Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Trump, Putin, the Mob, and Terrorism - News Review and Links

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Trump, Putin, and the Mob - YouTube

The U.S. and Global Security Review: Donald Trump - News and Psychological Portrait Review

Trump, Putin, and the Mob - News Review

Trump, Putin, and the Mob - Review

Transnational Organized Crime: A Growing Threat to National and International Security

Transnational organized crime (TOC) poses a significant and growing threat to national and international security, with dire implications for public safety, public health, democratic institutions, and economic stability across the globe. Not only are criminal networks expanding, but they also are diversifying their activities, resulting in the convergence of threats that were once distinct and today have explosive and destabilizing effects. This Strategy organizes the United States to combat TOC networks that pose a strategic threat to Americans and to U.S. interests in key regions.
Penetration of State Institutions, Corruption, and Threats to Governance. Developing countries with weak rule of law can be particularly susceptible to TOC penetration. TOC penetration of states is deepening, leading to co-option in a few cases and further weakening of governance in many others. The apparent growing nexus in some states among TOC groups and elements of government—includ­ing intelligence services—and high-level business figures represents a significant threat to economic growth and democratic institutions. In countries with weak governance, there are corrupt officials who turn a blind eye to TOC activity. TOC networks insinuate themselves into the political process in a variety of ways. This is often accomplished through direct bribery (but also by having members run for office); setting up shadow economies; infiltrating financial and security sectors through coercion or corruption; and positioning themselves as alternate providers of governance, security, services, and livelihoods. As they expand, TOC networks may threaten stability and undermine free markets as they build alliances with political leaders, financial institutions, law enforcement, foreign intelligence, and security agen­cies. TOC penetration of governments is exacerbating corruption and undermining governance, rule of law, judicial systems, free press, democratic institution-building, and transparency. Further, events in Somalia have shown how criminal control of territory and piracy ransoms generate significant sums of illicit revenue and promote the spread of government instability.
Sep 4, 2014 - Organized crime and terrorist groups are converging, raising the ... channels to fund terror campaigns and mass-casualty weapons.

Why Organized Crime and Terror Groups Are Converging

The Convergence of Organized Crime Groups and Terrorist Organizations

The convergence of OCGs and terrorist organizations has progressed rapidly over the past 25 years. Advances in technology and commerce that have benefited society and the economy have helped fuel the growth and expansion of TOC. Criminal organizations are very adaptive and are able to modify their behavior in response to pressure from governments and law enforcement. While this type of crime will likely never be eradicated, it can be hindered. Financial institutions are ideally positioned to identify suspicious activity and assist law enforcement’s investigations.
Financial institutions should also have a robust counter-financial-crime process in place by integrating their fraud, anti-money-laundering and cybersecurity functions to enhance their ability to detect and prevent illicit activity.
Donald Trump, Mayor Ed Koch, and Roy Cohn attend the Trump Tower opening in October 1983.

Just What Were Donald Trump's Ties to the Mob?


Ruthless mafia networks extending their influence:

"It is alleged that Russian organised crime figures have served as agents for Russia in east Ukraine, where they have been used to foment pro-Russian unrest, and transport arms and supplies to rebel groups.

At the recent inquiry into the London murder of Alexander Litvinenko, a court heard that the former KGB spy and Putin critic was killed after threatening to expose links between the Kremlin and Russian organised crime gangs.

"A significant part of Russian organised crime is organised directly from the offices of the Kremlin. Vladimir Putin's Russia is a mafia state," alleged prosecutor Ben Emmerson.

The claims echoed those of a Spanish judge, who in the 2010 WikiLeaks cables alleges that Russian officials and security services were tightly bound together."

