- Skeptical of Russia, Clinton seen going toe-to-toe with Putin | Reuters
- Watchdog: Feds wrongly granted citizenship to hundreds facing deportation | Fox News
- Murder in the name of Allah, funded by Qatar, Saudi Arabia and Kuwait – Redress Information & Analysis
- Search for suspects in shooting that put Marine near death | Fox News
- Ahmad Rahami: Fixture in Family’s Business and, Lately, a ‘Completely Different Person’ - The New York Times
- Bomb suspect’s family life shadowed by financial troubles and violence - The Washington Post
- Ahmad Khan Rahami: New York bombings suspect arrested after shootout | US news | The Guardian
- Investigators Focus on Motive, Possible Foreign Ties in New York Bombing
- US Officials: Controversial Strike Hit Battalion of Syrian Prisoners
- Philippine President to Work with US Military Despite Threats
- Moment New York and New Jersey bomber, 28, drags explosive through Manhattan streets in a suitcase before blast injures 29 people as he's held on $5.2million bail on attempted murder charges | Daily Mail Online
- 'I often feel like a sex therapist': New York escort who charges women up to $2,500 A NIGHT tells all about what it is really like to work in such a risque - and lucrative - job | Daily Mail Online
- Russia has a years-long plot to influence Balkan politics. The U.S. can learn a lot from it. - The Washington Post
- Bears with keyboards: Russian hackers snoop on West - BBC News
- Putin got what he wanted this time. But the rest is a recipe for collapse. - The Washington Post
- The Election Is Over, So What’s Next for Putin and His New Duma?
- FSB warns 2 Russians trying to sell fake military secrets to CIA | Russia Beyond The Headlines
- The American Mission to Save Russia
- Командующим войсками Южного военного округа назначен генерал-полковник Александр Дворников : Министерство обороны Российской Федерации
9.19.16 Mo
- Ahmad Khan Rahami Is Arrested in Manhattan Bombing - The New York Times
- Suspect in New York, N.J. bombings taken into custody - The Washington Post
- Man wanted for NYC, NJ bombings arrested after shooting officer - NY Daily News
- New York and New Jersey bombings | Reuters.com
- Clinton: Threat is real, but so is our resolve - YouTube
- FBI: Vehicle detained on Brooklyn highway packed with IEDs
- New York bombing: five more suspected devices found in New Jersey | US news | The Guardian
- Five terror suspects questioned as a bomb explodes at New Jersey train station: FBI stops men in SUV 'packed with weapons' on New York bridge as cops blow up IED that was planted hours earlier | Daily Mail Online
- Minnesota Mall Attacker Identified as Somali-American
- Homicides are spiking again in some big U.S. cities. Chicago has seen nearly half the increase. - The Washington Post
- Team Trump Spooked by Charity Probe - The Daily Beast
- Letter From Former Officials Urges Trump to Detail Foreign Dealings - The New York Times
- Jill Stein: Trump may have 'memory problem' - POLITICO
- How Healthy Is Hillary Clinton? Doctors Weigh In - The New York Times
- Putin’s lesson for Obama in Syria - The Washington Post
- Who killed Boris Nemtsov? We will never know | World news | The Guardian
- Two openly gay men are running for parliament in Russia | The Independent
- Russia stays loyal to Kremlin in election with record low turnout | World news | The Guardian
- 'Leaks over Nemtsov murder signal both dissent and democracy in Russia' | World news | The Guardian
- There is another Russia beyond Putin | Timothy Garton Ash | Opinion | The Guardian
- Boris Nemtsov ally: Islamist speculation over murder ‘useful for Kremlin’ | World news | The Guardian
- Inspector General Says FBI Probably Shouldn't Impersonate Journalists; FBI Says It Would Rather Impersonate Companies Anyway | Techdirt
- President Obama arrives for UN General Assembly meeting amid tensions with Putin | Daily Mail Online
- Probing Putin's Power
- Putin might be laying the groundwork for war - Business Insider
- Референдум о доверии: выборы в Госдуму не принесли сенсаций | Forbes.ru
- Эксперт: «Оппозиция выдвинула вождей из 90-х. Потому и проиграла»
- Эхо Москвы :: Блоги / Михаил Ходорковский: «С властью есть только два способа диалога — на выборах или на баррикадах»
- Ukrainian ambassador and Russian president clash at CIS summit
- U.S.-Israel relations hit a low point
- ВЗГЛЯД / Генштаб: «Умеренная оппозиция» и «Джебхат ан-Нусра» готовят совместное наступление
- Порошенко рассказал о половине «агентов КГБ» в украинской армии: Украина: Бывший СССР: Lenta.ru
- News Reviews and Opinions: FBI: Vehicle detained on Brooklyn highway packed with IEDs | » Russian military says observance of the cease-fire by Syrian government troops is ‘meaningless’ amid rebel violations 19/09/16 10:34 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
- How chaos helps Donald Trump - The Washington Post
- Ъ - Антон Носик готов к тюремному сроку за пост в соцсети
An aid convoy has been hit by an air strike near the Syrian city of Aleppo / New York bomb suspect arrested / Text books that move mountains in Ethiopia
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The latest on the investigation into bombings in New York and New Jersey. What each of the presidential candidates are saying about it. The UN General Assembly is underway in New York as President Obama plans to allow more refugees into the United States. A young man born in Sierra Leone and adopted by an American family looks to give back to his country of origin.
