Sunday, February 26, 2017

Criminal Investigation of Donald Trump - News: Trump may owe billions in debts to Russia - Capitol Hill Blue

trump criminal investigation - Google News: Trump may owe billions in debts to Russia - Capitol Hill Blue

Capitol Hill Blue

Trump may owe billions in debts to Russia
Capitol Hill Blue
Several sources tell Capitol Hill Blue privately that the audit by the Internal Revenue Service that he has uses as an excuse to withhold release of his tax returns may have already had led to a criminal investigation. The IRS won't say and Trump ...

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trump criminal investigation - Google News

Trump may owe billions in debts to Russia

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Debt-laden President Trump: His new Washington Hotel owes millions in unpaid debts and he may owe billions to Russians. (Getty Images).
Insiders acutely aware of President Donald Trump’s complicated financial arrangements say he is billions of dollars in debt, much of it to Russia, and lives on the edge of financial ruin.
Besides Russia, Trump also owes at least $2 billion to a partnership that includes The Bank of China.
“Mr. Trump is in bed with Communists and enemies of America,” says one accountant who has worked on Trump’s partnerships but won’t allow use of his name.  “Russia owns him.”
Trump, the only President in modern times to refuse to release his tax returns — although he promised to do so early in his campaign — and that continued refusal had led to increasing speculation that he is heavy in debt and owes much to Russia, a country he cozies up to more than other Presidents in actions that worry both military leaders and intelligence officials.
The 45th President hid most of his debt in a 104-page financial disclosure form filed in his run for President, filing to list one debt alone of $2 billion o the Bank of China and other large amounts to Russia, interests in the Middle East and other nations.
“I am the king of debt,” Trump admitted to CNN.  “I love debt.”
That love of debt led to at least four of his business bankruptcies as well as defaults that has forced him to sell off personal items and seek emergency financing from questionable interests after American banks declared him a poor credit risk.
To settle his defaults in the past, Trump has had to sell yachts, planes and other symbols of luxury and a bankruptcy court ordered him to live on “an allowance.”
“His name is on the Trump Tower and he lives there but he doesn’t own it,” says one accountant.  ‘His creditors do.”
Trump campaigned as “the world’s greatest businessman” with the “best record of success” in history.
His boasts however, fail to mention is many business failures:  A mortgage company that closed, a luxury lifestyle magazine that went under with heavy unpaid debts, a debt-ridden winery, closed and bankrupt casinos and hotels and “fire sales” of properties facing foreclosures.  Several of his “resort” properties are under water financially, including a highly-touted golf resort in Scotland that is facing foreclosure.
His highly-touted “university” shut down amid revelations that it was  just a pyramid scheme that drained the life and retirement savings of those who maxed out their credit cards for things he failed to deliver.  Trump settled a myriad of civil suits against what investigators called “a fraud” but the “university” remains the focus of a criminal investigation by the Attorney General of New York.
Several sources tell Capitol Hill Blue privately that the “audit” by the Internal Revenue Service that he has uses as an excuse to withhold release of his tax returns may have already had led to a criminal investigation.  The IRS won’t say and Trump refused to answer questions about the audit or his tax returns.
Trump’s companies face thousands of civil lawsuits from small businesses, construction companies and others who worked on his properties and did not get paid.  His new “Trump International” hotel in the Old Post Office on Pennsylvania Avenue in Washington failed to pay companies large and small and several had suits pending in civil courts in the District of Columbia.
Those who say Trump defrauded them claim he makes “lavish promises that are never kept.”
Asked one: “I wonder what he is promising Russia? And not even God knows what will happen when he breaks a promise to (Russian leader Vladimir) Putin.”
Copyright © 2017 Capitol Hill Blue


Criminal Investigation of Donald Trump - News

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Criminal Investigation of Donald Trump - News


Criminal Investigation of Donald Trump - Google News 
Can the White House discuss open investigations with the FBI? - CNN
Sat, 25 Feb 2017 03:06:25 GMT