"They write I'm the mafia's godfather. It was Vladimir Ilich Lenin who was the
real organizer of the mafia and who set up the criminal state."
-Otari Kvantrishvili, Moscow organized crime leader.l

"Criminals Nave already conquered the heights of the state-with the chief of the
KGB as head of a mafia group."
-Former KGB Maj. Gen. Oleg Kalugin.2
As the United States and Russia launch a Great Crusade against organized
crime, questions emerge not only about the nature of joint cooperation, but
about the nature of organized crime itself. In addition to narcotics
trafficking, financial fraud and racketecring, Russian organized crime poses
an even greater danger: the theft and t:rafficking of weapons of mass
To date, most of the discussion of organized crime based in Russia and
other former Soviet republics has emphasized the need to combat conventional-style
gangsters and high-tech terrorists. These forms of criminals are
a pressing danger in and of themselves, but the problem is far more
profound. Organized crime-and the rarnpant corruption that helps it
flourish-presents a threat not only to the security of reforms in Russia, but
to the United States as well. The need for cooperation is real. The question
is, Who is there in Russia that the United States can find as an effective

Trump, Putin and the Mob - Links

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Images - Donald Trump and the Mob - Google Search

Main Articles - Trump, Putin and the Mob

Trump, Putin, and the Mob - YouTube

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Trump, Putin the Mob, and the Terrorism - Links

Main Articles - Trump, Putin and the Mob

What Did Donald Trump Know? | Huffington Post
Robert Caruso | Huffington Post
How Donald Trump Hacked the Politics of Foreign Policy - The New York Times
From Russia (but Nowhere Else) With Love - The New York Times
Is Melania Trump devilishly clever — or totally out to lunch? - The Washington Post
Donald Trump, the Siberian Candidate - The New York Times
Donald Trump, Putin’s puppet - The Washington Post
The Kremlin’s Candidate - POLITICO Magazine
Donald Trump, the Russian candidate | TheHill
Donald Trump - The Manchurian Candidate?
Putin's Man: Donald Trump Is The Russian Candidate | Huffington Post
Russia first | The Briefing - YouTube
Trump's Russian connections span 30 years rom Gorbachev to Putin, mingling business, entertainment and politics —
Vladimir Putin has played Trump 'like a fiddle' says ex-CIA head backing Hillary Clinton | Daily Mail Online
Donald Trump and Russia: a web that grows more tangled all the time | US news | The Guardian
Exploring Russian ties to the men lurking behind Trump | TheHill
The thin line between Europe’s criminals and militants - The Washington Post
Corruption Currents: Italian Mob Trades Weapons For IS-Looted Art - Risk & Compliance Journal. - WSJ
Italian Mob Trades Weapons for Looted Art From ISIS in Libya - The Daily Beast
German Organised Criminals Benefiting from Islamic Radicalism
A Look at Why Organized Crime and Terror Groups Are Converging
Terrorism: The jihad-crime nexus -
Trumpism After Trump - The New York Times
The four characteristics of Trumpism | TheHill
Why Trumpism Will Outlast Donald Trump - POLITICO Magazine
No matter what happens, the roots of Trumpism will remain entrenched in the Republican Party base | Blogs
No matter what happens, the roots of...
EU Commissioner Georgieva's Past, Family Ties Questioned in Think-Tank Report - - Sofia News Agency
Authoritarianism: The political science that explains Trump - YouTube
Authoritarian personality - Wikipedia
Authoritarianism - Wikipedia
Orlando Tragedy Result of US Intelligence Failure - Russian Official

Trump and the Mob

Donald Trump and the Mob - WSJ
Former Mafia-linked figure describes association with Trump - The Washington Post
Russian Organized Crime
Security Analysts Warn Trump Is Russian Mafia's 'Manchurian Candidate'
Before Trump attacked foreigners, he helped sell them Florida condos | Miami Herald
The Many Times Donald Trump Has Lied About His Mob Connections | Mother Jones
Yes, Donald Trump has been linked to the mob | PolitiFact
Just What Were Donald Trump's Ties to the Mob? - POLITICO Magazine
The Drug Trafficker Donald Trump Risked His Casino Empire to Protect - The Daily Beast
Trump father fbi file - Google Search
trump fbi file - Google Search

Trump and Russia

Trump's Russian connections span 30 years from Gorbachev to Putin —
Putin Doesn’t Need a Trump Mole When He Has the Internet
Putin Doesn't Need a Trump Mole When...
How long HAS Donald Trump been working for Russia? |
Donald Trump Suggests Paul Ryan Doesn't Want Him To Win | Huffington Post
Presidential Candidates React Differently to Russia's Role in Election
Trump Knows ‘Nothing About Russia,’ Repeats Their Propaganda
WikiLeaks, Sputnik, and the Story of...
Russians Are Obsessed With Donald Trump | The Daily Caller
In a Land of Bullies, Trump Looks Familiar - POLITICO Magazine
WikiLeaks: Assange's Internet Link 'Severed' by Ecuador - ABC News
Video: Clinton campaign cites Fedor Emelianenko as one of Trump’s ties to Russia - Bloody Elbow
fedor emelianenko - Google Search


