In Congress and Across Country, Mixed Views of Trump's Speech by (VOA News)
Where they viewed U.S. President Donald Trump's joint address to Congress Tuesday night was different. Some sat inside the U.S. House of Representatives chamber. Some looked up at monitors at a bowling alley in Pennsylvania. Others gathered at a watch party in Las Vegas. Their impressions were different too. Some saw a rousing vision for the country and a long-needed commitment to putting America's interests in front of anything else. Some saw a president who has yet to follow through on his promises and lacked specific plans to achieve them. Republican Rep. Joe Barton thought Trump put forth "a vision for a resurgent America," while giving hope to both working class Americans and conservatives who want a smaller government. "Like most presidents he was strong on the goodies, but a little weak on how to pay for it," he said. Barton represents the 6th Congressional District in Texas. One county over is the 30th District, home of the city of Dallas. There, Jeff Olsen, a Republican who had questions about Trump but did vote for him, said it is time to see if the president can turn his populist appeal into policies that help make people's lives better. "I don't think he's a fiscal conservative like I am," Olsen told VOA. "I don't think that he sees the importance of a lot of the social issues in the same parameter that I do, and I just don't know that he has the perspective of somebody who is a middle class educator, father of four, working with a wife who is also an educator trying to make ends meet." Olsen said he would have felt better if the kind of speech Trump gave Tuesday had come at the beginning of his term. Let's see the plan Back in Washington, Democratic Rep. Ruben Kihuen said he was disappointed Trump did not use his speech to explain plans to put people back to work, fix the country's immigration system or reform the health care system. "The American people are tired of hearing rhetoric, we want to see a plan of action," he said. Kihuen represents the 4th Congressional District in Nevada, just north of the city of Las Vegas, where on Tuesday night the local chapter of Chinese Americans for Trump held a viewing party for the president's address. Joann Rodriquez supports Trump and said that he is keeping his promises. "He told us what he was going to do and he's doing it," she said. "And he's doing it very quickly. I've never seen a president work as hard and as long hours as he does." "So far, all the talk is real good," said Chris Villasenor. "Nothing has been done yet. It's all on the table, but they keep sweeping it off, saying wait, let's change it a little bit. I want something to get done." Congressman Kihuen was formerly an undocumented immigrant, and said while he supports jailing or deporting criminals, Trump's speech featured a continuation of "hateful, anti-immigrant" rhetoric. "Most immigrants in this country are hardworking, honest people who are contributing to this economy, who are willing to learn English, stand in back of the line, pay back taxes, just for an opportunity to become a legalized citizen of this country," he said. "It's very disappointing that the president continues to depict immigrants as if we're all criminals and rapists." Democrats skeptical, looking for common ground The members of Congress who spoke to VOA after the speech were divided on whether Trump was making real outreach to work with Democrats. A number of the Democrats expressed skepticism, but also a willingness to work toward common ground. One area that has been identified as a possible track for cooperation is spending to repair the nation's infrastructure. "He did talk about some good things where I hope we can find some common ground – infrastructure, family leave, child care, building up our military to make sure that it's strong," said Rep. Joaquin Castro, a Democrat from Texas. The outstanding question is how to pay for the $1 trillion in spending Trump has proposed just for infrastructure projects. "I think that the president is headed for a showdown not only with Democrats, because we disagree on a lot with him, but really with his own Republican Congress," Castro said. He pointed to fiscally conservative Republicans who are not likely to support spending increases. At a bowling alley in Holmes, Pennsylvania, outside of Philadelphia, Hillary Clinton supporter Pete Harwan also questioned how Trump could find the money to support his goals. "How's he going to build up infrastructure when he's cutting taxes? In order to build up infrastructure, you need to raise taxes on the rich," Harwan said. America first Bryan Gallagher supports Trump and owns a global business. He is happy the president is maintaining his pledge to put America first. "Somebody is finally talking about the economy and American workers. What's wrong with that?" Gallagher said. Rep. Warren Davidson, a Republican who represents the 8th District in western Ohio, said he thought Trump's speech "showed a very positive vision for the country." "I know a lot of people back home for me in Ohio feel like our former president started off on day one going around the world apologizing for who America was and has been, and in some way trying to be the leader of the free world instead of being America's president first and foremost." Back across the country in Dubuque, Iowa, a man named John told VOA he was encouraged by what he heard from Trump Tuesday night. "I'm not a Republican, I'm not a Trump fan, but you've got to give him an opportunity," he said. "He won, and there's nothing we can do about that except support him and hopefully he does a great job. And if not, then we'll wait another four years and wait to see who else can come in and do something better." VOA's Chris Hannas and Katherine Gypson in Washington, Kane Farabaugh in Dallas, Michael O'Sullivan in Las Vegas, Carolyn Presutti in Holmes, Pennsylvania, and Greg Flakus in Dubuque, Iowa contributed to this report

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Ильдар Дадин вернулся в Москву by SvobodaRadio
Активист Ильдар Дадин вышел из колонии в воскресенье. В декабре 2015 года Дадина приговорили к 3 годам лишения свободы по обвинению в "неоднократном нарушении правил проведения публичных мероприятий". Позднее срок заключения был сокращен до двух с половиной лет. В ноябре прошлого года осужденный заявил о пытках в колонии №7 в Карелии, где он отбывал наказание. После этого активиста перевели в ИК-5 в городе Рубцовске Алтайского края. 22 февраля 2017 года Верховный суд России постановил освободить Дадина, закрыть возбужденное в отношении него уголовное дело и признать право активиста на реабилитацию.
