Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Investigate the investigators! - Washington Navy Yard Shooting - News Review - Part 2 | Updates: 10.8.13

Investigate the investigators! 

Washington Navy Yard Shooting - News Review - Part 2

Links and References: 

Washington Navy Yard Shooting - News Review - Part 1 


First Posted on 9/26/13 8:37 AM     Last Update on 7:40 AM 10/9/2013



» Aaron Alexis, Miriam Carey And John Constantino – OpEd - Eurasia Review
09/10/13 15:14 from aaron alexis - Google News
Aaron Alexis, Miriam Carey And John Constantino – OpEdEurasia ReviewBlack Americans are living in a time of utter insanity. They are getting poorer, they have a good chance of being incarcerated, the blue collar and government jobs they ...


Supervisors of Navy Yard Gunman Were Told of Issues

The Hewlett-Packard investigation provided new details about episodes in early Augustwhere Mr. Alexis claimed that he was being followed and was hearing voices sent by a “microwave machine.”
The episodes began on Aug. 4 at an airport in Norfolk, Va., where Mr. Alexis got into an argument with a family that he thought was mocking him. According to the Hewlett-Packard investigation, Mr. Alexis called a project coordinator at the Experts and told her that he was becoming angry because people were making fun of him. She tried to calm him down and told him to get away from the people, the investigation found.
After he reached his destination, Newport, R.I., Mr. Alexis continued to complain that the family was following him. He complained of hearing loud voices in his hotel room, though hotel employees could not hear them, knocked on doors in search of the noise and changed hotels. He called the Newport police and told them he was being followed. On Aug. 7, an employee of the Experts called the hotel and said they were bringing Mr. Alexis home because he was “unstable,” hotel logs show.
On Aug. 9, the director of human resources for the Experts spoke to Mr. Alexis’ mother, who told the director of his previous paranoid behavior, the person with knowledge of the investigation said. His mother told the director that Mr. Alexis’ paranoia tended to subside with time, but that “he likely needed to see a therapist.”
That same day, the director convened a meeting of “senior-level personnel” at the Experts who concluded that he could be sent back to work. The Hewlett-Packard investigation found that the Experts did not attempt to get Mr. Alexis to seek mental health care, a finding that the Experts has not disputed.
Mr. Alexis did visit a Department of Veterans Affairs medical center in Providence, R.I., on Aug. 23, the veterans department said, but he did not mention hearing voices and complained only of having trouble sleeping. He did not receive mental health counseling, the department said. 

Mike Nova comments: 
Investigate the investigators!
IMVHAPO: A.A. was definitely under FBI surveillance due to the nature of his job. The description of the above episode sounds as the "behavioral provocation" technique (possibly combined with "psychopharmacological provocation", e.g. "truth serum" and other substances, e.g. amphetamines, which might by themselves cause brief psychotic episodes) that FBI apparently practices. Ask them to release all their records on A.A. in their entirety. The problem is that they do not keep or they destroy the records! Investigate this episode in depth and find out if any FBI agents were involved in performing this "behavioral provocation" and interview them. The largest part of the problem is that the FBI's subjects of "behavioral provocations" which might by themselves cause brief psychotic episodes and reactive psychosis (!), may become in turn the targets of foreign intelligence services which pursue and develop these situations for their own purposes, using the FBI as "cat paws", with or without the moles involved. 
This, of course, is a very serious issue which is in want of sophisticated investigation beyond the scope or in addition to the FBI's own investigation. And we do remember that the Navy does conduct its own. 
The same line of thought might apply to the subsequent episodes: M. Carey was most likely under the FBI surveillance because she had some overvalued or delusional thoughts about "Obama communicating  with her" and the "behavioral provocation" could have been practiced with her also. 
With the self-immolation episode, we simply do not have enough information at this point. 
By the way, the little Snow White was also most definitely under the FBI surveillance, and we do not know how aggressive it was. Was she driven to her inexcusable and treacherous act by the same type of "behavioral provocations" which went overboard and enraged her; with this situation instigated, provoked and "cat pawed" by her today handlers? 
All this does open the general issue: what is the scientific or at least some "evidence based" foundation of these "techniques" and are they not, in fact counterproductive, vicious, malicious and "double crossing"? Who was the author(s) of these "techniques", how were they developed, how are they used and/or misused, why the proper records were not and are not kept on them, how broadly are they used these days and what are the degrees of risks and dangers that they pose to the national security? 
My Dear Sirs! With all the most sincere and due respect: putting aside for the moment all the ethical and moral issues, please present at least one scientifically based (for example some outcome studies, large scale or small scale; well processed statistically) piece or shred of evidence that these techniques work. I doubt that you will be able to do this. And unless you are able to do this, it means that you are practicing witchcraft and witch hunts,  in addition to practicing medicine or anti-medicine, so to speak, without a license. In addition, besides the issue of efficiency, there is an issue of cost-efficiency, and I did have a chance to write about it in one of my previous posts: I suspect that these "procedures", in addition to being simply inefficient, are also very and unduly, unjustifiably expensive, which, especially in today's climate, is definitely quite an important consideration. And last, but most definitely not least, the considerations of vulnerability in counterintelligence matters, as was described above, and also mentioned above ethical and moral aspects are also very much a part of the picture. 
Open up all the records in their entirety  that still exist and/or were not destroyed yet on this subject, FBI; share them with the public and come clean; this is too serious to sweep it under the rug. Apparently, for some obvious "self preservation" reasons you are not capable of dealing with this in honest and in depth. Let American public and society help you with it. You are not the KGB, but one of this country's most venerable and great institutions.
We cannot escape to face and to deal with these issues. This is not the question of "sharing the pie"; it would be very primitive, selfish and self-serving way of looking at this problem. This is the question of finding out and establishing the truth, not for the sake of a pretty phrase, but for the sake of its healing and "orthopedic" value. 

Links and References: 

Psychosis - From Wikipedia

Brief psychotic disorder - From Wikipedia

Brief reactive psychosis - From Wikipedia 

Substance-Induced Psychotic Disorder

Specific Substances
Psychotic Disorders can occur in association with intoxication with the following classes of substances: alcohol; amphetamine and related substances; cannabis; cocaine; hallucinogens; inhalants; opioids (meperidine); phencyclidine and related substances; sedatives, hypnotics, and anxiolytics; and other or unknown substances.
Read more: Substance-Induced Psychotic Disorder http://www.health.am/psy/substance-induced-psychotic-disorder/#ixzz2h9panMn1

There is clear evidence from these studies that, irrespective of the individual’s mental state, a large enough dose of a stimulant drug can produce a brief psychotic reaction, usually lasting only hours and being self-limiting in the majority of individuals.
The findings of this review indicate that stimulant use can result in a short-lived psychotic reaction, more pronounced in those with pre-existing psychotic symptoms. This reaction is unaffected by antipsychotic medication.

A "truth serum" is a colloquial name for any of a range of psychoactive medications used to obtain information from subjects who are unable or unwilling to provide it otherwise. Wikipedia

psychopharmacology of truthfulness - GS 

fbi practices behavioral and pharmacological provocations - GS 


» Trial set for alleged Navy charity scammer in Ohio - Hilton Head Island Packet

30/09/13 07:07 from Top Stories - Google News
MiamiHerald.comTrial set for alleged Navy charity scammer in OhioHilton Head Island PacketFILE - In this May 8, 2012 file photo, Bobby Thompson appears at a hearing in Cuyahoga County Court in Cleveland. Thompson, a one-time fugitive is ...

» Aaron Alexis, Navy Yard Shooter, Left Note Saying Radio Waves Made Him Kill - Huffington Post
26/09/13 02:07 from james b. comey - Google News
Aaron Alexis, Navy Yard Shooter, Left Note Saying Radio Waves Made Him KillHuffington PostHe ultimately returned to the third floor, where he was killed around 9:25 a.m. FBI Director James Comey has said there's no evidence that Alex...

» Aaron Alexis's Motive - National Review Online
26/09/13 18:41 from aaron alexis - Google News
ABC NewsAaron Alexis's MotiveNational Review OnlineMany in the media have agonized over possible motives that may have led Aaron Alexis to kill twelve co-workers at the Washington Navy Yard last week. Had he had a dispute with his co...

» Department Of Defense 'Furious' That FBI Released Video Of Navy ... 
25/09/13 17:53 from fbi - Google Blog Search

» FBI Plays the Role of Domestic Spy And Spy-Enabler, Says New Report - Reason (blog)
25/09/13 15:18 from fbi aclu report - Google News
Reason (blog)FBI Plays the Role of Domestic Spy And Spy-Enabler, Says New ReportReason (blog)The FBI may now be tapping so many sources of information that's it's effectively trying to drink from a firehose. The ACLU report quote...

» Former FBI agent to plead guilty in leak to AP - Washington Post
24/09/13 09:31 from fbi - Google News
Washington PostFormer FBI agent to plead guilty in leak to APWashington PostA former FBI bomb technician who later worked as a contractor for the bureau has agreed to plead guilty to disclosing national defense information to the Associa...

» Former FBI Agent to Plead Guilty in Press Leak - New York Times
24/09/13 08:01 from fbi - Google News
Washington PostFormer FBI Agent to Plead Guilty in Press LeakNew York TimesWASHINGTON — A former F.B.I. agent has agreed to plead guilty to leaking classified information to The Associated Press about a foiled bomb plot in Yemen last yea...

» Ex-FBI agent to plead guilty to AP leak - Al Jazeera America
24/09/13 02:30 from fbi - Google News
Al Jazeera AmericaEx-FBI agent to plead guilty to AP leakAl Jazeera AmericaA former FBI agent has agreed to plead guilty to leaking secret government information about a bomb plot to The Associated Press, the Justice Department said on M...
» Former FBI Agent to Plead Guilty in Press Leak - New York Times
24/09/13 01:02 from fbi - Google News
Former FBI Agent to Plead Guilty in Press LeakNew York TimesWASHINGTON — A former F.B.I. agent has agreed to plead guilty to leaking classified information to The Associated Press about a foiled bomb plot in Yemen last year, the Justice ...
» Ex-FBI agent pleads guilty to leaking information of "upgraded" underwear bombs - CBS News
24/09/13 00:43 from fbi - Google News
Ex-FBI agent pleads guilty to leaking information of "upgraded" underwear bombsCBS NewsDonald J. Sachtleben, an ex-FBI bomb technician from Indiana, disclosed the existence of a foiled terrorist attack to an AP reporter in Apri...

» Former FBI technician to plead guilty to classified leaks - USA TODAY
23/09/13 22:53 from fbi - Google News
Former FBI technician to plead guilty to classified leaksUSA TODAYWASHINGTON — A former FBI bomb technician has agreed to plead guilty to leaking classified information to the Associated Press last year about the disruption of a plot to ...

» Ex-FBI bomb tech's high-profile career ends in scandal - USA TODAY
25/09/13 13:44 from fbi - Google News
Ex-FBI bomb tech's high-profile career ends in scandalUSA TODAYNow, it is bomb expert Donald John Sachtleben who is heading to prison — a surprise ending to a distinguished FBI career brought down by child pornography and leaking cla...

» When the FBI Spent Decades Hunting for a Soviet Spy on Its Staff - Smithsonian
24/09/13 14:04 from fbi - Google News
SmithsonianWhen the FBI Spent Decades Hunting for a Soviet Spy on Its StaffSmithsonianOne spring night in 1962 a short, stocky Russian walked into the FBI office in Midtown Manhattan and offered his services as a spy for the United State...