Organized crime is now a major element of Russia statecraft - Business Insider
The best answer to Russian aggression is containment
EU leaders to hold talks on Russian political meddling
Putin’s hope to ignite a Eurasia-style protest in the United States - The Washington Post
putinprotest hington post - Google Search
The danger of Russian disinformation - The Washington Post
The Chekist Takeover of the Russian State: International Journal of Intelligence and CounterIntelligence: Vol 19, No 2

Putin and the Mob

Vladimir Putin: 'the godfather of a mafia clan' - Telegraph
What are Putin's links to Russian organised crime? - Quora
Organized Crime in Russia | Stratfor
Russian Organized Crime | Stratfor
The Russian Mafia In North America - Rcmp Report | Mafia Power Play | FRONTLINE | PBS
12.1.10 - WikiLeaks cables: Russian government 'using mafia for its dirty work' | World news | The Guardian

Russian Mafia

The Russian Mafia and organised crime: how can this global force be tamed? | openDemocracy
Gangs of Russia: Ruthless mafia networks extending their influence
'Virtual Mafia States': Russian Mafia an International Concern for US Diplomats - SPIEGEL ONLINE
The Russian-Israeli Mafia: Off-limits to FBI, US intelligence | ThereAreNoSunglasses
Transnational Organized Crime: A Growing Threat to National and International Security | The White House
Russian Organized Crime | Center for Strategic and International Studies
The Moscow Times — News, Business, Culture & Events
: Russian mafia expands in Germany
Organized Crime and the Russian State Challenges to U.S.-Russian Cooperation J. MICHAEL WALLER - 02-3_Waller.PDF
June 2001 - The Threat of Russian Organized Crime - 187085.pdf

in US

1996 - Russian Organized Crime (in California)

Can We Trust Vladimir Putin?

Can We Trust Vladimir Putin? - Breitbart
Mafia state - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Counterintelligence state - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Active reserve (KGB) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Litvinenko report on Putin ally was motive enough for murder, inquiry told | World news | The Guardian
Former KGB officer claims Putin involved in drugs trade in 90s : UNIAN news
Former KGB Officer Accuses Vladimir Putin of Running Drug Smuggling Ring | The Fix
Mike's Bogota Blog: Vladimir Putin - the Cali Connection
US, Russia Uncover Cocaine Trade Scheme Allegedly Involving High-Profile Russian Impresario - CBS News
Litvinenko believed Putin linked to organised crime: ex-KGB spy's widow | Reuters
'Putin Involved in Drug Smuggling Ring', Says Ex-KGB Officer
The Sinaloa cartel and Colombian cocaine - Business Insider
Cyprus enforces Russian mafia law
putin and Colombian Cocaine Cartel - Google Search
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russian intelligence and drug trafficking - Google Search
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putin corruption network revealed - Google Search
Russia is sharing information with the Taliban to fight the Islamic State - The Washington Post
Putin Casts Covetous Eyes on Sweden and Greece
Люсьен Ким: Главный парадокс Кремля | Новое Время
U.S. facing 'unprecedented threat environment' in wake of ISIS' rise -
Two Israelis die killed in Palestinian knife attack in Jerusalem
Hamas renegade in Gaza behind West Bank terror cell, Palestinians say | The Times of Israel
Christmas Is Officially Canceled in Somalia | VICE News
JB Williams -- All House Republicans Are Blocking Impeachment
Washington Passes Open Container Law for Marijuana


