G. Gaddy Brookings Institution Press. 533 ...
» Putting Trump on the couch
02/04/17 07:27 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story . Several months ago I wrote a piece asking whether impeachment is in the future for U.S President Donald Trump. I began by comparing his behaviour to someone with a narcissistic personality disorder: fragile s...
» Trump tells NBC to stop covering Russia story - The Hill
02/04/17 07:26 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from Top Stories - Google News. The Hill Trump tells NBC to stop covering Russia story The Hill President Trump on Saturday called for NBC News to devote more attention to his unproven claims that President Oba...
» US Marine arrested in San Bernardino County double homicide - U.S.
01/04/17 21:49 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from Gale feed. An active duty Marine with ties to Sacramento was arrested Thursday for allegedly killing two women in their San Bernardino County home. Social media accounts under the name of 22-year-old Rafae...
» Stars and Stripes: US Marine arrested in San Bernardino County double homicide
01/04/17 21:46 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from 1. US Security from mikenova (70 sites). An active duty Marine with ties to Sacramento was arrested Thursday for allegedly killing two women in their San Bernardino County home. Stars and Stripes
» Call the Russian Embassy; press 3 for 'election interference'
01/04/17 21:45 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks Review. mikenova shared this story from World. An April Fools' Day special from Moscow.
» Syrian Army Foils Attack by Nusra Front in Lattakia Countryside - Al-Manar TV
01/04/17 21:44 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from nusra front - Google News. Al-Manar TV Syrian Army Foils Attack by Nusra Front in Lattakia Countryside Al-Manar TV SANA news agency reported that an army unit engaged in fierce clashes with a terrorist gro...
» Opinion: Yemen's shameful war - Deutsche Welle
01/04/17 21:43 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from Yemen - Google News. Deutsche Welle Opinion: Yemen's shameful war Deutsche Welle They would otherwise not be able to reach their targets in Yemen . Britain and the US are selling weapons, including interna...
» Trump Needs a Brain - New York Times
01/04/17 21:40 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from trump - Google News. New York Times Trump Needs a Brain New York Times THE series of columns I've been writing lately, floating implausible proposals for an ideologically unstable age, has been a useful wa...
» Стали известны подробности драки Януковича с Путиным и Медведевым - GORDONUA.COM
01/04/17 21:38 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from путин – Новости Google. GORDONUA.COM Стали известны подробности драки Януковича с Путиным и Медведевым GORDONUA.COM В ходе затянувшегося за полночь ужина Янукович пытался украсть меховые шапки Путина и Мед...
» Chechen Authorities Arresting and Killing Gay Men, Russian Paper Says
01/04/17 21:37 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from Russia. More than 100 gay men had been detained, the newspaper said. It said it had the names of three murder victims, and that it suspected many others had died in extrajudicial killings.
» PBS NewsHour Weekend full episode April 1, 2017
01/04/17 21:36 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from PBSNewsHour's YouTube Videos. From: PBSNewsHour Duration: 25:04 On this edition for Saturday, April 1, key members of the Trump administration make financial disclosures and Venezuela undergoes a const...
» Putin: Tycoon Deripaska accused of ties with Trump's aide should speak in Congress - RT
01/04/17 21:35 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from trump russian ties - Google News. RT Putin: Tycoon Deripaska accused of ties with Trump's aide should speak in Congress RT Russian officials have "many times offered the US Congress and Senate to visi...
» Russian Hacking And The Baltic States – Analysis - Eurasia Review
01/04/17 21:35 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from Russia influence in Eastern Europe - Google News. Eurasia Review Russian Hacking And The Baltic States – Analysis Eurasia Review Long before the recent US presidential campaign, many Western European and A...
» A Beginner's Guide to the Trump/Russia Controversy - National Review
01/04/17 21:34 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from putin won US 2016 election - Google News. National Review A Beginner's Guide to the Trump/Russia Controversy National Review The controversy over Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election , su...
» Warren: A psychiatrist dives into Trump's mental state — leaving more questions about the society that elected him - Woodstock Sentinel Review
01/04/17 21:34 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from psychoanalysis of Donald Trump - Google News. Warren: A psychiatrist dives into Trump's mental state — leaving more questions about the society that elected him Woodstock Sentinel Review Several months ago...