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Вести.Ru |
Арестована жена кандидата в президенты Франции Фийона
Вести.Ru Жена бывшего премьера Франции, кандидата в президенты страны Франсуа Фийона Пенелопа задержана, а затем помещена под стражу. В настоящее время ведется обыск, передает РИА Новости. Об этом в своем аккаунте в сети микроблогов Twitter написала сотрудница издания ... В окружении Фийона не подтверждают сообщения о задержании его супругиТАСС Жену кандидата в президенты Франции Фийона поместили под стражуИнтерфакс СМИ сообщили о задержании жены Франсуа Фийона Росбалт.RU -Радіо Свобода -ИА REGNUM -Газета.Ru Все похожие статьи: 135 » |
Extradition of ex-CIA Spy Cancelledby (Reuters)
A former CIA officer, convicted for involvement in the kidnapping of an Egyptian cleric in Italy, will not be deported from Portugal and will be released, her lawyer said on Wednesday. On Tuesday, Italian President Sergio Mattarella gave a partial pardon to de Sousa, convicted in absentia in Italy for involvement in the kidnapping of an Egyptian cleric there, the president's office said. "The Milan prosecutor revoked the detention order. The Italian Interpol agents who are here to extradite her have been informed and the extradition is no longer happening," Sabrina de Sousa's lawyer told Reuters. De Sousa, a dual U.S.-Portuguese citizen who denies involvement in the abduction, was detained by Portuguese police last week. She is one of 26 people convicted in absentia on charges of snatching Hassan Mustafa Osama Nasr from a street in Milan in 2003 and taking him to be questioned in Egypt under the U.S. "extraordinary rendition" program. The program was one of Washington's most hotly debated responses to the September 11, 2001, al Qaeda attacks in the United States. Nasr, who was on a U.S. list of militant suspects, said he was tortured under interrogation after being transferred to Egypt. Mattarella said he had taken account of the fact that the United States has stopped the practice of extraordinary renditions, and the need to give de Sousa similar treatment to others convicted of the same offence. In 2015, Mattarella gave pardons to two other officials convicted in the case.

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Statistics shows Russia became main investor in Ukraine in 2016
TASS KIEV, March 1. /TASS/. Russian businessmen invested $1.67 bln or 38% of total foreign investments in Ukraine's economy, Ukrainian state statistics service (Gosstat) said on Wednesday. Ukraine received $4.4 bln of foreign direct investments in total ... |
The National Interest Online (blog) |
Here's What Would Happen If Russia and NATO Went War (or World War III)
The National Interest Online (blog) How much of a threat do Russia's emerging 5th-generation stealth fighter, nuclear arsenal, high-tech air defenses, anti-satellite weapons, conventional army and submarines pose to NATO and the U.S.? Current tensions between Russia and NATO are ... Russian Hackers May Now Be Mucking With European ElectionsMother Jones Protecting Christians, fighting terror? Russia's on all 27 news articles » |
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The Secrets of Russia's Propaganda War, Revealed Shoigu's comments regarding new information operations were vague, leaving it unclear exactly what the propaganda troops would do or who they would report to. Experts say they are likely to be part of the cyber forces — a military branch announced in ... and more » |
РИА Новости |
СМИ: главарь ИГ обратился к боевикам с призывом укрыться в горных районах Ирака и Сирии
ТАСС МОСКВА, 1 марта. /ТАСС/. Главарь террористической группировки "Исламское государство" (ИГ, запрещена в РФ) Абу Бакр аль-Багдади обратился к боевикам с призывом укрыться в горной местности Ирака и Сирии в связи с наступлением иракской армии и сил международной ... Главарь "Исламского государства" признал свое поражениеПравда.Ру Эксперт: признание поражения ИГ ставит под вопрос его существование Политолог: на Ближнем Востоке разворачивается новый сценарийРИА Новости Федеральное агентство новостей No.1 -Вести.Ru -Московский Комсомолец -Коммерсантъ Все похожие статьи: 168 » |
The National Interest Online (blog) |
US general wants Russia to open up major exercise to observers
Reuters VILNIUS The U.S. Army's top European commander on Wednesday called on Russia to open its major military exercise later this year to observers to assuage the anxieties of its neighbors.Russia has unveiled plans to stage its Zapad 2017 exercise near its ... Here's What Would Happen If Russia and NATO Went War (or World War III)The National Interest Online (blog) Russian Hackers May Now Be Mucking With European ElectionsMother Jones Protecting Christians, fighting terror? Russia's on all 26 news articles » |
Light on Foreign Policy, Trump Speech Includes Messages for NATO, China by (Henry Ridgwell)
World leaders have been digesting Donald Trump’s first speech to Congress Tuesday night. The U.S. president spoke about America’s commitment to NATO and his plan to forge a new global trade system. Henry Ridgwell reports from London.

