Just another, emerging, of The Big Paper Wind Turbine's ambivalent romances; the mutual adjustment of the Wind and The Big Paper Turbine is in progress: The Big Turbine needs the Wind to keep going: "We are not just your old Viennese coffee shop, we are The Wind Turbine of The Record!", and The Big Wind needs The Turbine to produce a lot of pieces of paper blowing in the wind. Great Symbiosis!
Where were the eye-poking presences of David Brooks, Paul Krugman (who is much reduced to tweeting instead of publishing his columns in the NYT these days, although one did luckily appear recently), and where was our beloved "cobra" Maureen Dowd, who appears to have lost much of her medicinal poison lately, but who still inspires so much fear and loathing in Mr. Trump because "She treats me too rough"? Not rough enough, baby - that what methinks!
"SULZBERGER [The Great Therapizer, The Group Therapy Leader, with an eye on a sliding bottom line - M.N.]: As we all say about Maureen, it’s not your fault, it’s just your turn."
It looks that all of them went on an indefinite strike. Keep rolling, the Great Old Viennese Coffee Shop, pretending to be The Great Turbine! Keep flapping your disoriented, self-clipped, middle-class fanning wings, more like a hen than an eagle. Keep getting grayer and grayer, you, The Old Gray Lady. The Wind will just love you, whatever it means and implies, and will use you with pleasure, moving your rotors in the direction he chooses, prefers and manipulates. I guess a bad romance is better than no romance, The Old Gray Lady is so lonely...
"The New York Times was once considered the gold standard in American journalism and the most trusted news organization in America. Today, it is generally understood to be a vehicle for politically correct ideologies, tattered liberal pieties, and a repeated victim of journalistic scandal and institutional embarrassment."
"The New York Times was once considered the gold standard in American journalism and the most trusted news organization in America. Today, it is generally understood to be a vehicle for politically correct ideologies, tattered liberal pieties, and a repeated victim of journalistic scandal and institutional embarrassment."
"The Times" and the times: to throw the stones and to gather them; to bomb the bridges and to build them, to sell your stock and to buy it, the times to sing and the times "to talk".
On "Wind Turbines" and other pressing issues, "Alt-Right-Delete", "Breitbart", and the other very-very-Brights:
Excerpts from Trump's Interview to The New York Tmes: "What we do want to do is we want to bring the country together, because the country is very, very divided..."

"Take five!"
"What we do want to do is we want to bring the country together, because the country is very, very divided, and that’s one thing I did see, big league. It’s very, very divided, and I’m going to work very hard to bring the country together... No, I want to bring the country together. It’s very important to me. We’re in a very divided country. In many ways divided... I’m really looking … I think we have to get the focus of the country into looking forward."
Dave Brubeck - Take Five
"Because our country’s really in bad, big trouble. We have a lot of trouble. A lot of problems. And one of the big problems, I talk about, divisiveness. I think that a lot of people will appreciate …
I absolutely have an open mind. I will tell you this: Clean air is vitally important. Clean water, crystal clean water is vitally important. Safety is vitally important.
I can’t do anything, I would never see my, I guess the only son I’d be allowed to see, at least for a little while, would be Barron, because he’s 10. But, but, so there has to be [unintelligible]. It’s a very interesting case...
TRUMP: Just a minute, because it’s an important question. I don’t care about my company. I mean, if a partner comes in from India or if a partner comes in from Canada, where we did a beautiful big building that just opened, and they want to take a picture and come into my office, and my kids come in and, I originally made the deal with these people, I mean what am I going to say? I’m not going to talk to you, I’m not going to take pictures? You have to, you know, on a human basis, you take pictures. But I just want to say that I am given the right to do something so important in terms of so many of the issues we discussed, in terms of health care, in terms of so many different things. I don’t care about my company. It doesn’t matter. My kids run it. They’ll say I have a conflict because we just opened a beautiful hotel on Pennsylvania Avenue, so every time somebody stays at that hotel, if they stay because I’m president, I guess you could say it’s a conflict of interest. It’s a conflict of interest, but again, I’m not going to have anything to do with the hotel, and they may very well. I mean it could be that occupancy at that hotel will be because, psychologically, occupancy at that hotel will be probably a more valuable asset now than it was before, O.K.? The brand is certainly a hotter brand than it was before. I can’t help that, but I don’t care. I said on “60 Minutes”: I don’t care. Because it doesn’t matter. The only thing that matters to me is running our country...