» Obama spying looks even worse than Trump claimed -
01/04/17 21:34 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from morell on trump - Google News. Obama spying looks even worse than Trump claimed Sources in the intelligence community claim the potentially illegal revealing of names, or unmasking, of peop...
» Spy chiefs were 'worried by Michael Flynn's ties with Moscow' BEFORE he was appointed Trump's National Security ... - The Sun
01/04/17 21:33 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from michael flynn - Google News. The Sun Spy chiefs were 'worried by Michael Flynn's ties with Moscow' BEFORE he was appointed Trump's National Security ... The Sun INTELLIGENCE officials were concerned about ...
» Lawmakers: Too soon to weigh any Michael Flynn immunity request - Newsday
01/04/17 21:33 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from michael flynn - Google News. Newsday Lawmakers: Too soon to weigh any Michael Flynn immunity request Newsday WASHINGTON — Lawmakers on congressional intelligence panels said Friday it is too soon to consid...
» Trump's White House struggles to get out from under Russia controversy - Washington Post
01/04/17 21:32 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from trump and russia - Google News. Washington Post Trump's White House struggles to get out from under Russia controversy Washington Post President Trump entered his 11th week in office Friday in crisis mode,...
» Here's what we know so far about Team Trump's ties to Russian interests - Washington Post
01/04/17 21:32 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from russia helping trump - Google News. Washington Post Here's what we know so far about Team Trump's ties to Russian interests Washington Post Congress and U.S. intelligence agencies are scrutinizing connecti...
» The Walls Close In On Trump - Daily Beast
01/04/17 21:32 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from Trump and the Mob - Google News. Daily Beast The Walls Close In On Trump Daily Beast Occam's Razor is the logical principle that the simplest explanation is usually the best. And the notion that Trump's in...
» Company linked to Trump-Russian dossier has its own Kremlin connection, US senator says - Fox News
01/04/17 21:31 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from russian organized crime in us - Google News. Fox News Company linked to Trump- Russian dossier has its own Kremlin connection, US senator says Fox News The Global Magnitsky Act, which is named for an attor...
» Russia 'mobilised thousand-strong troll army' during US elections - The New Arab
01/04/17 21:31 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from US elections and russia - Google News. The New Arab Russia 'mobilised thousand-strong troll army' during US elections The New Arab Russian meddling in last year's US presidential elections was bolstered by...
» Company linked to Trump-Russian dossier has its own Kremlin ... - Fox News
01/04/17 21:30 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from trump russia ties - Google News. Fox News Company linked to Trump-Russian dossier has its own Kremlin ... Fox News The company that created a discredited dossier for President Trump's campaign rivals and w...
» Is President Donald Trump Considering Resignation? -
01/04/17 21:30 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from Donald Trump - Google News. Is President Donald Trump Considering Resignation? On 31 March 2017, a number of web sites (including Opposing Views and Proud Liberal) posted articles rep...
» Donald Trump and Russia: what we learned this week - The Guardian
01/04/17 21:28 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from donald trump russia - Google News. CNN Donald Trump and Russia : what we learned this week The Guardian Discerning the ties between Donald Trump and Russia was already a complex task. But the second-order ...
» Mike Flynn could finally end Donald Trump's lucky streak - The Independent
01/04/17 21:28 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from calls for Comey's resignation - Google News. The Independent Mike Flynn could finally end Donald Trump's lucky streak The Independent Cabinet resignations , court defeats, legislative setbacks, thousan...
» Putin's greatest success: We may never all agree on the truth behind Russiagate - Salon
01/04/17 21:28 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from trump and putin - Google News. Salon Putin's greatest success: We may never all agree on the truth behind Russiagate Salon It's a commonly overheard conspiracy theory these days, one peddled by InfoWars ra...
» Business Empire Leaves Trump Family With Web of Conflicts - New York Times
01/04/17 21:26 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from trump under federal investigation - Google News. New York Times Business Empire Leaves Trump Family With Web of Conflicts New York Times Unlike Mr. Trump , who is exempt from conflict of interest laws, bot...
» More Than Half of All Americans Want an Independent Probe Into Trump's Ties to Russia - TIME
01/04/17 21:26 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from donald trump russia - Google News. TIME More Than Half of All Americans Want an Independent Probe Into Trump's Ties to Russia TIME (NEW YORK) — A slim majority of Americans favor an independent investigati...
