Wednesday, January 11, 2017

The Big Rediska: "MORON it!" | "Moron it out, baby": Donald Trump's first press conference in six months | These Reports Allege Trump Has Deep Ties To Russia - BuzzFeed News 11/01/17 14:34

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Image result for Don't mess with Tex!

M.N.: When Mike Pence said: "... I mean more on it", it sounded very much as: 

" I mean MORON it..." 

As of 7:30 PM or earlier, after I published the update to this post on this subject, this part was edited out of the video
by the Trump's people, apparently.  
Just like the "silent" piece in Putin's video. 
They also try to attack my computer: it gets slow. 
What an amazing similarity in tactics, they are most likely designed by and run from the same center and by the same operatives from the Russian Intelligence. 
What a sh-g-ame!

It was the best part of this pressie  
and is the new and invaluable contribution to 
the Great English Language and Vocabulary: 

"MORON it!": 

expose and present the little hapless "unwitting agent" 
(in Mike Morell's definition), the "useful idiot" (in common definition), narcissistic baby p.o.s. (piece of shit) with tyrannical tendencies, as what he really is: 


helping to right the political wrong and to straighten out the crooked political process, influenced by a hostile foreign power. 

Together with good, acceptable, balanced, politically and ethically good looking, smart and modest 

your humble servant has the honor of claiming the credit for this new English expression, a new part of the political lexicon, and a new political action device: 


The second credit claim is for the "Big Rediska": 
the interesting and novel interpretation of news 
(somewhat analogous and opposite to "red herring")

"Moron it out, baby": 

Donald Trump's first press conference in six months

M.N.: It looks like he is getting better at communications, I have to say: learning in preparation for the job (every one learns on this job, there is no other way to handle it), is able to control his rage better, but appears to be under the tremendous stress (who wouldn't be?). The Reagan's soft grace and magic are missing. Is very domineering, this is his style. The disdain for the press and the reporters is palpable. The part about Podesta and Hillary was simply inappropriate (not to say disgusting that he mentioned this, which might be "fake news", while claiming this defense for himself). Victors should bask in the areola of graceful forgiveness, acceptance, and kindness; it gives them the noble extra glow, which people enjoy and admire. Rage and push with lack of depth and emotional contact remain the predominant emotions and themes. Press are the people, and their mirror, their ears and their mouths, they should be treated gentler and kinder, sometimes like the curious children.
Did not really address the relations with the IC, although had this chance in the questions asked, and it remains one of the main and unresolved issues. The "manual management" style, which by definition might be somewhat haphazard and sporadic, like in the issues of jobs and health care, instead of systematic, well thought out policies, which is akin to Putin's style also, does show, but it is too early to judge. Overall, some sense of the emotional "wall" in process and progress, but the desirable "ideals", the "ideal" politicians and the "ideal" political communications are always unreachable. We'll live, we'll see.

They mean: "MORON it...": 

These Reports Allege Trump Has Deep Ties To Russia - BuzzFeed News

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Drew Angerer / Getty Images

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Trump Addresses Russia, Ethics Concerns in Wide-Ranging Press ...

<a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>-1 hour ago
President-elect Donald Trump held his first press conference in nearly six months on Wednesday, lambasting the circulation of unverified ...
Highlights from Trump's press conference
In-Depth-Politico-2 hours ago

News Reviews and Opinions: Yesterday (1.10.17) Senate Hearing is a lesson in democracy for Russian leaders.

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Yesterday (1.10.17) Senate Hearing is a lesson in democracy for Russian leaders. "Our [American] democracy is not at risk" (Sen. Burr), the Russian pseudo-democracy, in fact, a dictatorship, is.
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RUSSIA and THE WEST - РОССИЯ и ЗАПАД: Russian Lessons: редиска - нехороший человек...

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Image result for animated red smiley

From The Little Devil's Express Learning Course 

Cartoon: Pitchfork peddler (medium) by cartertoons tagged devil,hell,pitchfork,peddler,sidewalk

Re-ah!-l Reasonable!

Image result for редиска нехороший человек

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RUSSIA and THE WEST - РОССИЯ и ЗАПАД: Putin: READ MY LIPS: "кое-что хорошее мы всё-таки сделали..."