Download audio: http://av.voanews.com/clips/VEN/2016/09/20/20160920-033000-VEN060-program.mp3
Download audio: http://av.voanews.com/clips/VEN/2016/09/20/20160920-033000-VEN060-program.mp3
The Atlantic |
The Mind of Donald Trump
The Atlantic According to Barbara Res, who in the early 1980s served as vice president in charge of construction of Trump Tower in Manhattan, the emotional core around which Donald Trump'spersonality constellates is anger: “As far as the anger is concerned, that's ... and more » |
Vanity Fair |
Could Donald Trump Pass a Sanity Test?
Vanity Fair Except that in his year of campaigning, Donald Trump has called Lindsey Graham “a nut job,” Glenn Beck “a real nut job,” and Bernie Sanders “a wacko.” has insisted Ben Carson's got a “pathological disease,” and asked of Barack Obama: “Is our president ... |
A Lonely Pro-Trump Psychiatrist Speaks
American Thinker A Lonely Pro-Trump Psychiatrist Speaks. By Peter A. Olsson MD. As a lonely psychoanalystTrump supporter, .... As a lonely psychoanalyst Trump supporter, I feel the need to exercise my First Amendment right to speak up. I think the majority of my ... |
Slate Magazine |
Trump and Putin Swim Together in the White Nationalist Fever Swamps
Slate Magazine But this edges into speculation and amateur psychoanalysis. ... Trump's oldest son, Donald Trump Jr., often tweets and retweets voices from the conspiratorial and white nationalist right, voicing a hard line on undocumented immigrants and the Muslim ban. |
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Mountain Xpress |
Locally published book analyzes Donald Trump in a context of ...
Mountain Xpress As November quickly approaches, discussion surrounding one of the most polarizing presidential elections in decades has intensified, from fervent whispers to a ... and more » |
Rates of the disease have even reversed by 20 per cent in as many years - as just 209,000 new cases were reported in Britain in 2015. In 1991, experts forecasted the figure would have been 251,000.

Lord Ivar Mountbatten, a cousin of Queen Elizabeth II, says he has found love with airline executive James Coyle.
Clinton's challenge: Rebuilding Obama's winning coalition
CNN Washington (CNN) Hillary Clinton's moment of truth with the Obama coalition is fast approaching -- and she has work to do. The Democratic nominee's effort to win over voters who twice put Barack Obama in the White House -- and who represent her best ... Clinton focuses on Pennsylvania, a must-win state for TrumpWashington Post all 212 news articles » |
Syria truce, Russia-US military cooperation in doubt
USA TODAY A fragile Syrian cease-fire brokered by Russia and the United States all but expired Monday amid violations on both sides and tensions between Moscow and Washington following a U.S.-led coalition airstrike that mistakenly killed dozens of regime soldiers. and more » |
The Russian Foreign Ministry dismissed on Monday media reports claiming that the work of the Baghdad Information Center has been curtailed.

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The Rise and Fall of Russian Dushanbeby paul goble (noreply@blogger.com)
Paul Goble
Staunton, September 19 – Only a few thousand ethnic Russians remain in Dushanbe, even though only a few decades ago, they made up a third of the population of the Tajik capital and dominated its linguistic space, changes that have been so rapid and dramatic that many have been disoriented by them, according to Nigora Bukhari-zade.
National censuses have tracked the declining share of ethnic Russians in all the former Soviet republics, the result of the departure of many and differences in birthrates between them and the titular nationalities. But it is at the micro-level of individual cities and villages that this shift may be having the greatest impact on the populations involved.
That makes Bukhari-zade’s article in on the Fergana news portal today so important because it tracks the rise of Dushanbe from a small kishlak numbering no more than a thousand people in the early 1920s to a city of more than a million today and the rise and fall of the Russian community within it (fergananews.com/articles/9099).
The journalist spoke with Gafur Shermatov, a historian and activist, about the 20thcentury history of the city, the role Russians played in developing it, and the extent to which their role has now been forgotten along with the Russian language by many young Tajiks one meets there.
Shermatov points out that Dushanbe celebrated its 90th anniversary as a city two years ago and that few know how small it was before that time. Indeed, the neighboring kishlaks were in every case larger, but Dushanbe attracted people because it had the largest bazar in eastern Bukhara.