TRUMP: Was I involved with the wind farms recently? Or, not that I know of. I mean, I have a problem with wind …
TRUMP: Oh, I see. I might have brought it up. But not having to do with me, just I mean, the wind is a very deceiving thing. First of all, we don’t make the windmills in the United States. They’re made in Germany and Japan. They’re made out of massive amounts of steel, which goes into the atmosphere, whether it’s in our country or not, it goes into the atmosphere. The windmills kill birds and the windmills need massive subsidies. In other words, we’re subsidizing wind mills all over this country. I mean, for the most part they don’t work. I don’t think they work at all without subsidy, and that bothers me, and they kill all the birds...
Some environmentalists agree with me very much because of all of the things I just said, including the birds, and some don’t. But it’s hard to explain. I don’t care about anything having to do with anything having to do with anything other than the country...
TRUMP: O.K., I don’t want to influence anything, because it’s not that, it’s not that important to me. It’s hard to explain...
TRUMP: Now, according to the law, see I figured there’s something where you put something in this massive trust and there’s also — nothing is written. In other words, in theory, I can be president of the United States and run my business 100 percent, sign checks on my business, which I am phasing out of very rapidly, you know, I sign checks, I’m the old-fashioned type. I like to sign checks so I know what is going on as opposed to pressing a computer button, boom, and thousands of checks are automatically sent. It keeps, it tells me what’s going on a little bit and it tells contractors that I’m watching. But I am phasing that out now, and handing that to Eric Trump and Don Trump and Ivanka Trump for the most part, and some of my executives, so that’s happening right now.
But in theory I could run my business perfectly, and then run the country perfectly. And there’s never been a case like this where somebody’s had, like, if you look at other people of wealth, they didn’t have this kind of asset and this kind of wealth, frankly. It’s just a different thing.
But there is no — I assumed that you’d have to set up some type of trust or whatever and you know. And I was actually a little bit surprised to see it. So in theory I don’t have to do anything. But I would like to do something. I would like to try and formalize something, because I don’t care about my business.
So I don’t have to do anything, but I want to do something if I can. If there is something...
SULZBERGER: One of our great salesmen, by the way...
TRUMP: I can see that. I’ve started it already by, I mean, I’ve greatly reduced the check-signing and the business. I’ve greatly reduced meetings with contractors, meetings with different people that, you know, I’ve also started by — ’cause I’ve said over the last two years, once I decided I wanted to run, I don’t want to build anything.
FRIEDMAN: Just so you know, General Electric has a big wind turbine factory in South Carolina. Just so you know.
TRUMP: Well that’s good. But most of ‘em are made in Germany, most of ‘em are made, you know, Siemens and the Chinese are making most of them.
[cross talk]
DAVIS: I apologize for my delayed flight. I wanted to ask you about personnel. They say personnel is policy.
TRUMP: I can’t quite hear.
DAVIS: Personnel.
TRUMP: Personnel...
TRUMP: Well, Breitbart’s different. Breitbart cover things, I mean like The New York Times covers things. I mean, I could say that Arthur is alt-right because they covered an alt-right story.
SULZBERGER: [laughing] I am, I am. I’ll take whatever you say. I am always right, but I’m not alt-right.
[laughter, cross talk]
TRUMP: The New York Times covers a lot of stories that are, you know, rough stories. And you know, they have covered some of these things, but The New York Times covers a lot of these things also. It’s just a newspaper, essentially. It’s a newspaper...
TRUMP: Yeah, well Breitbart, first of all, is just a publication. And, you know, they cover stories like you cover stories. Now, they are certainly a much more conservative paper, to put it mildly, than The New York Times. But Breitbart really is a news organization that’s become quite successful, and it’s got readers and it does cover subjects that are on the right, but it covers subjects on the left also. I mean it’s a pretty big, it’s a pretty big thing. And he helped build it into a pretty successful news organization...