Russia Beyond the Headlines |
Russia became Ukraine's leading investor in 2016
Russia Beyond the Headlines Russian businessmen invested $1.67 billion in the Ukrainian economy in 2016, accounting for 38 percent of the total share of investment, reported the Ukrainian news agency, UNIAN, citingUkraine's State Statistics Service. In total, Kiev received $4.4 ... Statistics shows Russia became main investor in Ukraine in 2016TASS all 4 news articles » |
The Week UK |
US and Russia spar over vetoed Syria sanctions
The Week UK "During an operation by a Russia Federation warplane against Islamic State targets in the region of the Euphrates Shield operation in Syria, a bomb accidentally hit a building used by TurkishArmy units," the Turkish military said. Kremlin spokesman ... Security Council Report Monthly Forecast, March 2017Reliefweb EM Stocks Sink As Russia, China Veto Syria SanctionsBarron's (blog) all 142 news articles » |
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World Leaders Welcome Trump's Measured Tone, Await Details of 'America First' Policiesby (Henry Ridgwell)
World leaders have been digesting U.S. President Donald Trump’s first speech to Congress Tuesday night, which touched on the United States' commitment to NATO and his plan to forge a new global trade system. Trump’s speech may have been directed at a domestic audience — the president repeatedly pledged to put America first — but this was a performance watched around the world. "It is American leadership based on vital security interests that we share with our allies across the globe," the American president noted. "We strongly support NATO, an alliance forged through the bonds of two World Wars that dethroned fascism, and a Cold War that defeated communism. But our partners must meet their financial obligations." The warmer tone has been welcomed, says Ian Bond of the London-based Center for European Reform, who spoke to VOA via Skype. "He didn’t repeat the suggestion that it was obsolete and he did stress the importance of NATO. But underneath that he’s still talking in terms of NATO countries paying their bills, as though America is a kind of bodyguard service," Bond said. Defense buildup, China President Trump pledged one of the largest increases in national defense spending in American history. "Even many Republicans, I think, are telling him that it’s a mistake to gut U.S. overseas development assistance and the State Department in order to fund this very large increase in military spending," said Bond. A scaling back of U.S. involvement overseas is likely to be seen as an opportunity for the world's second largest economy, says David Kelly, director of research at China Policy, a Beijing-based research group. "Once again Trump has left large spaces open for China to, in a sense, exploit in diplomatic terms," he said. Beijing was singled out by Donald Trump as he repeated accusations that the global trade system is not benefiting America. "We've lost 60,000 factories since China joined the World Trade Organization in 2001," said Trump. Trump did not directly mention the travel ban on citizens from seven Muslim- majority countries that was struck down by the courts. No mention of Africa Beyond his vow to extinguish the Islamic State terror group, there was no mention of Africa — a region looking for direction on Trump’s future engagement, says Steven Gruzd of the South African Institute of International Affairs. "We haven’t really seen very much at all out of this administration in this first month on what his Africa policy is going to be. We don’t have an Assistant Secretary of State," he said. "We have many ambassadorships that are vacant, South Africa is one of them." The more measured tone of the speech has been generally welcomed. But analysts say many world leaders want more policy detail on President Trump’s promise of a "new chapter of American greatness."

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Стороны обменялись мнениями о состоянии и перспективах возобновления сотрудничества между оборонными ведомствами двух стран, обсудили вопросы международной безопасности, в том числе в Сирии и Ливии.