It was also the only place in emirate where the Bukharan Jews lived, a group that played a key role, Shermatov says, is providing food to the local population when the city was besieged by Enver Pasha’s forces in 1921. In the same year, Emir Alimkhan made Dushanbe his capital and in 1922, Enver Pasha declared it the capital of the khalifate he had proclaimed.
With the arrival of the Red army, Russians began to arrive in large numbers, and they continued to use Dushanbe as a political center. In 1924, it became the capital of the Tajik ASSR and remained the capital of the Tajik SSR, although it was known as Stalinabad between 1929 and 1961.
The next large influx of Russians came during World War II, when more than 100,000 of them were evacuated to the Tajik capital and when many wounded Red Army men were hospitalized there. For both, the city was a paradise at that time, Shermatov says, because it was one of the few cities of the USSR where bread was freely sold.
He adds that when he was growing up there were “hundreds” of war invalids, many of them ethnic Russians, on the streets of Dushanbe.
All these groups of Russians played a key role in the development of the Tajaik capital, he says, but they have been largely forgotten. Tajiks today remember national heroes from distant centuries, but they forget those who played a major role in protecting them from Turkic domination and promoting modernization.
One measure of just how large a role they did play, he cotninnued, is to be found in the central city cemetery. There are more than 1.5 million Orthodox graves, a number “larger than the number of residents of the city today.” Many Tajiks can’t believe that there were once that many Russians in their city.
Shermatov says that he has mixed feelings about the changes in the city. The new construction is fine, he continues, but the destruction of many of the Soviet-era monuments and buildings is disturbing, as is the fact that some many Russians are leaving and so few Tajiks know about the Russian role or even speak Russian.
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The daughter of runaway British aristocrat, Baron Tony Moynihan, the 3rd Lord Moynihan, has been shot dead in the Philippines amid the country’s increasingly bloody war on drugs.
According to the Philippine Daily Inquirer, Aurora Moynihan was found dead in a Manila street on Sept. 9. Police say she was shot in a vehicle and then pushed out of the vehicle door.
Moynihan, whose sister Maritoni Fernandez is a Philippine movie star, was found with a cardboard sign reading “Drug Pusher to the Celebrities You Are Next.” Her death came just hours after a local police chief announced the arrest of three suspects accused of supplying ecstasy to celebrity clientele.
Baron Moynihan, who died in Manila in 1991, gained notoriety during the 1970s as an alleged associate of an Australian criminal gang that smuggled heroin from Manila to Australia, and, in the 1980s, for betraying notorious international pot smuggler Howard Marks, a.k.a. “Mr. Nice,” to the U.S. Drugs Enforcement Agency in a celebrated sting.
According to his Telegraph obituary, Moynihan fled from Spain to the Philippines for fear of being extradited to the U.K. after fraud charges were leveled against him in 1970.
“We as a family have one priority and truth at this point in time,” said Fernandez in a statement to local media after the announcement of Aurora Moynihan’s death, “that is to protect her children from further pain and suffering so that they, and we as a family may take this time to grieve, mourn but most of all celebrate the life of this exceptional human being I will forever have the privilege of calling my sister.”
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Russian military says observance of the cease-fire by Syrian government troops is ‘meaningless’ amid rebel violations.
Saudi Arabia says it has uncovered an Islamic State group-linked terrorist network that was involved in past attacks in the kingdom and was planning future attacks against civilians, security personnel and government sites.
The presence of the cable talk show hosts Larry King and Ed Schultz on the United States feed of Russia Today, the satellite media organization funded by the Russian government, has raised eyebrows.

IPhone passcodes can be bypassed using just £75 ($100) of electronic components, research suggests.
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More than 800 immigrants mistakenly granted citizenshipby By ALICIA A. CALDWELL
WASHINGTON (AP) -- The U.S. government has mistakenly granted citizenship to at least 858 immigrants who had pending deportation orders from countries of concern to national security or with high rates of immigration fraud, according to an internal Homeland Security audit released Monday....
Week-old Syrian ceasefire hangs in balanceby Martin Chulov in Beirut
US and Russia trade accusations over who is to blame as airstrikes continue and aid convoys remain blocked by Syrian troops
With no aid delivered, fresh airstrikes and little sign of a mooted joint control room, the Russian-US ceasefire in Syria appears to be falling apart a week after it began.
However, both Washington and Moscow were on Monday clinging on to hope that the latest effort to end the Syrian war could gain a solid footing, despite trading bitter accusations about who is to blame.
Continue reading...Untruth and Consequences by Project Syndicate
In every corner of the world, governments are failing to recognize the full implications of their policies, and experts are too confused, or inappropriately influenced, to provide clear and credible guidance. The result is a mixture of hubris and cluelessness that is consuming countries’ entire political establishments.

From Bad to Worse in Syria by Nikolas K. Gvosdev
Nikolas K. Gvosdev
Security, Middle East
"The Russians may be willing to try and keep the ceasefire process alive, but with signs that fighting has begun to escalate, Moscow may also conclude that further diplomatic effort at this point are meaningless."