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The only thing I can say, is: 

"Малчик замзем узу ума зашёл... Уже без-зувуучно гаварит... Великий Коммуникатор - Стабилизатор - Аггрегатор... За сивой дуруга пириживаить! Вах! Бедний мальцик - с пальцик... И сикора, наверний, самзем заглохнит... Вах! Как гурустна! Питицка жалка, э... Такой хоросий питицка была, как орёл летала! А теперя? Как маленькая жалкая жареная цыпылёнка, даже один слова сказать не может... Наверна, боисся... Боись, малшик, писай, сси-и-и-и-и... Тонкий ситуруйка! Пачему зи Америка зивязывалься? Ты думаись, такой замзем балшой уже, да? А типер, писий, писий... Дажи сивой кудах-кудах уже делать ни можит, как риба, биз слова разговаривай делаит... Вах! Замзем пирапал! И эйта я тибя как горний иеврей гаварю... Я хоть и безграмотний, но один-два силов, со зувукам, читоба люди сылашали, сыказать ишшо ни забиль. Да!" 

На торжественном заседании, посвящённом 295-летию российской прокуратуры.

На торжественном заседании, посвящённом 295-летию российской прокуратуры. 

11 января 2017 года Москва

M.N.: One of the most sarcastic Putin's facial expressions, that I ever saw and remember. It is not clear, whom it is addressed: to America (regarding the Trump affair; looks west), or to his own prosecutors, or both. 
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» Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks: These Reports Allege Trump Has Deep Ties To Russia - BuzzFeed News
11/01/17 14:34 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from BuzzFeed - Ken Bensinger. View this image › Drew Angerer / Getty Images Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
» mikenov on Twitter: Trump assails 'phony' Russia dossier in chaotic news conference via @Reuters
11/01/17 14:22 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
Trump assails 'phony' Russia dossier in chaotic news conference via @Reuters Posted by mikenov on Wed Jan 11 19:22:47 2017. mikenov on Twitter
» mikenov on Twitter: 10 Key Moments and More From Trump’s News Conference
11/01/17 14:21 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
10 Key Moments and More From Trump’s News Conference Posted by mikenov on Wed Jan 11 19:21:34 2017. mikenov on Twitter
» Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks: trump press conference - Google Search
11/01/17 14:20 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story . Trump Addresses Russia, Ethics Concerns in Wide-Ranging Press ... <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> - 1 hour ago President-elect Donald Trump held his first press confere...
» Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks: News Reviews and Opinions: Yesterday (1.10.17) Senate Hearing is a lesson in democracy for Russian leaders.
11/01/17 14:17 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from News Reviews and Opinions. Yesterday (1.10.17) Senate Hearing is a lesson in democracy for Russian leaders. "Our [American] democracy is not at risk" (Sen. Burr), the Russian pseudo-democracy, in fact, a d...
» Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks: RUSSIA and THE WEST - РОССИЯ и ЗАПАД: Russian Lessons: редиска - нехороший человек...
11/01/17 14:16 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from RUSSIA and THE WEST - РОССИЯ и ЗАПАД. From The Little Devil's Express Learning Course  Re-ah!-l Reasonable! редиска нехоро...
» Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks: RUSSIA and THE WEST - РОССИЯ и ЗАПАД: Putin: READ MY LIPS: "кое-что хорошее мы всё-таки сделали..."
11/01/17 14:15 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from RUSSIA and THE WEST - РОССИЯ и ЗАПАД. The only thing I can say, is:  "Малчик замзем узу ума ...
» mikenov on Twitter: BBC News - Russia plane crash: Attack not ruled out by investigators
11/01/17 12:41 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
BBC News - Russia plane crash: Attack not ruled out by investigators Posted by mikenov on Wed Jan 11 17:41:01 2017. mikenov on Twitter
» mikenov on Twitter: RUSSIA and THE WEST - РОССИЯ и ЗАПАД: Putin: READ MY LIPS: "кое-что хорошее мы всё-таки ...
11/01/17 12:40 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
RUSSIA and THE WEST - РОССИЯ и ЗАПАД: Putin: READ MY LIPS: "кое-что хорошее мы всё-таки ... Posted by mikenov on Wed Jan 11 17:40:38 2017. mikenov on Twitter
» mikenov on Twitter: Putin: READ MY LIPS: Совещание с членами Правительства via @KremlinRussia
