The ideology of zombification, from Ancient to Soviet to modern times
Last Update: 9:35 PM 10/15/2013
It is the ideology, mentality, mindsets, culture, history, personal attitudes, the style of international relations, the modes of the domestic oppression in a police state - of slavery. It is as old as the world itself, and it is as renewed and threatening to our life styles, "ways of life", modes of existence, thinking and "philosophy" (both as the general real life attitudes and as a scientific inquiries) as various manifestations of zombification and slavery that we see today. The recent mysterious events, addressed in my previous posts do evoke thinking about this subject.
This is an example of zombification and slave mentality:
"All the world knows ameriKans are zombies and stupid robots. The US of AmeriKa is a state of devil ,false and shit! Wait a little,you will be destroyed soon!!!"
And the problem is that this is not just one individual sick response; this is the pervasive mentality, which wormed its way into the thinking, concepts, emotions and operational styles of various societies and cultures, including their political and intelligence services structures. It is based on ignorance and irrational hatred. It is one of the root causes of anti-Americanism, regardless of its geography and political coloring, from Russia to Arab and Muslim worlds to some countries in Latin America. We do have to understand and to address these root causes in depth and to develop the comprehensive program and set of measures to counteract and to eradicate it. Pax Americana is the Liberty for the whole World, everywhere and in all her forms, contents and manifestations.
If Russia (and other countries with similar social and political mentalities) want to survive and prosper as states, economies and cultures, they have to understand and to address these problems and issues also.
Humans always had the impulse and the sick need to control, enslave and exploit each other; this is the crude, devilish, animalistic part of our nature, which can be viewed in an evolutionary perspective as a psycho-social device directed to enhance self-survival: as individuals, species, families, groups and ethnic and state entities. If you make zombies out of others - enslave others, then there are fewer chances that they will zombify and enslave you; that's how this slave mentality (and the mentality of the slaves!; regardless of their social status and positions) goes. We have to analyze and to understand the roots of this phenomenon: psychological, social, historical and cultural.
Links and References:
zombie - GS
Participants of a 2009 zombie walk in Moscow - W
2009 zombie walk in Moscow - GS
See also
Philosophical zombie - From Wikipedia
zombification - GS
The ethnobiology of voodoo zombification
zombification injection - GS
zombification powder - GS
A medical study of the Haitian zombie
The Haitian explanation for how zombies are created involves the distinction between different elements of the human being – including the body, the gwobon anj (the animating principle) and the ti-bon anj, which represents something akin to agency, awareness, and memory.
In line with these beliefs is the fact that awareness and agency can be split off from the human being – and can be captured and stored in a bottle by abòkò, a type of magician and spirit worker who can be paid to send curses or help individuals achieve their aims.
This purportedly leaves a passive easily-controlled animated body – the zombie – believed to be created to provide free labour on plantations.
Anthropologist Wade Davis claimed to have identified the ingredients of thebòkò’s zombification powder which supposedly included tetrodotoxin – a naturally occurring neurotoxin found in some animals, like the pufferfish, which can cause temporary coma-like states.
I won’t say much more about the ‘neurotoxin’ theory of zombification, not least because it was brilliantly covered by science writer Mo Costandi and I couldn’t improve on his fantastic article which will tell you everything you need to know.
But on the cultural level, zombies are identified by specific characteristics – they cannot lift up their heads, have a nasal intonation, a fixed staring expression, they carry repeated purposeless actions and have limited and repetitive speech.
slavery - GSSlavery - From Wikipedia
slave trade - GS
Abolish Sex Slavery in US - 300,000 child sex slaves in the US
Click here to learn more.
Search Results
Atlantic slave trade - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
History of slavery - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Slavery in Africa - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Uploaded on Apr 17, 2010
We can only be kept in the cages we do not see. A brief history of human enslavement - up to and including your own.
savagery and civilization - GS
savage mentality - GS
Ethology - From Wikipedia
Ethological perspective: predatory behavior - GS
predatory behavior in humans - GS
predators and pray - GS
predators and prey a new ecology of competition - GS
predators and prey game - GS
cat and mouse games - GS
the element of play and affection in cat and mouse games - GS:
predators "love" their prays and sometimes play with them affectionately: the pray is a source of satiation and satisfaction for them.
lion hunting - GS
lion hunting deer - GS

Example: Almost loving and sexual clench and hold.
Predation relationships
The cat, the mouse, culture and the economy - Anselm Jappe
The Cat, the Mouse, Culture and the Economy – Anselm Jappe
One of Grimm’s Fairy Tales is called “The Cat and the Mouse in Partnership”. A cat convinces a mouse that she wants to be her friend, and they live together and in anticipation of the oncoming winter they buy a pot of fat and hide it in a church. On the pretext of attending one baptism after another the cat goes again and again to the church and eats all the fat a little at a time, and after each occasion amuses herself by responding to the mouse’s questions with ambiguous answers. When they finally go together to the church to eat the pot of fat, the mouse discovers the trick, and the cat simply eats the mouse. The last sentence of the fable proclaims the moral: “Verily, that is the way of the world”.
from: "play and affection in cat and mouse games - GS"-
zombie Haiti - GS
Published on Nov 16, 2012
Rumor has it that there is a secret drug in Haiti that can turn the living into Zombies. In part 1, Hamilton takes off for Port-Au-Prince on a quest for the secret poison.
Check out each part here:
Check out each part here:
Haiti and Russia - GS
Haiti and Russian intelligence services - GS
mancurt - GS
Mankurt - From Wikipedia
drug addiction as slavery - GS
serfdom Russia - GS
russian serfdom vs american slavery - GS
Russian communism enslavement - GS
Communism as ideology of enslavement - GS
psychological enslavement - GS
persuasion - GS
power of persuasion - GS
power of persuasion techniques - GS
Persuasion - From Wikipedia
psychological effects of enslavement - GS
conformism - GS
political enslavement - GS
sexual enslavement - GS
economic enslavement - GS
religious enslavement - GS
enslavement in modern society - nGS
Modern Day Slavery
Thousands captured, thousands still Enslaved, help liberate them-
Hegel - GS
Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel - Philosopher
Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel was a German philosopher, and a major figure in German Idealism. His historicist and idealist account of reality revolutionized European philosophy and was an important precursor to Continental philosophy and Marxism. Wikipedia
Free Will - GS
liberty and slavery - GS
anti-Americanism - GS
Anti-Americanism - From Wikipedia
roots of anti-Americanism - GS
history of anti americanism - GS
origins of anti-americanism - GS
Published on 10/12/13 9:43 AM Atlantic Standard Time