Why are we surprised that the ceasefire brokered between the United States and Russia as a way to end (or at least suspend) the fighting in Syria is unraveling? Washington and Moscow may use the same diplomatic language in crafting joint statements, but they often operate on very different interpretations.
For the American side, the recent cease-fire effort was an attempt to show that Washington, despite its continued unwillingness to escalate its involvement in the Syrian morass, that it has not ceded the initiative on Syria to Russia (and by extension, Iran). U.S. diplomatic power would bring about a temporary cessation of hostilities, allow for the provision of humanitarian assistance to opposition-controlled parts of Syria that are increasingly being squeezed between the Syrian government and the forces of the Islamic State, and perhaps even get a political process started that might, in the long run, validate the Obama administration's demand that "Assad must go."
Suffice it to say, none of the above were critical concerns to the Kremlin. But Moscow's willingness to engage Secretary of State John Kerry's push for a diplomatic process was grounded in the Kremlin's assumption that, perhaps the United States was taking its first gingerly steps down the same road as Turkey's president Recep Tayyip Erdogan: the grudging recognition that Bashar al-Assad was no longer the primary threat in the Syria conflict. While humoring Washington's continued insistence that Assad's departure from power at some unspecified date in time must still be part of any deal, Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov and his team believed that the U.S. had accepted the reality of Assad's presence for the foreseeable future.
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Decision Time for President Obama on Syria by Paul J. Saunders
Paul J. Saunders
Security, Middle East
Obama seems to be trying to have it both ways, getting what he can without exposing himself too much.
While Secretary of State John Kerry deserves credit for his determination to seek a diplomatic resolution to the Syria crisis—and for his political courage in negotiating with Moscow to get there—America’s Syria policy continues to amass self-inflicted wounds that make a very tough problem even harder to address. With four months remaining in President Barack Obama’s final term in office, the president seems increasingly likely to bequeath this tragic mess to his successor, notwithstanding his apparently reluctant tolerance of Kerry’s effort to salvage Obama’s legacy. At this point, however, Kerry’s determination and courage won’t be enough—Mr. Obama must make some tough decisions about the situation he leaves behind on January 20, 2017.
U.S. airstrikes that apparently killed at least sixty Syrian government soldiers, and which Washington now acknowledges, make the latest tenuous effort at a ceasefire/humanitarian access arrangement much more difficult to implement.
First, the strikes further poison an already profoundly mistrustful relationship between the United States and Russia, two essential participants in any settlement. Russia’s Foreign Ministry was unusually harsh in reacting to the incident, accusing U.S. pilots of conduct “on the boundary between criminal negligence and connivance with Islamic State terrorists.” Vitaly Churkin, Russia’s Permanent Representative at the United Nations, described it as “quite significant, and frankly suspicious” that the attack would happen when it did, implying an American effort to undermine the current agreement, which envisions coordinated U.S.-Russian strikes against the so-called Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS) following a seven-day cease fire and access for humanitarian assistance convoys.
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Police Hunt for Ahmad Khan Rahami in Connection With Manhattan Bombing by By MARC SANTORA and AL BAKER
Authorities released a photograph of Mr. Rahami, a 28-year-old United States citizen of Afghan descent, and send a phone alert to millions asking for help in their search.
A cease-fire that was launched with much fanfare by the United States and Russia last week appeared in tatters on Sunday night, after Washington acknowledged it mistakenly killed over 60 Syrian troops on Saturday.

FBI investigates Minnesota stabbings as possible terror actby In Homeland Security Staff
FBI: The stabbing of nine people at a Minnesota shopping center is being investigated as a possible terror attack.
Police officer trial spotlights conflicts with mentally illby In Homeland Security Staff
Police: "There's this huge scrutiny of police that we see all over the country now with people watching a 10-second video and thinking they know all the factors that are involved."
Washington Post |
Homicides are spiking again in some big US cities. Chicago has seen nearly half the increase.
Washington Post FBI Director James B. Comey — who has publicly wondered whether increased scrutiny of police officers may be playing a role in the homicide increases — said in May that he was “very worried” about the spikes. “People say to me, 'Well, the increases ... and more » |
Errant Bombing of Syrian Troops Weakens U.S. Effort to Curb Violenceby By DAVID E. SANGER, MARK MAZZETTI and BEN HUBBARD
The accidental killing of Syrian soldiers again exposed the White House’s struggles to put together a coherent strategy in a multisided civil war.
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CBS News |
CIA Director on recruitment in the fight against ISIS
CBS News With America facing ever-more complex and dangerous challenges around the world, CIADirector John Brennan says his workforce needs to evolve and diversify to meet that threat. Gaining unprecedented access, CBS News correspondent Jeff Pegues ... and more » |
Before the start of business, Just Security provides a curated summary of up-to-the-minute developments at home and abroad. Here’s today’s news.