11/01/17 12:32 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
Putin: READ MY LIPS: Совещание с членами Правительства via @KremlinRussia Posted by mikenov on Wed Jan 11 17:32:46 2017. mikenov on Twitter
» Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks: знаю прикуп живу в сочи - Google Search
11/01/17 10:42 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story . FinRussia Денбаза РФ в узком определении в ...
» Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks: Совещание с членами Правительства • Президент России
11/01/17 10:34 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story . В.Путин: Добрый день, уважаемые колl...
» Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks: путин покатался на горных лыжах - Google Search
11/01/17 10:32 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story . Леонид Слуцкий: "Разве Россия - футб ...
» Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks: ОХ КАК Путин Покатался на горных лыжах, Супер!!! - YouTube
11/01/17 10:31 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story . Published on Jan 23, 2014 ВНИМАНИЕ!!! ПРОЯВИТЕ СОЛИДАРНО&#...
» mikenov on Twitter: ОХ КАК Путин Покатался на горных лыжах, Супер!!! via @YouTube
11/01/17 10:29 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
ОХ КАК Путин Покатался на горных лыжах, Супер!!! via @YouTube Posted by mikenov on Wed Jan 11 15:29:52 2017. mikenov on Twitter
» Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks: цветочки и ягодки - Google Search
11/01/17 10:12 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story . Это еще цветочки, а ягодки впереди - ...
» Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks: саратов Московское шоссе, дом 11 - Google Search
11/01/17 10:09 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story . В Саратове в многоэтажном доме взо...
» Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks: саратов взрыв бытового газа - Google Search
11/01/17 10:06 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story . В Саратове в жилом доме вспыхнул по...
» mikenov on Twitter: RUSSIA and THE WEST - РОССИЯ и ЗАПАД: Russian Lessons: редиска - нехороший человек...
11/01/17 09:08 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
RUSSIA and THE WEST - РОССИЯ и ЗАПАД: Russian Lessons: редиска - нехороший человек... Posted by mikenov on Wed Jan 11 14:08:14 2017. mikenov on Twitter
» mikenov on Twitter: For Russia, U.S. election meddling claims strip Trump win of luster via @Reuters
11/01/17 07:30 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
For Russia, U.S. election meddling claims strip Trump win of luster via @Reuters Posted by mikenov on Wed Jan 11 12:30:32 2017. mikenov on Twitter
» mikenov on Twitter: News Reviews and Opinions: Yesterday (1.10.17) Senate Hearing is a lesson in ...
11/01/17 07:25 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
News Reviews and Opinions: Yesterday (1.10.17) Senate Hearing is a lesson in ... Posted by mikenov on Wed Jan 11 12:25:36 2017. mikenov on Twitter
» mikenov on Twitter: 1.10.17 Hearing is a lesson for Russian leaders. "Our democracy is not at risk" (Sen. Burr), the Russian pseudo-democracy - dictatorship is.
11/01/17 07:24 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
1.10.17 Hearing is a lesson for Russian leaders. "Our democracy is not at risk" (Sen. Burr), the Russian pseudo-democracy - dictatorship is. Posted by mikenov on Wed Jan 11 12:24:55 2017. mikenov on Twitter
» mikenov on Twitter: Trump given unverified reports that Russia had damaging details about him via @Reuters
11/01/17 06:42 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
Trump given unverified reports that Russia had damaging details about him via @Reuters Posted by mikenov on Wed Jan 11 11:42:47 2017. mikenov on Twitter
» mikenov on Twitter: Watching Russia's Role in Election-Year Hacking @CSPANVL
10/01/17 18:06 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
Watching Russia's Role in Election-Year Hacking @CSPANVL Posted by mikenov on Tue Jan 10 23:06:23 2017. mikenov on Twitter
» mikenov on Twitter: Russia hacked Republican state campaigns but not Trump's: FBI head via @Reuters
10/01/17 17:52 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
Russia hacked Republican state campaigns but not Trump's: FBI head via @Reuters Posted by mikenov on Tue Jan 10 22:52:11 2017. mikenov on Twitter
» mikenov on Twitter: RT @guardian: James Comey refuses to tell Senate if FBI is investigating Trump-Russia links
