"Gay News" bundle created by Mike Nova
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via Gay/Lesbian News on 4/23/13
The French parliament is expected to approve a bill legalising same-sex marriage and adoption, following a divisive public debate.
via Queerty by Jeremy Kinser on 4/23/13
During a legislative debate Monday over a measure to repeal the state’s gay marriage ban, Nevada state Sen. Kelvin Atkinson (D-North Las Vegas) announced that he’s gay.
In what the Las Vegas Sun described as an “emotional moment,” Atkinson told of his father’s interracial re-marriage which would have been banned earlier in American history. Then the senator announced, “I’m black. I’m gay,” adding, ”I know this is the first time many of you have heard me say that I am a black, gay male.”
Atkinson went on to rebut the argument that gay marriage threatens any other definition of marriage.
He dismissed the concept that same-sex marriage threatened other marriages. ”If this hurts your marriage, then your marriage was in trouble in the first place,” he said.
The Nevada Senate voted 12-9 to begin the process of repealing the gay marriage ban from the state constitution.
via Towleroad News #gay by Andy Towle on 4/23/13
As I reported earlier, the Rhode Island Senate Judiciary Committee is set to consider a marriage equality bill today.
Rhode Island United for Marriage reports that Senate Republicans are all on board:
It's a big day in Rhode Island, and we're excited to kick it off with some really exciting news for our campaign! This morning, the Senate Republican Caucus - including Senators Dennis Algiere, David Bates, Dawson Hodgson, Nicholas Kettle, Chris Ottiano - released a statement announcing unanimous support for S38, the bill that will extend marriage to loving same-sex couples:
We support Senate Bill 38 because it rightfully extends the civil aspects of marriage to all Rhode Islanders while protecting the freedom of religion our state was founded upon. Gay and lesbian couples deserve to be treated equally under the law, and at the same time churches, synagogues and mosques in our state must be free to exercise their faith and their sacraments as they see fit. This bill strikes the right balance and should be passed by the Senate.
Said RI4M campaign director Ray Sullivan:We support Senate Bill 38 because it rightfully extends the civil aspects of marriage to all Rhode Islanders while protecting the freedom of religion our state was founded upon. Gay and lesbian couples deserve to be treated equally under the law, and at the same time churches, synagogues and mosques in our state must be free to exercise their faith and their sacraments as they see fit. This bill strikes the right balance and should be passed by the Senate.
“We are proud and humbled to have earned the support of the entire Senate Republican caucus for Senator Nesselbush’s legislation. We applaud their courage and their conviction in standing up for all loving, committed couples and their freedom to marry. That this is the first legislative caucus of either party to unanimously support marriage equality is a testament to the bravery and strength of character of these five senators. We thank them for their support, and look forward to their voting in favor of S38.”
via The Wall Street Journal's Facebook Wall by The Wall Street Journal on 4/23/13
How often should married couples have sex?
Couples are more likely to sustain a healthy sex life if they are more focused on their partner's needs than they are on their own, research finds.
Couples are more likely to sustain a healthy sex life if they are more focused on their partner's needs than they are on their own, research finds.
via The New York Times's Facebook Wall by The New York Times on 4/23/13
Quotation of the Day: "I just woke up to the fact that I have a mind of my own. Talk about a late bloomer." — Judita Grosz, 69, of Pembroke Pines, Fla., after recovering from a debilitating depression.
"Like" Well | The New York Times to follow more news about family health, fitness and food.

How Therapy Can Help in the Golden Years
As Americans live longer and the stigma of psychological help diminishes, more elderly people are trying therapy to alleviate problems they face late in life.
"Like" Well | The New York Times to follow more news about family health, fitness and food.