» REVEALED: Mike Flynn hid Russian state media payments from the US government - Raw Story
01/04/17 21:24 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from michael flynn - Google News. Raw Story REVEALED: Mike Flynn hid Russian state media payments from the US government Raw Story The links between Michael Flynn and Russia grew a little stronger on Friday aft...
» FBI 'conducting investigation on Trump campaign officials' - Daily Mail
01/04/17 21:23 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from trump investigated by the fbi - Google News. Daily Mail FBI 'conducting investigation on Trump campaign officials' Daily Mail FBI chief James Comey confirmed last week that he would be investigating Trump'...
» Trump – Russia Ties: How Did Vladimir Putin Rig US 2016 Election Results? - The Inquisitr
01/04/17 21:23 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from putin won US 2016 election - Google News. The Inquisitr Trump – Russia Ties: How Did Vladimir Putin Rig US 2016 Election Results? The Inquisitr With both House and Senate committees looking into Trump Russ...
» Michael Flynn did not initially reveal income from Russia-related entities on his personal financial disclosure - Washington Post
01/04/17 21:23 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from michael flynn - Google News. Washington Post Michael Flynn did not initially reveal income from Russia-related entities on his personal financial disclosure Washington Post Before resigning under pressure ...
» Paul Ryan: US has “special responsibility” to protect allies from Russian meddling - Normangee Star
01/04/17 21:22 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from Russia influence in Eastern Europe - Google News. Normangee Star Paul Ryan: US has “special responsibility” to protect allies from Russian meddling Normangee Star “Because with Russian Federation trying to...
» Byron York: Senate committee targets FBI No. 2 in Trump dossier probe - Washington Examiner
01/04/17 21:22 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from trump investigated by the fbi - Google News. Washington Examiner Byron York: Senate committee targets FBI No. 2 in Trump dossier probe Washington Examiner Grassley began his investigation after the Washing...
» Michael Flynn Failed to Disclose Income From Russia-Linked Entities - New York Times
01/04/17 21:21 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from michael flynn - Google News. New York Times Michael Flynn Failed to Disclose Income From Russia-Linked Entities New York Times Michael T. Flynn , the former national security adviser, in January. Mr. Flynn...
» Confused by the Trump Surveillance Drama? Here's a Timeline - New York Times
01/04/17 21:20 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from james b. comey - Google News. New York Times Confused by the Trump Surveillance Drama? Here's a Timeline New York Times At the first public hearing in the House investigation, James B . Comey , the directo...
» Army Reserve soldier bought gun minutes before killing 3, himself
01/04/17 21:17 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from Stars and Stripes. In the span of about an hour, Army reservist Tres Peterson bought a gun, drove to his ex-fiancee's home, fatally shot her, her mother, a family friend and their family dog, then turned t...
» The Snake Pit: Updates on the Investigations of Foreign Interference in 2016 US Presidential Elections - April 2017
01/04/17 21:14 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from The U.S. and Global Security Review. Updates on the  Investigation of Foreign Interference in 2016 US Presidential Elections     Part 1 - March 2017:  Trump affair as the crisis of the ...
» FBI investigating Trump associates' Russia ties from as early as March 2016 - CBS News
01/04/17 21:14 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from fbi - Google News. CBS News FBI investigating Trump associates' Russia ties from as early as March 2016 CBS News April 1, 2017, 7:10 AM | The federal investigation into communications between members of Pr...
» Russia pokes fun at election hacking accusations
01/04/17 21:07 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from DEBKAFile. April 1, 2017, 5:11 PM (IDT) Need some election interference? The Russian Foreign Ministry is ready to help — or so it says in its Facebook April Fools' Day message, offering an audio file...
» How a Reporter Outed Undercover Accounts Likely Belonging to FBI Boss James Comey - Fortune
01/04/17 21:05 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from fbi - Google News. Fortune How a Reporter Outed Undercover Accounts Likely Belonging to FBI Boss James Comey Fortune You don't have to be an expert computer cracker to be a great sleuth. There's likely alr...
» WikiLeaks exposes how CIA masks hacks to blame foreign countries -
01/04/17 21:05 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from cia - Google News. WikiLeaks exposes how CIA masks hacks to blame foreign countries (Washington Examiner) WikiLeaks on Friday released what it claims to be a stolen CIA code that would prev...