22/09/13 17:18 from fbi - Google News
DEFENDING THE WESTWND.comSubversive and co-opted elements within our FBI violated a congressional ban on working and interacting with the Muslim Brotherhood organization, the Council on American-Islamic Relations, or CAIR. This is proof ...

» ATF Kept Out Of Loop After Navy Yard Shooting As FBI Took Charge - CBS Local
22/09/13 17:18 from fbi - Google News
Washington PostATF Kept Out Of Loop After Navy Yard Shooting As FBI Took ChargeCBS LocalWASHINGTON (AP) — Within hours of the Navy Yard shootings, the FBI had traced the gunman's recent shotgun purchase and sent agents to the shop in...

» In the FBI Director's Own Words: A Chronology of What Happened at the Navy ... - ABC News (blog)
21/09/13 13:25 from fbi - Google News
Washington PostIn the FBI Director's Own Words: A Chronology of What Happened at the Navy ...ABC News (blog)In the moments after Aaron Alexis opened fire inside the Washington Navy Yard on Monday, confusion and conflicting reports re...
» Navy Yard shooting: Swat team awaits answers - BBC News
21/09/13 09:09 from james b. comey - Google News
BBC NewsNavy Yard shooting: Swat team awaits answersBBC NewsOn Thursday, FBI Director James B Comey Jr told ABC News it took roughly half an hour for armed police to arrive and engage Alexis. All 12 victims were killed within that time. ...
» Aaron Alexis: police piece together picture of man 'as normal as you or me' - The Guardian
21/09/13 06:34 from james b. comey - Google News
The GuardianAaron Alexis: police piece together picture of man 'as normal as you or me'The GuardianPhotograph: Alex Wong/Getty. Investigators now believe Alexis assembled his shotgun inside. When he emerged, he immediately starte...
» FBI Tries to Trace Last Weeks of Gunman - New York Times
21/09/13 05:48 from fbi - Google News
NPR (blog)FBI Tries to Trace Last Weeks of GunmanNew York TimesWASHINGTON — F.B.I. analysts are poring through the cellphone and e-mail accounts of Aaron Alexis, the former Navy reservist who the police say killed 12 people at the Washin...

» FBI Instructed to Break Rules Banning Interactions With Terrorist Co ... - PJ Media
20/09/13 17:38 from fbi - Google News
FBI Instructed to Break Rules Banning Interactions With Terrorist Co ...PJ MediaWolf was referring to the FBI's violation of the ban on cooperation with the unindicted co-conspirator terrorist organization CAIR (Council on American-I...

» NCSO deputy arrested after selling drugs to FBI - newtoncitizen
20/09/13 16:59 from fbi - Google News
WXIA-TVNCSO deputy arrested after selling drugs to FBInewtoncitizenCOVINGTON — Newton County Sheriff's Office Deputy Darrell Mathis has been placed on paid administrative leave after being charged with selling marijuana to an underco...

» “9/11 Conspiracy Theorists” Categorized as Terrorists: FBI Calls Half ...
20/09/13 10:55 from fbi - Google Blog Search

» Navy Yard shooter attacked 'calmly,' FBI chief says - Los Angeles Times
20/09/13 10:17 from fbi - Google News
NPR (blog)Navy Yard shooter attacked 'calmly,' FBI chief saysLos Angeles TimesWASHINGTON — Video taken inside Building 197 at the Washington Navy Yard shows Aaron Alexis "calmly" walking down the hallways and stepping i...

» FBI field offices knowingly engaged in outreach activity with Hamas ...
20/09/13 00:01 from fbi - Google Blog Search


» Radios that failed in Navy Yard shooting used in Cumberland County - The Sentinel
28/09/13 07:44 from navy yard shooting - Google News
Radios that failed in Navy Yard shooting used in Cumberland CountyThe SentinelIn the wake of the shooting incident at the Navy Yard in Washington, D.C., on Sept. 16, issues with the Cumberland County radio system, which Carlisle borough ... 

Radios that failed in Navy Yard shooting used in Cumberland County

September 28, 2013 7:15 am  •  

In the wake of the shooting incident at the Navy Yard in Washington, D.C., on Sept. 16, issues with the Cumberland County radio system, which Carlisle borough recently voted to transfer to, and is manufactured by the same company as the ones used in Washington, have started to come to light.
Greg Russell, the president of the union that represents civilian Navy firefighters in the Washington, D.C., region, said during the shooting incident faulty radios hindered communication.
Former Navy reservist Aaron Alexis killed 12 people at the Navy Yard before being slain in a police shootout.
Russell said the problems prevented firefighters inside Building 197, where the shooting occurred, from communicating with each other and were so bad that the department had to send one of its officials outside the building to transmit messages and commands.
The portable radios used in that incident were Harris Corp. M/A-COM P7100 and P7200’s, he said, which are manufactured by the same company that Cumberland County uses for their radio communications.
While they are the same manufacturer, Cumberland County Public Information Officer, Megan Silverstrim, said comparing the two systems would be like comparing apples and oranges.
While the system in Washington is a P25 operating systems, Cumberland County uses an Open Sky System, she said. Both are manufactured by the Harris Corp. but operate on different wavelengths. The counties Open Sky system operates on 800 megahertz, which allows interoperability between agencies, which Silverstrim said would be an issue with the P25 system, which operates on 380 megahertz.
“To compare the two, yeah it is the same company, but it is like having AT&T as your cellphone provider and the difference between using an iPhone versus an Android,” she said.
The systems may be different, but the portable radios themselves are the same, both officials confirmed. Currently the county uses the P7200 models, amongst others, for several agencies. With the transition from the Carlisle dispatch center to county services, she said Carlisle Police would most likely be buying a newer model radio manufactured by the same company.
“It is hard for us to compare the two systems and how that would impact us here since it is a completely different system. The portable may be the same, but the portable isn’t what is going to cause a radio failure, it is going to be the system. When you can’t get cellphone service, it is not your cellphone’s fault, it is your carrier’s fault. The portable itself can be used on various systems ... We do use the same portable but we operate on a completely different system,” she said.
Russell said he would not recommend the system for any responders, including fire and police, because the issues with communication, issues with the mayday or distress buttons and failures with batteries, which were identified since they began using the radios in 2007.
“What we identified many years ago, you would be in a building and not be able to transmit to the outside of the building, or you could be on two sides of the same building, on the exterior and sometimes you could not transmit or receive from party to party,” he said. “I’ve been asked by several agencies in the last two weeks if I would recommend this radio and I would not recommend these for a dog catcher. Anybody in public safety I would urge them to stay away from it. If law enforcement is using it, a police officer does not have time to go back and forth to an exterior door, they aren’t there in the same conditions the firefighters are. They are combatants a lot of times. And when you are in a building and you are getting the snot whipped out of you and you can’t get a tower, you can’t get a signal, the game is over, you’ve already lost.”
He said the potential loss of life is high with the system.
The firefighters were ultimately able to use the radio system of local first responders, Russell said. He said the problems caused unnecessary delays, though it was not clear what effect those delays may have had.
Silverstrim said the county has been using the system for fire and EMS agencies for years with no major issues.
“We have had major incidents in the county, not as catastrophic as the shooting at the Navy Yard, but we have had incidents where there have been lots of radio communication and it has performed very well. A radio system does not exist that is 100 percent,” she said. “We are always looking to make sure that our radio system is secure. We have all sorts of redundancies in place to make sure that there aren’t any catastrophic failures.”
The FBI is still investigating why Alexis, a 34-year-old former Navy reservist and an information technology contractor with a history of mental health problems, entered the building Monday morning with a bag, emerged from a bathroom with a sawed-off shotgun and opened fire on workers. The shooting has prompted reviews into military security and employee screening programs.
Carlisle Police did not return a call for comment on the new proposed radio system for the agency. 
See also: 
» Lawmakers raise alarm after radio failures during Navy Yard shooting - Fox News
26/09/13 17:30 from navy yard shooting - Google News
Lawmakers raise alarm after radio failures during Navy Yard shootingFox NewsReports have surfaced that emergency workers grappled with serious radio problems during the Washington Navy Yard mass shooting. It has once again drawn attentio... 

» Arms Dealer Viktor Bout's U.S. Conviction Upheld
29/09/13 14:16 from The Moscow Times Top Stories
A U.S. appeals court Friday upheld the conviction of Russian arms dealer Viktor Bout for conspiring to kill Americans, rejecting his argument that he was a victim of a "vindictive" prosecution, including the international sting that led ...


» Russian Foreign Ministry Criticizes Viktor Bout's U.S. Court Decision
28/09/13 14:36 from Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty
The Russian Foreign Ministry has criticized the decision by a U.S. appeals court on September 27 to uphold the conviction and prison sentence of Russian arms dealer Viktor Bout.

Saturday, September 28, 2013


Russian Foreign Ministry Criticizes Viktor Bout's U.S. Court Decision

Russian arms dealer Viktor Bout
Russian arms dealer Viktor Bout
The Russian Foreign Ministry has criticized the decision by a U.S. appeals court on September 27 to uphold the conviction and prison sentence of Russian arms dealer Viktor Bout.

In a statement issued on September 28, the ministry said that the U.S. "legal machine once again rubber-stamped an obvious political stitch-up job despite the obvious weakness of the body of evidence."

Bout was convicted in 2011 of conspiracy to kill Americans and sentenced to 25 years in prison.

He was arrested in 2008 in Thailand in an international sting operation after he agreed to sell arms to U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration agents, whom he believed were members of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC), to use against U.S. forces.

Washington has designated FARC a terrorist organization.

Bout's case has strained relations between Washington and Moscow.

Based on reporting by AFP and Itar-Tass

» Navy orders probe of DC rampage as shooter's remains released - NBCNews.com (blog)
27/09/13 17:40 from navy yard shooting - Google News
Washington PostNavy orders probe of DC rampage as shooter's remains releasedNBCNews.com (blog)Navy Secretary Ray Mabus issued a memo ordering the in-depth probe, which will include a detailed review of the events leading up to the sh... 

"Also on Thursday, a spokeswoman for the Chief Medical Examiner’s Office in Washington, D.C., confirmed to NBC News that an autopsy had been completed on Alexis' body and his remains had been released. She declined, however, to say who claimed the body or provide the results of the autopsy. "
Mike Nova: Autopsy results might provide info on: 1. Toxicology: illicit or prescribed drugs 2. Any "gross" (detectable on autopsy) physical, organs and tissue pathology. The subtle ones, especially related to mental illness might be undetectable. The results of autopsy should be released or provided as soon as they are available and hopefully should be high quality: performed by experienced pathologist. 
The questions  and issues recorded by me, at least partially,  in Part 1 of this review remain. I will try to summarise them: 
1. Psychological Autopsy: all available records and info from the interviews should be reviewed and summarised. 
2. Blank spots should be filled, e.g. events and connections around August 8, 2013 stay in a Newport Marriott hotel. 

3. Prevention measures, including screenings and various testings, designed empirically and specifically for this purpose, on a large scale; with continuous assessments of their practical validity and efficiency.
If I can be of any help, feel free to contact me. 

Navy orders probe of DC rampage as shooter's remains released ...


by Jeff Black, Staff Writer
1 day ago - The Navy ordered an investigation into the deadly Washington Navy Yard shooting on Thursday, and the D.C. medical examiner released the gunman's remains. Navy Secretary Ray Mabus issued a memo ordering the ...

» Puerto Rico
28/09/13 02:55 from Google
Puerto Rico This post has been generated by Page2RSS 

» Navy orders probe of DC rampage as shooter's remains released - NBCNews.com
26/09/13 23:18 from navy yard shooting - Google News
ABC NewsNavy orders probe of DC rampage as shooter's remains releasedNBCNews.comNavy Secretary Ray Mabus issued a memo ordering the in-depth probe, which will include a detailed review of the events leading up to the shooting in whic...