Can the White House discuss open investigations with the FBI?
Washington (CNN) The FBI rejected a request from White House Chief of Staff Reince Priebus last week to publicly knock down media reports about communications between Donald Trump's associates and Russians during the 2016 presidential campaign ...

and more »
FBI refused White House request to knock down recent Trump-Russia stories - CNN
Thu, 23 Feb 2017 23:05:33 GMT

FBI refused White House request to knock down recent Trump-Russia stories
Washington (CNN) The FBI rejected a recent White House request to publicly knock down media reports about communications between Donald Trump'sassociates and Russians known to US intelligence during the 2016 presidential campaign, multiple US ...

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Donald Trump's Russia ties: White House defends Reince Priebus' contacts with FBI - Firstpost
Sat, 25 Feb 2017 06:40:14 GMT


Donald Trump's Russia ties: White House defends Reince Priebus' contacts with FBI
Ron Hosko, a retired FBI assistant director who oversaw criminal investigations, said the discussions between the FBI and the TrumpWhite House were inadvisable. "It is a very slippery slope," Hosko said. "Do I get in the position of where I'm updating ...

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White House confirms conversation with FBI about Trump and Russia - The Guardian
Fri, 24 Feb 2017 18:13:02 GMT

White House confirms conversation with FBI about Trump and Russia
The Guardian
The White House has confirmed that its chief of staff spoke with top FBI officials about the bureau's inquiry into links between Donald Trump'sassociates and Russia a conversation which appears to violate justice department rules to ensure the ...

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White House violated restrictions when it asked FBI to kill Trump-Russia stories: CNN - Raw Story
Thu, 23 Feb 2017 23:52:38 GMT

Raw Story

White House violated restrictions when it asked FBI to kill Trump-Russia stories: CNN
Raw Story
President Donald Trump's White House staff urged the FBI to walk back reports about alleged communications between the Trump team and Russia, according to CNN. The report reveals multiple U.S. officials briefed on the request verified the request.

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White House defends chief of staff's contacts with FBI over Russia reports - Chicago Tribune
Fri, 24 Feb 2017 06:52:59 GMT

Chicago Tribune

White House defends chief of staff's contacts with FBI over Russia reports
Chicago Tribune
President Donald Trump's spokesman, Sean Spicer, argued Priebus had little choice but to seek Comey's assistance in rebutting what Spicer said were inaccurate reports about contacts during last year's presidential campaign. The FBI did not issue the ...

and more »
Trump turns his fire on the FBI - The Hill
Fri, 24 Feb 2017 22:40:23 GMT

Trump turns his fire on the FBI
The Hill
Initial communications between the [Justice] Department and the White House concerning pending or contemplated criminal investigations or cases will involve only the Attorney General or the Deputy Attorney General, from the side of the Department, and ...

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Trump tried to influence FBI investigation of Russia ties - AMERICAblog (blog)
Thu, 23 Feb 2017 23:31:01 GMT

AMERICAblog (blog)

Trump tried to influence FBI investigation of Russia ties
AMERICAblog (blog)
CNN is reporting that the Trump White House violated federal rules by attempting to influence an ongoing investigation by the FBI (and other agencies) into contacts between Donald Trump's campaign staff and other associates and Russian intelligence ...

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When Does Contact Between the FBI and the White House Cross the Line? - The Atlantic
Fri, 24 Feb 2017 21:05:00 GMT

The Atlantic

When Does Contact Between the FBI and the White House Cross the Line?
The Atlantic
"It's quite inappropriate for anyone from the White House to have a contact with the FBI about a pending criminal investigation, that has been an established rule of the road, probably since Watergate," said Michael Bromwich, a former Department of ...

and more »
Trump Denounces FBI Over Leaks, Demanding Investigation - New York Times
Fri, 24 Feb 2017 19:09:38 GMT

New York Times

Trump Denounces FBI Over Leaks, Demanding Investigation
New York Times
WASHINGTON President Trump on Friday assailed the F.B.I. as a dangerously porous agency, charging that leaks of classified information from within its ranks were putting the country at risk and calling for an immediate hunt for the leakers. Mr ...