» What Lies Behind Flynn's Public Request for Immunity?
01/04/17 21:05 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from Lawfare - Hard National Security Choices. Lawfare readers are surely aware that on Thursday, the lawyer for former national security adviser Michael T. Flynn went public with a statement seeking immunity f...
» News Reviews and Opinions: Rex Tillerson's Complaint: "Lavrov won't dance!" P...
01/04/17 21:03 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from The U.S. and Global Security Review. News Reviews and Opinions: Rex Tillerson's Complaint: "Lavrov won't dance!" P... : Fred Astaire - I Won't Dance, from Roberta Rex Tillerson: Lavrov won't dance: not all...
» Buffalo man charged with striking security gates at One FBI Plaza - Buffalo News
01/04/17 21:03 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from fbi - Google News. Buffalo News Buffalo man charged with striking security gates at One FBI Plaza Buffalo News A Buffalo man has been arrested for a Thursday night incident in which a vehicle struck two se...
» U.S. Senator Seeks Probe Of Firm Linked To Russia Dossier
01/04/17 21:02 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty. A leading Republican U.S. senator has called for deeper Justice Department investigations into the Washington lobbying firm connected to the explosive dossier compiled on...
» White House Accepts ‘Political Reality’ of Assad’s Grip on Power in Syria
01/04/17 21:01 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from NYT > World. Remarks by the White House press secretary made it clear that President Trump has abandoned the goal of forcing President Bashar al-Assad of Syria from office.
» Hands raised, Trump aides rush to try to testify on Russia
01/04/17 20:54 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from AP Top News at 8:48 p.m. EDT. WASHINGTON (AP) -- Their reputations at risk, a coterie of President Donald Trump&apos;s associates caught up in the swirling debate about Trump and Russia are turning to ...
» Russia Accuses NATO Of 'Slander' As U.S. Denounces 'Russian Aggression'
01/04/17 20:52 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty. Russia has accused the United States and its allies of "slander" as the U.S. top diplomat and Pentagon chief denounced Russia’s actions in Ukraine and elsewhere.
» Bestiality crimes targeted by new state laws, FBI reporting
01/04/17 20:49 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from AP Top News at 7:34 p.m. EDT. COLUMBUS, Ohio (AP) -- As Salvador Rendon was being arraigned last year on charges he had engaged for years in sexual intercourse with dogs, animal-rights activists descended ...
» 'Press 3' for election interference, Russian ministry voicemail jokes - USA TODAY
01/04/17 20:47 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from World - Google News. USA TODAY 'Press 3' for election interference, Russian ministry voicemail jokes USA TODAY In a cheeky bout of April Fools' Day fun, the Russian foreign ministry has posted a proposed v...
» AP-NORC Poll: Majority of Americans favor Russia probe
01/04/17 20:46 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from AP Top News at 7:34 p.m. EDT. NEW YORK (AP) -- A slim majority of Americans favor an independent investigation into the Trump campaign&apos;s ties with the Russian government, according to a new poll b...
» Russia Detains Suspect In Deadly Chechnya Base Attack
01/04/17 20:35 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty. Russia's Investigative Committee says it has detained a suspect in connection with a March 24 attack on a military base in Chechnya.
» Russia Launches Criminal Probe Into Protest Calls
01/04/17 20:34 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty. The Russian government has opened a criminal investigation against the unidentified people who have called for an unsanctioned anticorruption demonstration in Moscow on A...
» AP-NORC Poll: Most Americans want independent Russia probe
01/04/17 20:32 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from AP Top News at 7:34 p.m. EDT. NEW YORK (AP) -- A slim majority of Americans favor an independent investigation into the Trump campaign&apos;s ties with the Russian government, according to a new poll b...
» Chechen Spokesman Rejects Reports Of Persecution Of Gays
01/04/17 20:30 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty. The press spokesman for Chechen Republic head Ramzan Kadyrov has rejected a recent report in Novaya Gazeta charging that homosexuals are persecuted in the North Caucasus ...
» With Trump approval, Pentagon expands warfighting authority
01/04/17 20:29 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from AP Top News at 7:34 p.m. EDT. WASHINGTON (AP) -- Week by week, country by country, the Pentagon is quietly seizing more control over warfighting decisions, sending hundreds more troops to war with little p...