How Therapy Can Help in the Golden Years
As Americans live longer and the stigma of psychological help diminishes, more elderly people are trying therapy to alleviate problems they face late in life.
via Towleroad News #gay by Andy Towle on 4/23/13
Cartes also referred to anti-gay comments he had made, saying: "I have no shame in apologizing to those who felt offended for an expression of mine with respect to same-sex marriage."
During the campaign, Cartes said marriage should only be between a man and a woman.
"Everyone should live within the rules. If not, we'd be like the monkeys that swing in the trees," he said.
During the campaign, Cartes said marriage should only be between a man and a woman.
"Everyone should live within the rules. If not, we'd be like the monkeys that swing in the trees," he said.
via Queerty by Lester Brathwaite on 4/23/13
In a matter of hours, France’s National Assembly is expected to pass the so-called “marriage for all” bill, which will give same-sex couples the right to marry and adopt. The impending law has been a great source of division in the country, with bizarreand vaguely homoerotic protests and escalating violence.
Yesterday, Claude Bartolone, the speaker of France’s National Assembly, received an envelope containing ammunition powder with a threatening letter warning him to delay today’s vote. As a result, authorities have stepped up protective measures, with water cannons and legions of police stationed outside the National Assembly.
Things have been a little less incendiary as Delaware’s House of Representatives gets ready to vote on its gay marriage bill after a bipartisan committee advanced it last week. Governor Jack Markell has promised to sign the bill if and when it reaches his desk, which will likely be some time this week.
“I’m confident that we have a majority of Delaware representatives — so over 21 out of the 41 — that will do the right thing and vote to support equality in Delaware,” saidState Rep. Melanie George Smith, who introduced the bill earlier this month.
Meanwhile, Rhode Island is a step or two behind as its bill has to pass a legislative committee today before it goes on to the full Senate for a final vote. The AP reportsthat the entire Senate could take up the bill by week’s end if the Senate Judiciary Committee votes in favor, making Rhode Island the last New England state to recognize same-sex marriages.
“We’re not there yet, but I do believe a majority of senators support granting civil rights to gay people,” said openly gay Sen. Donna Nesselbush, D-Pawtucket, who is lead sponsor of the bill. All five Republicans in the RI Senate have also announcedtheir support for the bill.
Stay tuned to Queerty as news from this historic day rolls in and down the aisle.
via The Guardian's Facebook Wall by The Guardian on 4/23/13
UK businessman found guilty of selling fake bomb detectors to Iraq
Jim McCormick made millions of pounds selling 'completely ineffectual' devices based on novelty golfball finder
Photograph: Rex Features
Jim McCormick made millions of pounds selling 'completely ineffectual' devices based on novelty golfball finder
Photograph: Rex Features

via Towleroad News #gay by Andy Towle on 4/23/13
Last December we posted the first two episodes of EastSiders, a web series that follows a gay couple dealing with infidelity in Los Angeles and co-stars Van Hansis, the actor who played gay character Luke Snyder on As The World Turns, and Kit Williamson, known best for his stage work, including Talk Radio with Liev Schreiber. It has been described as "Girls with a bunch of gay guys."
The series was picked up by LOGO TV online where it will live and they are giving Towleroad readers a first look at the full third episode today before it also begins streaming there later this afternoon.
And if you missed them, catch Episodes 1 and 2 HERE.
via Big Gay Picture Show by Tim Isaac on 4/23/13
Boys On Film is back with its ninth collection of gay-themed short films, Youth In Trouble, and one of those shorts in Prora, which stars young German actor Tom Gramenz. He plays a young man called Jan who, along with his friend (Swen Gippa), go inside the incredible abandoned German resort, Prora, which was built by the Nazis but never fully used. Once there, the feelings of Jan for his friend are revealed.
We chatted with Tom about the short.
How did you get the role in Prora?
Stefane [Riethauser], the director, found me on the homepage of my agency and asked me for a meeting.
Have you played ‘gay’ roles before or was this your first time?
This was my first time.
Do you think it’s a film that will work as well for straight audiences as gay ones? Do you think they’ll take different things away from it?
I think this is a movie for everybody and of course everybody will take different things away from it.
Do you think it is difficult for young people to truly communicate and be honest with one another, even if they’re known each other for years?
I think there are some people who can freely talk about everything and others who can’t. It depends on their educational background and on their friends, and how they handle those things.
You have a good camaraderie with Swen Gippa on-screen. Did you get on as well in real life?
We became friends because we had a lot of fun while shooting this movie, but he is living in Paris and me in Germany, so I last saw him a long time ago.
Is making a short film difficult from an actor’s point of view, when you have a lot of characterisation you need to get across to the audience, but not a lot of time?
I don’t know. Stefane told me a lot and I am quite sure that not everything got across to the audience, but something always has an effect.
As Jan doesn’t really talk about his sexuality, a lot of what we understand about him has to be conveyed non-verbally. How did you try to make sure the audience understood Jan, even if he’s not talking about everything that’s going on with him?
I don’t really know. Stefane didn´t want that we talk too much, so we didn’t and what the audience were thinking about it or understood is nothing that I was thinking about while shooting. I didn’t try all the time to show something that Jan has experienced in his past. Most of the time I just followed my intuition and feelings.
Is Prora as incredible in real life as it looks on screen?
Your character gets very upset when his friend starts pretending to be a Nazi. Are the Nazis still a very taboo subject in Germany?
You just learn a lot of history stuff in school about it, and it’s still a subject that Germans are handling carefully, but it’s not a taboo. It is more still a pressure for many German people.
Did you go to any screenings of the film? How did audiences react?
I was in Zürich and in London to watch the movie. All people who came to me and I was talking with, did like our movie very much, but I don’t think that someone would come to me to say that they dislike it! So the reaction was really good.
Are you proud of the film?
Yes I am.
Boys On Film 9: Youth In Trouble is out on DVD in the UK on April 29th.
Boy On Film: Tom Gramenz Talks Prora, Playing Gay & Nazis from Big Gay Picture Show