10/01/17 17:19 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
RT @guardian: James Comey refuses to tell Senate if FBI is investigating Trump-Russia links Posted by mikenov on Tue Jan 10 22:19:34 2017. 68 retweets mikenov on Twitter
» mikenov on Twitter: RT @NBCNews: Here's what happened when Hillary Clinton showed up to a performance of "The Color Purple" on Broadway last night…
10/01/17 17:17 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
RT @NBCNews: Here's what happened when Hillary Clinton showed up to a performance of "The Color Purple" on Broadway last night… Posted by mikenov on Tue Jan 10 22:17:07 2017. 751 retweets mikenov on Twitter
» mikenov on Twitter: RUSSIA and THE WEST - РОССИЯ и ЗАПАД: Встреча с ректором МГУ Виктором Садовничим
10/01/17 14:15 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
RUSSIA and THE WEST - РОССИЯ и ЗАПАД: Встреча с ректором МГУ Виктором Садовничим Posted by mikenov on Tue Jan 10 19:15:47 2017. mikenov on Twitter
» mikenov on Twitter: “Eugene Onegin“ - Opera by Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky via @YouTube
10/01/17 13:28 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
“Eugene Onegin“ - Opera by Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky via @YouTube Posted by mikenov on Tue Jan 10 18:28:43 2017. mikenov on Twitter
» Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks: “Eugene Onegin“ - Opera by Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky - YouTube
10/01/17 13:28 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story . Published on Dec 25, 2014 New Year's Music Festival '2014 (24.XII.2014'-1.I.2015') Category Music License Standard YouTube License Music "Tchaikovsky: Eugene Onegin, Op.24, TH.5 / Act 1 - (Scene 2) Introducti...
» Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks: Tchaikovsky Eugene Onegin, Final - YouTube
10/01/17 13:14 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story . Published on Jul 14, 2015 Category People & Blogs License Standard YouTube License Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
» Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks: Sabine Devieilhe - The Tales of Hoffmann: Olympia Aria - Offenbach - YouTube
10/01/17 13:07 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story . Published on Feb 25, 2016 Full live concert here: Subscribe to our channel for more videos Jacques Offenbach - The Tales of Hoffmann - II: "Les oiseaux dans la charmille"...
» Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks: Eugene Onegin – Lensky's aria, 'Kuda, kuda, vi udalilis' (Pavol Breslik, The Royal Opera) - YouTube
10/01/17 13:02 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story . Published on Nov 17, 2015 The young poet Lensky bids farewell to life in this beautiful aria from Tchaikovsky's Eugene Onegin. Find out more at Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
» mikenov on Twitter: רה"מ נתניהו בהערכת מצב ביטחונית באוגדת איו"ש via @YouTube
10/01/17 11:17 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
רה"מ נתניהו בהערכת מצב ביטחונית באוגדת איו"ש via @YouTube Posted by mikenov on Tue Jan 10 16:17:20 2017. mikenov on Twitter
» mikenov on Twitter: RT @Reuters: Trump calls Meryl Streep 'overrated actress' as attack divides Americans
10/01/17 05:24 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
RT @Reuters: Trump calls Meryl Streep 'overrated actress' as attack divides Americans Posted by mikenov on Tue Jan 10 10:24:24 2017. 81 retweets mikenov on Twitter
» mikenov on Twitter: RT @ReutersTV: Syria's Assad up for negotiating "everything" at proposed peace talks, including his own presidency…
10/01/17 05:24 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
RT @ReutersTV: Syria's Assad up for negotiating "everything" at proposed peace talks, including his own presidency… Posted by mikenov on Tue Jan 10 10:24:15 2017. 44 retweets mikenov on Twitter
» mikenov on Twitter: RT @Reuters: A warning for Trump from Chinese state-run media: It’s one China or 'revenge.' via @ReutersTV https://…
10/01/17 05:23 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
RT @Reuters: A warning for Trump from Chinese state-run media: It’s one China or 'revenge.' via @ReutersTV https://… Posted by mikenov on Tue Jan 10 10:23:43 2017. 133 retweets mikenov on Twitter
» mikenov on Twitter: RT @ReutersTV: Kremlin says U.S. hacking allegations amount to 'witch-hunt'
