The "Unholy Alliance"
Russia, China, Iran and Latin America
Counter-Terrorism: Mossad Versus Quds In South America

Updated on Thursday, November 7, 2013
Counter-Terrorism: Mossad Versus Quds In South America
- Reports: Iran Recruiting Jihadists, Sponsoring Terror Through Latin American Embassies - Breitbart
- Joseph Humire: Iran's Embassies in Latin America Function More as Intelligence Centers - ASHARQ AL-AWSAT
- Iran Expanding Terror Network In Latin America
- Iran's Strategic Penetration of Latin America: Joseph M. Humire, Ilan Berman, Marta Lucía Ramírez, Leonardo Coutinho, Joel Hirst, Diego C. Naveira, Julián M. Obiglio, Adrián Oliva, Alex Pérez, Jon B. Perdue, Martin Rodil, Iván Witker: 9780739182666: Books
- Iran's foreign minister begins Latin America tour with Cuba visit | TheHill
- iran and latin america - Google Search
- News - iran and latin america - Google Search
- Mohammad-Javad Zarif - Google Search
- News - Mohammad-Javad Zarif - Google Search
- Rep. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen - Google Search
- News - Rep. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen - Google Search
Global Challenges
“They operate deliberately in the Western Hemisphere as part of their broader global strategies. The most concerning of them is Russia, which portrays the United States in our theater as unreliable and as withdrawing from this pivotal region,” Tidd said.
Security in the Western Hemisphere connects directly to other parts of the world, the admiral said.
“Smuggling networks run through South America directly into our homeland [and] foreign terrorist fighters flow from the Caribbean to Syria and to Iraq,” Tidd added.
As part of its global strategy, he said, Russia tries to discredit U.S. reliability as a trustworthy partner in the United States’ own region.
“These issues transcend artificial boundaries and demand a transregional, united response,” the admiral said.

11/7/2013, 5.9.15
The The "Unholy Alliance" Google Images | Unholy Alliance - GS | Unholy Alliance - G Videos
by Mike Nova
The New "Unholy Alliance" is (as always IMVHASPO) a more or less loose and informal conglomerate of certain:
1) criminal organisations and specifically of their subtype of international drug trafficking organisations,
2) Intelligence Services of some countries and
3) various types of religious fundamentalist groups, ideologically and "theologically", to the point of rabid hatred, opposed to the World Gay Rights Movement and paradigm as the most evident and emotionally evocative expression of the Western liberalism.
All these various entities, having their own separate sets of aims and goals, are allied on the basis of their deep programmatic hostility to the United States and under the common umbrella of Anti-Americanism, and have the common goal of opposing, "checking" and diminishing the power and what they see as the world domination of the United States.
They strive to achieve their own version of The "New World Order", which might be, to some degree, just the "old wine in a new bottle" and with the new set of labels; their ultimate goal is totalitarian enslavement, zombification and control (and actively, deliberately, purposefully promoted mass drug addictions in the Western countries as the part, parcel and the tool of this enslavement and control), with the aim of achieving their own World domination by inciting the various new types of World ("International") "Communist or Socialist revolutions", or for this instance the fundamentalist Islamic revolutions, as in Iran.
The structures and infrastructures of their mutual operational support systems, communications and moda operandi remain to be investigated carefully and are to be determined. Structurally, they appear to form the multi-tiered proxy chains and pyramids, from the upper levels masterminds to the actual zombified (and probably in most cases hypnotized or influenced by long term and intensive suggestion techniques) actors-executors, controlled by their handlers, who in turn are controlled by the higher level handlers. This provides the additional levels of security for their covers.
Geopolitically, so far, it seems to me, China took the course more on the economic, trade (e.g. such as investing into the Nicaragua canal venture) and cultural expansions, while Russia appears to rely more on its old allies and connections and continuing arms and oil deals with them, while probably delegating to Iran as her proxy to conduct more aggressive and more unseemly type of operations (and probably having some degree of control over them) and to maintain direct contacts with drug cartels in the Caribbean and the Latin America in general and in Venezuela, Mexico and some other countries in particular.
It is also conceivable (if, of course, this is not simply just a wishful thinking error on my part), that the new Iranian President, Mr. Hassan Rouhani took a course on the genuine "detent" and "peace" with the United States and gave some type of the instructions (verbal or nonverbal) to step down the future intelligence activities and hostilities against the United States by winding them up and "clearing the board": activating, using and disposing of some of their most primitive, small scale intimidation geared type of assets; while at the same time attempting "to soften up" his interlocutors (ambivalence as a phenomenon and the feature of certain complex actions and interactions is the universal trait in human communications). This would feel to me as something "counter-intuitive" though and more hypothetical and putative than reality based at this point, especially in the light of his "higher authority", Ayatollah Khamenei's unquestionable and constitutionally backed up prevalence in the strategic matters, and the latter appears to harden rather than to relax his utterances and pronouncements after his somewhat puzzling three weeks absence rumored to be due to serious illness. Possible return to the international relations arena of Mr. A. Lieberman, a "hardliner" with a penchant for a somewhat bullying style, despite or because of almost universal allergy to both of them (the man and his style), might also be viewed as a sign that a "dovish" stretch is not very likely to materialize. The accompaniment of old wounds and issues appears to be only in an appropriately dissonant harmony with recent developments.