» Call the Russian Embassy. Press 3 for 'election interference.' - Washington Post
01/04/17 20:24 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from Russia - Google News. Washington Post Call the Russian Embassy. Press 3 for 'election interference.' Washington Post For April Fools' Day, the Russian Foreign Ministry put out an “official joke” — a video ...
» Rex Tillerson wins applause, literally, in NATO debut – POLITICO
01/04/17 15:32 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story . Facing a skeptical crowd of fellow foreign ministers during his first visit to NATO, Rex Tillerson won applause for lunchtime remarks about the need for strength and unity in dealing with Russian President Vl...
» Flynn immunity offer hangs over...
01/04/17 11:58 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from Google News. Flynn immunity offer hangs over Russia investigators WLS  - ‎1 hour ago‎ White House press secretary Sean Spicer says that President Trump believes Michael Flynn should testif...
» Trump calls out 'sleepy eyes' Chuck...
01/04/17 11:56 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from Google News. Trump calls out 'sleepy eyes' Chuck Todd, slams 'fake news media' USA TODAY  - ‎1 hour ago‎ President Trump again directed his weekly Saturday breakfast tweets at the media, t...
» Questions, Answers About the Legal...
01/04/17 10:43 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from Google News. Questions, Answers About the Legal Immunity Process U.S. News & World Report  - ‎7 hours ago‎ Questions and answers about the granting of immunity from prosecution by Cong...
» Беглый Янукович распоясался: дважды ударил по лицу Путина и избил Медведева ::
01/04/17 10:17 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from Все новости : - новости Донбасса. Сегодня ночью в Сочи во вре&...
» Army Reserve soldier bought gun minutes before killing 3, himself - Army
01/04/17 10:05 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from Gale feed. CANTON, Ohio (Tribune News Service) — In the span of about an hour, Army reservist Tres Peterson bought a gun, drove to his ex-fiancee's home, fatally shot her, her mother, a family friend...
» Tillerson pressures allies on...
01/04/17 09:59 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from Google News. Tillerson pressures allies on defense-budget targets Arkansas Online  - ‎1 hour ago‎ British Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson (left) talks Friday with Secretary of State Rex Ti...
» felix sater trump - Google Search
01/04/17 06:25 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story . Why FBI Can't Tell All on Trump , Russia WhoWhatWhy / RealNewsProject (blog) - Mar 27, 2017 Felix Sater fits all of these categories. A convicted felon, Sater worked in Trump Tower, made business deals with D...
» Company linked to Trump-Russian...
01/04/17 00:05 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from Google News. Company linked to Trump-Russian dossier has its own Kremlin connection, US senator says Fox News  - ‎3 hours ago‎ The company that created a discredited dossier for President ...
» President Trump’s Leaky Ship of State
31/03/17 23:56 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story . Near the top of President Trump’s enemies list, along with the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit and Nordstrom, are the leakers who fuel his “running war” with the media. ...
» 8 mysterious Russian deaths since US election - YouTube
31/03/17 23:45 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story . Published on Mar 31, 2017 Former FBI agent Clint Watts says the mysterious deaths of eight prominent Russians could be linked to Russia's interference in the US elections. CNN's Elise Labott reports.
» Gilbert Baker, Inventor of Gay Rights Rainbow Flag, Dies at 65
31/03/17 23:33 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from Voice of America. Gilbert Baker, a San Francisco-based activist and artist best known for creating the rainbow flag representing gay rights, has died at the age of 65, his longtime friend announced on soci...
» Sen. Grassley Demands Information on the FBI and British from the Firm Behind the ’Dodgy Dossier’ Against Trump
31/03/17 23:32 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story . PRESS RELEASE Sen. Grassley Demands Information on the FBI and British from the Firm Behind the ’Dodgy Dossier’ Against Trump March 28, 2017 (EIRNS)—On March 27, Sen. Charles Grassley, Chair...
» Anti-Trump Cabal Wants Third World War, Prominent German Warns
31/03/17 23:29 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story . PRESS RELEASE Anti-Trump Cabal Wants Third World War, Prominent German Warns March 29, 2017 (EIRNS)—Wolfgang Bittner, prominent author of books and articles in Germany, has harsh commentaries on NATO an...