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News Reviews and Opinions: Review: Trump, Russia, & FBI: » Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks: Trump And Russia: Is It Watergate Yet? 26/02/17 06:29

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Trump and Russia - Google News  Top Democrat has 'grave concerns' about Trump-Russia investigation - Politico Sat, 25 Feb 2017 15:53:10 GMT


Top Democrat has 'grave concerns' about Trump-Russia investigation
The top Democrat on the Senate committee investigating President Donald Trump's ties toRussia says he has grave concerns about the independence of the probe following a report that the panel's Republican chairman helped the White House knock ...

News Reviews and Opinions: Recent Events Review - Sources updated on 2.25.17

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Yemen - Google News: Trump might support probe into Yemen raid, White House says - Reuters Sun, 26 Feb 2017 13:14:40 -0500


Trump might support probe into Yemen raid, White House says
WASHINGTON President Donald Trump might support an investigation into last month's U.S. raid in Yemen that killed several al Qaeda militants but also left a Navy SEAL and several civilians dead, the White House said on Sunday. "I haven't had the chance ...
HRW: US should investigate civilian deaths in Yemen raidJURIST

all 2 news articles »

Yemen - Google News

News Reviews and Opinions: House Intel chair: Trump-Russia investigation calls 'almost like McCarthyism' Sunday February 26th, 2017 at 10:42 AM | » mikenov on Twitter: News Reviews and Opinions: Trump Review, part 3: President Trump to skip Whit... 26/02/17 08:53

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The American Lawyer

Trump and His Lawyers: Threats vs. Reality
The American Lawyer
On July 20, 2016, The New Yorker reported that Trump had threatened to sue his former ghostwriter Tony Schwartz for supposedly "defamatory statements" Schwartz had made to Jane Mayer about the book he "co-wrote" with Trump, The Art of the Deal.

News Reviews and Opinions: US - Russia military talks to be elevated - Google Search | U.S. generals want elevated talks with Russia about Iraq and Syria operations because of aerial collision fears | The Pentagon should consider more discussions with Russia as the battlespace continues to grow more complex in Iraq and Syria in the fight against the Islamic State, a top U.S. Air Force general said Friday. "There is room to elevate [talks with Russia]," Gen. Herbert "Hawk" Carlisle, head of Air Combat Command, told reporters during a breakfast in Washington, D.C. "We have constant communication with the Russians and, when we do, the deconfliction is incredibly valuable." | Dunford Meets Russian Counterpart to Strengthen Mil-to-Mil Contacts

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Sunday, February 26, 2017

US - Russia military talks to be elevated - Google Search | U.S. generals want elevated talks with Russia about Iraq and Syria operations because of aerial collision fears | The Pentagon should consider more discussions with Russia as the battlespace continues to grow more complex in Iraq and Syria in the fight against the Islamic State, a top U.S. Air Force general said Friday. "There is room to elevate [talks with Russia]," Gen. Herbert "Hawk" Carlisle, head of Air Combat Command, told reporters during a breakfast in Washington, D.C. "We have constant communication with the Russians and, when we do, the deconfliction is incredibly valuable." | Dunford Meets Russian Counterpart to Strengthen Mil-to-Mil Contacts

Review - Dunford Meets Russian Counterpart on 2.16.17 in Baku

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News Reviews and Opinions: Trump - News Review

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The Hill

Trump: 'Russia talk is FAKE NEWS put out by the Dems, and played up by the media'
The Hill
President Trump on Sunday claimed that reports about Russia are "fake news" pushed by the Democrats and the media. "Russia talk is FAKE NEWS put out by the Dems, and played up by the media, in order to mask the big election defeat and the illegal ...
Donald Trump has Twitter freak-out, blames Dems for Russia leaks and 'fake news'Blasting News

all 7 news articles »