In a way, allegorically, this Unholy Alliance is the Dante's three-faced Satan-Beast in the very center of Inferno. This might sound as a somewhat gloomy and unduly alarmist impression but I am afraid that the recent string of mysterious and tragic events, possibly as the first, the explorative and warning stage of this Alliance's hostile actions, might be the sad confirmation. We'll live, we'll see and we'll learn (hopefully; and, hopefully in a positive way). However this old adage might not be out of place: if you want peace prepare for war.
To get to some practical thoughts. It seems to me that the radical, in depth revision (with the very open, well informed and objective discussions in mass media and scientific communities) of our drug abuse policies is long overdue and is very important, if not the central part of the efforts to counteract this hostile thrust. Partial legalization and the treatment (as opposed to crime) paradigm, in their various forms, modalities and combinations; well thought out and broadly, boldly and skillfully implemented, might be the inevitable and probably the only rational and farsighted solution.
Another important issue which deserves the very serious attention and active promotion is the "spiritual globalization": the creation or summation and popularization of the ecumenical sets of moral values, teachings and concepts; commonly taught, shared and practiced on the basis of the Judeo-Christian, Abrahamic and other, non-Abrahamic religious and non-religious precepts.
Links and References:
Cuban Alliance with Russia Highlights Moscow’s Expanding Influence in Latin America
Russia back to fishing in troubled waters in Latin America, Costa Rica expert tells US congressional committee -The Tico Times
Iran Steps Up Covert Action in Latin America
U.S., Latin American leaders meet to discuss threat
MIAMI—The Iranian government is significantly boosting its presence and resources in Latin America, posing a national security threat to the region, according to a group of U.S. and Latin American officials who met earlier this week in Florida to discuss Iran’s covert actions.
While Iran has long had a foothold in the Western hemisphere, these officials warned that the Islamic Republic has invested significant resources into its Latin American operations in a bid to increase its sway in the region.
Iran’s growing influence in the region—and its effort to exert influence over governments there—has fostered pressing security concerns as the Iranians inch closer to the United States’ southern border, according to these U.S. officials and Latin American leaders, who met for several days this week at a summit organized by the Israel Allies Foundation (IAF).
“It is troubling in some of the briefings we get, particularly on the classified side, to see Iranian influence in Latin America,” Rep. Ron DeSantis (R., Fla.), a member of the House Committee of Foreign Affairs, told the Washington Free Beacon in an interview. “A lot of these [Latin American officials] share the concern.”
“It’s a security risk for all of us,” DeSantis said.
DeSantis was one of several members of Congress and 20 Latin American lawmakers from 14 different countries who met during the IAF summit, which began on Sunday and ran until Tuesday morning.
Iran is becoming increasingly open about its presence in Latin America and providing its officials with passports from Venezuela and other countries, giving them free rein to travel throughout South America.
Iran has forged close ties with countries such as Argentina, Ecuador, Nicaragua, and Bolivia, among others.
Luis Heber, a member of the Uruguayan senate, said that Iranian agents—who some suspect are members of the country’s Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC)—have been spotted in his country holding Venezuelan passports.
Officials have determined that there is “a clear penetration of Iran in our country,” Heber said during remarks Sunday before U.S. lawmakers and other Latin American officials.
“We’ve also seen Venezuelan passports in the hands of Iranians,” he revealed. “The penetration of Venezuela by Iran is clear. There is overwhelming information on this.”
Heber said Uruguayan officials have spotted at least 10 Iranians carrying Venezuelan passports.
They “can enter anywhere in Latin America because the passports are legal,” he explained.
Iran’s goal, in part, is to establish deep ties in these countries in order to influence their policies toward America, Israel, and other Western allies, officials said.
“The threat level has increased, it’s more open,” said Rep. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen (R., Fla.), vice-chair of the House’s Subcommittee on the Western Hemisphere.
“The Iranian threat comes not from espionage as much, but from influencing the ideology of their host country,” Ros-Lehtinen said. “That’s what they’re aiming for and penetrating [these countries] so they have a presence in Latin America right at the foothold of the U.S.”
Iran establishes consulates in these countries and then uses them as a base to conduct espionage and other covert activities, Ros-Lehtinen said.
“How is it they have Iranian consulates in Latin America?” she asked. “It’s ridiculous to think all of sudden Latin Americans want to travel to Iran. They’re not using it to issue their visas. Something is happening that Iran is penetrating the Western Hemisphere and it’s not for cultural exchanges or approval of travel docs.”
“This makes no sense … other than espionage, subterfuge, and illicit activities,” Ros-Lehtinen said.
This activity has intensified of late, several officials said.
“There’s no question we’re seeing an uptick in Iranian influence in the Western Hemisphere,” Rep. Matt Salmon (R., Ariz.), a House Foreign Affairs Committee member, said during a meeting with the Latin American leaders in attendance.
“Unfortunately, the U.S. administration, our administration, seems to be willing to turn a blind eye towards what’s happening,” he said.
“There have been instances where Iranian agents have crossed the U.S. border,” Salmon claimed, referring to past reports by members of Hezbollah being arrested attempting to cross the Mexican border.
Iran currently hosts at least 80 so-called cultural centers in the region and has doubled the number of embassies in the region since 2005.
Ros-Lehtinen warned that this activity has become “more pronounced and open” in the past few years.