» Former NSA director says Russia was involved in 2016 election
31/03/17 23:10 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story . Former National Security Director Gen. Keith Alexander told members of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence in a Thursday afternoon hearing on Russian meddling in the 2016 election cycle that he believ...
» FBI probing whether Trump aides helped Russian intel in early 2016
31/03/17 20:38 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story . CBS News has learned that U.S. investigators are looking into whether Trump campaign representatives had a role in helping Russian intelligence as it carried out cyberattacks on the Democratic National Commit...
» World News Review: Tillerson Talks Tough With NATO Allies Over Military Spending
31/03/17 20:30 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from 1. Digests from mikenova (32 sites). The Trump administration kept its European allies on edge by dispatching Secretary of State Rex Tillerson with new and tougher demands that NATO members boost military ...
» Russia News Review: RT - Daily news: ‘Harder for third parties to penetrate’: Pornhub, YouPorn up security to protect user privacy
31/03/17 20:30 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from 1. Digests from mikenova (32 sites). Adult website Pornhub has announced that it is now fully encrypted by default, following the US Republican representatives’ decision to allow Internet Service Providers...
» Russia News Review: Sputnik International - Breaking News & Analysis - Radio, Photos, Videos, Infographics: Germany Launches Spying Probe Into Turkish Religious Official
31/03/17 20:29 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from 1. Digests from mikenova (32 sites). German prosecutors are looking into Halife Keskin, a top official at Turkey’s state-run religious affairs agency Diyanet, on suspicion his agency was spying on ethnic T...
» World News Review: Schiff: Info I saw at White House is what Nunes saw
31/03/17 20:28 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from 1. Digests from mikenova (32 sites). Former national security adviser Michael Flynn's offer to testify in return for immunity from prosecution hovered over the investigations Friday into Russia's communica...
» CNN's YouTube Videos: Trump leaves without signing executive orders
31/03/17 20:25 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from 1. VIDEO NEWS from mikenova (64 sites). From: CNN Duration: 01:01 President Trump appears to leave an executive order signing ceremony without having actually signed the orders. CNN's YouTube Videos
» Opinions Review In Brief: Opinions: This Watergate lawmaker set the standard for slavish loyalty. Then came Nunes.
31/03/17 20:24 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from 1. Digests from mikenova (32 sites). The House Intelligence Committee chairman demonstrates he’s in over his head. Opinions Opinions Review In Brief
» Global Opinions: Every day a new Russian revelation. That’s not as bizarre as it sounds.
31/03/17 20:23 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from 1. Opinions from mikenova (37 sites). Russian meddling is ubiquitous — and hitting France hardest. Global Opinions
» Russian Intelligence services and organized crime - Google News: Report: Price Bought Drug Companies Stocks on Same Day He Tried to Help Them - Daily Beast
31/03/17 20:21 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from 1. Trump from mikenova (130 sites). Daily Beast Report: Price Bought Drug Companies Stocks on Same Day He Tried to Help Them Daily Beast U.S. Health and Human Services Secretary Tom Price reportedly bought...
» organized crime and Russian intelligence - Google News: Report: Price Bought Drug Companies Stocks on Same Day He Tried to Help Them - Daily Beast
31/03/17 20:20 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from 1. Trump from mikenova (130 sites). Daily Beast Report: Price Bought Drug Companies Stocks on Same Day He Tried to Help Them Daily Beast U.S. Health and Human Services Secretary Tom Price reportedly bought...
» Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks Review: trump and russia - Google News: The most powerful members of the Trump administration disagree with him about Russia - Vox
31/03/17 20:20 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from 1. Digests from mikenova (32 sites). mikenova shared this story from 1. Recent Events Review from mikenova (87 sites). Vox The most powerful members of the Trump administration disagree with him about Russ...
» Teacher, missing student were spotted soon after vanishing - New York Post
31/03/17 20:20 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from Top Stories - Google News. Teacher, missing student were spotted soon after vanishing New York Post Tad Cummins, 50, and Elizabeth Thomas, 15, were captured on camera buying food at the store in Oklahoma C...
» Russia and US Presidential Elections of 2016 - Google News: Trump calls Russia probe 'witch hunt' as Flynn seeks immunity - Press TV
31/03/17 20:19 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from Russia Review by Topics from mikenova (28 sites). Press TV Trump calls Russia probe 'witch hunt' as Flynn seeks immunity Press TV The FBI, as well as the Senate and House intelligence committees, are inves...