Trump Calls for Renewal of American Spirit in Congressional Speech by (Jim Malone)
President Donald Trump urged a divided United States to embrace what he called a “renewal of the American spirit.” In Tuesday's address to a joint session of Congress, Trump laid out an ambitious agenda to revitalize the nation’s economy, tighten borders, boost military spending and overhaul health care. VOA National correspondent Jim Malone has more on the president’s first major address to Congress from Washington.

Middleton Times Tribune |
Unwrapping Putin's Enigma
Middleton Times Tribune “When we look at Russia in the last 180 or 200 years, we tend to see ourselves as normal,” explains David McDonald, a celebrated professor of Russian history at the University of Wisconsin. Russia, that ancient, wild ... And he saw “tight-knit circles ... |
Коммерсантъ Приложения |
С начала года Путин и Порошенко разговаривали по телефону четыре раза
Коммерсантъ Приложения По информации, полученной «Ъ» из нескольких источников в Киеве и Москве, несмотря на жесткое противостояние России и Украины на всех международных площадках, между президентами Владимиром Путиным и Петром Порошенко продолжаются контакты. С начала года, по ... и другие » |
РИА Новости |
Сирийская армия выбила боевиков ИГ* из исторической цитадели Пальмиры
РИА Новости ДАМАСК, 1 мар — РИА Новости, Михаил Алаеддин. Сирийская армия и союзные ей войска освободили историческую цитадель Пальмиры от боевиков террористической группировки "Исламское государство" (ИГ, запрещена в России), сообщил РИА Новости осведомленный источник на ... Сирийская армия освободила историческую цитадель ПальмирыРБК Сирийские войска взяли цитадель ПальмирыВести.Ru Сирийские войска почти отбили цитадель в Пальмире у боевиков ИГИнтерфакс ТАСС -Правда.Ру -ИА REGNUM Все похожие статьи: 446 » |
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В рамках рабочей поездки в Красноярск Владимир Путин провёл совещание о ходе подготовки проведения XXIX Всемирной зимней универсиады 2019 года, ознакомился с макетами строящихся объектов универсиады‑2019 и встретился с победителями XXVIII Всемирной зимней универсиады 2017 года, прошедшей в Алма‑Ате.
DAVID IGNATIUS: Russia's global hacking efforts are far from a 'ruse'
Northeast Mississippi Daily Journal This warning of a campaign far broader than the U.S. got little attention in America. We may be missing the forest for the trees in the Russia story: The Kremlin's attempt to meddle in the 2016 U.S. presidential election is part of a much bigger tale ... |
Christian Science Monitor |
Opinion: No, Russia didn't hack the election
Christian Science Monitor However, evidence supports the conclusion that hacking from Russian-based attackers did occur during the election. When the intelligence community and ... There should be no question thatRussia is effectively deploying its cybercapabilities to further ... |
The Commercial Appeal |
Sen. Bob Corker: White House expectations on Russia 'diminishing'
The Commercial Appeal U.S. Senator Bob Corker discusses the recent Russian hacking issue before speaking during Union University's fall commencement services at West Jackson Baptist Church in Jackson, Tenn., on Saturday, Dec. 17, 2016. C.B. SCHMELTER/The Jackson Sun. and more » |
US Vice President Says Trump Will Defend Original Travel Banby (VOA News)
President Donald Trump will continue to defend his original travel ban even after a revised executive order limiting travel to the United States is finalized in the coming days, Vice President Mike Pence said Wednesday. “The president is just determined to not only defend the first executive order in the courts, which we continue to believe is fully within his purview and his presidential authority, but also to take that authority that is undisputed in the law with a new executive order,” Pence said on the CBS television program This Morning. Federal courts blocked the administration's January 27 travel ban, which temporarily prevented people from Iraq, Iran, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria and Yemen from entering the country. The U.S. refugee program was also halted. More than two dozen lawsuits were filed in U.S. courts against the ban; but, it was the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals that suspended the ban after ruling in a case brought by the northwestern state of Washington. The original order caused chaos at airports as travelers, including legal permanent residents known as green card holders, were temporarily prevented from entering the country. Pence said the revised order "should be out within the next few days." The administration has said the new order may exclude permanent residents, which would make it more difficult for opponents to challenge it. A White House source had previously said the new order was likely to be signed on Wednesday, but a senior administration official told CNN the signing was delayed to prevent undercutting the favorable reaction Trump expected to receive after delivering his first address to Congress. Trump addressed a joint session of Congress Tuesday night, and his speech generally has been well received.