News Reviews and Opinions: Special prosecutor for Trump - Google News: White House: Too early to say whether a special prosecutor should look into apparent election meddling by Russia - The Washington Post - 1:27 PM 2/26/2017 - News and Posts

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special prosecutor for Trump - Google News 
Darrell Issa calls for special prosecutor on Trump-Russia - Axios
Sun, 26 Feb 2017 14:34:44 GMT


Darrell Issa calls for special prosecutor on Trump-Russia
Last night on Real Time with Bill Maher, California Republican Darrell Issa said the House and Senate intelligence committees will investigate potential ties between Russia and the Trumpcampaign activities, which will require a special prosecutor: ...
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News Reviews and Opinions: Criminal Investigation of Donald Trump - News: Trump may owe billions in debts to Russia - Capitol Hill Blue

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trump criminal investigation - Google News: Trump may owe billions in debts to Russia - Capitol Hill Blue 

Capitol Hill Blue

Trump may owe billions in debts to Russia
Capitol Hill Blue
Several sources tell Capitol Hill Blue privately that the audit by the Internal Revenue Service that he has uses as an excuse to withhold release of his tax returns may have already had led to a criminal investigation. The IRS won't say and Trump ...

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trump criminal investigation - Google News

White House: Too early to say whether a special prosecutor should look into apparent election meddling by Russia

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Criminal Investigation of Donald Trump - Google Search

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Story image for Criminal Investigation of Donald Trump from Daily Signal

Trump Wants Justice Department to Investigate Leakers. How That ...

Daily Signal-Feb 22, 2017
President Donald Trump said he has directed the Department of Justice to open a criminal investigation into leaks that have occurred early in ...
Story image for Criminal Investigation of Donald Trump from New York Times

Trump Directs Justice Department to Investigate 'Criminal Leaks'

New York Times-Feb 16, 2017
President Trump said Thursday that he had personally directed the Justice Department to open a criminal investigation and determine who was ...
Story image for Criminal Investigation of Donald Trump from CNN

Can the White House discuss open investigations with the FBI?

CNN-Feb 24, 2017
... communications between Donald Trump's associates and Russians ... and FBI permitted to talk about an ongoing criminal investigation?
Trump turns his fire on the FBI
The Hill-Feb 24, 2017
Read the whole story
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Trump may owe billions in debts to Russia

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Debt-laden President Trump: His new Washington Hotel owes millions in unpaid debts and he may owe billions to Russians. (Getty Images).
Insiders acutely aware of President Donald Trump’s complicated financial arrangements say he is billions of dollars in debt, much of it to Russia, and lives on the edge of financial ruin.
Besides Russia, Trump also owes at least $2 billion to a partnership that includes The Bank of China.
“Mr. Trump is in bed with Communists and enemies of America,” says one accountant who has worked on Trump’s partnerships but won’t allow use of his name.  “Russia owns him.”
Trump, the only President in modern times to refuse to release his tax returns — although he promised to do so early in his campaign — and that continued refusal had led to increasing speculation that he is heavy in debt and owes much to Russia, a country he cozies up to more than other Presidents in actions that worry both military leaders and intelligence officials.
The 45th President hid most of his debt in a 104-page financial disclosure form filed in his run for President, filing to list one debt alone of $2 billion o the Bank of China and other large amounts to Russia, interests in the Middle East and other nations.
“I am the king of debt,” Trump admitted to CNN.  “I love debt.”
That love of debt led to at least four of his business bankruptcies as well as defaults that has forced him to sell off personal items and seek emergency financing from questionable interests after American banks declared him a poor credit risk.
To settle his defaults in the past, Trump has had to sell yachts, planes and other symbols of luxury and a bankruptcy court ordered him to live on “an allowance.”
“His name is on the Trump Tower and he lives there but he doesn’t own it,” says one accountant.  ‘His creditors do.”
Trump campaigned as “the world’s greatest businessman” with the “best record of success” in history.
His boasts however, fail to mention is many business failures:  A mortgage company that closed, a luxury lifestyle magazine that went under with heavy unpaid debts, a debt-ridden winery, closed and bankrupt casinos and hotels and “fire sales” of properties facing foreclosures.  Several of his “resort” properties are under water financially, including a highly-touted golf resort in Scotland that is facing foreclosure.
His highly-touted “university” shut down amid revelations that it was  just a pyramid scheme that drained the life and retirement savings of those who maxed out their credit cards for things he failed to deliver.  Trump settled a myriad of civil suits against what investigators called “a fraud” but the “university” remains the focus of a criminal investigation by the Attorney General of New York.
Several sources tell Capitol Hill Blue privately that the “audit” by the Internal Revenue Service that he has uses as an excuse to withhold release of his tax returns may have already had led to a criminal investigation.  The IRS won’t say and Trump refused to answer questions about the audit or his tax returns.
Trump’s companies face thousands of civil lawsuits from small businesses, construction companies and others who worked on his properties and did not get paid.  His new “Trump International” hotel in the Old Post Office on Pennsylvania Avenue in Washington failed to pay companies large and small and several had suits pending in civil courts in the District of Columbia.
Those who say Trump defrauded them claim he makes “lavish promises that are never kept.”
Asked one: “I wonder what he is promising Russia? And not even God knows what will happen when he breaks a promise to (Russian leader Vladimir) Putin.”
Copyright © 2017 Capitol Hill Blue
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us russia military - Google Search