» NYT > Opinion: Opinion: Trump Is President. Now Encrypt Your Email.
31/03/17 20:18 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from 1. Opinions from mikenova (37 sites). The president has praised hackers and called for Edward Snowden’s execution. You don’t have to be paranoid to get serious about information security. NYT > Opinion
» NYT > Contributing Writers: Trump Is President. Now Encrypt Your Email.
31/03/17 20:18 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from 1. Opinions from mikenova (37 sites). The president has praised hackers and called for Edward Snowden’s execution. You don’t have to be paranoid to get serious about information security.... NYT > Contribu...
» Trump and Russia - Google News: The attempted cover-up of Donald Trump's relationship with Russia is slowly falling apart - Raw Story
31/03/17 20:07 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from 1. Trump from mikenova (130 sites). Raw Story The attempted cover-up of Donald Trump's relationship with Russia is slowly falling apart Raw Story As the Trump Russia story continues to stutter forward, com...
» The attempted cover-up of Donald Trump’s relationship with Russia is slowly falling apart
31/03/17 20:05 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from Raw Story. Michael Winship, Moyers & Company 31 Mar 2017 at 15:13 ET                     AddThis Sharing Buttons Share to Twitter Twitter Share to Face...
» donald trump russia - Google News: The attempted cover-up of Donald Trump's relationship with Russia is slowly falling apart - Raw Story
31/03/17 20:04 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from 1. Trump from mikenova (130 sites). Raw Story The attempted cover-up of Donald Trump's relationship with Russia is slowly falling apart Raw Story As the Trump Russia story continues to stutter forward, com...
» Stars and Stripes: Navy promotes SEAL commander in defiance of Congress
31/03/17 20:03 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from 1. US Security from mikenova (70 sites). In defiance of Congress, the Navy has granted a retroactive promotion, back pay and a bigger pension to an admiral whom lawmakers forced to retire last year after m...
» World News Review: Trump backs Flynn’s call for immunity in Russia probes
31/03/17 20:02 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from 1. Digests from mikenova (32 sites). President calls investigations into election interference a ‘witch hunt’ World News Review
» trump anxiety - Google News: Trump's approach to intel agencies shows anxiety, distrust - ABC News
31/03/17 20:01 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from 1. Trump from mikenova (130 sites). Trump's approach to intel agencies shows anxiety , distrust ABC News Trump's approach to dealing with the nation's spy agencies appears to be based, at least in part, on...
» US elections and russia - Google News: Election meddling: When Russia returns, will the US be ready? - Christian Science Monitor
31/03/17 20:01 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from 1. Recent Events Review from mikenova (87 sites). Christian Science Monitor Election meddling: When Russia returns, will the US be ready? Christian Science Monitor Because Russia is almost certain to repea...
» World – TIME: Israel Will Limit West Bank Settlement Construction in a Nod to President Trump
31/03/17 20:00 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from 1. World from mikenova (18 sites). (JERUSALEM) — Israel will limit new settlement construction in the West Bank “when possible” to within areas already developed or at least to contiguous...
» trump anxiety - Google News: Trump's approach to intel agencies shows anxiety, distrust - KSN-TV
31/03/17 20:00 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from 1. Trump from mikenova (130 sites). KSN-TV Trump's approach to intel agencies shows anxiety , distrust KSN-TV Trump's approach to dealing with the nation's spy agencies appears to be based, at least in par...
» Putin - Google News: Preparing for WAR? Poland to sign £6.1 BILLION missile defence deal amid Putin threat -
31/03/17 20:00 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from 1. Russia from mikenova (90 sites). Preparing for WAR? Poland to sign £6.1 BILLION missile defence deal amid Putin threat Poland to sign £6.1 BILLION missile defence deal amid P...
» Trump personality profile - Google News: Trump's words betray his true intent - Kansas City Star (blog)
31/03/17 19:59 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from 1. Trump from mikenova (130 sites). Trump's words betray his true intent Kansas City Star (blog) As Celinda Lake, a longtime Democratic strategist, once commented, Trump not only bites back when he feels a...