“Now they’re in the open, above board, advertising and letting the world know, ‘We’re right in your front and back yard,’” Ros-Lehtinen said.
Links and References:
Russia, China, Iran and Latin America - Blogs Review
Unholy alliance (geopolitical) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
, unusual, or simply undesirable, sometimes between seemingly antagonistic ... An unholy alliance popularly refers to an alliance which is perceived as unnatural, unusual, or simply undesirable, sometimes between seemingly antagonistic parties.
"Unholy alliance" is often used when one or more of the alliance members has an interest in the sacred or the unsacred, "sacred" being associated with holiness. For example, a book may be titled "Unholy Alliance: A History of Nazi Involvement with the Occult" or a newspaper article claiming that "Iran, Russia and the Vatican are working to block global standards protecting women against violence" may be titled "Unholy Alliance."
FBI Thinks 'New World Order' Theory May Have Motivated LAX Shooter - HP | The Evolution of the ‘New World Order’ - The Daily Beast - News Reviews Post
international drug cartel - GS
-An Unholy Alliance - YouTube
international drug cartel and israeli intelligence - GS
Hezbollah's cocaine Jihad
Faced with dwindling Iranian funding, Shiite terror group partners with Mexican drug cartels; uses millions of dollars in drug money to support weapon acquisition habit
Eldad Beck
In the mid-1990s, a leftist resistance group which calls itself The Zapatista Army of National Liberation (EZLN) made Chiapas its home. Its attempts to fight the Mexican Army repeatedly failed, but the Zapatistas are still very active in the district's rural areas. Chiapas is considered a dangerous place, where every home has an arms arsenal of its own; and like many other places inMexico, Chiapas' streets have become the battlefield where the government and local drug lords wrestle for dominance.
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Chiapas, however, harbors an even more sinister secret: It is also a hub of radical Islamist activity.
Catholic Mexico is in the midst of a crisis of faith. According to a local businessman, who asked to remain anonymous, it is widely believed that within a decade, Chiapas will be the first federal state in Mexico to turn its back on the Church.
"The Muslim missionaries are very active there," he said. "It's hard to know exactly how many people have converted to Islam over the past few years."
Official data suggests that Mexico is home to some 4,000 Muslims – a fraction in a country whose population numbers 115 million. Theoretically, this is a negligible number, but it is enough to cause concern in the United States – and Israel should be concerned as well.
Follow the money
US intelligence indicates that Mexico is home to some 200,000Syrian and Lebanese immigrants – most of them illegal – who were able to cross the border via an extensive web of contacts with drug cartels, both in Mexico and in other countries in South America.
These cartel contacts smuggle illegal immigrants – including individuals affiliated with Iran, Hezbollah, al-Qaeda and other radical Islamist groups – into Mexico, placing them a virtual stone's-throw away from the United States.
Western intelligence agencies have been able to gather ample evidence suggesting that the drug cartels in Mexico – which are the de facto rulers of the northern districts bordering the US – are in cahoots with Islamic terror organizations, which are eager to execute attacks against American, Israeli, Jewish and western targets; but most of all, the Islamic terror groups are eager to make money, so they can fund their nefarious aspirations.
In December 2011, the US authorities released an indictment filed against Lebanese drug lord Ayman Juma, which exposed Hezbollah's involvement with the Los Zetas drug cartel. According to the US Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA), Los Zetas is the most technologically advanced and most dangerous cartel operating in Mexico.
Juma was indicted in absentia for smuggling 85 tons of cocaine into the US and for laundering $850 million for Los Zetas. He was also accused of serving as a go-between for the Mexican crime syndicate and the Shiite terror group.
According to US officials, for a modest 8%-14% commission, Juma's money laundering process would take about a week. The operation involved bank accounts in dozens of countries, making it virtually impossible to track the dirty money.
Hezbollah rally in Beirut (Photo: Reuters)
According to the indictment, Hezbollah is using Juma's cartel connections to minimize its dependency on Iranian funding. The international sanctions crippling Tehran's economy have taken a serious bite out of the $200 million in annual aid given to Hezbollah, but the latter's appetite for cash has only grown. Los Zetas' Beirut-based money man has reportedly helped the Shiite terror group meet its financial needs.
The ties that bind
Iran denies any involvement in South America, but the US knows better. In 2010, a report commissioned by the House Committee on Intelligence found that the ties between Hezbollah and the Mexican drug cartels, as well as the Iranian link, were getting stronger.
The report found that Hezbollah was massively embroiled in drugs and money laundering deals, as well as in arms trafficking in and out of Mexico.
Furthermore, US intelligence concluded that Hezbollah has established sleeper cells, intelligence infrastructure and training bases in Mexico and other South American countries. The Shiite group is also helping the drug lords build smuggling tunnels under the US-Mexico border and satellite images show that they are nearly identical to the maze of tunnels running under the Gaza-Egypt border.
Hezbollah is also training the cartels' operatives in the dubious art of explosives, helping drug lords improve their bomb-making skills.
The committee found evidence that Hezbollah and Iranian Revolutionary Guard officials pick up fake passports in Venezuela – a close ally of Iran – prior to infiltrating the United States.