» Autopsy of Navy Yards shooter complete, but authorities remain mum on details - New York Daily News
27/09/13 21:59 from navy yard shooting - Google News
New York Daily NewsAutopsy of Navy Yards shooter complete, but authorities remain mum on detailsNew York Daily NewsAn autopsy has been completed on the body of Navy Yard gunman Aaron Alexis and his remains have been released, a spokeswom...

» 2 US Army vets accused of plot to kill DEA agent - USA TODAY
28/09/13 05:27 from Top Stories - Google News
Telegraph.co.uk2 US Army vets accused of plot to kill DEA agentUSA TODAYFormer sniper instructor known as 'Rambo' allegedly recruited four others in scheme to import cocaine. Joseph Hunter. Former U.S. Army sniper instructor Jose...

» Former Army Sergeant Became Contract Killer, Authorities Say - New York Times
28/09/13 01:39 from Top Stories - Google News
New York TimesFormer Army Sergeant Became Contract Killer, Authorities SayNew York TimesHis nickname was Rambo. He was a former sergeant in the Army, and he trained soldiers to be snipers. But after leaving the military in 2004, the auth...

The New York Times

September 27, 2013

Ex-Soldier Became Contract Killer, Authorities Say

His nickname was Rambo. He was a sergeant in the Army, and he trained soldiers to be snipers. But after leaving the military in 2004, the authorities say, he put his skills to work in a less honorable way: earning a living as a contract killer.
This past spring, the onetime sergeant, Joseph Hunter, 48, and two other former soldiers agreed to murder an agent of the United States Drug Enforcement Administration and one of that agency’s confidential informers, both in Liberia, for a total of $800,000, federal prosecutors said on Friday in Manhattan.
The plot had been proposed by men who held themselves out as Colombian drug traffickers, an indictment says.
“My guys will handle it,” Mr. Hunter wrote in an e-mail on May 30, responding to a question as to whether his team would be willing to carry out the killings, the indictment charges.
In fact, the authorities said, the purported drug traffickers were confidential sources for the D.E.A. and part of an undercover sting operation that ultimately led to the arrests of Mr. Hunter and two others: another former American Army sergeant, Timothy Vamvakias, 42, and a former German corporal, Dennis Gogel, 27. All three were charged with conspiracy to murder the agent and the informer, as well as conspiring to import cocaine into the United States.
Two other men, Michael Filter, 29, and Slawomir Soborski, 40, who served in the German and Polish militaries, respectively, have also been arrested and charged in the drug trafficking conspiracy, prosecutors said. They are awaiting extradition from Estonia, the authorities said.
“The charges tell a tale of an international band of mercenary marksmen who enlisted their elite military training to serve as hired guns for evil ends,” Preet Bharara, the United States attorney for the Southern District of New York, said at a news conference on Friday.
Mr. Bharara described the charges with Derek Maltz, who heads the D.E.A.’s special operations division.
Mr. Hunter referred to contract assassinations euphemistically as “bonus work” or “bonus jobs,” the indictment says, adding that he told the confidential informers that he had done such work before. Mr. Bharara said Mr. Hunter had successfully arranged for the murders “of numerous people,” though he did not name them.
The indictment says that Mr. Hunter began collecting résumés for prospective members of his so-called security team, which had planned to use pistols and submachine guns, with silencers, to carry out the murders. Mr. Gogel told one of the drug agency informers that the murders could be made to resemble an ordinary street crime, “like a bad robbery or anything, you know,” the indictment says.
Mr. Hunter told co-conspirators that they would be working for a Colombian cartel and that they could expect to “see tons of cocaine and millions of dollars,” the indictment says. They would also have the opportunity to participate in assassinations, he told them, according to the indictment. “Most of the bonus work is up close ... because in the cities ... you don’t get long-range shots,” the indictment quotes him as saying.
Part of an escape plan involved the use of sophisticated latex face masks that would make the wearer appear to be of another race, the indictment said.
Mr. Vamvakias, describing the proposed murders of the D.E.A. agent and the informer, was quoted in the indictment as saying, “You know, we gotta do this, hit it hard, hit it fast, make sure it’s done,” and then leave.
“That’s the biggest headache,” he added. “The job’s not the headache; it’s getting in and out.”
Mr. Hunter was taken into custody in Thailand, Mr. Bharara said, and was to be arraigned in Manhattan on Saturday. Mr. Vamvakias and Mr. Gogel were each sent to the United States from Liberia and arraigned on Thursday, when they were ordered detained and entered not guilty pleas, the authorities said.
Mr. Vamvakias’s lawyer, Bobbi C. Sternheim, said, “We are prepared to vigorously defend” against the charges. Mr. Gogel’s lawyer, Edward D. Wilford, declined to comment.
The case, with its use of confidential informers posing as drug traffickers, had echoes of other D.E.A. international sting operations, like the one in 2008 that ensnared the Russian arms trafficker Viktor Bout, who was brought to the United States and tried and convicted in 2011.
Mr. Bharara and Mr. Maltz made it clear that the drug agency had had its eye on Mr. Hunter for some time. After learning about him through a different investigation, Mr. Bharara said, the agency decided “to do something to incapacitate him.”
Mr. Maltz said the operation had lasted close to a year. He said the goal was to “be able to take these threats out before something bad happens.”

» Ex-Soldier Became Contract Killer, Authorities Say
28/09/13 01:37 from NYT > International
Joseph Hunter and two other ex-soldiers agreed to kill an agent of the Drug Enforcement Administration and one of that agency’s confidential informants for $800,000, federal prosecutors said.

» Ex-soldiers accused of guarding drug cartels, plot to kill DEA agent - Los Angeles Times
28/09/13 02:52 from Top Stories - Google News
NBCNews.comEx-soldiers accused of guarding drug cartels, plot to kill DEA agentLos Angeles TimesAn Army officer with more than 20 years in uniform has been indicted in New York, accused of acting as a contract killer and the leader of a ...

» 2 US Army vets accused of plot to kill DEA agent - USA TODAY
28/09/13 01:54 from Top Stories - Google News
Philly.com2 US Army vets accused of plot to kill DEA agentUSA TODAYFormer sniper instructor known as 'Rambo' allegedly recruited four others in scheme to import cocaine. Joseph Hunter. Former U.S. Army sniper instructor Joseph Ma...

» 3 Ex-Soldiers Accused of Plot to Kill DEA Agent - ABC News
27/09/13 22:32 from Top Stories - Google News
Philly.com3 Ex-Soldiers Accused of Plot to Kill DEA AgentABC NewsTwo former American soldiers — one nicknamed "Rambo" — and a German ex-soldier faced charges Friday that they plotted to kill a U.S. drug enforcement agent and an...

» Humble United pilot flying from Houston dies after heart attack - Houston Chronicle
28/09/13 04:23 from Top Stories - Google News
New York Daily NewsHumble United pilot flying from Houston dies after heart attackHouston ChronicleA United Airlines pilot died after suffering a heart attack while flying from Houston to Seattle, forcing crew members to make an emergenc...

» Plane diverted after pilot suffers heart attack - BBC News
28/09/13 02:34 from Top Stories - Google News
ABC NewsPlane diverted after pilot suffers heart attackBBC NewsA plane carrying 161 passengers was forced to make an emergency landing after the pilot suffered what was later proved to be a fatal heart attack. The United Airlines flight ...

» Plane diverted after pilot suffers heart attack - BBC News
28/09/13 01:18 from Top Stories - Google News
WKRC TV CincinnatiPlane diverted after pilot suffers heart attackBBC NewsA plane carrying 161 passengers was forced to make an emergency landing after the pilot suffered what was later proved to be a fatal heart attack. The United Airlin...

» Pilot's deadly in-flight heart attack threatens to renew age debate - CNN
27/09/13 21:25 from Top Stories - Google News
Sydney Morning HeraldPilot's deadly in-flight heart attack threatens to renew age debateCNN(CNN) -- The 161 passengers aboard United Flight 1603 must have known something was wrong when a crew member announced through the cabin louds...

» NATO and Russia hold joint counter-terror exercise 'Vigilant Skies' - NATO HQ (press release)
28/09/13 04:48 from Russia - Google News
NATO and Russia hold joint counter-terror exercise 'Vigilant Skies'NATO HQ (press release)Fighter aircraft from Turkish, Polish and Russian air forces together with air traffic controllers successfully completed a live three-day ...

» U.S. Says Iran Hacked Navy Computers
28/09/13 01:42 from WSJ.com: World News
U.S. officials said Iran hacked unclassified Navy computers in recent weeks in an escalation of Iranian cyberintrusions that target the U.S. military.

» Government shutdown would hit Pentagon civilians - again - Reuters
27/09/13 22:36 from Top Stories - Google News
AFPGovernment shutdown would hit Pentagon civilians - againReutersBy David Alexander. WASHINGTON | Fri Sep 27, 2013 6:35pm EDT. WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Defense Department will put half its 800,000 civilian employees on unpaid lea...

» Rise in Deadly Attacks on Shiites in Iraq Stirs Anger at Government
27/09/13 22:23 from NYT > International
The inability of the government of Prime Minister Nuri Kamal al-Maliki to control terrorist violence has drawn complaints of incompetence and corruption.

» Brazil Polls: Rousseff's Popularity Still on Rebound
27/09/13 21:55 from Voice of America
President Dilma Rousseff continues to recover popularity lost after the massive protests that shook Brazil in June, bolstering her chances of re-election next year, two polls published on Friday showed.  The polls confirm the results o...

» NRA: Navy Yard shooter should have been committed - USA TODAY
27/09/13 20:53 from navy yard shooting - Google News
NRA: Navy Yard shooter should have been committedUSA TODAYThe Washington Navy Yard. Tragedy that didn't have to happen. Victims that didn't have to be victims. He never should have been at the Navy Yard. Discharged from the milit...

» Aaron Alexis and the Angry Vet Narrative - The Atlantic
27/09/13 11:21 from aaron alexis - Google News
The AtlanticAaron Alexis and the Angry Vet NarrativeThe Atlantic16, Aaron Alexis opened fired in the Washington Navy Yard, killing 12 and wounding three before a police officer shot and killed him. The Washington Post fueled early hyster...

» Aaron Alexis's Motive - National Review Online
26/09/13 18:41 from aaron alexis - Google News
ABC NewsAaron Alexis's MotiveNational Review OnlineMany in the media have agonized over possible motives that may have led Aaron Alexis to kill twelve co-workers at the Washington Navy Yard last week. Had he had a dispute with his co...
» Lawmakers raise alarm after radio failures during Navy Yard shooting - Fox News
26/09/13 17:30 from navy yard shooting - Google News
Lawmakers raise alarm after radio failures during Navy Yard shootingFox NewsReports have surfaced that emergency workers grappled with serious radio problems during the Washington Navy Yard mass shooting. It has once again drawn attentio...
» Lawmakers raise alarm after radio failures during Navy Yard shooting - Fox News
26/09/13 17:30 from washington navy yard shooting - Google News
Lawmakers raise alarm after radio failures during Navy Yard shootingFox NewsReports have surfaced that emergency workers grappled with serious radio problems during the Washington Navy Yard mass shooting. It has once again drawn attentio...
» Aaron Alexis and extremely low frequency attacks: Truth or fiction? - Washington Times
26/09/13 16:46 from aaron alexis - Google News
The AtlanticAaron Alexis and extremely low frequency attacks: Truth or fiction?Washington TimesWASHINGTON, September 26, 2013 – The FBI's Washington, D.C. Field Office issued a statement yesterday summarizing findings of the investig...