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Drop some pan-European policies and ‘do less more efficiently’, says commission chief
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Daily Mail |
Boris Johnson demands Russia end its 'illegal' annexation of Crimea during a visit to Ukraine
Daily Mail 'This visit reinforces our unwavering support for Ukraine. The UK remains committed to defending Ukraine's sovereignty. 'We are adamant that Russia's annexation of Crimea is illegal and we urge Russia to return it. 'I welcome the progress made on ... and more » |
Dow Hits Record High Above 21,000by (VOA News)
U.S. stocks hit record highs in Wednesday's trading, with the Dow Jones Industrial average exceeding 21,000 for the first time. U.S. stock markets have been hitting a series of record highs since the election of President Donald Trump, who encouraged businesses by promising to cut taxes and regulations, and make major investments in rebuilding roads, bridges and other infrastructure. Trump repeated these pledges Tuesday evening in an address to both houses of congress, but has not offered many details of these plans. Investors were also encouraged Wednesday when top officials of the U.S. central bank said they were closer to raising interest rates. Some investors see raising rates as a signal that the U.S. economy no longer needs the boost it gets from ultra low interest rates. The Federal Reserve slashed rates to record-lows during the recession in a bid to boost economic growth and fight unemployment. While low interest rates are intended to increase economic activity, the Fed raises rates to fend off inflation. Wednesday, the U.S. Census Bureau reported that inflation is moving closer to the two percent annual rate that experts say helps the economy achieve stable prices and full employment. PNC Bank economist Gus Faucher says this and similar reports make it more likely that the Fed will raise rates. Reports in the financial press say that rate hike might come as early as March 15.

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Состоялось обсуждение состояния и перспектив возобновления взаимодействия по военной линии, обстановки в кризисных регионах мира, а также возможные шаги по предотвращению инцидентов в ходе военной деятельности.

Overseas, Trump Speech Draws Mixed Reactionby (VOA News)
U.S. President Donald Trump’s wide-ranging speech Tuesday to a joint session of Congress painted a bright future for America, but drew a mixed reaction from world leaders. Japan Japan was receptive to Trump’s plan to significantly boost defense spending as the island nation continues to face a nuclear threat in North Korea and increasing Chinese hostility in the Pacific. Japan’s chief cabinet secretary, Yoshihide Suga, said Wednesday the country would have to wait and see how much Trump actually boosts defense spending, but regardless of the final number, any increase would help create world stability. Earlier this week, Trump said he wants to increase military spending by $54 billion and recoup that money by cutting it from other, non-military government programs. The pledged increase in spending is seen as a show of commitment by Japanese officials, who had initially been concerned that Trump would shy away from the alliance. China The Chinese were less enthralled with Trump’s speech, taking issue with his criticisms that one-sided trade deals have led to tens of thousands of factories relocating from the U.S. to China. Trump said. "We've lost more than one-fourth of our manufacturing jobs since NAFTA was approved, and we've lost 60,000 factories since China joined the World Trade Organization in 2001. Our trade deficit in goods with the world last year was nearly $800 billion dollars. And overseas, we have inherited a series of tragic foreign policy disasters." China says that’s not exactly the case. Geng Shuang, Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokesperson said the China-U.S. trade relationship has been “of mutual benefit,” and pointed to a recent report produced by the U.S. China Business Council (USCBC) that shows bilateral trade and investment created 2.65 million jobs in the United States in 2015. “I think this figure speaks volumes,” he said. Geng said China is willing to “expand and deepen” bilateral trade between the two countries, in an effort to “further benefit people in the two countries and around the world." Companies from the United States and other countries have complained of unfair competition in China, where they are severely restricted from operating in many lucrative industries, like finance and telecom. Russia In Russia, a spokesman for President Vladimir Putin said no one in the government felt put-off, because Trump didn’t specifically mention the country in his speech. Instead, Dmitry Peskov said it is “natural” for a president to be busy with American affairs while our president Putin is busy with Russian affairs.'' Peskov said there are areas where American and Russian interests overlap. He mentioned the war on terror as one such area of interest and said Moscow is “full of patience” in its quest to work with Washington on global issues. WATCH: Trump's speech before congress