The US' concern about the smuggling tunnels increased exponentially in 2009, when a Department of Homeland Security wiretap derived a recording of Professor Abdallah Nafisi, a Kuwaiti clergyman and a known al-Qaeda recruiter, boasting about the ease by which nonconventional warfare and weapons of mass destruction can be smuggled into the US, through the Mexican drug tunnels.
Iran's Revolutionary Guard (Archives: EPA)
"Ten pounds of anthrax in a medium-size suitcase, carried by a Jihad warrior through the tunnels can kill 300,000 Americans in one hour," he said. "It will make 9/11 look like peanuts. There's no need for plans… Just one courageous man, to spread this confetti on the White House lawn. Then we will really be able to celebrate."
Threat to national security
"Hezbollah, more than any other terror group, manages to utilize its Mexican-based cells, which it has turned into instruments of capital and terrorism, ready to be called upon once the moment serves its interests," a 2010 Department of Homeland Security report said.American officials do not hesitate to publicly point the finger at Hezbollah. Secretary of Homeland Security Janet Napolitano said that Hezbollah has "massive presence in the triangle made up of Argentina, Brazil and Paraguay, and the organization is constantly expanding its ties with the Mexican drug cartels."
Earlier this year, former DEA Chief of Operations Michael Braun told CBS News that Hezbollah "are masters in creating close relationships with criminal organizations around the world."
A recent book by Latin America expert Jon Perdue details the dangers the US and its allies face as a result of the presence of radical Islamic terror groups in South and Central America. According to Perdue, Iran's proxies have been around long enough "to pose an actual threat" to the US should Israel mount a unilateral strike on the Islamic Republic's nuclear facilities.
Hope for deliverance?
But why are the local communities in Mexico so eager to answer radical Islam's call? The answers to that vary.First, most Middle Eastern migrates have been able to make a successful life for themselves in Mexico. For example, Carlos Slim Helu – one of the richest men in the world, with a personal fortune of $77 billion – is the son of Lebanese immigrates. Such ties make for an easier landing for Hezbollah operatives in Mexico over other places.
But mostly, Chiapas – like other places in Mexico – is plagued by poverty and a civilian sense of deprivation. The district is home to the decedents of the Mayans, who have been exploited by local governments dating back to the days of the Spanish Conquistadors. They have revolted against their discrimination repeatedly, but to no real success.
Against this bleak backdrop, a monotheistic revolution is taking place – at least according to Muslim websites – as thousand of South Americans shed the Catholic beliefs forced on their forefathers by the Spaniards hundreds of years ago, in favor of Islam.
Ironically, missionary Islam arrived in Mexico from none other than Spain. In the mid 1990s, Muslins from the al-Murabitun order, or "Almoravids," as they are known, were sent to Chiapas. The Almoravids strongly oppose any use of violence or terror, but since the order is very secretive, little is known about the true nature of its work.
Various Mexican reports suggest that the Almoravids are linked to neo-Nazi groups and foster anti-Semitic ideology; and that they aspire to convert all of Europe to Islam and enact the same style of Islam prevalent in the days of the Prophet Muhammad.
Another organization spreading the word of the Prophet in Mexico in the Islamic Cultural Center of Mexico, a Sunni organization set up about 15 years ago. The center funds translation projects and major construction projects for mosques and Muslim social centers.
No one knows who funds the work done by the Islamic Cultural Center of Mexico or by the Almoravids.
"It is likely due to the combination of both. Islam can easily be adapted to the classic way of life of the native Mexican communities. It's enough to present Islam as a religion that promotes social causes, one that is anti-capitalist and tolerant of all races, to prey on the locals' sense of discrimination and win their sympathies."
The bottom line may prove to be a bitter pill to swallow for the US: It is very likely that in a few years, the US – much like Israel – will have to deal with its own Hezbollah presence, right across the border.
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Michael T. Flynn
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaMichael T. Flynn
Lieutenant General Michael T. Flynn, Director of DIAAllegiance United States of America
Service/branch United States Army
Rank Lieutenant General
Unit Defense Intelligence Agency, Joint Functional Component Command for Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance Battles/wars Operation Enduring Freedom,Operation Iraqi Freedom, Operation Urgent Fury Awards multiple Michael T. Flynn is a United States Army Lieutenant general[1][2] and, since July 24, 2012, has served as the current Director of the Defense Intelligence Agency, Commander of the Joint Functional Component Command for Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance(JFCC-ISR), and chair of the Military Intelligence Board. Prior to this he served as Assistant Director of National intelligence. He has consistently pushed for greater information and intelligence sharing and has been a leading figure in coalition and special operations intelligence operations. Flynn published an "extraordinary" report in JAN 2010 on "Fixing Intelligence in Afghanistan", a report that took to task the intelligence community for lacking an understanding of the human-socio context of the battlefield in Afghanistan. Flynn's career has been primarily operational serving in numerous combat arms conventional and special operations senior intelligence assignments. Flynn also served as the Senior intelligence officer for JSOC where he was credited with creating innovative techniques for interrogation operations and ops-intel fusion leading to major breakthroughs in counterterrorism operations in Iraq, Afghanistan and elsewhere against Al Qaeda and its Associated Movements. Flynn is widely published author with articles appearing in Infantry Journal, Small Wars Journal, Joint Forces Quarterly, the Center for New American Strategy, and various Military Intelligence publications.Contents
