Senior royals have joined Queen Elizabeth II to celebrate Easter with a special service at Windsor Castle.

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Поздравление православным христианам, всем гражданам России, отмечающим Пасху • Президент России
Putin and American political process - Google News: OPINION: Biggest election winner was Vladimir Putin - Daily Record
The New Yorker |
Will Jeff Sessions Police the Police?
The New Yorker The dismay that the neophytes in the Trump Administration elicit tends to follow three stages: alarm at what they say, shock at what they do, and outrage at what they propose to do next. Attorney General Jeff ... Last month, Rod Rosenstein, the U.S ... and more » |
Boris Johnson calls Assad's denials 'absurd' as Russia says chemical weapon attack was fake
International Business Times UK - 1 hour ago
Boris Johnson has called President Bashar al-Assad's denials that he did not order a chemical weapon attack on Idlib that killed more than 80 people, "absurd". In his first interview since the strike and the subsequent US air assault, the Syrian ...
Johnson labels Putin a 'super villain' over support for Syria
The Bolton News - 33 minutes ago
Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson has branded Russia a “super villain” in Syria as he told Moscow it still has time to be on the “right side of the argument” in the conflict. Mr Johnson, who was widely attacked for failing to get the G7 to back his bid ...
Syria's Assad is an 'arch-terrorist': British FM
The Express Tribune - 3 hours ago
LONDON: Syrian President Bashar al-Assad is an “arch-terrorist” and it is time Russia realised he is “literally and metaphorically toxic”, British Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson said on Sunday. Johnson said Assad's ally Moscow still had time to be on ...
As atrocities mount in Syria, justice seems out of reach
<a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> - 3 hours ago
Starving children in Madaya, Syria. The Syrian government has agreed to allow humanitarian assistance into thrImage Credit: FILE -- In this Tuesday, April 4, 2017 file photo, provided by the Syrian anti-government activist group EdlibImage Credit: AP ...
UK foreign secretary: Assad is 'literally and metaphorically toxic'
Middle East Eye - 3 hours ago
Syrian President Bashar al-Assad is an "arch-terrorist" and it is time Russia realised he is "literally and metaphorically toxic," British Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson said on Sunday. Johnson said in a Sunday Telegraph newspaper article that Assad's ...
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Toledo Blade |
The Russia hawk
Toledo Blade Secretary of State Rex Tillerson has made his first visit to Russia as chief spokesman for U.S. foreign policy. At the end of it, both he and President Trump said U.S.-Russian relations are at an all-time low. The President said, “Right now, we're not ... Boris Johnson offers Russia a deal to end Syria crisis saying 'they still have time to be on the right side of the Russia Says Syria Invited Chemical Weapons Experts to IdlibBloomberg Russia, Iran and Syria strongly warn US against further military actionThe Denver Post Voice of America -CNN -Washington Post -CNN all 1,770 news articles » |
News24 |
Russia urged to probe 'gay concentration camps'
News24 Russia must investigate reports by human rights groups that dozens of men are being held and tortured in Chechnya because they are believed to be gay, the human rights arm of the Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) said this ... and more » |
Duluth News Tribune |
National view: Trump's team failing to execute his vision — whatever it may be
Duluth News Tribune So much for Donald Trump, the "America First" populist champion of the forgotten working class. The president now sounds pretty much like a garden-variety globalist, defending the "rigged" system he denounced during the campaign. Then again, who knows ... and more » |
Protesters gather in cities across the US to call for the president to release his tax returns.
World News Review
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OPINION: Biggest election winner was Vladimir Putin
Daily Record - 8 hours ago
President Trump might have disappointed Vladimir Putin in Syria, but don't be fooled. Putin and Russia have gotten what they paid for — and the deal is good for China as well. The payoff is Trump himself. He is an appalling symbol of American values ...
Dana Milbank, Washington Post: We don't need left-wing Trump conspiracy theories
Waco Tribune-Herald - Apr 14, 2017
MSNBC host Lawrence O'Donnell led off his show Friday night with an alarming report: Russian President Vladimir Putin may have told Syria's Bashar al-Assad to launch last week's chemical attack to let President Trump respond militarily — thereby ...