Syria’s fragile ceasefire threatened to unravel Sunday with the first aerial attacks on rebel-held parts of Aleppo and a nearby village amid rising tensions between the US and Russia as a result of an airstrike by the US-led coalition Saturday that killed dozens of Syrian soldiers, Bassem Mroue reports at the AP.
The US-coalition strike on Syria’s eastern Deir al-Zour province was “halted immediately” when Russia informed US forces that the personnel and vehicles targeted were part of the Syrian military, not the Islamic State, as was believed, US Central Command said Saturday. Russia and Syria say the strike left 62 Syrian soldiers dead and over 100 injured, Karen DeYoung and Thomas Gibbons-Neff report at the Washington Post.
The pilots who carried out the strikes were acting “on the boundary between criminal negligence and connivance with Islamic State terrorist,” Russia’s Foreign Ministry said Sunday. [Washington Post’s Liz Sly, Karen DeYoung and Louisa Loveluck]
Secretary of State John Kerry accused Russia of “grandstanding” following the statement, and said that if Russia is serious about the ceasefire it should stop its ally Syrian President Bashar al-Assad from continuing with the “indiscriminate” bombing of his people. [NBC News’ Tom Stelloh]
Two aid convoys meant for Aleppo are still in Turkey, a lack of security guarantees from all sides preventing the UN trucks from entering Syria for the whole of the US-Russia brokered
ceasefire, which officially ended midnight last night. [Reuters]

Australia expressed regret for any loss of life to Syrian troops in the airstrike, which involved Australian planes. [AP]
The accidental bombing exposed the White House’s struggle to put together a coherent strategy in the multi-sided Syrian war, in which it has conflicting aims, from defeating the Islamic State to removing President Assad from office, David E. Sanger, Mark Mazzetti and Ben Hubbard suggest at the New York Times.
Turkey-backed rebels are pushing toward the Islamic State-held town of al-Bab as part of an effort to extend their zone of control in northern Syria, Turkey’s President Tayyip Erdoğan said today. [Reuters]
Putin has proved that limited use of force could change the political outcome in Syria, a concept Obama rejected, Jackson Diehl writes at the Washington Post, the difference being that the result has been a victory for Russia, Iran and the Assad regime at the expense of the US and its allies.
The first Iraqis returned to Fallujah over the weekend almost three months after it was liberated from the Islamic State by Iraq’s army, Tamer El-Ghobashy and Ali A. Nabhan report at the Wall Street Journal.
Three violent incidents took place in the US within a 12 hour period Saturday, injuring almost 40 people and raising concern about terror attacks by small groups, lone wolves or mentally ill individuals, Pervaiz Shallwani Damian Paletta and Devlin Barrett report at the Wall Street Journal.
The New York Police Department announced this morning that it’s looking for Ahmad Khan Rahami in connection with Saturday’s bombing near the Chelsea neighborhood of Manhattan, according to theWashington Post. Investigators took five people for questioning Sunday night in relation to the bomb that injured 29 people and another bomb that failed to detonate, report Marc Santora, William K. Rashbaum, Al Baker and Adam Goldman at the New York Times. The bombs were made with pressure cookers, flip phones and Christmas lights and filled with shrapnel.
The FBI maintained that the explosion was “intentional, violent and criminal” but not terrorist, in statements that somewhat contrasted those made by the governors of New York and New Jersey who labeled the bombing terrorism. [POLITICO’s Addy Baird]
What we know and what we don’t know about the Manhattan blast. Eli Rosenberg and Christopher Mele explain the picture so far at the New York Times.
A backpack exploded early this morning as a police robot examined it near a New Jersey transit station. It was the second bomb in New Jersey since Saturday morning. [NBC News’ Miguel Almaguer, Alex Johnson, Tom Winter and Jonathan Dienst] No one was injured in the blast. [Reuters’ Alex Dobuzinskis]
Possible links between the New Jersey and the New York explosions were being examined by investigators yesterday, report Daniel Trotta and Dustin Volz at Reuters. No international militant group has yet claimed responsibility for the New Jersey or the New York bombings.
Media associated with the Islamic State claimed a man who stabbed and wounded eight people in a Minnesota shopping mall Saturday was a “soldier of the Islamic State,” reports Rebecca Savransky at the Hill.
The FBI is investigating the attack, stopped when an off-duty police officer shot the perpetrator, as a “potential act of terrorism.” [New York Times’ Mitch Smith] The officer, Jason Falconer, was hailed as “clearly a hero” after confronting the stabber, who has not been identified, Jared Goyette and Alan Yuhas report at the Guardian.
Saudi Arabia accused Iran of supplying weapons to Houthi rebels in Yemen, urging the UN Security Council to impose sanctions on Tehran for violating an arms embargo, Edith M. Lederer reports at the AP.