» FBI: Navy yard shooter 'delusional,' prepared to die - MSNBC
26/09/13 16:45 from washington navy yard shooting - Google News
FBI: Navy yard shooter 'delusional,' prepared to dieMSNBCWashington Navy Yard gunman Aaron Alexis acted alone and there is no indication he was trying to target specific individuals when he shot and killed 12 people during his bl...

» Vladimir Putin tries his hardest to look like a world statesman - The Economist
28/09/13 13:44 from Russia - Google News
Sydney Morning HeraldVladimir Putin tries his hardest to look like a world statesmanThe EconomistIn fact, the Russians are being careful not to crow too much over the deal to get Syria's president, Bashar Assad, to give up chemical w...


» Two plead not guilty to Lee Rigby murder in Woolwich - BBC News
27/09/13 16:38 from Top Stories - Google News
Mirror.co.ukTwo plead not guilty to Lee Rigby murder in WoolwichBBC NewsTwo men accused of murdering soldier Lee Rigby in Woolwich, south-east London, have pleaded not guilty. Michael Adebolajo, 28, from Romford, east London, and Michael...

» Men Plead Not Guilty to U.K. Soldier's Murder
27/09/13 10:59 from WSJ.com: World News
Two men accused of killing a British soldier outside an army barracks in south London pleaded not guilty to murder at a court hearing.

» Has krokodil - the horrific street drug that rots the flesh of addicts – made the switch from Russia to the US?
27/09/13 12:00 from - Europe RSS Feed 
Krokodil – the cheap heroin substitute that rots the flesh of addicts, usually killing them within two years – is believed to have made the switch to the US after a number of cases were reported in Arizona.


» Lawmakers raise alarm after radio failures during Navy Yard shooting - Fox News
26/09/13 11:31 from navy yard shooting - Google News
Lawmakers raise alarm after radio failures during Navy Yard shootingFox NewsReports have surfaced that emergency workers grappled with serious radio problems during the Washington Navy Yard mass shooting. It has once again drawn attentio...

» Navy Yard shooter Aaron Alexis driven by delusions - Washington Post
26/09/13 10:03 from navy yard shooting - Google News
ABC NewsNavy Yard shooter Aaron Alexis driven by delusionsWashington PostThe government contractor who killed 12 people at the Washington Navy Yard last week was driven by delusions that he was being controlled by low-frequency radio wav...

» FBI releases video of 'delusional' Navy Yard shooter - Reuters
25/09/13 19:28 from washington navy yard shooting - Google News
ABC NewsFBI releases video of 'delusional' Navy Yard shooterReutersWASHINGTON (Reuters) - The FBI released surveillance video and photos of Navy Yard shooter Aaron Alexis on Wednesday and said he believed electromagnetic waves ha...

» FBI: Navy Yard shooter 'delusional,' said 'low frequency attacks' drove him to kill - CNN
26/09/13 11:52 from Top Stories - Google News
U.S. News & World ReportFBI: Navy Yard shooter 'delusional,' said 'low frequency attacks' drove him to killCNN(CNN) -- Aaron Alexis was under "the delusional belief that he was being controlled or influenced by extre...

» FBI: Navy Yard gunman left note about radio waves - Kansas City Star
26/09/13 08:41 from Top Stories - Google News
ABC NewsFBI: Navy Yard gunman left note about radio wavesKansas City StarWASHINGTON — In the final months of his life, Aaron Alexis complained of hearing voices talking to him through a wall and of microwave vibrations that he said enter...

» FBI releases CCTV of Navy Yard gunman Aaron Alexis' attack - BBC News
26/09/13 11:39 from Top Stories - Google News
BBC NewsFBI releases CCTV of Navy Yard gunman Aaron Alexis' attackBBC NewsThe FBI has released chilling video footage of the Washington DC Navy Yard gunman prowling the corridors of the complex as he hunts for victims. During a press...

» Navy Yard Shooting Leads to Contract Shake-Up - Wall Street Journal
25/09/13 20:57 from washington navy yard shooting - Google News
Navy Yard Shooting Leads to Contract Shake-UpWall Street JournalValerie Parlave, head of the FBI's field office in Washington, discusses updates on the investigation into the Washington Navy Yard shooting, including developments in u...

» FBI video shows Navy Yard shooter - Washington Post
25/09/13 18:53 from navy yard shooting - Google News
FBI video shows Navy Yard shooterWashington PostFBI video shows Navy Yard shooter. 00:30. September 25, 2013 2:05 PM EDT — The FBI released video of shooter Aaron Alexis walking inside Navy Yard with a gun on the day of the shooting. (FB...

» Navy Yard Shooter Believed Mind Was Under Attack, Official Says - New York Times
25/09/13 17:51 from washington navy yard shooting - Google News
Navy Yard Shooter Believed Mind Was Under Attack, Official SaysNew York TimesWASHINGTON — Aaron Alexis, the shooter who the police say killed 12 people at the navy yard here last week, believed his mind was being controlled by “extremely...

» Note from Navy Yard shooter says he was driven to kill, FBI says - Los Angeles Times
26/09/13 13:53 from Top Stories - Google News
ABC NewsNote from Navy Yard shooter says he was driven to kill, FBI saysLos Angeles TimesWASHINGTON — The Washington Navy Yard shooter believed he was being targeted by an "ultra low frequency attack" and left a note saying tha...

» Navy yard footage shows gunman Aaron Alexis during killing spree - The Guardian
25/09/13 16:52 from aaron alexis - Google News
The GuardianNavy yard footage shows gunman Aaron Alexis during killing spreeThe GuardianThe video begins innocuously enough. A blue Toyota Prius rental car pulls into the parking garage of the Washington navy yard at 7.53am on 16 Septemb...

» Gunman Said Electronic Brain Attacks Drove Him to Violence, FBI Says - New York Times
26/09/13 02:33 from navy yard shooting - Google News
Gunman Said Electronic Brain Attacks Drove Him to Violence, FBI SaysNew York TimesWASHINGTON — The man who killed 12 people at the Washington Navy Yard 10 days ago left behind electronic documents saying that the government had been atta..

Documents released by the government on Wednesday detail search warrants obtained as part of the investigation. In a backpack Mr. Alexis carried into the navy yard, he had a flash drive, an external hard drive and several compact discs. At his hotel, the authorities found a laptop in his room.
At the Pentagon on Wednesday, Ashton B. Carter, the deputy defense secretary, told reporters that the military had started three reviews of its security procedures in response to the shooting. The reviews will examine potential flaws in base security, background investigations and other areas that could have allowed the navy yard shooting to occur. Mr. Alexis was granted a midlevel security clearance in 2007 while he was a reservist that allowed him to obtain a special card giving him access to military bases for The Experts.
“The bottom line is, we need to know how an employee was able to bring a weapon and ammunition onto a D.O.D. installation and how warning flags were either missed, ignored or not addressed in a timely manner,” Mr. Carter said.

Lee Rigby - GS

Chris Kyle - GS  Chris Kyle, a retired Navy SEAL who was the most deadly sniper in US history.

chris kyle conspiracy - GS

Conspiracy?: Chris Kyle The Third High-Profile Firearms Business Owner Killed In Past Month,
33rd SEAL In Past Four Years

The following is a list of United States Navy UDT/SEALs who have laid down their lives since 2009
RIP To America’s Bravest and Greatest Heroes…
Rank, Name, Date of Death, KIA or KIT, Location.
SO1 Nicolas D. Checque, 12/8/2012, KIA, Afghanistan.
SO1 Kevin R. Ebbert, 11/24/2012, KIA, Afghanistan.
SO2 Matthew G. Kantor, KIA, 11/1/2012, Afghanistan.
KIA 8/16/2012, Helicopter Crash, Kandahar Province, Afghanistan.
SO1 Patrick D. Feeks.
SO2 David J. Warsen.
SO1 Caleb A. Nelson, 10/1/2011, KIA, Afghanistan.
KIA 8/6/2011, CH-47 Downed by Enemy Fire, Afghanistan:
LCDR Jonas B. Kelsall.
SOCM Louis J. Langlais.
SOCS Thomas A. Ratzlaff.
SOCS Heath M. Robinson.
SOC Brian R. Bill.
SOC Christopher G. Campbell.
SOC John W. Faas.
SOC Kevin A. Houston.
SOC Matthew D. Mason.
SOC Stephen M. Mills.
SOC Robert J. Reeves.
SOC Jason R. Workman.
SO1 Darrik C. Benson.
SO1 Jon T. Tumilson.
SOC Aaron C. Vaughn.
SO1 Jesse D. Pittman.
SO2 Nicholas P. Spehar.
KIA 9/21/2010, Blackhawk Crash, Afghanistan:
LT Brendan J. Looney.
SO2 Adam O. Smith.
SO3 Denis C. Miranda.
SOC Collin T. Thomas, 8/18/2010, KIA, Afghanistan.
SOC Adam L. Brown, 3/17/2010, KIA, Afghanistan.
SO2 Ronald T. Woodle, 2/16/2010, KIT, Key West, FL.
SO2 Ryan Job, 9/24/2009, died in surgery to repair combat wounds received in Iraq on 8/2/2006.
SOC Eric F. Shellenberger, 5/7/2009, KIT, Keyport, WA.

FBI Agents Killed in Virginia Were Investigating the Boston Bombing
See more at: http://www.globalresearch.ca/fbi-agents-killed-in-virginia-were-investigating-the-boston-bombing/5336347#sthash.OkTN4DDw.dpuf 

- iraq war veterans deaths - GS

iraq war veterans mysterious deaths - GS

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iraq war veterans homicide - GS

iraq war veterans homicides - GS

iraq war veterans suicides - GS 

iraq war veterans suicide rate - GS

suicide statistics iraq war veterans - GS22 veterans kill themselves every day

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homicide statistics iraq war veterans snipers- GS 

suicide statistics iraq war veterans snipers - GS

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iraq war veterans snipers as targets - GS

iraq war veterans snipers as targets GRU - GS 

Uncensored Info on Iraq War from the Russian GRU 

navy seal sniper killed - GS 

navy seal snipers killed - GS

Iraq war navy seal snipers manhunt - GS 

Christopher Dorner - From Wikipedia

christopher jordan dorner - GS

Mike Nova: Don't you find his stare devious and somewhat puzzling, and most importantly very similar in its emotional meaning or content to A.A. stare? I do. 

Aaron Alexis


From my earlier post: Tempra, o Diva: Anti-Americanism in Putin Doctrine as Stalinist Xenophobia Redux
Updated: 2/17/2013 - First Published: 2/10/2013

Автора книги "Американский снайпер", одного из самых опасных снайперов в истории США, Криса Кайла застрелили в тире в маленьком техасском городке.


Четыре раза он побывал …

Автора книги "Американский снайпер", одного из самых опасных снайперов в истории США, Криса Кайла застрелили в тире в маленьком техасском городке.
Четыре раза он побывал в Ираке, где принимал участие в боевых операциях и получил множество правительственных наград.
"Я отправился на войну не для того, чтобы рассматривать свои мишени как людей. Мне не интересно было знать, есть ли у них семьи или дети", - признался в 2012 году Кайл в интервью журналу Time.
Первой его жертвой была иракская женщина, в одиночку вышедшая с гранатой в руке навстречу американским морпехам.

Только в одной Фаллудже он убил 40 человек.Официально на его счету 160 застреленных иракцев, хотя сам он утверждал, что убил не менее 255 человек.