Flynn graduated from the University of Rhode Island with a Bachelor of Science degree in management science in 1981 and wascommissioned through Army Reserve Officers' Training Corps. He also holds three masters degrees and an honorary doctorate.Career[edit]
Flynn's assignments have included multiple tours at Fort Bragg, North Carolina with the 82d Airborne Division, XVIII Airborne Corps, andJoint Special Operations Command, where he deployed for Operation Urgent Fury in Grenada and Operation Uphold Democracy in Haiti. He also has served with the 25th Infantry Division at Schofield Barracks, Hawaii, the Joint Readiness Training Center at Fort Polk, Louisiana, and the Army Intelligence Center at Fort Huachuca,Arizona.[2]Flynn commanded the 111th Military Intelligence Brigade from June 2002 to June 2004. He served as the Assistant Chief of Staff, G2, XVIII Airborne Corps at Fort Bragg, North Carolina from June 2001 and the Director of Intelligence, Joint Task Force 180 in Afghanistan until July 2002.[2]Flynn served as the Director of Intelligence, Joint Staff from July 11, 2008 to June 14, 2009, then the Director of Intelligence, International Security Assistance Forces in Afghanistan from June 2009 to October 2010. He also served as the Director of Intelligence, United States Central Command from June 2007 to July 2008, and the Director of Intelligence for Joint Special Operations Command from July 2004 to June 2007, with service in Afghanistan (Operation Enduring Freedom) and Iraq (Operation Iraqi Freedom).[2]Flynn is a graduate of the Military Intelligence Officer Basic Course, Military Intelligence Officer Advanced Course, Army Command and General Staff College, the School of Advanced Military Studies, and Naval War College. He earned a Master of Business Administration in telecommunications from Golden Gate University, a Master of Military Art and Science from the United States Army Command and General Staff College, a Master of Arts in National Security and Strategic Studies from the Naval War College and an honorary doctorate from the Institute of World Politics in Washington, DC.[2]Office of the Director of National Intelligence[edit]
In September 2011, numerous media outlets reported on LTG Flynn's promotion to LTG and assignment to the Office of the Director of National Intelligence. His duties include public, private, and international outreach and engagement. Flynn's influence throughout the intelligence community is primarily with operational units across all the services, especially in the intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance arenas as well as the information technology and organizational design.Director of the Defense Intelligence Agency[edit]
On April 17, 2012 President Barack Obama nominated LTG Flynn to be the 18th Director of the Defense Intelligence Agency.[3] LTG Flynn took command of DIA on July 24, 2012.[4] In October 2012, LTG Flynn announced plans to release his Vision 2020 blueprint, a broad look at everything DIA does and should do in the future.[5]
Defense One: With the Afghan war winding down and defense budgets being slashed, do you worry that some of the important lessons from this decade of conflict will be lost as bureaucracies reassert themselves in the inevitable fight for scarce resources?
Flynn: I don’t worry about people in the field or forward-deployed military organizations forgetting those lessons. What I do worry about is Washington D.C., because bureaucracies in this town act in funny ways. There’s this tendency to view Washington as at “the center” of things, with everything else happening out there on “the edge.” But the edge is where really important things are happening, which means we need to change the mindset in Washington. Those people and organizations in the field should be seen as the center of gravity. We need to make them the centerpiece of everything we do.Next year the United States will withdraw its last combat troops from Afghanistan, ending more than a decade of conflict in that country. The threat from the core al Qaeda group that originally drew U.S. forces there after the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks barely exists. Al Qaeda’s extremist ideology has metastasized, however, spread by affiliates thriving in an arc of instability and conflict that now stretches from Southwest Asia through the Middle East and all the way to Africa.To better understand the nature of that threat and the lessons of a decade of war, Defense One contributor and National Journal senior correspondent James Kitfield spoke with Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn, director of the Defense Intelligence Agency. Flynn, as the former director of intelligence for Joint Special Operations Command during its fight with al Qaeda in Iraq, and as the former director of intelligence for U.S. and allied forces in Afghanistan, is arguably more familiar with the evolving al Qaeda threat than anyone else in the U.S. government.