To Russia with More Russia-Bashing
Consortium News - Apr 12, 2017
Now that President Trump is bashing Russia, not resetting relations, the mainstream U.S. media has gone from pushing “Russia-gate” conspiracies to decrying doubts about U.S. government anti-Russia claims, notes Nat Parry. By Nat Parry. After several ...
What Trump has really learned from Russia
Financial Times - Apr 11, 2017
While the allegations surrounding President Donald Trump's shadowy ties to Russia are unsettling, as of yet, no smoking gun has been found. But on at least one issue, Mr Trump and Vladimir Putin, his Russian counterpart, are of a similar mind. Sample ...
Left's New Claim: Trump and Putin Orchestrated Syria Attacks as Distraction
Fox News Insider - Apr 11, 2017
They claimed that Thursday's U.S. missile strike on a Syrian air base was meant to distract from President Donald Trump's alleged ties to Russia. Read Full Article. "Missiles always change the subject," said Lawrence O'Donnell, alleging it's possible ...
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Daily Record |
OPINION: Biggest election winner was Vladimir Putin
Daily Record President Trump might have disappointed Vladimir Putin in Syria, but don't be fooled. Putin and Russia have gotten what they paid for — and the deal is good for China as well. The payoff is Trump himself. He is an appalling symbol of American values ... Putin's mission is already accomplished: Jill LawrenceUSA TODAY all 17 news articles » |
Daily Record |
OPINION: Biggest election winner was Vladimir Putin
Daily Record President Trump might have disappointed Vladimir Putin in Syria, but don't be fooled. Putin and Russia have gotten what they paid for — and the deal is good for China as well. The payoff isTrump himself. He is an appalling symbol of American values ... No need for conspiracy theories. The truth about Trump and Putin is damning enough.Chicago Tribune What Trump has really learned from RussiaFinancial Times all 17 news articles » |
CHICAGO (AP) -- Thousands of sign-waving, chanting protesters have marched through streets across America demanding that President Donald Trump release his tax returns....
World News Review
Why did FBI suspect Trump campaign adviser was a foreign agent?
Sacramento Bee He has a lengthy military background, academic credentials and, until recently, a largely apolitical financial career. But now, Carter Page is a central character in the investigation into Russia's meddling in the United States election. And this week ... and more » |
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Newsday |
Harder on Russia and softer on China, Trump's views evolving
Newsday FILE - In this Thursday, April 6, 2017, file photo, President Donald Trump shakes hands with Chinese President Xi Jinping as he arrives before dinner at Mar-a-Lago resort, in Palm Beach, Fla. In recent weeks, Trump has moved away from his tough ... and more » |
Syria: Many killed as blast hits evacuation convoy in Aleppo
A deadly blast on the outskirts of Aleppo has overshadowed efforts to swap thousands of civilians and fighters in Syria.
Though Syrian state media at least 39 people were killed, rescue workers from the Syrian Civil Defence - also known as the White Helmets, said at least 100 people lost their lives in the attack.
The explosion hit a convoy of buses evacuating residents and fighters from the pro-government villages of Fouaa and Kefraya in Idlib province.
While there was no confirmation as to what caused the blast, state media said a "suicide bomber" allegedly used a van meant for carrying aid supplies to enter the area.
Al Jazeera's Andrew Simmons reports from Beirut.
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Charles Krauthammer: The Great Reversal - for now
The Union Leader THE WORLD IS AGOG at Donald Trump's head-snapping foreign policy reversal. He runs on a platform of America First. He renounces the role of world policeman. He excoriates parasitic foreigners that (I paraphrase) suck dry our precious bodily fluids ... and more » |
Обозреватель |
Дают сохранить лицо: в РФ рассказали о тактике Трампа в отношении Путина
Апостроф Он подчеркнул, что Путин постоянно нарушает международные правила, что вызывает раздражение на Западе. Вместе с тем, действия Дональда Трампа стали реальной реакцией на действия Кремля. По словам Орешкина, Кремль не ожидал, что Трамп действительно нанесет ... "Стальной кулак в белой перчатке": в России объяснили тактику Трампа в отношениях сПутинымОбозреватель all 2 news articles » |
Ваше Святейшество!
Сердечно поздравляю Вас со Светлым Христовым Воскресением.