The head of Yemen’s central bank was sacked yesterday and the bank relocated to the southern city of Aden by Yemen’s exiled president, a move that will increase pressure on the Houthis who control the capital Sanaa but also bring further hardship to the civilians living there. [AP]
President Obama will meet with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu Wednesday at the UN General Assembly in New York city, report Mark Landler and Peter Baker at the New York Times. Relations between the two leaders are strained over the Iran nuclear deal and Obama’s pursuit of peace in the Middle East. Obama and Netanyahu are likely to discuss both of these issues, reportsPOLITICO.
Senior Hamas leader Fathi Hammad is pleased to be branded a “global terrorist” by the US, he said following the State Department’s decision last Friday. [Washington Post’s Hazem Balousha and William Booth]
A Palestinian stabbed and injured an Israeli army officer near a West Bank settlement Sunday, the military said, the incident following a surge in Palestinian attacks over the weekend after weeks of relative calm. [AP]
The US made at least two separate wire transfer payments to Iran in the last 14 months, the Treasury Department confirmed Saturday, contradicting President Obama’s previous statements that such payments were impossible. [POLITICO’s Louis Nelson]
Saudi Foreign Minister Adel Al-Jubeir accused Iran of being the leading state-sponsor of terrorism, in an op-ed the Wall Street Journal. This “fact” renders Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif’s recent pronouncements about fighting extremism “ironic at best and little more than insincere propaganda.”
Militants attacked an Indian base near the Pakistani border, killing at least 17 soldiers, Sunday, the Indian army said. Initial reports suggested Pakistan-based Islamist group Jaish-e-Mohammad carried out the attack, reports Niharika Mandhana at the Wall Street Journal.
India labeled Pakistan a “terrorist state” following the attack, one of the deadliest against Kashmir security forces in history, directly accusing Pakistan of involvement in the attack, Michael Safi reports at the Guardian.
A Saudi royal was part of an effort to recruit US-educated accused al-Qaeda bomber Ghassan Abdallah, the accused said during a hearing at Guantánamo Bay, according to a newly-releasedtranscript. [AP’s Ben Fox]
A Uruguayan judge rejected a call to forcibly hospitalize hunger striking former Guantánamo Bay detainee Abu Wa’el Dhiab Friday, saying medical officials determined he is not an imminent risk of death. [AP’s Leonardo Haberkorn]
World leaders arriving at the UN headquarters in New York today for the annual General Assembly are hoping to address a bevy of issues including North Korea’s recent nuclear test, a US air raid that allegedly killed 62 Syrian army soldiers Saturday, and who will take over from current Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon at the end of the year. Al Jazeera’s James Reinl reports.
President Obama attends his last UN General Assembly with the world looking a lot different from the one he envisaged taking shape under his leadership eight years ago, Carol E. Lee reflects at theWall Street Journal.
What exactly is the UN, what does it do, and how does it work? Somini Sengupta explains the UN and its problems at the New York Times.
The Obama administration is reluctant to blame Russia for the hack of the DNC despite mounting pressure from lawmakers, reports Katie Bo Williams at the Hill.
The hackers who broke into the DNC and the World Anti-Doping Agency’s administration system are executing a Kremlin-backed campaign of cyber-espionage and sabotage aimed at Western democratic institutions and Russia’s political opponents, Cybersecurity experts and intelligence officials told NBC News’ Richard Engel and Aggelos Petropoulos. The same hackers are are implicated in the leaks of email of former secretary of state Colin Powell and the health documents of Olympians.
“No pardon for Edward Snowden,” the Washington Post editorial board argued yesterday, demanding that Snowden stand trial for espionage. This makes it the first paper to call for a prosecution of its own source, points out The Intercept’s Glenn Greenwald.
Over 150 articles from 23 news organizations worldwide have included documents provided by Snowden so far. Jenna McLaughlin and Tayla Cooper at The Intercept provide a retrospective on the surveillance programs he helped expose.
NATO’s new deterrent force for the Baltic region is to be in place by May 2017, the head of NATO’s military committee said yesterday. [Wall Street Journal’s Julian E. Barnes]
Up to eight Afghan policemen were killed in US-backed airstrikes outside the embattled provincial capital of Uruzgan province, Afghan officials said today. [Reuters’ Mohammed Stanekzai]
Libyan forces loyal to military leader Khalifa Haftar have reestablished control over two oil ports after armed group the Petroleum Facilities Guard launched an attack on Sunday, briefly seizing one of the terminals, reports Al Jazeera.
A Somali military general and five of his bodyguards were killed by a car bomb in Mogadishu Sunday, a Somali police officer has said. [AP’s Abdi Guled]
British police arrested a man on suspicion of possessing terrorist-related material on his arrival at London’s Heathrow Airport Saturday. [AP]
The Islamic State-linked Abu Sayyaf armed group released three Indonesian hostages in the southern Philippines a day after releasing Norwegian captive Kjartan Sekkingstad, Al Jazeerareports.