Defense One: Recently we have seen a resurgence of al Qaeda in Iraq, which is responsible for the death of more than 5,000 Iraqis this year in the worst violence in that country since 2007. Its affiliate, the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria has captured territory in northern Syria in the midst of that’s country’s civil war. Just this past year we’ve also seen Al Qaeda-linked groups capture parts of Mali, slaughter hundreds of civilians in Nigeria, and plot attacks on the U.S. homeland from Yemen. After a recent terrorist massacre of more than 60 civilians in an upscale shopping mall in Kenya, your former colleagues in Joint Special Operations Command also launched a commando raid against the al Qaeda-linked terrorist group al-Shabab, in Somalia. Are you surprised we’re seeing such a proliferation of these al Qaeda-linked groups?Flynn: No, I’m really not surprised at all. Some experts call these people ‘fundamentalists,’ but I know fundamentalists. I’m a fundamentalist myself at times. But there’s a big difference between a fundamentalist and an extremist who is willing to use violence to advance their agenda, so we should be careful about how we define this adversary we face. I would recommend to you a book called “The True Believer” [Thoughts on the Nature of Mass Movements, by Eric Hoffer]. In that book, the author discusses the psychological causes of fanaticism. That’s what we’re dealing with in this fight: true believers. And there are sufficient numbers of them at this point that it will be really, really difficult to change their belief system.Defense One: Even after a decade of U.S. efforts to destroy al Qaeda?Flynn: I still think this is a growth market, simply because the places around the world that are really challenged in trying to take care of their societies and their people are growing. In one of my presentations, I show slides which note that as recently as 1900 there were only 16 cities in the world with a population of over 1 million people, all of them roughly in the northern hemisphere. By 2010 there were 442 cities worldwide with a population over 1 million, and that number is projected to grow to 700 megacities by 2050, with the vast majority in the southern hemisphere in places with weak governance and high unemployment. Some of these regions are stagnating from a sheer lack of talent to even stand up a government. That rapid urbanization will put an emphasis on military operations driven by intelligence and precision.Defense One: Do conflicts exacerbate that growing trend towards extremism and militancy?Flynn: Yes, we’re seeing that danger in the Syrian conflict. Some of the foreign fighters in Syria will go back to their own countries at some point, and they will not only have a voice, but they will have credibility with many young people. We’re already seeing that in the Middle East, in South Asia and in Africa. So we have to acknowledge that the operational environment is fundamentally changing. The threat is not just al Qaeda.Defense One: How do you see the threat continuing to evolve?Flynn: Extremist networks are proliferating around the world, and we’ll have to deal with them with all elements of our national power. In terms of U.S. military power that means the need for Special Operations Forces is growing, which everyone accepts. Special Operations Forces are kind of our “pre-conflict” military force, not only in terms of direct action types of operations, but also in working with partner nations and building partner capacity. And the DIA and the rest of the intelligence community have a huge role to play in empowering those Special Operations Forces in their pre-conflict and pre-crisis role, because we don’t want to veer towards outright conflict. The closer you get to open conflict, the higher the risk, the fewer the options and the greater the costs for the country.Defense One: In recent operations a U.S. team that reportedly included CIA and Special Forces members captured a senior al Qaeda operative in Libya, and the Special Forces commando raid in Somalia was preceded by FBI forensic analysis of the mall in Kenya where scores of civilians were murdered. Does that mean that the multiagency model of counterterrorism operations that you and former JSOC Commander General Stanley McChrystal pioneered with task forces in Iraq and Afghanistan will survive those wars?Flynn: Yes. The integration of the intelligence community with Special Forces and law enforcement is the new normal in counterterrorism operations. The big lesson we all took away from more than a decade of war is the necessity of close integration. We know that the sum of our collective parts is far greater if we work together, rather than stay in our little stovepipes competing with each other for that ‘golden nugget’ of intelligence. Beyond that interdependence, another big takeaway from these battlefields is the absolute necessity of fusing intelligence and operations into a seamless cycle where one constantly feeds the other. That was the only way we were able to get smarter and faster than an incredibly adaptive enemy.Defense One: When you were director of intelligence in Afghanistan in 2010 you wrote a famous paper suggesting that in chasing terrorists through the trees, as it were, the U.S. military and intelligence apparatus had essentially lost sight of the greater forest. Do you stand by that?Flynn: Yes. It goes back to General McChrystal’s recognition that this exquisite capability we developed for targeting individual terrorists and extremists was not really a war-winning capability. It can definitely buy you time and apply pressure on the enemy, and enable other progress. But after conducting two listening tours in Afghanistan it occurred to me that, God, after years of honing this ‘capture or kill’ capability, I know the enemy like the back of my hand, but I don’t know the larger operational environment in which he travels. Developing a war-winning strategy for the large-scale conflicts we just found ourselves involved in -- and will find ourselves involved in sometime in the future -- requires an understanding of the underlying forces, people and cultural dynamics. Which brings me to the number one lesson learned from the past decade of conflict: the lack of understanding of the operational environment led to a mismatch in the resources and capabilities that we applied to that environment. In some instances we applied kinetic force, for example, in an environment that didn’t respond well to it.Defense One: To better understand the operational environments in regions where the United States might become involved you’ve proposed increasing DIA’s human intelligence gathering capability with a Defense Clandestine Service. Are you surprised some people in Washington view that as a power grab at the CIA’s expense?Flynn: From the beginning that effort has been mischaracterized. The Defense Department has been involved in human intelligence collection forever, though in the 1990s some of that capability was eliminated and we found at the beginning of this war that we needed more. Almost everyone at the senior leadership and operational level also understands that we need more of that fingertip feel that only comes from having people who are willing and able to operate in those challenging environments, and some of them have to be military people who are responding to Defense Department and military priorities.But somewhere in the middle management and staff level there are people in some agencies who just don’t like the idea. They’ve thrown out totally wrong numbers, saying we’re going to add thousands of new people who will encroach on the turf of national intelligence agencies. In actual fact, the Defense Clandestine Service will be tightly coordinated with our national human intelligence collection partners. Nor have I asked for an extra dime or a single extra person. All I have asked for is time to put discipline behind this initiative, and to build a cadre of leaders. Because my experiences of the past ten years suggest that we need to retool our human intelligence tradecraft.Defense One: Given what we know of the National Security Agency’s massive signals intelligence gathering as a result of the leaks of former contractor Edward Snowden, is there a danger that the human intelligence side of the equation has gotten shortchanged?Flynn: Well, I will just tell you that the best signals intelligence I have ever seen -- and I have seen an awful lot -- was enabled by human intelligence. The very best signals intelligence is usually the result of someone capable and brave enough to develop access that we otherwise would not have had. And that has led to a lot of successes.Defense One: With the Afghan war winding down and defense budgets being slashed, do you worry that some of the important lessons from this decade of conflict will be lost as bureaucracies reassert themselves in the inevitable fight for scarce resources?Flynn: I don’t worry about people in the field or forward-deployed military organizations forgetting those lessons. What I do worry about is Washington D.C., because bureaucracies in this town act in funny ways. There’s this tendency to view Washington as at “the center” of things, with everything else happening out there on “the edge.” But the edge is where really important things are happening, which means we need to change the mindset in Washington. Those people and organizations in the field should be seen as the center of gravity. We need to make them the centerpiece of everything we do.-
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The Revolutionary Guards' International Drug Trade*
3 days ago - Summary. The Revolutionary Guards are significantly involved in the international drug trade, both directly and through proxies.