Великий праздник Пасхи пробуждает в сердцах людей самые добрые чувства, объединяет православных верующих вокруг высоких духовных, нравственных идеалов.
Хочу выразить Вам искреннюю признательность за многолетний подвижнический труд на посту предстоятеля Русской православной церкви, отметить Ваш большой вклад в развитие соработничества Церкви и государства в таких сферах, как культура и образование, укрепление института семьи и воспитание подрастающего поколения, в делах просвещения, милосердия и благотворительности.
Желаю Вам, Ваше Святейшество, здоровья, бодрости духа и успехов в ответственном служении.
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Power Line (blog) |
A book deal for Huma Abedin?
Power Line (blog) Huma Abedin, Hillary Clinton's long-time confidante, is looking for a book deal. Reportedly, her asking price is $2 million. Jazz Shaw doubts that there's a sufficient market for Abedin's story to support this price. He may be right. However, Abedin ... Huma Abedin would like $2M for her “tell all book.” But telling what?Hot Air Trump Ally Roger Stone Claims Huma Abedin Collected Damaging Material on the ClintonsHollywood Reporter Trump Ally Roger Stone Still Obsessed By Huma Abedin's LaptopSFGate BizPac Review all 5 news articles » |
Power Line (blog) |
A book deal for Huma Abedin? | Power Line
Power Line (blog) Huma Abedin, Hillary Clinton's long-time confidante, is looking for a book deal. Reportedly, her asking price is $2 million. Jazz Shaw doubts that there's a ... Huma Abedin would like $2M for her “tell all book.” But telling what ...Hot Air all 5 news articles » |
The death toll from the collapse of a massive garbage mound near Sri Lanka’s capital rose to 20 on Sunday, and residents feared more victims could be buried underneath the debris.


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Former Mexican governor, on the run for six months, captured in Guatemala
CNN (CNN) A former Mexican governor accused of mishandling millions of dollars from programs for the poor was arrested Saturday in Guatemala, according to the Mexican attorney general's office. Javier Duarte de Ochoa, former governor of the Mexican state ... Fugitive Mexican ex-Gov. Javier Duarte detained in GuatemalaWashington Post all 17 news articles » |
Владимир Путин поздравил Патриарха Московского и всея Руси Кирилла с праздником Пасхи – Светлым Христовым Воскресением.
В поздравлении, в частности, говорится:
«Великий праздник Пасхи пробуждает в сердцах людей самые добрые чувства, объединяет православных верующих вокруг высоких духовных, нравственных идеалов.
Хочу выразить Вам искреннюю признательность за многолетний подвижнический труд на посту предстоятеля Русской православной церкви, отметить Ваш большой вклад в развитие соработничества Церкви и государства в таких сферах, как культура и образование, укрепление института семьи и воспитание подрастающего поколения, в делах просвещения, милосердия и благотворительности».
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KVIA El Paso |
FBI documents detail how the Russians try to recruit spies
KVIA El Paso WASHINGTON (CNN) - It is a scene ripped from Hollywood spy thrillers: Russian agents living and working among everyday, American citizens as cover for their true mission of stealing state secrets. In the real world, it is highly unlikely that your ... and more » |
DIYARBAKIR, Turkey (Reuters) - Kurdish militants killed a guard in an attack on a vehicle carrying a district official from the ruling AK Party in southeast Turkey overnight, ahead of Sunday's referendum on introducing a presidential system, security sources said.

Puerto Rico News - Selected Feeds Review
CHICAGO (AP) -- Thousands of sign-waving, chanting protesters have marched through streets across America demanding that President Donald Trump release his tax returns so the public can examine his business ties and determine whether he has links to foreign powers....