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Story image for us russia military from Voice of America

Pentagon Chief Rules Out US-Russia Military Collaboration

Voice of America-Feb 16, 2017
At a meeting of NATO members in Brussels on Thursday, U.S. Secretary of Defense Jim Mattis ruled out any military collaboration between the ...

House Intel chair: Trump-Russia investigation calls 'almost like McCarthyism'

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Rep. Devin Nunes: "We can’t go on a witch hunt against the American people." | AP Photo | AP Photo
By David Siders
House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes, responding to calls for an independent investigation into contacts between Trump associates and Russia, said Saturday that the House would not engage in a “witch hunt” and that “at this point there’s nothing there.”
“This is almost like McCarthyism revisited,” the California Republican told reporters at the California Republican Party’s spring convention in Sacramento. “We’re going to go on a witch hunt against, against innocent Americans …?”
Story Continued Below
Nunes’ remarks came after fellow California Rep. Darrell Issa called for a special prosecutor to oversee the investigation.
“At this point there’s nothing there,” Nunes said. “Once we begin to look at all the evidence, and if we find any American that had any contact with Russian agents or anybody affiliated with the Russian government, then we’ll be glad to, at that point, you know, subpoena those people before the House and let the legislative branch do its oversight and then we would recommend it over to, you know, the appropriate people.”
He added, “But at this point … we can’t go on a witch hunt against the American people, any American people who have not had any contact just because they appeared in a news story.”
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Whose news is fake? Here's the latest in Trump's war with the press - Los Angeles Times

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Los Angeles Times

Whose news is fake? Here's the latest in Trump's war with the press
Los Angeles Times
On Saturday, President Trump announced he will not be attending the annual dinner in April, long considered the premier social event of the Washington press corps and typically an evening of good-natured bantering between presidents and the Fourth ...
Trump Plans to Skip White House Correspondents' Association DinnerNew York Times
Trump social team prepares to host ritzy Governors' DinnerCNN
Trump will not attend the White House correspondents' dinnerWashington Post
ABC News -USA TODAY -Fox News -BuzzFeed News
all 289 news articles »

2016 Presidential Campaign Hacking Fast Facts - Gant Daily

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2016 Presidential Campaign Hacking Fast Facts
Gant Daily
September 26, 2016 – During a presidential debate with ClintonTrump questions whether the DNC cyberattack was carried out by a state-sponsored group or a lone hacker. “It could be Russia, but it could also be China. It could also be lots of other people.

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