Nevertheless, the al-Quds Force also wants to develop direct working relationships with major players in the Mexican drug market. An attempt to do precisely that was exposed in October 2011 when a plot to assassinate the Saudi Arabian ambassador to Washington came to light. Mansour Arbabsiar, an American citizen of Iranian extraction, was arrested by the FBI. The investigation revealed an attempt by al-Quds operatives to recruit the Mexican drug cartel Los Zetas44 to carry out strategic terrorist attacks against the United States45 and the Israeli and Saudi Arabian embassies, and to establish transportation routes to North America for Afghani heroin.46 According to senior American sources, these attempts were made at the bidding of the highest al-Quds echelons. As a result, Gen. Qasem Soleimani, the commanding officer of al-Quds Force, was placed on the American administration’s list of terrorists.47 James Clapper, the current Director of National Intelligence of the United States, concluded that the affair is evidence of Iran’s capacity to carry out an attack on American soil.48
36. Hizbollah started operating in Latin America in its early years, in the mid- 1980s, when its operatives penetrated the Lebanese and Shiite communities in the border triangle where Argentina, Brazil, and Paraguay meet (an area that, even now, is considered to be a type of a Wild West, where government influence is relatively weak). Over the years, Hizbollah agents built extensive infrastructures in Central and South America for training operatives, laundering money, and carrying out acts of terrorism. Western espionage agencies have concluded that in the last decade, some 450 Hizbollah agents have been active in Latin America, managing a widespread network of terrorist and criminal cells. John Rollins & Liana Sun Wyler, “Terrorism and Transnational Crime: Foreign Policy Issues for Congress,” Congressional Research Service, October 19, 2012, pp. 19-20.
40. Roger F. Noriega, “Hezbollah’s Strategic Shift: A Global Terrorist Threat,” Hearing Before the House of Representatives Committee on Foreign Affairs, March 20, 2012, pp. 3-4, shift-a-global-terrorist-threat_134945797264.pdf ;
US Department of the Treasury, “Treasury Targets Major Money Laundering Network Linked to Drug Trafficker Ayman Joumaa and a Key Hizballah Supporter in South America,” June 27, 2012, releases/Pages/tg1624.aspx
44. One of the largest and strongest drug cartels in Mexico, Los Zetas is a violent and vicious organization established by former members of elite units of the Mexican army. The organization maintains widespread and proven links with Hizbollah.
48. James R. Clapper, Worldwide Threat Assessment of the US Intelligence Community, Office of the Director of National Intelligence, 2012, p. 5, http://
49. Michael A. Braun, “Iran, Hezbollah and the Threat to the Homeland,” Hearing Before the House of Representatives Committee on Homeland Security, March 21, 2012, p. 2.
- See more at:
Report: Iran's Revolutionary Guard Funneling Drugs to the West ...
Revolutionary Guard 'running Iran drug trade' | The Australian
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Iran's Cartel Strategy - War on the Rocks
On October 11, 2011, Iranian nationals Manssor Arbabsiar and Gholam Shakuri were indicted by the Southern District Court of New York for plotting to kill the Saudi Arabian Ambassador to the United States, Adel al-Jubeir, by bombing a Washington D.C. restaurant. The “Saudi Ambassador Plot,” which was initially disregarded by official Washington, was the first instance (that we know of) of Iranian use of Transnational Criminal Organizations (TCOs) to attack targets in the United States.That the Iranian security apparatus would stage such an attack in the nation’s capital in which scores of Americans would have been killed or wounded, and that they would attempt to use a TCO to make the hit, sounds audacious and irrational – like something out of a movie that ends very poorly for Iran. But it should come as no surprise to anyone familiar with both the scope of Iran’s penetration of the Western hemisphere and its association with TCOs at every level. Understanding both the nature of this new combination, andAmerican weakness in dealing with it, requires some knowledge of TCOs, the security apparatus of the Iranian state, and their links.First, crime. Since before the end of the Cold War, a “perfect storm” of technological, cultural and social changes around the globe dramatically altered the structure of the post-WWII state system. Global connectivity, waves of migration and huge caches of arms released by the fall of the Soviet Union all combined to make borders porous and arms available to rootless – and often young – populations. These factors, along with the information and communication technology revolution, enhanced the ability of criminal cartels and syndicates to undermine the rule of law not only in weaker states, but in traditionally stronger ones as well. The governments of some states actually embraced illegal trade for their own purposes– either to make money, to use illegal means to undermine rivals, or both. The result has been the growth of the “black” economy that some analysts project may amount to as much as a fifth of global GDP. The result is startling. As Moises Niam says in his pathbreaking 2005 book Illicit:In the Western hemisphere, traffic in illegal drugs to feed drug markets principally (but not exclusively) in the United States has led to the rise of powerful drug trafficking rings commonly called “cartels,” first in Colombia, but now also in Mexico. The Mexican TCOs, allied with cocaine producers in the Colombian jungles, have extensive distribution networks throughout Central America, the Caribbean and the United States. They provide “retail” distribution to gangs like MS13, the 18th Street Gang or the Crips and Bloods in every major American city and many mid-size and small ones. Despite strenuous efforts by the Mexican government, among others, the cartels are conducting what amounts to a successful insurgency in Mexico and Central America, weakening and in some cases supplanting local governments with campaigns of corruption and unrestrained brutality and violence.- -
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Revolutionary Guard 'running Iran drug trade' > New English Review
IRGC Involved in International Drug Trafficking - amir farshad ebrahimi 18, 2013 - An expert in IRGC affairs says, “There's no doubt that the IRGCand the country's military machines are involved in smuggling drugs to the West, ...