How America could slide towards Putinism
Donald Trump and the G.O.P.: The Party of Lincoln, Reagan and, Perhaps, Extinction - The New York Times
Donald Trump’s Weird World - The New York Times
Donald Trump’s Sad, Lonely Life - The New York Times
Secret Ledger in Ukraine Lists Cash for Donald Trump’s Campaign Chief - The New York Times
Even after Trump loses, the GOP is still toast - The Washington Post
Sketchpad: Trump doesn’t get how preposterous he now looks - The Washington Post
The dark history of Donald Trump's rightwing revolt | Timothy Shenk | News | The Guardian
What Can the Next President Do About Russia? - WSJ
What Can the Next President Do About...
If Trump Is Going Down, He’s Taking the GOP With Him | New Republic
Donald Trump Is Going to Tear Everything Down With Him | New Republic
The Trump Files: When Donald Couldn't Tell the Difference Between Gorbachev and an Impersonator (Video) | Mother Jones
This is how fascism comes to America | Brookings Institution
Donald Trump and the Politics of Personality | Rich Rubenstein's Blog
Trump Campaign Fires Back at Ex-CIA Chief Michael Morell - The Daily Beast

Organized Crime and Terrorism

Organized Crime — FBI
Cashed - Terrorism and Organized Crime: The Alliance of Tomorrow? How to Counter a Possible Future Threat
A dangerous liaison: terrorists and organized crime in South America | TheHill
Strong measures needed against states...
The “Professionalization” of Intelligence Analysis: A Skeptical Perspective: International Journal of Intelligence and CounterIntelligence: Vol 29, No 4
Strong measures needed against states backing terror: BIMSTEC - The Hindu
‘Global effort vital to battle organized crime, terrorism’ - ARAB TIMES
In Their Own Words: Counterterror Officials On the Threat Europe Faces | Terror in Europe | FRONTLINE | PBS

Crime and Terror Link

The Connection between Terrorism and Organized Crime: Narcoterrorism and other hybrids | Angelina Stanojoska -
Crime and its deadly link with terrorism
Links Between Terrorism, Organized Crime and Crime: The Case of the Sahel Region
United Nations News Centre - Growing links between crime and terrorism the focus of UN forum
From Theory to Practice: Exploring the Organised Crime-Terror Nexus in Sub-Saharan Africa | Hübschle | Perspectives on Terrorism
Criminal intelligence - Wikipedia

My Posts

The U.S. and Global Security Review: Dirty money: Trump and the Kazakh connection - Financial Times
The U.S. and Global Security Review: » Putin Welcomes the Return of the Russian Mafia - Newsweek - Newsweek 19/10/16 04:56 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
News Reviews and Opinions: Trumpismo - Putinismo - Machismo

News Review Searches

Trump, Putin, the Mob, and the Terrorism

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Crime and Terror

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Trumpism and Putinism

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Trump, Putin and the Mob

Trump, Putin and the Mob - Google Search
Trump, Putin, and the Mob - YouTube
Trump, Putin and organized crime - Google Search
Trump's and Putin's connections with organized crime - Google Search
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Trump and Russia - Google Search
Trump and Russia - Google Search

Trump and the Mob

Trump and the Mob - Google Search
Felix Sater - Google Search

Putin and the Mob

Putin and the Russian Mafia - Google Search
Putin and the Mob - Google Search

Russian Intelligence services and organized crime

Russian Intelligence services - Google Search
Russian Intelligence services and organized crime - Google Search
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Russian organized crime

Russian - International "Mafia" - organized crime - Google Search

Russian organized crime in US

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russian organised crime in us - Google Search

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and Totalitarianism

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Terrorism and Intelligence

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"Here he goes again. Donald Trump’s incontestable and extensive connections to the Russian intelligence services are back at the forefront, where they belong. Congress is hopping mad, as they should be, and Democratic lawmakers are calling for a wide-ranging counterespionage investigation into Trump’s activities and interactions with the Russian Federation and the various hackers, plural.

This is unprecedented in modern American history...
This election is drawing to a close soon enough, but until that time it is imperative the American people understand Donald Trump is firmly under the thumb of malign foreign influence — specifically, Russia’s.

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Financial Times

Dirty money: Trump and the Kazakh connection
Financial Times
Some had chequered pasts, with links to organised crime or fraud schemes. But perhaps the biggest risk for Mr Trump's complex, often opaque, business empire was that it might be used for a purpose US officials fear is rife in the country's real estate ...

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In response, Trump claimed that Ryan, the highest-rankingRepublican in office and certainly one of the most respected, is a feckless leader and is a disloyal party member. He also implicated Sen. John McCain who, in Trump's own infamous words, said ...
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