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The Nation |
Iran, Turkey presidents meet to defuse tensions
Thomson Reuters Foundation In another conciliatory move by Turkey on Wednesday, Cavusoglu told IRNA in an interview that Ankara had appreciated Tehran's expressions of support for his government during a failed military coup against Erdogan on July 15, 2016. "Iran was with us to ... Rouhani, Erdoğan talk bilateral ties in ECO summitMehr News Agency - English Version all 6 news articles » |
The Hill |
UN diplomat: US 'not afraid' to call out Russia
The Hill Nikki Haley, the U.S. ambassador to the United Nations (U.N.), says President Trump and his administration do not fear challenging Russia on the world stage. “We have called out Russiamultiple times for things we believe are wrong,” she told Al ... Nikki Haley: 'We are not afraid to call out Russia' Kremlin says patiently waiting for US policy action on RussiaReuters After oil deal, Russia backs Libyan Bloomberg -The Intercept -RadioFreeEurope/RadioLiberty all 80 news articles » |
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In 'Red Wave' Washington, a Change in Tastesby (Anush Avetisyan)
From international tourism to federal employment prospects, every new president alters the fabric of life in the nation's capital. But for local restaurateurs such as Ashok Bajaj, a new White House administration is just another president waiting to be fed. "It takes a little while for the administration to find a restaurant," Bajaj, the owner of several Washington establishments, told VOA's Russian Service. "For the first month or so they are trying to find out what is going on in the White House, and then they are trying to understand what's around, what are best places to eat, best places to drink. With every new administration, we go through that transitional period, too. We lose our old friends and get new ones." Located just a stone's throw from the West Wing, Bajaj's aptly named “Oval Room” regularly hosted staffers from the Obama White House. While the list of visitors from President Donald Trump's administration remains short, press secretary Sean Spicer once stopped in for a glass of wine. Bajaj's nearby Italian eatery, Bibiana, has already feted Trump’s former campaign rival and nominee to head the Department of Housing and Urban Development, Dr. Ben Carson. Barkeepers in Capitol Hill say they're also feeling the shift. Cocktail-swilling Democrats who flooded the city under Obama have given way to a batch of Republicans who, laboring under the weight of a first-term administration, don't have a lot of free time. They'll hit the bars for a quick drink, usually ordering beer or vodka, say local bartenders. "There has been a lot more Bud Light. Mostly 25- to 35-year-olds who often work on the Hill and meet here for drinks after work," said Bryson Lefmann, events manager at Capitol Lounge. But the lull that can coincide with a presidential handoff, he says, doesn't mean bars will be empty for long. "You can tell who the new folks are when they come in. A lot of our staff gets to know regulars by their first name, they know what they drink and what kind of music they listen to," he said, describing the transitional window as a kind of protracted courtship. "For the new folks, it's like a new date," he added. "Like 'Hi, nice to meet you!' We are still getting to know them and they’re still getting to know us." At Capitol Lounge, the majority of patrons say they're there on “political business.” Some came for a conference on healthcare reform, while others came to meet with the new administration or get a job on the Hill. "I am here for a conference for an Affordable Care Act," said Carol Cain Bush, a community health professional from West Virginia who's targeting professional opportunities in Washington. "I did a little bit of research, I was looking for a place where I might encounter a variety of thinkers, people who are actually working in government. I really wanted to pick up on the local vibe." Texas-based attorney T.J. Mayes said he's in town to convince Trump officials on the benefits of maintaining NAFTA. "Right now, we want the administration to understand how beneficial the North American Free Trade Agreement is to Texas economy. It injects billions of dollars into our local communities, which means jobs and cheaper goods," he said. "It's been very beneficial to Texas and San Antonio specifically. ... We do not want to do anything that will take us backwards in terms of our trade relationship with Mexico." For Capitol Hill intern William Barry, the mark of good Washington pub is sanctuary from political discourse itself. "The slogan of this bar is, 'No politics, No Miller Light,' so I kind of like that," he said. "It's a big bar, so I meet here with Hill staffers after work. Everyone leaves politics at the door and communicates in friendlier atmosphere, and that's certainly something we need more at this point in our country." This report was produced in collaboration with VOA's Russian Service.