Ни об одном совершенном убийстве Кайл в итоге не жалел, и в отвечал в интервью, что "все убитые были плохими людьми".

Иракское сопротивление прозвало его "Дьяволом".

Криса "Дьявола" застрелил бывший сослуживец, такой же бессовестный наёмник, как и сам Кайл...


eddie ray routh - GS - "Behavior and Law" blog post

eddie ray routh - GS

Eddie Ray Routh - News Review

Last Update: 2.10.13

"A puzzle inside of an enigma wrapped in a mystery"

Eddie Ray Routh, Accused of Killing Chris Kyle, ‘American Sniper,’ Had Troubled Past
Eddie Ray Routh, accused of killing Chris Kyle, the author of “American Sniper,” had been released from a hospital over his parents’ objections just days before the shooting, his lawyers said.

On the morning of Monday, September 16, 2013, shooter Aaron Alexis arrived at the Washington Navy Yard in Southeast, Washington, D.C. Alexis had legitimate access to the Navy Yard as a result of his work as a contractor and he utilized a valid pass to gain entry to Building #197.
Shortly after his arrival in the building and over the course of approximately one hour, Alexis used the Remington 870 shotgun and a Beretta handgun he obtained during the course of his shooting to kill 12 victims and wound four surviving victims before he was shot and killed by law enforcement officers. Investigation to date has determined that Alexis acted alone. 

Photo Gallery: Navy Yard Shootings

9 / 12
Shotgun Etchings ( Download )
A close-up photograph of the etchings on the left side of Alexis’ shotgun receiver.

Photo Gallery: Navy Yard Shootings

11 / 12
Shotgun Etchings ( Download )
A close-up photograph of the etching on the right side of Alexis’ shotgun receiver.

Photo Gallery

Through information and evidence gathered in interviews, searches, and other investigative activity, investigators and analysts have gained a greater understanding of the recent movements and activities of deceased Washington Navy Yard shooter Aaron Alexis. Details

Law Enforcement Shares Findings of the Investigation into the Washington Navy Yard Shootings 

FBI WashingtonSeptember 25, 2013
  • Public Information Office(202) 278-3519
WASHINGTON—Today, law enforcement officials shared findings to date of the investigation into the shootings that occurred at the Washington Navy Yard on Monday, September 16, 2013.
The developments were announced by Valerie Parlave, Assistant Director in Charge of the FBI’s Washington Field Office; Cathy L. Lanier, Chief of the Metropolitan Police Department; Michael Monroe, Special Agent in Charge of the Washington Field Office of the Naval Criminal Investigative Service; Ronald C. Machen Jr., U.S. Attorney for the District of Columbia; Carl Vasilko, Special Agent in Charge of the Washington Field Division of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives; and Teresa Chambers, Chief of the U.S. Park Police.
Through information and evidence gathered in interviews, searches, and other investigative activity, investigators and analysts have gained a greater understanding of the recent movements and activities of deceased shooter Aaron Alexis, 34.
Alexis was employed as a contractor for a private information technology firm. Pursuant to his employment, Alexis was assigned to a project at the Washington Navy Yard and he arrived in the Washington, D.C., area on August 25, 2013. From August 25 to August 31, 2013, Alexis stayed at a hotel in Bethesda, Maryland. From August 31 to September 7, 2013, Alexis stayed at a hotel in the Pentagon City area of Arlington, Virginia. On September 7, Alexis moved to the Residence Inn in Southwest Washington, D.C., where he remained through September 16, 2013. Alexis began working at the Washington Navy Yard on September 9, 2013.
On Saturday, September 14, 2013, Alexis purchased a Remington 870 shotgun and ammunition at a gun shop in Northern Virginia. On the same day, Alexis also purchased a hacksaw, among other items, at a home improvement store in Northern Virginia.
On the morning of Monday, September 16, 2013, Alexis arrived at the Washington Navy Yard. Alexis had legitimate access to the Navy Yard as a result of his work as a contractor and he utilized a valid pass to gain entry to Building #197. Shortly after his arrival in the building and over the course of approximately one hour, Alexis used the Remington 870 shotgun and a Beretta handgun he obtained during the course of his shooting to kill 12 victims and wound four surviving victims before he was shot and killed by law enforcement officers. Investigation to date has determined that Alexis acted alone.
The following timeline details Alexis’ activity during the morning of September 16, 2013:
  • 7:53 a.m. - Alexis’ rental car, a blue Toyota Prius with New York plates, entered Parking Garage #28 at the Washington Navy Yard, located directly across from Building #197.
  • 8:08 a.m. - Alexis exited Parking Garage #28 on foot carrying a backpack. Alexis entered Building #197 and proceeded to the elevator.
  • 8:09 a.m. - Alexis exited the elevator on the fourth floor and entered the men’s bathroom carrying a backpack and a clipboard.
  • 8:15 a.m. - Alexis crossed the hallway into the 4 West area of Building #197 with shotgun, but without the backpack or a clipboard.
  • 8:16 a.m. - Alexis shot the first victim in the 4 West area of Building #197.
  • 8:17 a.m. - First 911 call is received from the fourth floor of Building #197.
  • 8:20 a.m. - Alexis left the fourth floor using the stairs and entered the third floor.
  • 8:28 a.m. - Alexis appeared on the first floor.
  • 8:57 a.m. - Alexis returned to the third floor.
  • 9:25 a.m. - Law enforcement shoot and kill Alexis on the third floor.
Both weapons used by Alexis were recovered at the scene and have been submitted to the FBI Laboratory for forensic analysis. The Remington 870 shotgun had been altered with a sawed-off barrel and stock. Purple duct tape covered the end of the stock and handwritten etchings were present on various parts of the shotgun.

Etched into the barrel of the shotgun were the words “End to the torment!” Etched into the right side of the shotgun receiver were the words “Not what yall say!” and etched into the left side of the receiver were the phrases “Better off this way!” and “My ELF weapon!”
Alexis’ backpack was located in the fourth floor men’s bathroom, hanging on the back of a stall door. Contents of the backpack included a roll of purple duct tape and electronic media. Searches were conducted of Alexis’ blue Toyota Prius rental car, located in Parking Garage #28, and his hotel room in Southwest Washington, D.C. Additional electronic media was located in the hotel room.
Analysis of the electronic media recovered from Alexis’ belongings revealed several relevant communications. While analysis of these communications is ongoing in conjunction with other information and evidence determined through investigation, preliminary analysis has yielded clues to his intentions and issues of importance to him.

There are indicators that Alexis was prepared to die during the attack and that he accepted death as the inevitable consequence of his actions. There is no indication to date that Alexis was targeting specific individuals.
There are multiple indicators that Alexis held a delusional belief that he was being controlled or influenced by extremely low frequency (ELF) electromagnetic waves. The etching of “My ELF weapon!” on the left side of the receiver of the Remington 870 shotgun is believed to reference these electromagnetic waves. In addition, a document retrieved from his electronic media stated, “Ultra low frequency attack is what I’ve been subject to for the last 3 months, and to be perfectly honest that is what has driven me to this.”
ELF technology was a legitimate program for naval sub-tonal submarine communications; however, conspiracy theories exist which misinterpret its application as the weaponization of remote neural frequencies for government monitoring and manipulation of unsuspecting citizens.
While announcing these developments in this ongoing joint investigation, Assistant Director Parlave, Chief Lanier, Special Agent in Charge Monroe, U.S. Attorney Machen, Special Agent in Charge Vasilko, and Chief Chambers commended the work of investigators and analysts who continue to conduct a complete and thorough investigation into the tragic events at the Washington Navy Yard.
Photographs and video taken at the Washington Navy Yard can be accessed atwww.fbi.gov/washingtonnavyyard.

Washington Navy Yard Shooting - Current News Review

» Navy Yard shootings: What we know so far [Updated] - The Week
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» Navy Yard shootings: What we know so far [Updated] - The Week
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Navy Yard shootings: What we know so far [Updated]    The Week

» DC police continue to look for suspect in fatal Navy Yard shooting - DC News Now | Washington, DC
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DC police continue to look for suspect in fatal Navy Yard shooting    DC News Now | Washington, DC

» DC police continue to look for suspect wanted for fatal Navy Yard shooting - DC News Now | Washington, DC
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DC police continue to look for suspect wanted for fatal Navy Yard shooting    DC News Now | Washington, DC

» Suspect in Navy Yard City shooting arrested, held on $1 million bail - Kitsap Sun
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Suspect in Navy Yard City shooting arrested, held on $1 million bail    Kitsap Sun

» DC man killed by son in Navy Yard shooting - FOX 5 DC
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DC man killed by son in Navy Yard shooting    FOX 5 DC

» 'My dad shot my Pop Pop': Toddler witnesses father kill grandfather in DC - FOX 5 DC
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'My dad shot my Pop Pop': Toddler witnesses father kill grandfather in DC    FOX 5 DC

» Man charged in deadly shooting at luxury apartment complex in Navy Yard, police say - FOX 5 DC
05/02/25 04:00 from navy yard shooting - Google News
Man charged in deadly shooting at luxury apartment complex in Navy Yard, police say    FOX 5 DC

» Man arrested for fatal shooting in Navy Yard apartment, police say - DC News Now | Washington, DC
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Man arrested for fatal shooting in Navy Yard apartment, police say    DC News Now | Washington, DC

» Man charged in deadly shooting at Navy Yard apartment complex - FOX 5 DC
05/02/25 04:00 from navy yard shooting - Google News
Man charged in deadly shooting at Navy Yard apartment complex    FOX 5 DC

» Man arrested for fatal shooting in Navy Yard apartment, police say - DC News Now | Washington, DC
05/02/25 04:00 from navy yard shooting - Google News
Man arrested for fatal shooting in Navy Yard apartment, police say    DC News Now | Washington, DC

» Man ‘barely breathing’ after Navy Yard shooting - DC News Now | Washington, DC
04/02/25 04:00 from navy yard shooting - Google News
Man ‘barely breathing’ after Navy Yard shooting    DC News Now | Washington, DC

» Man shot dead in luxury Navy Yard apartment, police investigating - FOX 5 DC
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Man shot dead in luxury Navy Yard apartment, police investigating    FOX 5 DC

» Update: Arrest Made. Shooting Homicide in an apartment in Navy Yard - PoPville
04/02/25 04:00 from navy yard shooting - Google News
Update: Arrest Made. Shooting Homicide in an apartment in Navy Yard    PoPville

» Shooting at Navy Yard apartment leaves 1 dead, suspect arrested: Police - WJLA
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Shooting at Navy Yard apartment leaves 1 dead, suspect arrested: Police    WJLA

» DC police: Double shooting in Southeast leaves 1 teen dead, 1 hurt - DC News Now | Washington, DC
04/02/25 04:00 from navy yard shooting - Google News
DC police: Double shooting in Southeast leaves 1 teen dead, 1 hurt    DC News Now | Washington, DC

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Man fatally shot in Navy Yard    DC News Now | Washington, DC

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» Today in History: September 16, Washington Navy Yard shooting rampage kills 12 - The Denver Post
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Today in History: September 16, Washington Navy Yard shooting rampage kills 12    The Denver Post

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» 1 man injured in shooting near Cold Stone Creamery in Navy Yard, police say - WJLA
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» Police investigate fatal shooting in Navy Yard - NBC Washington
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» Man shot, killed in Navy Yard apartment building: police - FOX 5 DC
01/04/24 04:00 from navy yard shooting - Google News
Man shot, killed in Navy Yard apartment building: police    FOX 5 DC