Puerto Rico News - Selected Feeds Review
Fort Wayne Journal Gazette |
The six sides of Putin
Fort Wayne Journal Gazette Fiona Hill, the incoming senior director for Russia and Europe on President Trump's National Security Council staff, is the co-author of “Mr. Putin: Operative in the Kremlin,” essentially a 500-page psychological profile of the Russian leader. To the ... and more » |
Глава МИД Британии предложил России примкнуть к западной коалиции в Сирии
РБК По его словам, Россия могла бы «присоединиться к коалиции из более чем 60 стран в борьбе против ИГ, сохранить свои стратегические интересы в Сирии с перспективой более продуктивных отношений с президентом Трампом и понимания, что Запад в конечном итоге поможет ... Борис Джонсон предложил России присоединиться к западной коалицииМосковский Комсомолец Борис Джонсон предложил России примкнуть к западной коалиции для борьбы с ИГНТВ.Ru Борис Джонсон предложил России примкнуть к западной коалиции в СирииКоммерсантъ Приложения РИА Новости all 90 news articles » |
Mehr News Agency - English Version |
Syrian army targets al-Nusra terrorists in Hama
Mehr News Agency - English Version In the province's northern countryside, the source said that army units carried out concentrated operations targeting Jabhat al-Nusra bases and gatherings in al-Ameriye, Tal Abu al-Sanasel, and al-Sa'an al-Aswad south of Talbiseh, which resulted in ... Terrorists' Attack on Syrian Army Positions in Southwestern Damascus Province RepulsedFars News Agency Syrian Army Repels Militant Attack on Western DamascusSputnik International all 5 news articles » |
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San Francisco Chronicle |
How to succeed in politics: Talk with other side, avoid FBI
San Francisco Chronicle And my last was to beware, because the FBI may be listening as well. These days politicians, especially here in San Francisco, seem to surround themselves with people who agree with them, and no one else. They can't sit down with anyone who holds a ... |
The Japan Times |
Trump more believable and moral than Putin? | The Japan Times
The Japan Times CANBERRA – U.S. President Donald Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin are the leaders of countries with 14,000 nuclear weapons, including 1,800 ... and more » |
Mail & Guardian |
Syria's Part in the Potential Russian-American 'Deal'
Huffington Post The bargaining in the context of the potential Russian-American deal on Syria has started, but not in the context of the putative Grand Bargain that would include Ukraine and the fate of the Western sanctions on Russia, which remain a less attainable ... Trump says US-Russia relations may be at all-time low - AP NewsAP News all 2,087 news articles » |
The death toll from a car-bomb attack on buses carrying Syrians evacuated from two government-held towns has risen to at least 112, according to a monitoring group.

Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty

Владимир Путин рассказал об особом нравственном смысле Пасхи
РЕН ТВ Президент России Владимир Путин поздравил россиян со светлым праздником Пасхи. По словам главы государства, Пасха имеет особый нравственный смысл. Пасхальные торжества, которые широко проходят по всей стране, обращают нас к многовековым традициям предков, ... и другие » |
Daily Mail |
Boris Johnson brands Vladimir Putin a 'super villain'
Daily Mail Boris Johnson has he labelled Vladimir Putin a 'super villain' over his support for the Assad regime, and warned the US could launch fresh strikes on Syria. The Foreign Secretary maintained a tough stance on Bashar al-Assad, branding the Syrian ... and more » |
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Росбалт.RU |
Число жертв теракта на западе Алеппо превысило 100 человек
Росбалт.RU Более 100 человек погибли в результате взрыва, произошедшего рядом с автобусами с эвакуируемыми жителями осажденных районов Сирии. Большинство погибших — женщины и дети из районов Фуа и Кефрайя, сообщил глава Управления гражданской обороны Алеппо Аммар ... и другие » |
Boris Johnson calls Assad's denials 'absurd' as Russia says chemical weapon attack was fake
International Business Times UK - 32 minutes ago
Boris Johnson has called President Bashar al-Assad's denials that he did not order a chemical weapon attack on Idlib that killed more than 80 people, "absurd". In his first interview since the strike and the subsequent US air assault, the Syrian ...
Syria's Assad is an 'arch-terrorist': British FM
The Express Tribune - 3 hours ago
LONDON: Syrian President Bashar al-Assad is an “arch-terrorist” and it is time Russia realised he is “literally and metaphorically toxic”, British Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson said on Sunday. Johnson said Assad's ally Moscow still had time to be on ...
Richardson gives high marks to Ambassador Nikki Haley
Albuquerque Journal - 6 hours ago
... 2017 at 10:39pm. Richardson gives high marks to Ambassador Nikki Haley. U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley shows pictures of Syrian victims of chemical attacks as she addresses a Security Council meeting April 5. (Bebeto Matthews/Associated Press).