Book Makes Case That Iran's Revolutionary Guard Threatens U.S. ...
Iran's Revolutionary Guard: The Threat that Grows While America Sleeps K. O'Hern - 2012 - HistoryMany years later the IRGC profit from drugs persisted as evidenced by the US. Treasury Department's sanction of Quds Force general Gholamreza Baghbani ...
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Russia, Iran And Venezuela Call For "New World Order"
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Apr 24, 2012GLENN: Give me the tie with Iran and the missiles of a Cuban ...missiles bases in an island off the coast ...
Right Truth: Venezuela
Iran Install Medium Range Ballistic Missiles in Venezuela That Can ...
Dec 24, 2010 - Uploaded by jairondiazAccording to Die Welt, Venezuela has agreed to allow Iran to establish a military base manned by Iranian ...
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Iran Murder Plot, Mexican Drug Cartels and US Intelligence Agencies
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Latest Intelligence Assessment: Iran Poised to Target U.S. Homeland
Posted in Security [slideshow_deploy]
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Nov 24, 2012Drug cartels descend on Puerto Rico ... involves drug cartels , who are increasingly turning their ...
NPR: Mexican Drug Cartels In The U.S.
Albertville; Birmingham; Decatur; Dothan; Huntsville; MobileMontgomeryDouglas; Glendale; Naco; Nogales; Peoria; Phoenix; SasabeSierra Vista
Video - Drug Bust at Puerto Rican Airport Last June is an Indicator of ...
Mar 2, 2013As the U.S. focuses on Mexican drug cartels, Puerto Rico is grappling with a growing drug trafficking problem ...
Puerto Rico: A forgotten front in America's drug war? -
Mexican drug cartels reportedly dispatching agents deep inside US ...
Puerto Rico Cracks Down on Rising Drug Trade - AOL On
Mar 2, 2013As the U.S. focuses on Mexican drug cartels, Puerto Rico is grappling with a growing drug trafficking problem ...Mexican Drug Cartels | Public Intelligence
Jul 30, 2013 - You are browsing the archive for Mexican Drug Cartels. .... Money launderers for ruthless Mexican drug gangs have long had a formidable ally: ...
Caribbean Drug Trade Flourishes Under New Generation Of ...
That was during the heyday of the Colombian cartels and so-called "Cocaine ...Highlighting Puerto Rico's role as a magnet for the drug trade, federal ... <em>Caption: This photo released by Mexico's Navy on Tuesday, Oct. 9, ...
18 Accused Drug Traffickers Arrested in Puerto Rico | Mexican Drug ...
by DocOct 5, 2013 - ... Rico on Tuesday arrested 18 people who were allegedly part of a powerful drug trafficking organization. The FBI's spokesman in Puerto Rico, Moises Quiñones, confirmed the arrests of the group, the members of which imported large quantities of cocaine, distributed the drug on the Caribbean… ... Mexican Drug Cartels, Violence and Drug Trafficking across the US-Mexico Border. The focus of this website is our border with Mexico, violence in Mexico, terrorism crossing our borders, ...
Gunman in clown suit kills senior Mexican drug cartel member ...
by WTFNEWSOct 22, 2013 - Led by a large family of brothers and sisters, the Tijuana Cartel was one of the most powerful drug gangs in Mexico until it was gradually weakened by the capture or killing of several its leading members during the previous decade. Arellano ...
Hit Men for Hot Zones -
by Michael CollinsOct 16, 2013 - California Attorney General Kamala D. Harris' office said the Vagos gang was a transnational criminal organization operating in the U.S., Mexico, Puerto Rico, Canada, Germany and New Zealand. The threat of unaccounted for rocket launchers floating around isn't just a danger on this ... Mexican marines busted nine alleged drug cartel members in Coahihuila last November and the haul was substantial. Heaps of guns, pot, cocaine, meth and cash were displayed under heavy guard.
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See some relevant links and references in my previous post.
Unholy Alliance - G Videos
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Nov 24, 2011 - Uploaded by JambalayerUnholy Alliance --- 11th Track from Chronicles Of Darkness CD1 Post the year and i will add this to the ...
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