10/01/17 05:22 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
RT @ReutersTV: Kremlin says U.S. hacking allegations amount to 'witch-hunt' Posted by mikenov on Tue Jan 10 10:22:42 2017. 34 retweets mikenov on Twitter
» mikenov on Twitter: RT @Reuters: CORRECTED VISUAL: As Trump's Cabinet choices go into Senate confirmation hearings, see the picks so far.…
10/01/17 04:56 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
RT @Reuters: CORRECTED VISUAL: As Trump's Cabinet choices go into Senate confirmation hearings, see the picks so far.… Posted by mikenov on Tue Jan 10 09:56:40 2017. 69 retweets mikenov on Twitter
» mikenov on Twitter: RT @Reuters: WATCH: Kremlin says U.S. hacking allegations amount to 'witch-hunt'
10/01/17 04:56 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
RT @Reuters: WATCH: Kremlin says U.S. hacking allegations amount to 'witch-hunt' Posted by mikenov on Tue Jan 10 09:56:08 2017. 152 retweets mikenov on Twitter
» mikenov on Twitter: RT @Reuters: U.S. Navy ship fired warning shots at Iranian vessels
10/01/17 04:55 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
RT @Reuters: U.S. Navy ship fired warning shots at Iranian vessels Posted by mikenov on Tue Jan 10 09:55:25 2017. 132 retweets mikenov on Twitter
» mikenov on Twitter: RT @Reuters: Venezuela Congress says Maduro 'abandoned post'; Congress called 'disobedient'
10/01/17 04:55 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
RT @Reuters: Venezuela Congress says Maduro 'abandoned post'; Congress called 'disobedient' Posted by mikenov on Tue Jan 10 09:55:11 2017. 75 retweets mikenov on Twitter
» mikenov on Twitter: RT @Reuters: Top U.S. Senate Democrat says Trump's nominees need 'thorough' vetting
10/01/17 04:54 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
RT @Reuters: Top U.S. Senate Democrat says Trump's nominees need 'thorough' vetting Posted by mikenov on Tue Jan 10 09:54:48 2017. 115 retweets mikenov on Twitter
» mikenov on Twitter: RT @Reuters: U.S. sanctions Russia's top investigator, four others for rights abuses
10/01/17 04:54 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
RT @Reuters: U.S. sanctions Russia's top investigator, four others for rights abuses Posted by mikenov on Tue Jan 10 09:54:23 2017. 80 retweets mikenov on Twitter
» mikenov on Twitter: RT @Reuters: Kerry apologizes for past firings of gay U.S. State Department staff
10/01/17 04:54 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
RT @Reuters: Kerry apologizes for past firings of gay U.S. State Department staff Posted by mikenov on Tue Jan 10 09:54:13 2017. 110 retweets mikenov on Twitter
» mikenov on Twitter: RT @Reuters: Alibaba tells Trump about U.S. store plan for China e-shoppers
10/01/17 04:53 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
RT @Reuters: Alibaba tells Trump about U.S. store plan for China e-shoppers Posted by mikenov on Tue Jan 10 09:53:10 2017. 69 retweets mikenov on Twitter
» mikenov on Twitter: RT @Reuters: Florida police officer fatally shot, deputy dies in manhunt
10/01/17 04:52 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
RT @Reuters: Florida police officer fatally shot, deputy dies in manhunt Posted by mikenov on Tue Jan 10 09:52:16 2017. 102 retweets mikenov on Twitter
» mikenov on Twitter: RT @Reuters: Trump's son-in-law Kushner to become senior White House adviser
10/01/17 04:51 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
RT @Reuters: Trump's son-in-law Kushner to become senior White House adviser Posted by mikenov on Tue Jan 10 09:51:56 2017. 108 retweets mikenov on Twitter
» mikenov on Twitter: Florida police officer fatally shot, deputy dies in manhunt via @Reuters
10/01/17 03:56 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
Florida police officer fatally shot, deputy dies in manhunt via @Reuters Posted by mikenov on Tue Jan 10 08:56:33 2017. mikenov on Twitter
» Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks: Kerry apologizes for past firings of gay U.S. State Department staff
10/01/17 03:54 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story . &amp;amp;amp;amp;lt;iframe src="//" height="0" width="0" style="display:none;visibility:hidden"&amp;amp;amp;amp;gt;&amp;amp;amp;amp;lt;/iframe&amp...
» mikenov on Twitter: Kerry apologizes for past firings of gay U.S. State Department staff via @Reuters
10/01/17 03:51 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