As atrocities mount in Syria, justice seems out of reach
<a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> - 3 hours ago
Starving children in Madaya, Syria. The Syrian government has agreed to allow humanitarian assistance into thrImage Credit: FILE -- In this Tuesday, April 4, 2017 file photo, provided by the Syrian anti-government activist group EdlibImage Credit: AP ...
UK foreign secretary: Assad is 'literally and metaphorically toxic'
Middle East Eye - 2 hours ago
Syrian President Bashar al-Assad is an "arch-terrorist" and it is time Russia realised he is "literally and metaphorically toxic," British Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson said on Sunday. Johnson said in a Sunday Telegraph newspaper article that Assad's ...
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Mail & Guardian |
US-Russia relations in deep freeze?
Mail & Guardian Tillerson also declared bilateral relations to be at a low and signs of rising tensions include Moscow's suspension of an agreement with Washington to share communications about US andRussian aircraft conducting missions over Syria. Moreover, the ... Navigating the stormy US-Russian relationshipJerusalem Post Israel News Showdown in Moscow: Tillerson Says US-Russia Relations at 'Low Point'pppFocus Tillerson: US-Russia relations 'at low point'AppsforPCdaily Alive For Football -ClickLancashire all 2,228 news articles » |
Trump has promised a ‘phenomenal’ plan to reform America’s labyrinthine tax system, but it’s a feat no president has achieved since Reagan
“Historic”, “massive”, “phenomenal”. Donald Trump has pulled out all his increasingly tired superlatives to describe his plans for reforming the byzantine and bonkers US tax system. Well, good luck with that.
Pro tip: Only 4 tax reform stories.
*It's hard.
*What does X mean for reform?
*What does reform mean for X?
*Check out weird tax thing.
Continue reading...*It's hard.
*What does X mean for reform?
*What does reform mean for X?
*Check out weird tax thing.
New York Times |
Tax Day Marches, United Airlines, North Korea: Your Weekend Briefing
New York Times With a U.S. naval strike force off the Korean Peninsula and Vice President Mike Pence now in South Korea to begin a 10-day trip to Asia, North Korea conducted a missile test rather than a nuclear one. It fizzled, but military analysts took note of ... |
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An opposition activist group and a TV station run by Lebanon’s Hezbollah say more than 3,000 people are expected to be evacuated from four villages as part of a population transfer that was briefly stalled by a deadly blast that killed scores.
pppFocus |
Carter Page Dodges Pretty Much Every Question During Interview About FISA Warrant
pppFocus NY business consultant Carter Page told ABC News that he was “so happy” to learn that The Washington Post reported on Tuesday night that the FBI obtained a secret FISA warrant to monitor his communication last summer as part of its ongoing ... and more » |
Paul Goble
Staunton, April 17 – The Putin regime has moved beyond banning and confiscating books, an increasingly ineffective measure given that most publications now are available online, to destroying archives on which future research can be based, according to scholars at St. Petersburg’s Hermitage Museum.
In the words of Aleksey Larionov, a senior specialist on West European art there, this is a truly frightening development, one without precedent in the recent history of Russia. Moreover, it is one that the powers that be may easily extend to other archival collections as well (
The Russian security services began focusing their attention on the Hermitage after Mikhail Piotrovsky, the museum’s director, spoke out against handing St. Isaac’s back to the Russian Orthodox Church (
Nominally working under the direction of the ministry of culture, the security services began ransacking the archives of the museum, devoting particular attention to Stalin’s sale of art to the West in the 1920s and 1930s. The officers took catalogues and other archival materials and carried away “in an unknown direction all archival documents on this subject.”
According to Larionov, the special services accused the Hermitage of “illegally publishing documents” containing secret information “over the course of many years” about “the sale by the museum of art in the 1920s and 1930s.” They banned the sale of books scholars there have published and seized them from the Hermitage’s shop.
At the same time, however, the Russian special services seized archival materials, the specialist says. “To stop the sale of the books is not so horrific in the final analysis: they now have certainly appeared in the Internet. [But] it is frightening that they are destroying archives” and thus the possibility for future research.
The Hermitage has already published an eight-volume catalogue of art works the Soviet state sold in the 1920s, a series compiled under the direction of Elena Solomakha, the head of the manuscript and documentation section of the Hermitage. When asked by Novaya gazetaabout the seizures of archives, she refused to comment, however.