PRIEBUS: We have never experienced a single episode of any of those accusations. It’s been the total opposite. It’s been a great team, and it’s just not there. And what the president-elect is saying is 100 percent true.
[cross talk]
TRUMP: And by the way, if you see something or get something where you feel that I’m wrong, and you have some info — I would love to hear it. You can call me, Arthur can call me, I would love to hear. The only one who can’t call me is Maureen [Dowd, opinion columnist]. She treats me too rough.
I don’t know what happened to Maureen! She was so good, Gail [Collins, opinion columnist]. For years she was so good.
[cross talk]
SULZBERGER: As we all say about Maureen, it’s not your fault, it’s just your turn.
[Ross did that again! Six long rambling sentences on the big issue of "the future of the Republican Party", and no promised question. I guess, it is easier to give yourself a non-answer to your own non-question, rather than to really ask it. Don't "ax" me Ross, ask me! - M.N.]
ROSS DOUTHAT, opinion columnist: I have a slightly different, but somewhat Steve Bannon-related question, I guess. It’s about the future of the Republican Party. You started out here talking about winning in so many states where no Republican has won in decades, especially Midwestern Rust Belt states. And I think many people think that one of the reasons you won was that you deliberately campaigned as a different kind of Republican. You had different things to say on trade, entitlements, foreign policy, even your daughter Ivanka’s child care plan was sort of distinctive. And now you’re in a situation where you’re governing and staffing up an administration with a Republican Party whose leaders, and Reince, may differ with me a little on this, but don’t always see eye-to-eye on those views.
Simon & Garfunkel - Bridge over troubled water (with lyrics)
TRUMP: Although right now they’re loving me.
UNKNOWN: Well, right now they are.
[cross talk]
TRUMP: Paul Ryan right now loves me, Mitch McConnell loves me, it’s amazing how winning can change things. I’ve liked Chuck Schumer for a long time. I’ve actually, I’ve raised a lot of money for Chuck and given him a lot of money over the years. I think I was the first person that ever contributed to Chuck Schumer. I had a Brooklyn office, a little office, in a little apartment building in Brooklyn in Sheepshead Bay where I worked with my father.
And Chuck Schumer came in and I gave him, I believe, I don’t know if he’s willing to admit this, but I believe it was his first campaign contribution, $500. But Chuck Schumer’s a good guy. I think we’ll get along very well.
["Victory has many fathers, and the defeat is always an orphan. A good example of the fabled NYC promiscuity - M.N.]
TRUMP: Although right now they’re loving me.
UNKNOWN: Well, right now they are.
[cross talk]
TRUMP: Paul Ryan right now loves me, Mitch McConnell loves me, it’s amazing how winning can change things. I’ve liked Chuck Schumer for a long time. I’ve actually, I’ve raised a lot of money for Chuck and given him a lot of money over the years. I think I was the first person that ever contributed to Chuck Schumer. I had a Brooklyn office, a little office, in a little apartment building in Brooklyn in Sheepshead Bay where I worked with my father.
And Chuck Schumer came in and I gave him, I believe, I don’t know if he’s willing to admit this, but I believe it was his first campaign contribution, $500. But Chuck Schumer’s a good guy. I think we’ll get along very well.
[Finally, Ross Did That (!) and was able to formulate his question, which sounded more like a soft ball flattery than a real question. And how Does he Do That? - M.N.]
DOUTHAT: I guess that’s my question is, how much do you expect to be able to both run an administration and negotiate with a Republican-led Congress as a different kind of Republican. And do you worry that you’ll wake up three years from now and go back to campaigning in the Rust Belt and people will say, well, he governed more like Paul Ryan than like Donald Trump.
TRUMP: I’m doing this to do a good job.’ That’s what I want to do... To me more important is taking care of the people that really have proven to be, to love Donald Trump, as opposed to the political people... They’re smart, they’re workers, and they’re angry. I call them the forgotten men and women.