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The New Arab |
Russian intrigue: UN Yemen envoy visits Moscow for talks
The New Arab Moscow now appears to be extending its influence to the Yemen conflict where forces aligned to the exiled internationally-recognised government are battling Houthi rebels and loyalists of former President Ali Abdullah Saleh loyalists. A statement ... |
Politico |
Yemen raid yielded 'valuable intelligence,' US official says
ABC News "Valuable intelligence” was gleaned from the raid in Yemen that targeted a compound used by Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) and left a Navy SEAL dead, according to a senior U.S. official. The official's comments were prompted by recent reports ... Pence disputes reports that Yemen raid yielded no significant intelPolitico Official: Yemen Raid Yields Data on Al-Qaida ExplosivesU.S. News & World Report Trump to Disclose Intel From Yemen RaidWashington Free Beacon The Hill all 16 news articles » | |
Saudi Arabia: We Will Not Tolerate Iran Regime Interference in Syria ... NCRI - The Saudi Foreign Minister, Adel al-Jubeir, has said his country “we will not tolerate the interference of the Iranian regime in Syria and Yemen.”. and more » |
Donald Trump's Congress speech (full text)
CNN Full speech: Trump delivers first address 01:01:04. PRESIDENT DONALD J. TRUMP'SADDRESS TO A JOINT SESSION OF CONGRESS. Remarks as prepared for delivery. TO THE CONGRESS OF THE UNITED STATES: Read More. Mr. Speaker, Mr. Vice ... and more » |
President Trump Began His Address to Congress by Condemning Hate Crimes
TIME Trump sparked criticism in recent weeks for his reluctance to speak out about anti-Semitic attacks. When he finally spoke out last week, the Anne Frank Center for Mutual Respect criticized his comments as "a Band-Aid on the cancer of anti-Semitism that ... Profile in cowardice: Donald Trump will take no responsibility for the wave of hate crimes he has inspiredSalon all 232 news articles » |
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CBS News |
Trump address to joint session of Congress -- live updates
CBS News 10:00 p.m. A long round of applause followed Mr. Trump's story of U.S. Navy Special Operator Senior Chief William “Ryan Owens,” whose widow, Carryn Owens, was seated in the House gallery next to the president's daughter, Ivanka. “Ryan died as he lived: ... Trump's Address To Joint Session Of Congress, AnnotatedNPR Donald Trump Learns That Reforming Health Care Is “Complicated”The New Yorker Trump: 'Nobody knew health care could be so complicated'CNN Washington Post -Politico -Vox all 635 news articles » |
Trump's speech: Exaggerations, omissions, facts
USA TODAY President Trump has been pilloried repeatedly for having a somewhat tenuous relationship with the truth as fact-checkers have blasted most every exaggeration or wrongheaded assertion he has made, whether as a candidate or now, as leader of the free ... and more » |
Huffington Post |
Read Live Updates On Donald Trump's First Major Speech To Congress
Huffington Post To get the bigger number, Trump cites people who meet the government definition of “not in the labor force,” which means they're not working and not looking for work. What Trump doesn't mention is that nearly half of them aren't looking for work ... Trump pitches unity to Congress amid turbulent start to presidencyABC News Key moments from Donald Trump's speech to CongressPolitico Fact-checking Donald Trump's address to CongressPolitiFact The Nation. -New York Magazine -Wall Street Journal (blog) (subscription) all 1,368 news articles » |
International Business Times |
Ruth Bader Ginsburg Skipped Trump's Congress Address? 'Notorious RBG' Absent From First Big Presidential Speech
International Business Times Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, who made headlines in 2015 when she dozed off during Barack Obama's State of the Union speech, was conspicuously absent Tuesday from President Donald Trump's first address to a joint session of Congress. and more » |
New York Times |
Donald Trump's Speech, Syria, Samsung: Your Morning Briefing
New York Times Today's episode of The Daily podcast explores how those men helped shape Mr. Trump'simmigration policy, and continues the story of a young Afghan refugee who made a dash for the U.S. Listen from a computer, on an iOS device or on an Android device. |
NBC Bay Area |
Read the Full Text of President Donald Trump's Speech to Congress
NBC Bay Area Recent threats targeting Jewish Community Centers and vandalism of Jewish cemeteries, as well as last week's shooting in Kansas City, remind us that while we may be a Nation divided on policies, we are a country that stands united in condemning hate ... Trump's speech: How'd he do? - | Continuous News | Butte, MontanaKXLF Butte News Live updates: Trump will pitch his agenda in first speech to CongressLos Angeles Times all 1,920 news articles » |
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One HPD officer critical, one OK after shooting HOUSTON - One Houston police officer is in critical condition and another is recovering from a gunshot wound in his leg after they were shot by burglary suspects in a southwest Houston neighborhood Tuesday afternoon. Both officers were alert and ... Manhunt underway after deadly shootout that injured 2 Houston officersWOAI all 3 news articles » |
NBC4 Washington |
Read the Full Text of President Donald Trump's Speech to Congress