» Russia international behavior - Google News: The Russia/Flynn/Freedom Caucus vortex of questions and tension at the White House - WZVN-TV
31/03/17 19:59 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from 1. Russia from mikenova (90 sites). WZVN-TV The Russia /Flynn/Freedom Caucus vortex of questions and tension at the White House WZVN-TV WASHINGTON (CNN) -- As another frenzied Washington week closes, the W...
» Opinions: This one weird trick can solve all of Trump’s problems
31/03/17 19:58 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from 1. Opinions from mikenova (37 sites). If you can’t eliminate an issue, just eliminate any mention of it. Opinions
» Latest From the Wilson Center: Russia Is a Political Hazard Zone
31/03/17 19:58 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from 1. Russia from mikenova (90 sites). Russia has not seen a protest of this size since 2012 or earlier: on March 26, tens of thousands of people went out into the streets to show their indignation at governm...
» police officers in Des Moines - Google News: Ankeny police: Man attacked ex, held knife near kids and officers -
31/03/17 19:56 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from 1. Recent Events Review from mikenova (87 sites). Ankeny police : Man attacked ex, held knife near kids and officers A Des Moines man violated a no-contact order...
» Comey - Google News: Journalist says she's found Twitter account of Comey - The Detroit News
31/03/17 19:56 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from 1. Trump from mikenova (130 sites). Washington Times Journalist says she's found Twitter account of Comey The Detroit News FBI Director James Comey as he pauses while speaking at the Intelligence and Natio...
» Voice of America: Civilian Deaths in Iraq, Syria Undercut US Victories
31/03/17 19:55 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from 1. Russia from mikenova (90 sites). Islamic State group and al-Qaida-linked militants are quickly moving to drum up outrage over a spike in civilian casualties said to have been caused by U.S. airstrikes i...
» clinton - Google News: Hillary Clinton returns to the spotlight in signature style — with caution - Los Angeles Times
31/03/17 19:55 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from 1. Recent Events Review from mikenova (87 sites). Los Angeles Times Hillary Clinton returns to the spotlight in signature style — with caution Los Angeles Times Hillary Clinton is playing to form as she ed...
» trump russian ties - Google News: Putin: Tycoon Deripaska accused of ties with Trump's aide should speak in Congress - RT
31/03/17 19:54 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from 1. Trump from mikenova (130 sites). RT Putin: Tycoon Deripaska accused of ties with Trump's aide should speak in Congress RT Russian officials have "many times offered the US Congress and Senate to vi...
» trump psychological profile - Google News: Trump's new Russia expert wrote a psychological profile of Vladimir Putin — and it should scare Trump - Washington Post
31/03/17 19:14 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from 1. Trump from mikenova (130 sites). Washington Post Trump's new Russia expert wrote a psychological profile of Vladimir Putin — and it should scare Trump Washington Post Fiona Hill, the incoming senior dir...
» US - Russia relations reassessment - Google News: Putin Ready to Meet Trump at Arctic Summit - Normangee Star
31/03/17 19:13 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from Russia Review by Topics from mikenova (28 sites). Normangee Star Putin Ready to Meet Trump at Arctic Summit Normangee Star Putin warned that the attempt of some US political forces to bring US - Russian re...
» Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks Review: Putin fears Clinton - Google News: When America toes Moscow's line -
31/03/17 19:13 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from 1. My Blogs from mikenova (19 sites). mikenova shared this story from 1. Recent Events Review from mikenova (87 sites). When America toes Moscow's line At times, the Obama administr...
» National Security: Requests for immunity, as Michael Flynn sought, are rarely granted
31/03/17 19:12 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from 1. US Security from mikenova (70 sites). President Trump’s former national security adviser wants immunity before testifying on Russia before Congress. National Security
» Voice of America: Incremental Progress Made Toward Syrian Peace Deal, Envoy Says
31/03/17 19:12 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from 1. Russia from mikenova (90 sites). Staffan de Mistura has been trying for nearly three years to achieve a political settlement to end Syria's civil war, which has just entered its seventh year. The U.N. s...
» Russia influence in Eastern Europe - Google News: Russian Hacking And The Baltic States – Analysis - Eurasia Review
31/03/17 19:11 from Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
mikenova shared this story from 1. Trump from mikenova (130 sites). Eurasia Review Russian Hacking And The Baltic States – Analysis Eurasia Review Long before the recent US presidential campaign, many Western European and American leader...

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