[Donald: People "love you" today, and the same people will hate you tomorrow, if something goes wrong, or if there is something to blame severely and squarely on you. The campaign is over, or so it appears for now. Do not chase "People's Love", it is the most fickle of all the political commodities; just do what is right. And the most importantly, with the help and the general guidance of the collective leadership and the people of the Republican Party, and not only them, but the most talented, intelligent and dedicated people, willing and able to serve the country as her civil servants, and, fortunately, there are a lot of these people in America. This is the only piece of advice that I would dare to give you, besides the advice to remember that this exactly what is expected of yourself too: to be first of all and most of all a civil servant, at the expense of all the other considerations. - M.N.]
TRUMP: General Mattis is a strong, highly dignified man. I met with him at length and I asked him that question. I said, what do you think of waterboarding? He said — I was surprised — he said, ‘I’ve never found it to be useful.’ He said, ‘I’ve always found, give me a pack of cigarettes and a couple of beers and I do better with that than I do with torture.’ And I was very impressed by that answer. I was surprised, because he’s known as being like the toughest guy...
Look, we have people that are chopping off heads and drowning people in steel cages and we’re not allowed to waterboard. But I’ll tell you what, I was impressed by that answer. It certainly does not — it’s not going to make the kind of a difference that maybe a lot of people think. If it’s so important to the American people, I would go for it. I would be guided by that. But General Mattis found it to be very less important, much less important than I thought he would say. I thought he would say — you know he’s known as Mad Dog Mattis, right? Mad Dog for a reason. I thought he’d say ‘It’s phenomenal, don’t lose it.’ He actually said, ‘No, give me some cigarettes and some drinks, and we’ll do better.’
SULZBERGER: Well, thank you very much for this. Really appreciate this.
TRUMP: Thank you all, very much, it’s a great honor. I will say, The Times is, it’s a great, great American jewel. A world jewel. And I hope we can all get along. We’re looking for the same thing, and I hope we can all get along well.
M.N.: The following is the piece that I did not include in the excerpts earlier simply because it is very difficult, almost impossible to take this "idea" seriously: Jared Kushner as the appointed peacemaker for the Israeli - Palestinian talks and/or process:
HABERMAN: Jared Kushner. What will Jared Kushner’s role be in your administration?
TRUMP: Oh. Maybe nothing. Because I don’t want to have people saying ‘conflict.’ Even though the president of the United States — I hope whoever is writing this story, it’s written fairly — the president of the United States is allowed to have whatever conflicts he wants — he or she wants. But I don’t want to go by that. Jared’s a very smart guy. He’s a very good guy. The people that know him, he’s a quality person and I think he can be very helpful. I would love to be able to be the one that made peace with Israel and the Palestinians. I would love that, that would be such a great achievement. Because nobody’s been able to do it.
HABERMAN: Do you think he can be part of that?
TRUMP: Well, I think he’d be very good at it. I mean he knows it so well. He knows the region, knows the people, knows the players. I would love to be — and you can put that down in a list of many things that I’d like to be able to do. Now a lot of people tell me, really great people tell me, that it’s impossible, you can’t do it. I’ve had a lot of, actually, great Israeli businesspeople tell me, you can’t do that, it’s impossible. I disagree, I think you can make peace. I think people are tired now of being shot, killed. At some point, when do they come? I think we can do that. I have reason to believe I can do that.
M.N.: Just imagine this: Of all the people on this sinful Earth, including the uncountable number of the professional and able diplomats, statesmen, envoys, etc., etc., it is some Jared Kushner (does anyone really know who and what he is?) is called for the role of the US-appointed official and plenipotentiary "peacemaker", simply by the virtue (or too suspicious possible lack of it), the puzzled me humbly thinks, of being the King's son-in-law or possibly whatever else, with the possible unimpeded access to the top secret classified information: if not by the hook, then by the crook. If this is not nepotism and "Rasputinshina", then what is it? He might be well suited for the role of the appointed Israeli puppet, but his qualifications for the top notch diplomatic and government post are very questionable, to say the very least.
These excerpts are compiled and commented on
by Michael Novakhov
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