NBC4 Washington Recent threats targeting Jewish Community Centers and vandalism of Jewish cemeteries, as well as last week's shooting in Kansas City, remind us that while we may be a Nation divided on policies, we are a country that stands united in condemning hate ... and more » |
The Week Magazine |
Watch the widow of the Navy SEAL killed in Yemen receive an emotional standing ovation
The Week Magazine Carryn Owens, the widow of Navy SEAL William "Ryan" Owens, received a long, emotional standing ovation when she was acknowledged by President Donald Trump in his address to Congress on Tuesday night. "Ryan died as he lived: a warrior, and a hero ... Trump pays tribute to US Navy SEAL killed in Yemen raid in first speech to all 1,596 news articles » |
Trump's Speech to Congress and Democrats' Response: Video and Analysis
New York Times Times reporters analyzed President Trump's address to Congress on Tuesday and the Democrats' response, which was delivered by former Gov. Steve Beshear of Kentucky. Fact Checks | Full Transcript ... Democratic Response To Trump's Address To Congress, AnnotatedNPR The Democrat Responding To Trump's Big Speech Has A Warning For The PresidentHuffington Post all 130 news articles » |
FOX31 Denver |
Fact checking President Trump's first address to joint session of Congress
FOX31 Denver Customs and Border Patrol reported about 1.31 million pounds of drugs seized in Fiscal Year2016, down from about 2.5 million pounds in Fiscal Year 2011, according to Politco. ... The Associated Press reports that the repeal and replacement of the ... Fact-checking Donald Trump's First Speech to CongressVoice of America all 1,590 news articles » |
Washington Post |
A tale of two speeches: The contradictions of Donald Trump's presidency
Washington Post The President Trump who spoke to a joint session of Congress on Tuesday night bore only passing resemblance to the President Trump who spoke from the Capitol's West Front on Inauguration Day. Some of the words were the same, but the tone was utterly ... Analysis: After a hostile takeover, it's Trump's party nowUSA TODAY Republicans Think Trump Gave Them What They Wanted. They Should Think Again.Huffington Post Why the Trump Agenda Is Moving Slowly: The Republicans' Wonk GapNew York Times The New Yorker -CNN -Politico all 795 news articles » |
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PolitiFact |
Guests at President Donald Trump's first speech to Congress
PolitiFact In his first address to a joint session of Congress, President Donald Trump brought some special guests to highlight his plans to help victims of crime and crack down on illegal immigration. Guests of the president and First Lady Melania Trump included ... Donald Trump sparks gasps of horror as he announces 'Victims of Immigration Crime Office' during Congress all 157 news articles » |
The Independent |
Donald Trump accused of exploiting widow of Navy SEAL killed in botched Yemen raid
The Independent Last week, the father of slain US Navy SEAL William “Ryan” Owens, refused to meet with the president. Rather, Bill Owens said he wanted a full investigation into the Yemen raid that left his son dead, injured three other US troops and killed up to 20 ... Donald Trump Blames SEAL's Death On Military: 'They Lost Ryan'Huffington Post Donald Trump delivered an emotional tribute to the widow of a Navy SEALABC Online Yemen SEAL Raid Has Yielded No Significant Intelligence: Miami Herald -New York Times all 235 news articles » |
New York Times |
Donald Trump's Military Preening
New York Times Why do I get the sense that fighter jets are Donald Trump's biceps, warships are his pectorals and what he's doing with his proposed $54 billion increase for the Pentagon is flexing? Maybe because that's a strongman's way. Maybe because so much with ... Donald Trump Blames SEAL's Death On Military: 'They Lost Ryan'Huffington Post New Trump claims about deadly Yemen raid appear to be untrueMSNBC all 199 news articles » |
The Hill (blog) |
Axelrod: Trump will get a bump in polls from speech
The Hill (blog) David Axelrod, a political adviser to former President Obama, predicted Tuesday that President Trump would get at least a short-term bounce in the polls from his well-received address to a joint session of Congress. “If I'm the Trump team I'm very ... and more » |
In Emotional Moment Of Speech, Trump Addresses Navy SEAL's Widow
NPR Barely a month after the death of her husband in a much-criticized U.S. anti-terrorist raid in Yemen, Carryn Owens was one of President Trump's guests in the House gallery for his address to Congress. Navy SEAL William "Ryan" Owens died in the first ... Widow of Navy SEAL takes spotlight as President Trump addresses CongressWashington Post Fallen Navy SEAL's widow receives standing ovation during Trump's addressABC News Van Jones on Trump: 'He became President of the United States in that moment, period'CNN Slate Magazine -Fox News all 322 news articles » |
Financial Times |
The west to Russia: you broke Syria, now you fix it
Financial Times We broke it, now you fix it. That is the new Russian attitude to Syria. More than a year afterRussian jets joined the regime of President Bashar al-Assad and its partner Iran in crushing the opposition rebellion, Moscow says it will contribute nothing ... Russia Tries to Salvage Syria Peace Bid Amid Iran DisputeBloomberg UN to vote Tuesday on Syria sanctions despite Russia veto pledgeReuters Syria opposition calls for Russian backing in Middle East Eye -Human Rights Watch -ABC News all 224 news articles » |
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