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Federal Bureau of Investigation (press release) (blog) |
Federal Bureau of Investigation (press release) (blog) The FBI is asking for assistance in locating Ahmad Khan Rahami. Rahami is wanted for questioning in connection with an explosion that occurred on September 17, 2016, at approximately 8:30 p.m. in the vicinity of 135 West 23rd Street, New York, New York. FBI questioning persons of interest in NYC explosionWIAT 42 NYPD, FBI Identify Man Wanted In Connection To Chelsea ExplosionGothamist NYPD, FBI identify 28-year-old suspect in Chelsea bombingThe Week Magazine amNY -NJ.com all 154 news articles » |
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Russian President Vladimir Putin Reportedly Planning Reforms to Effectively Resurrect KGB
ABC News President Vladimir Putin is planning a major restructuring of the country's security services that would effectively mean a rebirth of the KGB, according to Russian media. Respected business paper Kommersant quoted Kremlin sources as saying that a new ... and more » |
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Is Putin about to Revive the KGB or is He Again Only Testing the Waters? by paul goble (noreply@blogger.com)
Paul Goble
Staunton, September 19 – “Kommersant” today is reporting and other Russian media outlets are following that the Kremlin plans to create, on the basis of the FSB, a ministry of state security that would include many other security functions and make the new entity, in the words of many, into a restored version of the KGB.
Given Vladimir Putin’s own KGB roots and his preference for ruling through the security agencies, such a move is of course plausible; but despite the hoopla today, it may be far from a done deal, given the costs involved, the likely opposition of many of the players, and his failure to do so a dozen years ago when he earlier indicated that he wanted to do so.
The “Kommersant” story is detailed but based on unnamed sources and posits that discussions about the creation of such a new-old security arrangement are to be completed and put in place before prior to the next presidential election in Russia now scheduled for 2018 (kommersant.ru/doc/3093174).
It is entirely possible that the plan, which involves not only a reshuffling of security responsibilities, the creation of what would amount to a single power vertical within them, and the replacement of the current heads of these services, will in fact take place. But as one Ukrainian analyst points out, such discussions have been going on for more than a decade.
In an article in Kyiv’s “Delovaya stolitsa” today, Aleksey Kaftan notes that there is “an evil joke that a bad memory is the professional illness of historians.” He says that with regard to issues like this one, “it is obvious that is a still worse affliction among journalists” (dsnews.ua/world/arhivnaya-deza-kak-staraya-lozh-kremlya-mozhet-stat-pravdoy-19092016103000).
Both the “Kommersant” journalists and those in other outlets who have followed them have forgotten that in July 2004, that is more than twelve years ago, Lenta.ru reported, citing an article on the Gazeta.ru portal that “the FSB is being combined with the SVR and FSO and will get a new name” (lenta.ru/russia/2004/07/14/fsb/).
The 2004 story, Kaftan says, was clearly “a trial balloon” to see how “society would react.” At that time, despite much media noise, not much happened, an indication either that Putin decided that taking that step was more than the traffic would bear or that the difficulties of moving in that direction were greater than the utility to himself of doing so.
It is at least possible, he suggests, that what “Kommersant” has done is launched another “trial balloon” for the Kremlin, although the situation is different and a proposal that a dozen years ago looked “wild and unthinkable” has now become in the minds of some “the only correct and/or inevitable” one.
And that points to a broader conclusion, Kaftan suggests, by putting out these trial balloons and then not acting immediately and then later trying again and implementing such ideas, the Kremlin is making Russia “ready for totalitarianism.” Indeed, given Putin’s problems at home and abroad, he may now believe he can take this step without costs.
At the same time, however, the Kremlin leader may again be simply testing the waters: they are getting hotter, and the frog has not yet jumped out of the pan precisely because they have not gotten hotter so quickly that the frog that is the Russian people conclude that they have no choice but to try to escape a certain death.
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Australia’s prime minister confirms Australia was involved in a US-led airstrike on what was believed to be an Islamic State position
Malcolm Turnbull has acknowledged Australian aircraft were involved in US-led airstrikes in easternSyria that mistakenly killed Syrian army troops but has blasted Russian for politicising the error.
According to Russia’s military the airstrike, reported on Sunday, killed at least 62 soldiers near Deir ez-Zour, with more than 100 wounded.