» ‘I'm ready to move': Police search for suspect after man shot, killed in Navy Yard - NBC Washington
31/03/24 04:00 from navy yard shooting - Google News
‘I'm ready to move': Police search for suspect after man shot, killed in Navy Yard    NBC Washington

» Shooting suspects run into Navy Yard apartment complex: police - FOX 5 DC
26/03/24 04:00 from navy yard shooting - Google News
Shooting suspects run into Navy Yard apartment complex: police    FOX 5 DC

» DC Housing Authority officer shot in Navy Yard senior building; 2 suspects arrested - NBC Washington
29/02/24 04:00 from navy yard shooting - Google News
DC Housing Authority officer shot in Navy Yard senior building; 2 suspects arrested    NBC Washington

» DC Housing Authority officer shot in Navy Yard neighborhood; 2 under arrest - FOX 5 DC
29/02/24 04:00 from navy yard shooting - Google News
DC Housing Authority officer shot in Navy Yard neighborhood; 2 under arrest    FOX 5 DC

» Navy Yard neighbors disturbed by shooting that sent Housing Authority Police officer to hospital - WUSA9.com
29/02/24 04:00 from navy yard shooting - Google News
Navy Yard neighbors disturbed by shooting that sent Housing Authority Police officer to hospital    WUSA9.com

» DC Housing Authority police officer shot in Navy Yard - WTOP
29/02/24 04:00 from navy yard shooting - Google News
DC Housing Authority police officer shot in Navy Yard    WTOP

» 2 arrested after DC Housing Authority officer shot inside Navy Yard apartment - WJLA
29/02/24 04:00 from navy yard shooting - Google News
2 arrested after DC Housing Authority officer shot inside Navy Yard apartment    WJLA

» One decade after Navy Yard shooting, major changes made to ‘insider threat’ approach - Federal News Network
18/09/23 04:00 from navy yard shooting - Google News
One decade after Navy Yard shooting, major changes made to ‘insider threat’ approach    Federal News Network

» Washington Navy Yard shooting victims honored with ceremony marking 10 years since deadly massacre - FOX 5 DC
15/09/23 04:00 from navy yard shooting - Google News
Washington Navy Yard shooting victims honored with ceremony marking 10 years since deadly massacre    FOX 5 DC

» 10 Years Later Survivors, Service Come Together To Commemorate Lives Lost in Navy Yard Shooting - USNI News
15/09/23 04:00 from navy yard shooting - Google News
10 Years Later Survivors, Service Come Together To Commemorate Lives Lost in Navy Yard Shooting    USNI News

» Washington Navy Yard shooting remembered 10 years later - WUSA9.com
15/09/23 04:00 from navy yard shooting - Google News
Washington Navy Yard shooting remembered 10 years later    WUSA9.com

» 12 who died in Washington Navy Yard shooting remembered ahead of 10th anniversary - WTOP
15/09/23 04:00 from navy yard shooting - Google News
12 who died in Washington Navy Yard shooting remembered ahead of 10th anniversary    WTOP

» NAVSEA commemorates 10th anniversary of Navy Yard mass shooting - WJLA
15/09/23 04:00 from navy yard shooting - Google News
NAVSEA commemorates 10th anniversary of Navy Yard mass shooting    WJLA

» DC police search for suspect after 2 people shot in Navy Yard near Nationals Park - WJLA
22/08/23 04:00 from navy yard shooting - Google News
DC police search for suspect after 2 people shot in Navy Yard near Nationals Park    WJLA

» Suspect Fires Gun into Navy Yard Buffalo Wild Wings, Injuring Coworker: Police - NBC Washington
27/10/22 04:00 from navy yard shooting - Google News
Suspect Fires Gun into Navy Yard Buffalo Wild Wings, Injuring Coworker: Police    NBC Washington

» Reviewing the Washington Navy Yard Shooting Response - JEMS (Journal of Emergency Medical Services)
10/12/19 04:00 from navy yard shooting - Google News
Reviewing the Washington Navy Yard Shooting Response    JEMS (Journal of Emergency Medical Services)

» 8h
25/04/16 07:31 from U.S. Navy (USNavy) on Twitter
8h 8 hours ago 39 retweets 86 likes 39 39 86 86 97 likes 97 97 255 likes 255 255 19h 19 hours ago 637 retweets 663 likes 637 637 663 663 22h 22 hours ago 89 retweets 266 likes 89 89 266 266 56 retweets 174 likes 56 56 174 174 71 retweets...

» 1,909 Photos and videos
25/04/16 03:19 from U.S. Navy (USNavy) on Twitter
1,909 Photos and videos 4h 4 hours ago . NavalServiceTrg hosts training on the neurobiology of sexual assault - 1.usa.gov/1SoE7TN SAAPM pic.twitter.com/YigEdOLZv3 7:44 PM - 24 Apr 2016 35 retweets 78 likes 35 35 78 78 36 retweets 96 like...

» 1,908 Photos and videos
24/04/16 23:13 from U.S. Navy (USNavy) on Twitter
1,908 Photos and videos 2h 2 hours ago NSA Naples replace old, costly sodium bulbs with # energy saving LED lights - 1.usa.gov/1SB4ueH # PowerMatters pic.twitter.com/dbw9HcMGsL 4:48 PM - 24 Apr 2016 34 retweets 75 likes 34 34 75 75 7h 7 ...

» 1,907 Photos and videos
24/04/16 19:09 from U.S. Navy (USNavy) on Twitter
1,907 Photos and videos 3h 3 hours ago @ NSA_Bahrain ceremony today remembered 2004 attack against USSFirebolt that killed 2 Sailors & a Coast Guardsman. pic.twitter.com/z7cSpSgvjJ 12:15 PM - 24 Apr 2016 76 retweets 145 likes 76 76 6...

» 1,906 Photos and videos
24/04/16 15:01 from U.S. Navy (USNavy) on Twitter
1,906 Photos and videos 2h 2 hours ago RT to wish BlueAngels a happy 70th birthday! Check out their schedule at 1.usa.gov/20Ws6Lb BA70Years https:// amp.twimg.com/v/143f7114-219 9-45c4-9412-27cafbc5fd85   … 8:43 AM - 24 Apr 2016 277 retw...

» 1,905 Photos and videos
24/04/16 10:48 from U.S. Navy (USNavy) on Twitter
1,905 Photos and videos 51m 51 minutes ago OTD in 1999: Arleigh Burke-class destroyer # USSHiggins ( # DDG76 ) is commissioned. pic.twitter.com/tUmGwWvYfL 5:57 AM - 24 Apr 2016 40 retweets 99 likes 40 40 99 99 10h 10 hours ago 43 retweet...

» 6h
24/04/16 06:46 from U.S. Navy (USNavy) on Twitter
6h 6 hours ago 36 retweets 108 likes 36 36 108 108 7h 7 hours ago 59 retweets 153 likes 59 59 153 153 134 retweets 255 likes 134 134 255 255 16h 16 hours ago 27 retweets 63 likes 27 27 63 63 21h 21 hours ago 104 retweets 247 likes 104 10...

» 201 1,904 Photos and videos
24/04/16 02:35 from U.S. Navy (USNavy) on Twitter
201 1,904 Photos and videos 2h 2 hours ago USSPreble commanding officer receives Innovation Leadership Award - 1.usa.gov/1SqXqf2 # NavyInnovates pic.twitter.com/pk3aJJa4dQ 9:01 PM - 23 Apr 2016 31 retweets 83 likes 31 31 83 83 3h 3 hours...

» 1,902 Photos and videos
23/04/16 22:25 from U.S. Navy (USNavy) on Twitter
1,902 Photos and videos 4h 4 hours ago VP-4 participates in underway training with USSDonaldCook & Swedish Navy, Friday over # BalticSea USNavyEurope https:// amp.twimg.com/v/856d7521-157 5-4cc1-a79f-8f7cdcdb60ea … U.S. and Swedish F...

» 1,901 Photos and videos
23/04/16 18:12 from U.S. Navy (USNavy) on Twitter
1,901 Photos and videos 3h 3 hours ago Innovative prizes for Department of the Navy's top innovators - 1.usa.gov/1NEqyNX NavyInnovates pic.twitter.com/H2IvOmNX46 11:02 AM - 23 Apr 2016 20 retweets 42 likes 20 20 42 42 9h 9 hours ago 94 r...

» Puerto Rico
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» Puerto Rico
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» Gunman Aaron Alexis Had Security Clearance Despite ...
08/11/15 13:00 from aaron alexis - Google Blog Search

» Second police officer was shot at Navy Yard during attack, Lanier says - WJLA
09/07/15 04:00 from navy yard shooting - Google News
Second police officer was shot at Navy Yard during attack, Lanier says    WJLA

» Washington Navy Yard Response Highlights Preparedness to Potential Terror Attacks - ABC News
02/07/15 04:00 from navy yard shooting - Google News
Washington Navy Yard Response Highlights Preparedness to Potential Terror Attacks    ABC News

» All Clear at Washington D.C. Navy Yard > United States Navy > display-pressreleases - navy.mil
02/07/15 04:00 from navy yard shooting - Google News
All Clear at Washington D.C. Navy Yard > United States Navy > display-pressreleases    navy.mil

» Navy Yard shooting chaplaincy response, power of prayer the themes at annual conference - United States Army
14/05/15 04:00 from navy yard shooting - Google News
Navy Yard shooting chaplaincy response, power of prayer the themes at annual conference    United States Army

» Fall of Saigon, 1975: Children of American soldiers still left behind - The Columbian
20/04/15 10:13 from washington navy yard shooting - Google News
The Columbian Fall of Saigon, 1975: Children of American soldiers still left behind The Columbian By Annie Gowen, The Washington Post. Published: April 20, 2015, 6:00 AM. A A ... There's scant evidence of the onetime U.S. military pr...

» Arsene Wenger faced with key calls ahead of FA Cup final - Belfast Telegraph
20/04/15 09:57 from aaron alexis - Google News
Belfast Telegraph Arsene Wenger faced with key calls ahead of FA Cup final Belfast Telegraph Danny Welbeck, who often flourishes at Wembley for England, was stifled, while Aaron Ramsey seemed lost on the wing. Arsenal were more ... to pr...

» Inside the big business of little presidential campaign souvenirs - Yahoo Politics
20/04/15 09:18 from washington navy yard shooting - Google News
Yahoo Politics Inside the big business of little presidential campaign souvenirs Yahoo Politics Some enterprising individual at George Washington's inauguration sold buttons that read “Long Live The President G.W.,” according to Mark...

» 5 things you need to know - W*USA 9
20/04/15 08:14 from washington navy yard shooting - Google News
W*USA 9 5 things you need to know W*USA 9 The person was carrying a package which was examined and determined to be harmless, the Washington Post reported. Charges are pending against the ... The NAV-SEA are reopening 19 months after the...

» Blue skies and bright smiles at annual walk - Daily Journal Online
20/04/15 07:57 from aaron alexis - Google News
Daily Journal Online Blue skies and bright smiles at annual walk Daily Journal Online The annual walk honors other “angel babies” – as Kelly calls them, including Tyler Harris, Alexis Henson, Sam Santhuff, Summer Warren, Robneisha Jackso...

» Reading 1-2 Arsenal: Key Moments - The Tilehurst End
20/04/15 07:50 from aaron alexis - Google News
Reading 1-2 Arsenal: Key Moments The Tilehurst End He lid a straight ball through the Reading defence for Alexis Sanchez to run on to, rounding Michael Hector on the half turn. Thankfully, in this case, Hector was able to get a toe on th...