Kerry apologizes for past firings of gay U.S. State Department staff via @Reuters Posted by mikenov on Tue Jan 10 08:51:42 2017. mikenov on Twitter
» Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks: Orlando police officer shot - Google Search
09/01/17 23:34 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story . Orlando Police Officer Shot and Killed; Manhunt Underway for Suspect New York Times - 9 hours ago A police officer in Orlando , Fla., was shot and killed on Monday morning by a man wanted in the death of his ...
» mikenov on Twitter: Top U.S. Senate Democrat says Trump's nominees need 'thorough' vetting via @Reuters
09/01/17 23:22 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
Top U.S. Senate Democrat says Trump's nominees need 'thorough' vetting via @Reuters Posted by mikenov on Tue Jan 10 04:22:29 2017. 1 like, 1 retweet mikenov on Twitter
» mikenov on Twitter: Democrats want 9/11-style special commission to probe Russia via @Reuters
09/01/17 23:18 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
Democrats want 9/11-style special commission to probe Russia via @Reuters Posted by mikenov on Tue Jan 10 04:18:17 2017. mikenov on Twitter
» mikenov on Twitter: Amid hacking row, pressure builds on Trump to soften pro-Russia rhetoric via @Reuters
09/01/17 22:57 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
Amid hacking row, pressure builds on Trump to soften pro-Russia rhetoric via @Reuters Posted by mikenov on Tue Jan 10 03:57:06 2017. mikenov on Twitter
» Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks: News Wrap: Trump son-in-law tapped for top White House role - YouTube
09/01/17 21:12 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story . Published on Jan 9, 2017 In our news wrap Monday, President-elect Donald Trump announced he has chosen his son-in-law Jared Kushner to serve as senior adviser to the president, raising concerns about nepotism...
» Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks: Krauthammer on Kushner debate, Cabinet confirmation hurdles - YouTube
09/01/17 21:07 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story . Published on Jan 9, 2017 Fox News contributor weighs in on 'Special Report' Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
» mikenov on Twitter: Orlando police officer shot, killed; $60,000 reward offered for suspect
09/01/17 15:54 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
Orlando police officer shot, killed; $60,000 reward offered for suspect Posted by mikenov on Mon Jan 9 20:54:26 2017. mikenov on Twitter
» mikenov on Twitter: Camille Saint Saens Samson et Dalila Bertini Domingo Borodina Lafont via @YouTube
09/01/17 15:49 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
Camille Saint Saens Samson et Dalila Bertini Domingo Borodina Lafont via @YouTube Posted by mikenov on Mon Jan 9 20:49:50 2017. mikenov on Twitter
» Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks: What we know about Fort Lauderdale airport shooter Esteban Santiago
09/01/17 14:41 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story . The suspect in the Fort Lauderdale airport shooting is a 26-year-old Army veteran named Esteban Santiago. Officials say he reached out to the FBI in November and told them that the Islamic State had taken con...
» Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks: Google News
09/01/17 14:40 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from Top Stories - Google News. See realtime coverage Trump Son-in-Law Jared Kushner to Be Named Senior White House Adviser New York Times  - ‎1 hour ago‎ ... □ Jared Kushner, President-e...
» mikenov on Twitter: Countering Trump, Bipartisan Voices Strongly Affirm Findings on Russian Hacking
09/01/17 14:25 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
Countering Trump, Bipartisan Voices Strongly Affirm Findings on Russian Hacking Posted by mikenov on Mon Jan 9 19:25:14 2017. mikenov on Twitter
09/01/17 14:20 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
UGLY RUSSIAN FROG, DRINKS VODKA BY THE BARRELS! Posted by mikenov on Mon Jan 9 19:20:50 2017. mikenov on Twitter
» Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks: Jared Kushner - Google Search
09/01/17 14:05 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story . Jared Kushner to be named senior adviser to the president CNN - 53 minutes ago (CNN) Donald Trump's son-in-law, Jared Kushner , will be senior adviser to the president, a senior transition official told CNN M...
» Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks: Meryl Streep - Google Search
09/01/17 14:04 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story . Donald Trump calls Meryl Streep 'overrated' after Golden Globes ... BBC News - 6 hours ago Donald Trump has hit back over Meryl Streep's criticism of him as she received a lifetime achievement award at the Go...
» mikenov on Twitter: Trump Son-in-Law Jared Kushner to Be Named Senior White House Adviser
09/01/17 14:02 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
Trump Son-in-Law Jared Kushner to Be Named Senior White House Adviser Posted by mikenov on Mon Jan 9 19:02:08 2017. mikenov on Twitter
» mikenov on Twitter: U.S. intelligence study warns of growing conflict risk via @Reuters
09/01/17 13:53 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
U.S. intelligence study warns of growing conflict risk via @Reuters Posted by mikenov on Mon Jan 9 18:53:10 2017. mikenov on Twitter
» mikenov on Twitter: Israeli diplomat who plotted against MPs also set up political groups
09/01/17 13:08 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
Israeli diplomat who plotted against MPs also set up political groups Posted by mikenov on Mon Jan 9 18:08:54 2017. mikenov on Twitter
» mikenov on Twitter: Israeli Embassy Official Plotted to ‘Take Down’ U.K. Politicians
09/01/17 12:51 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
Israeli Embassy Official Plotted to ‘Take Down’ U.K. Politicians Posted by mikenov on Mon Jan 9 17:51:28 2017. mikenov on Twitter
» Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks: israel - Google Search
09/01/17 12:07 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story . Nine arrested in connection to Israeli truck crash New York Post - 2 hours ago Israeli police have arrested nine people, including relatives of the Palestinian truck driver who rammed his vehicle into a crowd...
» mikenov on Twitter: Another 5,000 Jews quit France for Israel: agency via @YahooNews
09/01/17 12:06 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
Another 5,000 Jews quit France for Israel: agency via @YahooNews Posted by mikenov on Mon Jan 9 17:06:21 2017. mikenov on Twitter
» Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks: The U.S. and Global Security Review: We all do what we do, and what we have to do: good and bad, normal and crazy. Such are we, and such is life.
09/01/17 12:01 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from The U.S. and Global Security Review. We all do what we do, and what we have to do: good and bad, normal and crazy. Such are we, and such is (our modern) life.   Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
» Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks: The U.S. and Global Security Review: Vovchik, use Twitter, and in English, the best way to communicate, just like Donald does, and compete with him in building the audience. There is absolutely nothing wrong with that.
09/01/17 12:01 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from The U.S. and Global Security Review. Vovchik, use Twitter, and in English, the best way to communicate, just like Donald does, and compete with him in building the audience. But both - honestly, witho...
» Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks: The U.S. and Global Security Review: Vovchik, stop spying on me and my computer and stop sending me your messages: no interesanto. Communicate openly and in words, not sounds, as a man should. Use your own brains.
09/01/17 11:48 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from The U.S. and Global Security Review. Vovchik, stop spying on me and my computer and stop sending me your messages: no interesanto. Communicate openly and in words, not sounds, as a  man should. U...
» Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks: The U.S. and Global Security Review: Donald, make complete, clean break with Russia; and after the field is cleared and leveled, REBUILD, as smart builder. This is the only way, and your only chance, methinks, sincerely.
09/01/17 11:47 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from The U.S. and Global Security Review. Donald, make complete, clean break with Russia; and only after the field is cleared and leveled, REBUILD, as smart builder. This is the only way, and your only chance, ...
» Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks: The U.S. and Global Security Review: Russi did it! | » BBC News - Jerusalem lorry attacker 'was IS supporter' - 09/01/17 02:56