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Баку предлагает дружбу Китаю и ставит ультиматум Греции
ИА REGNUM 18 сентября азербайджанская оппозиция провела митинг в столице, со ссылкой на АПА передавал Oxu.az. Исполнительная власть Баку выдала разрешение партии «Мусават» на проведение собрания на площади «Мэхсул» в Ясамальском районе. Акции протеста выражают ... Азербайджанцы на митинге потребовали ухода АлиеваРосбалт.RU Оппозиция призвала Баку отменить референдум по изменениям в конституцииРИА Новости Задержаны несколько участников митинга Нацсовета в БакуНовости Самары NewsEra.ru - ЭРА Новостей -1news.az -KPress -BBC Russian Все похожие статьи: 46 » |
Lenta.ru |
Порошенко рассказал о половине «агентов КГБ» в украинской армии
Lenta.ru Киев все еще надеется получить от Запада летальное оружие. Об этом, как сообщает «Интерфакс», заявил на встрече с представителями украинской общины в Нью-Йорке президент Украины Петр Порошенко. «Вторым по порядку [после продления санкций против России], но не ... Порошенко: Украина все еще заинтересована в летальном оружии от ЗападаГазета.Ru Украина ждет летального оружия от Запада - ПорошенкоТелеканал "Звезда" (Регистрация) Еще одна просьба Порошенко Западу: Ждем поставок летального оружияРЕН ТВ КП в Украине -Последние новости в мире -Капитал страны -Новое Время Все похожие статьи: 35 » |
Росбалт.RU |
СМИ: ФСБ преобразуют в Министерство госбезопасности
Росбалт.RU Так, на основе ФСБ предполагается создание Министерства госбезопасности (МГБ), включающего ФСО и службу внешней разведки. МГБ может получить возможность брать в свое производство наиболее резонансные дела или осуществлять контроль за теми расследованиями, ... СМИ сообщили о планах создания в России Министерства госбезопасностиРИА Новости СМИ узнали о планах создания Министерства госбезопасностиLenta.ru СМИ: в России на базе ФСБ появится Министерство госбезопаностиМосковский Комсомолец ИА REGNUM -Дни.Ру -Газета.Ru -BBC Russian Все похожие статьи: 148 » |
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Australia Expresses Regret Over Botched Syrian Airstrikesby webdesk@voanews.com (Phil Mercer)
Australia has expressed deep regret for its part in a botched airstrike in Syria that killed scores of Syrian government soldiers and endangered the fragile ceasefire in the region. The attack was led by the U.S. military that said the coalition believed it was targeting positions of the so-called Islamic State. The Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull said he regretted the loss of life and injury but will not speculate about why the air strike in eastern Syria went so badly wrong. It is reported that up to 90 Syrian government soldiers were mistakenly killed during the raid near a military airport. Australian defense officials have said the coalition operation was targeting what was thought to have been an Islamic State fighting unit it had been tracking for some time. Speaking in New York, where he is attending the United Nations’ General assembly, Turnbull told reporters the airstrikes were aborted as soon as the mistake came to light. “There were Australian aircraft involved in the operation. As soon as the commanders were advised that there were Syrian government forces affected the operation was discontinued and we regret the loss of life,” said Turnbull. The strikes, which were abandoned when Russian forces notified the Americans, have increased tensions in a complex conflict. Analysts believe the botched raid will strain relations between Washington and Moscow, which have vastly different agendas in Syria. Canberra has deployed six warplanes to the U.S.-led mission in Iraq and Syria, where it began bombing militant positions a year ago. Official defense department figures show Australian fighter jets have carried out 1,689 missions over Iraq and 42 over Syria. Australia's Air Task Group also includes an early warning aircraft and a transporter.

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Kerry calls on Russia to rein in Assad
Ynetnews US Secretary of State John Kerry says Russia needs to stop Syrian President Bashar Assad from bombing the opposition and force him to allow aid into besieged areas. Kerry told CNN on Sunday that Assad is a "spoiler" in the process, and called on Russia ... |
Globalnews.ca |
Aleppo hit in airstrike as Russia, US continue war of words ...
Globalnews.ca The diplomatic dispute heated up on the last day of a seven-day ceasefire marred by a surge of violence as warplanes hit the strategic northern city of Aleppo for ... and more » |
Miami Herald |
Confront Russia's cyber meddling
Miami Herald In recent weeks, according to private security experts and government sources, hackers associated with Russia's government have carried out high-profile intrusions intended to weaken that public confidence and disrupt the U.S. election campaign. Blaming Russia for U.S. Hacks Is Easier Than Responding to ThemBloomberg Vladimir Putin casually bragged about Russian military might in 2011Daily Mail all 8 news articles » |
Wall Street Journal |
US Alerted Russia Before Syria Strike
Wall Street Journal U.S. officials said the military contacted Russian counterparts before launching a Saturday airstrike that mistakenly hit Moscow's Syrian government allies, using a communication channel set up to avoid just such errors. Representatives of the Russian... New violence in Syria threatens cease-fire, as US and Russia blame each otherWashington Post Kerry: Russia must press Assad on Syrian aidCNN International Russia criticizes US over airstrikes that hit Syrian forcesUSA TODAY Fortune-NEWS.com.au -新华搜索 - 新华网 all 1,523 news articles » |
Groups aligned with the Kremlin are expected to win a vast majority of the vote.

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