» Civil War History & Heritage: Wilkes Booth didn't act alone - Galesburg Register-Mail
20/04/15 06:38 from washington navy yard shooting - Google News
Civil War History & Heritage: Wilkes Booth didn't act alone Galesburg Register-Mail By Sheryl Hinman and Glenn Busse. April 20-26, 1865. n April 21 – President Lincoln's funeral train left Washington for Springfield, Illinois...

» Lady Panthers, Noble blank Lady Trojans - Ironton Tribune
20/04/15 04:13 from aaron alexis - Google News
Lady Panthers, Noble blank Lady Trojans Ironton Tribune We're really young, so this was a good game for our girls to gain some valuable experience,” said Chesapeake coach Aaron Rice. Andi Queen threw well in defeat. She gave up five ...

» USD, MMC Shine At Sioux City Relays - Yankton Daily Press
20/04/15 03:07 from aaron alexis - Google News
Yankton Daily Press USD, MMC Shine At Sioux City Relays Yankton Daily Press Making their debut in the 10,000-meter run were freshmen Aaron Breyer and Brice Cowman (Yankton). Breyer finished runner-up in 32:25.57 and Cowman took fourth in...

» “I know I am in danger”: Lincoln was warned against mingling with the theater ... - Salon
19/04/15 21:13 from washington navy yard shooting - Google News
Salon “I know I am in danger”: Lincoln was warned against mingling with the theater ... Salon Four years to the day after Fort Sumter's surrender, General Robert Anderson, who in 1861 had lowered the flag in surrender, hoisted the sa...

» Births - Chambersburg Public Opinion
19/04/15 18:56 from aaron alexis - Google News
Births Chambersburg Public Opinion CHAMBERSBURG >> Jenna Lauren (Helman) and Wesley Troy Martin, Chambersburg, had a son, Wyatt Conner Martin, at 5:03 a.m. March 16, 2015, in Chambersburg Hospital. He weighed 6 pounds, 4 ¼ ounces a...

» College Roundup: Navy women's lacrosse gets time switch for quarterfinal - CapitalGazette.com
19/04/15 18:03 from washington navy yard shooting - Google News
CapitalGazette.com College Roundup: Navy women's lacrosse gets time switch for quarterfinal CapitalGazette.com “It was an emotional match for both teams,” said Navy head coach Chris Garner, who led the Mids to the league crown in his...

» Arsenal News: Early Look At Gunners FA Cup Final Match Against Aston Villa - International Business Times
19/04/15 15:31 from aaron alexis - Google News
International Business Times Arsenal News: Early Look At Gunners FA Cup Final Match Against Aston Villa International Business Times Both squads proved victorious in the semifinals over the weekend, with Arsenal receiving a brace from fo...

» Prep scoreboard for April 18 - Fresno Bee
19/04/15 02:24 from aaron alexis - Google News
Fresno Bee Prep scoreboard for April 18 Fresno Bee 3200 (Invitational): 1, Jorge Perez, Reedley, 9:27.69; 2, Trevor Voth, Buchanan, 9:40.96; 3, Alexis Torres, Kingsburg, 9:41.20; 4, Stefan Bradley, San Ramon Valley, 9:46.45; 5, Daniel Am...

» Rolling Stone: Tim McGraw a 'Champion of the Second Amendment' - Breitbart News
18/04/15 16:14 from aaron alexis - Google News
Breitbart News Rolling Stone: Tim McGraw a 'Champion of the Second Amendment' Breitbart News ... Miller (Las Vegas), Aaron Ybarra (Seattle Pacific University), Elliot Rodger (Santa Barabara), Ivan Lopez (Fort Hood 2014), Darion M...

» Here lies John Wilkes Booth — probably - Cecil Whig
18/04/15 14:19 from washington navy yard shooting - Google News
Here lies John Wilkes Booth — probably Cecil Whig There the body was transferred to the ironclad USS Montauk bound for the Washington Navy Yard where identification would be made and an autopsy performed. Ten people at the Washington Nav...

» US Capitol Police Chief submits letter of resignation - WTOP
11/04/15 09:14 from washington navy yard shooting - Google News
WTOP US Capitol Police Chief submits letter of resignation WTOP U.S. Capitol Police Chief Kim Dine address the media regarding a police chase and shooting , on Capitol Hill in Washington , Thursday, Oct. 3, 2013. ... There was also blowb...

11/04/15 05:17 from NYTimes.com Search
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11/04/15 01:07 from NYTimes.com Search
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» DC police officer honored for bravery during Navy Yard shooting - W*USA 9
01/04/15 15:11 from washington navy yard shooting - Google News
W*USA 9 DC police officer honored for bravery during Navy Yard shooting W*USA 9 WASHINGTON (WUSA9) -- Wednesday, a Metropolitan Police Department officer was honored for his bravery during the Navy Yard shooting in 2013. Officer DeSantis...

» D.C. Officer From Md. Honored for Bravery at Navy Yard - NBC4 Washington
01/04/15 06:29 from aaron alexis - Google News
NBC4 Washington D.C. Officer From Md. Honored for Bravery at Navy Yard NBC4 Washington DeSantis helped kill Aaron Alexis , who killed 12 people and wounded four others at the military installation on Sept. 16, 2013. He was paired with Pa...

» Remembrance wall dedicated to 12 victims of Navy Yard shooting - The Washington Post
03/02/15 04:00 from navy yard shooting - Google News
Remembrance wall dedicated to 12 victims of Navy Yard shooting    The Washington Post

» Building 197: Navy Yard workers begin returning to the scene of a deadly rampage - Washington Post
02/02/15 08:21 from washington navy yard shooting - Google News
NBC4 Washington Building 197: Navy Yard workers begin returning to the scene of a deadly rampage Washington Post They begin returning Monday to the place where they hid beneath desks, barricaded themselves behind office doors and fled do...

» © 2015 The New York Times Company
07/01/15 17:01 from NYTimes.com Search
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» © 2015 The New York Times Company
07/01/15 14:10 from NYTimes.com Search
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» Navy Yard Shooter Carved 'BETTER OFF THIS WAY' Into Shotgun - ABC News
05/10/14 00:04 from navy yard shooting - Google News
Navy Yard Shooter Carved 'BETTER OFF THIS WAY' Into Shotgun    ABC News

» One Year Later, Lessons to Learn from Navy Yard Shooting - GW Today
17/09/14 04:00 from navy yard shooting - Google News
One Year Later, Lessons to Learn from Navy Yard Shooting    GW Today

» ‘I’m a warrior and a survivor’ - The Washington Post
06/09/14 04:00 from navy yard shooting - Google News
‘I’m a warrior and a survivor’    The Washington Post

» Image Search
28/08/14 19:15 from NYTimes.com Search
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» Image Search
28/08/14 15:57 from NYTimes.com Search
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19/08/14 19:29 from NYTimes.com Search
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19/08/14 16:44 from NYTimes.com Search
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» © 2014 The New York Times Company
24/07/14 20:20 from NYTimes.com Search
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» © 2014 The New York Times Company
24/07/14 19:18 from NYTimes.com Search
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» Confusion marred police response to Navy Yard shooting, report finds - The Washington Post
11/07/14 04:00 from navy yard shooting - Google News
Confusion marred police response to Navy Yard shooting, report finds    The Washington Post

» 8 honored for heroism during Navy Yard shootings - Military Times
27/06/14 04:00 from navy yard shooting - Google News
8 honored for heroism during Navy Yard shootings    Military Times

» Navy Yard Shooting Could Have Been Prevented With ...
18/03/14 18:38 from navy yard shooting - Google Blog Search

» Document: Washington Navy Yard Shooting Investigation - USNI News
18/03/14 04:00 from navy yard shooting - Google News
Document: Washington Navy Yard Shooting Investigation    USNI News

» Report: Navy Yard shooting preventable - POLITICO
18/03/14 04:00 from navy yard shooting - Google News
Report: Navy Yard shooting preventable    POLITICO

» Navy Yard Shooting Review Recommends Security Clearance Reforms - TIME
18/03/14 04:00 from navy yard shooting - Google News
Navy Yard Shooting Review Recommends Security Clearance Reforms    TIME

» Navy Yard shooting might have been prevented, Pentagon review shows - The Washington Post
18/03/14 04:00 from navy yard shooting - Google News
Navy Yard shooting might have been prevented, Pentagon review shows    The Washington Post

» Navy Yard Shooting Could Have Been Prevented With Stronger Background Checks, Pentagon Says - Washingtonian
18/03/14 04:00 from navy yard shooting - Google News
Navy Yard Shooting Could Have Been Prevented With Stronger Background Checks, Pentagon Says    Washingtonian

» © 2013 The New York Times Company
10/01/14 14:30 from NYTimes.com Search
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» © 2013 The New York Times Company
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» © 2014 The New York Times Company
01/01/14 01:27 from NYTimes.com Search
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» Capitol police report justifies CERT squad's recall from navy yard shooting - The Guardian
08/11/13 04:00 from navy yard shooting - Google News
Capitol police report justifies CERT squad's recall from navy yard shooting    The Guardian

» FBI: Navy Yard shooter ‘delusional,’ said ‘low frequency attacks’ drove him to kill - CNN
26/09/13 04:00 from navy yard shooting - Google News
FBI: Navy Yard shooter ‘delusional,’ said ‘low frequency attacks’ drove him to kill    CNN

» FBI Releases Video Of Navy Yard Shooter Moving Through Building : The Two-Way - NPR
25/09/13 04:00 from navy yard shooting - Google News
FBI Releases Video Of Navy Yard Shooter Moving Through Building : The Two-Way    NPR

» Official: Navy did not know that 2004 Alexis arrest involved gun - CNN
24/09/13 04:00 from Nutpisit Suthamtewakul - Google News
Official: Navy did not know that 2004 Alexis arrest involved gun    CNN

» Fort Hood survivor on Navy Yard shootings: Don't let tragedy define you - TODAY
24/09/13 04:00 from navy yard shooting - Google News
Fort Hood survivor on Navy Yard shootings: Don't let tragedy define you    TODAY

» President Obama on the Navy Yard Shooting: “We Can’t Accept This” - Obama White House
23/09/13 04:00 from navy yard shooting - Google News
President Obama on the Navy Yard Shooting: “We Can’t Accept This”    Obama White House

» Navy Yard shooting: ‘There’s a guy slaughtering people with a shotgun’ - CNN
22/09/13 04:00 from navy yard shooting - Google News
Navy Yard shooting: ‘There’s a guy slaughtering people with a shotgun’    CNN

» Aaron Alexis: police piece together picture of man 'as ...
20/09/13 14:30 from aaron alexis - Google Blog Search

» Conspiracy Theories Abound After Navy Yard Shooting - WIRED
20/09/13 04:00 from navy yard shooting - Google News
Conspiracy Theories Abound After Navy Yard Shooting    WIRED

» An Avoidable Tragedy: Aaron Alexis and Mental Illness - The New Yorker
20/09/13 04:00 from navy yard shooting - Google News
An Avoidable Tragedy: Aaron Alexis and Mental Illness    The New Yorker

» Navy Yard murderer Aaron Alexis created webpage with name
19/09/13 09:35 from aaron alexis - Google Blog Search

» Flags in Navy Yard shooter Aaron Alexis’ past perhaps not red enough - CNN
19/09/13 04:00 from Nutpisit Suthamtewakul - Google News
Flags in Navy Yard shooter Aaron Alexis’ past perhaps not red enough    CNN

» Officials: Navy Yard shooter carved odd messages into his gun before carnage - The Washington Post
18/09/13 04:00 from navy yard shooting - Google News
Officials: Navy Yard shooter carved odd messages into his gun before carnage    The Washington Post