The museum itself has denied that any archives have been taken or that any ban on their use or on publications based on them has been put in place “officially” ( Serafim Romanov of the Moscow paper’s St. Petersburg branch says that is the key word.
“Officially,” nothing has happened; but that doesn’t mean it hasn’t occurred. As Larionov notes, the authorities have stopped selling the books in question and removed citations to them in others being prepared, and documents have been taken away from the Hermitage archives.
As far as the “official” denials, he continues, it is of course possible that “such efforts are about the improvement of the system of document preservation, but if so that is quite unusual, is it not?”
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SEOUL, South Korea (AP) -- U.S. Vice President Mike Pence said Sunday that North Korea's "provocation" underscored the risks faced by American and South Korean service members, hours after the North conducted a failed missile launch shortly before Pence's arrival....
Frustration with corruption, authoritarian rule is driving street protests and voter anger.


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Московский Комсомолец |
Странно, но интересно: эксперт о присоединении России к западной коалиции
Московский Комсомолец Присоединиться к возглавляемой Соединенными Штатами международной коалиции для борьбы с террористами в Сирии предложил России глава британского внешнеполитического ведомства Борис Джонсон. Что стоит за этим предложением и насколько оно может быть интересным ... Клинцевич ответил на призыв Джонсона присоединиться к Западной коалицииРИА Новости Джонсон предложил России войти в западную коалицию в СирииГазета.Ru Совфед ответил на предложение о вступлении РФ в западную коалициюРоссийская Газета Дни.Ру -ИД Алтапресс -ИА REGNUM Все похожие статьи: 171 » |
CBS News |
Facebook purges thousands of fake accounts that targeted publishers
CBS News Facebook announced Friday that it had begun to purge “a substantial number” of accounts that it says were fake or spam. The fake accounts, created largely in Bangladesh, Indonesia, Saudi Arabia and a handful of other countries, attempted to accumulate ... and more » |
From tweets to the streets: Nationwide anti-Trump 'Tax Day' marches came together on social media
CNN (CNN) Jennifer Taub wrote a book on the 2008 financial crisis, delivered expert testimony to Congress and published reams of research and analysis on white collar crime and malfeasance. But it was a few quick tweets, provoked by White House adviser ... Nationwide marches set to protest Trump tax returnsThe Hill all 132 news articles » |
Politico |
Just What Is Trump Trying to Do in Syria?
Politico One week after President Donald Trump's cruise-missile strike against Syria, one fact stands out above all others: The White House and secretary of state are inexplicably incapable of conveying American intentions to friends, foes, the American public ... and more » |
New York Times |
Assad Opponents Seek Justice for Syria's War Victims
New York Times Destroyed buildings in Homs in 2014. More than 400,000 people have been killed in the Syrian war. Credit Sergey Ponomarev for The New York Times. ISTANBUL — The evidence is staggering. Three tons of captured Syrian government documents, ... and more » |
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Bloomberg |
Russia Says Syria Invited Chemical Weapons Experts to Idlib
Bloomberg Russia called for international inspectors to visit Idlib, where the U.S. accused Syrian leader Bashar al-Assad of carrying out a deadly chemical weapons attack against his own citizens. Keep up with the best of Bloomberg Politics. Get our newsletter ... Putin and Trump's Tense Week: Four Takeaways From Rex Tillerson's Visit to MoscowNewsweek US intelligence intercepted communications between Syrian military and chemical expertsCNN Theresa May: Syria 'highly likely' behind attackBBC News BBC News all 1,232 news articles » |
New York Times |
Calling Successor a 'Traitor', Afghan Ex-Leader Denounces US Bombing
New York Times Former President Hamid Karzai, right, in his office in Kabul, Afghanistan, in 2016. Credit Sergey Ponomarev for The New York Times. KABUL, Afghanistan — The American military's use of the most powerful conventional bomb in its arsenal on an Islamic ... and more » |
Tax Day marches aim to pressure Trump to release his returns
USA TODAY WASHINGTON — April 15, the traditional Day of Dread for taxpayers, is the backdrop Saturday for marches and rallies in Washington and nearly 150 other cities around the country aimed at pressuring President Trump to release his federal tax returns. and more » |
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