» 'Anybody He Saw, He Shot': DC Navy Yard Shooting Survivor Says He Watched Aaron Alexis Kill Friends, Coworkers - ABC News
18/09/13 04:00 from navy yard shooting - Google News
'Anybody He Saw, He Shot': DC Navy Yard Shooting Survivor Says He Watched Aaron Alexis Kill Friends, Coworkers    ABC News

» Navy Yard shooting survivor: ‘I got lucky’ - CNN
18/09/13 04:00 from navy yard shooting - Google News
Navy Yard shooting survivor: ‘I got lucky’    CNN

» Navy Yard killer Aaron Alexis suffered from mental illness and 'heart-broken after Thai girl dumped him' - Daily Mail
18/09/13 04:00 from Nutpisit Suthamtewakul - Google News
Navy Yard killer Aaron Alexis suffered from mental illness and 'heart-broken after Thai girl dumped him'    Daily Mail

» Navy Yard gunman's mother says she is heartbroken and sorry for families - NBC News
18/09/13 04:00 from navy yard shooting - Google News
Navy Yard gunman's mother says she is heartbroken and sorry for families    NBC News

» Navy Yard shooting victims remembered as loving parents, dedicated workers, avid fans - CBS News
18/09/13 04:00 from navy yard shooting - Google News
Navy Yard shooting victims remembered as loving parents, dedicated workers, avid fans    CBS News

» Navy yard shooting: Endless wars, gun violence, mental ...
17/09/13 23:32 from navy yard shooting - Google Blog Search

» Aaron Alexis: Police Report Shows Mental Instability ...
17/09/13 18:20 from aaron alexis - Google Blog Search

» Navy Yard shooter Aaron Alexis was 'not happy with America,'
17/09/13 15:38 from aaron alexis - Google Blog Search

» Navy Yard Shooting: Clinton Blamed for Bush-Era Military ...
17/09/13 15:23 from navy yard shooting - Google Blog Search

» Front pages from the Navy Yard shooting – Poynter
17/09/13 09:00 from navy yard shooting - Google Blog Search

» Washington navy yard gunman Aaron Alexis was Hewlett ...
17/09/13 05:32 from aaron alexis - Google Blog Search

» Washington navy yard killer Aaron Alexis arrested twice ...
17/09/13 04:49 from aaron alexis - Google Blog Search

» Navy Yard Shooter Aaron Alexis Heard Voices, Experienced Paranoia, Police Report Shows - ABC News
17/09/13 04:00 from navy yard shooting - Google News
Navy Yard Shooter Aaron Alexis Heard Voices, Experienced Paranoia, Police Report Shows    ABC News

» Navy Yard gunman’s psychological issues, motive focuses after shooting - CNN
17/09/13 04:00 from navy yard shooting - Google News
Navy Yard gunman’s psychological issues, motive focuses after shooting    CNN

» Who were the victims of the Navy Yard shooting? - CNN
17/09/13 04:00 from navy yard shooting - Google News
Who were the victims of the Navy Yard shooting?    CNN

» Alleged Navy Yard Shooter Got Clearances Despite Troubled Past : The Two-Way - NPR
17/09/13 04:00 from navy yard shooting - Google News
Alleged Navy Yard Shooter Got Clearances Despite Troubled Past : The Two-Way    NPR

» Profiles of the Washington Navy Yard Shooting Victims - The New York Times
17/09/13 04:00 from navy yard shooting - Google News
Profiles of the Washington Navy Yard Shooting Victims    The New York Times

» Navy Yard shooter reported hearing voices through walls - USA TODAY
17/09/13 04:00 from Nutpisit Suthamtewakul - Google News
Navy Yard shooter reported hearing voices through walls    USA TODAY

» Washington gunman ‘friendless’ and ‘fond of guns’ – ex-boss - Channel 4 News
17/09/13 04:00 from Nutpisit Suthamtewakul - Google News
Washington gunman ‘friendless’ and ‘fond of guns’ – ex-boss    Channel 4 News

» Navy yard shooting: White House orders review of security procedures - The Guardian
17/09/13 04:00 from navy yard shooting - Google News
Navy yard shooting: White House orders review of security procedures    The Guardian

» Navy Yard Shooter Aaron Alexis Angry, Frustrated, Vengeful - ABC News
17/09/13 04:00 from navy yard shooting - Google News
Navy Yard Shooter Aaron Alexis Angry, Frustrated, Vengeful    ABC News

» Fort Worth friends wonder what happened to Alexis - USA TODAY
17/09/13 04:00 from Nutpisit Suthamtewakul - Google News
Fort Worth friends wonder what happened to Alexis    USA TODAY

» Navy yard shooting victims identified by police and remembered by loved ones | Washington DC - The Guardian
17/09/13 04:00 from navy yard shooting - Google News
Navy yard shooting victims identified by police and remembered by loved ones | Washington DC    The Guardian

» Suspect’s Past Fell Just Short of Raising Alarm (Published 2013) - The New York Times
17/09/13 04:00 from navy yard shooting - Google News
Suspect’s Past Fell Just Short of Raising Alarm (Published 2013)    The New York Times

» Washington Navy Yard shooting suspect Aaron Alexis 'was fan of violent video games' - The Mirror
17/09/13 04:00 from Nutpisit Suthamtewakul - Google News
Washington Navy Yard shooting suspect Aaron Alexis 'was fan of violent video games'    The Mirror

» FBI: Gunman Acted Alone in Fatal Navy Yard Shootings - NBC Washington
17/09/13 04:00 from navy yard shooting - Google News
FBI: Gunman Acted Alone in Fatal Navy Yard Shootings    NBC Washington

» Washington Navy Yard gunman named as Aaron Alexis - BBC.com
17/09/13 04:00 from navy yard shooting - Google News
Washington Navy Yard gunman named as Aaron Alexis    BBC.com

» Aaron Alexis' motive in Navy Yard shooting still unclear - CBS News
17/09/13 04:00 from navy yard shooting - Google News
Aaron Alexis' motive in Navy Yard shooting still unclear    CBS News

» Who is Navy Yard gunman Aaron Alexis? - CNN
17/09/13 04:00 from navy yard shooting - Google News
Who is Navy Yard gunman Aaron Alexis?    CNN

» Navy Yard shooting: Who is Aaron Alexis? - The Christian Science Monitor
17/09/13 04:00 from navy yard shooting - Google News
Navy Yard shooting: Who is Aaron Alexis?    The Christian Science Monitor

» Navy Yard shooting unlikely to revive gun control legislation - Los Angeles Times
17/09/13 04:00 from navy yard shooting - Google News
Navy Yard shooting unlikely to revive gun control legislation    Los Angeles Times

» Like nearly all other mass shooters, ex-Navy shooter Aaron ...
17/09/13 03:00 from aaron alexis - Google Blog Search

» US Navy Yard shooter described as 'nice', but with anger ...
17/09/13 02:59 from aaron alexis - Google Blog Search

» Friend Says Alexis Was Videogame Fan, Heavy Drinker - U.S.
16/09/13 20:53 from aaron alexis - Google Blog Search

» AP pulls two Navy Yard shooting photos it can't verify - Poynter
16/09/13 19:34 from navy yard shooting - Google Blog Search

» Washington DC shooting: Aaron Alexis named as navy yard ...
16/09/13 16:50 from navy yard shooting - Google Blog Search

» The media's mistakes in covering Navy Yard shooting ...
16/09/13 16:08 from navy yard shooting - Google Blog Search

» Washington DC Navy Yard Shooting: Scenes from the Street
16/09/13 15:15 from navy yard shooting - Google Blog Search

» Washington Navy Yard shooting: LIVE UPDATES — RT USA
16/09/13 11:02 from navy yard shooting - Google Blog Search

» At least 13 fatalities incl gunman in DC Navy Yard shooting ...
16/09/13 09:49 from navy yard shooting - Google Blog Search

» 12 Victims Killed, 8 Wounded in Shooting at D.C. Navy Yard, Suspected Gunman Killed - NBC Washington
16/09/13 04:00 from navy yard shooting - Google News
12 Victims Killed, 8 Wounded in Shooting at D.C. Navy Yard, Suspected Gunman Killed    NBC Washington

» Attack At The Navy Yard: Gunman And 12 Victims Killed : The Two-Way - NPR
16/09/13 04:00 from navy yard shooting - Google News
Attack At The Navy Yard: Gunman And 12 Victims Killed : The Two-Way    NPR

» Gunman and 12 Victims Killed in Shooting at D.C. Navy Yard (Published 2013) - The New York Times
16/09/13 04:00 from navy yard shooting - Google News
Gunman and 12 Victims Killed in Shooting at D.C. Navy Yard (Published 2013)    The New York Times

» 12 victims slain in Navy Yard shooting rampage; dead suspect ID’d - CNN
16/09/13 04:00 from navy yard shooting - Google News
12 victims slain in Navy Yard shooting rampage; dead suspect ID’d    CNN

» Shooting rampage at Navy Yard in D.C. leaves 13 dead - USA TODAY
16/09/13 04:00 from navy yard shooting - Google News
Shooting rampage at Navy Yard in D.C. leaves 13 dead    USA TODAY

» Aaron Alexis, Navy Yard shooting suspect: Who is he? - USA TODAY
16/09/13 04:00 from Nutpisit Suthamtewakul - Google News
Aaron Alexis, Navy Yard shooting suspect: Who is he?    USA TODAY

» President Obama Speaks on the Washington Navy Yard Shooting - Obama White House
16/09/13 04:00 from navy yard shooting - Google News
President Obama Speaks on the Washington Navy Yard Shooting    Obama White House

» DC Navy Yard Shooter Aaron Alexis Had Previous Brushes With The Law - ABC News
16/09/13 04:00 from Nutpisit Suthamtewakul - Google News
DC Navy Yard Shooter Aaron Alexis Had Previous Brushes With The Law    ABC News

» At least 13 dead in Navy Yard shooting; possible suspect at large - The Washington Post
16/09/13 04:00 from navy yard shooting - Google News
At least 13 dead in Navy Yard shooting; possible suspect at large    The Washington Post

» 'A Sense Of Panic,' Says Witness To Navy Yard Shooting : The Two-Way - NPR
16/09/13 04:00 from navy yard shooting - Google News
'A Sense Of Panic,' Says Witness To Navy Yard Shooting : The Two-Way    NPR

» Navy Yard shootings: what does an ‘immediate’ media response actually provide? - The Conversation
16/09/13 04:00 from navy yard shooting - Google News
Navy Yard shootings: what does an ‘immediate’ media response actually provide?    The Conversation

» Navy Yard Shooting Suspect Only Gunman in Rampage - ABC News
16/09/13 04:00 from navy yard shooting - Google News
Navy Yard Shooting Suspect Only Gunman in Rampage    ABC News

» Suspected D.C. Shooter Went on “Anger-Fueled” Rampage in Seattle in 2004 - NBC Washington
16/09/13 04:00 from navy yard shooting - Google News
Suspected D.C. Shooter Went on “Anger-Fueled” Rampage in Seattle in 2004    NBC Washington

» Live Updates: 13 Dead in Shooting Rampage at Washington Navy Yard - Time Magazine
16/09/13 04:00 from navy yard shooting - Google News
Live Updates: 13 Dead in Shooting Rampage at Washington Navy Yard    Time Magazine

» Navy Yard Shooting in Washington, D.C. (Live Blog) - ABC News
16/09/13 04:00 from navy yard shooting - Google News
Navy Yard Shooting in Washington, D.C. (Live Blog)    ABC News

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