09/01/17 11:46 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from The U.S. and Global Security Review. Russi did it! | » BBC News - Jerusalem lorry attacker 'was IS supporter' - 09/01/17 02:56 Russi did it:  Armon Hanatziv: Arm on; Ha natziv: "Arm on ("get arme...
» mikenov on Twitter: The U.S. and Global Security Review: We all do what we do, and what we have to do: good...
09/01/17 11:36 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
The U.S. and Global Security Review: We all do what we do, and what we have to do: good... Posted by mikenov on Mon Jan 9 16:36:02 2017. mikenov on Twitter
» mikenov on Twitter: We all do what we do, and what we have to do: good and bad, normal and crazy. Such are we, and such is life.
09/01/17 11:34 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
We all do what we do, and what we have to do: good and bad, normal and crazy. Such are we, and such is life. Posted by mikenov on Mon Jan 9 16:34:29 2017. mikenov on Twitter
» mikenov on Twitter: The U.S. and Global Security Review: Vovchik, use Twitter, and in English, the best way...
09/01/17 11:30 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
The U.S. and Global Security Review: Vovchik, use Twitter, and in English, the best way... Posted by mikenov on Mon Jan 9 16:30:52 2017. mikenov on Twitter
» mikenov on Twitter: Vovchik, use Twitter, and in English to communicate, just like Donald does, compete in building the audience. Nothing wrong with that! Ciao!
09/01/17 11:17 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
Vovchik, use Twitter, and in English to communicate, just like Donald does, compete in building the audience. Nothing wrong with that! Ciao! Posted by mikenov on Mon Jan 9 16:17:40 2017. mikenov on Twitter
» Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks: Jerusalem truck attack - Google Search
09/01/17 08:51 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story . Jerusalem truck attack : Suspect may have supported ISIS ... CNN - 10 hours ago Jerusalem (CNN) The driver who plowed a truck into a group of soldiers in Jerusalem , killing four people and injuring at least ...
» Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks: Jerusalem lorry attack - Google Search
09/01/17 08:50 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story . Jerusalem truck attack : Suspect may have supported ISIS ... CNN - 10 hours ago Jerusalem (CNN) The driver who plowed a truck into a group of soldiers in Jerusalem , killing four people and injuring at least ...
» mikenov on Twitter: Fort Lauderdale suspect claimed government was controlling his mind months before shooting
09/01/17 08:11 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
Fort Lauderdale suspect claimed government was controlling his mind months before shooting Posted by mikenov on Mon Jan 9 13:11:43 2017. mikenov on Twitter
» mikenov on Twitter: As a general, Mattis urged action against Iran. As a defense secretary, he may be a voice of caution.
09/01/17 07:47 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
As a general, Mattis urged action against Iran. As a defense secretary, he may be a voice of caution. Posted by mikenov on Mon Jan 9 12:47:38 2017. mikenov on Twitter
» mikenov on Twitter: FBI agent who interrogated Saddam Hussein leads airport case in Florida
09/01/17 07:44 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
FBI agent who interrogated Saddam Hussein leads airport case in Florida Posted by mikenov on Mon Jan 9 12:44:35 2017. mikenov on Twitter
» mikenov on Twitter: Russian Hackers Find Ready Bullhorns in the Media
09/01/17 07:38 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
Russian Hackers Find Ready Bullhorns in the Media Posted by mikenov on Mon Jan 9 12:38:46 2017. mikenov on Twitter
» mikenov on Twitter: The U.S. and Global Security Review: Vovchik, stop spying on me and my computer and sto...
09/01/17 07:10 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
The U.S. and Global Security Review: Vovchik, stop spying on me and my computer and sto... Posted by mikenov on Mon Jan 9 12:10:26 2017. mikenov on Twitter
» mikenov on Twitter: Vovchik, stop spying on me and my computer and stop sending me your messages: no interesanto. Communicate openly and in words, not sounds...
09/01/17 07:09 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
Vovchik, stop spying on me and my computer and stop sending me your messages: no interesanto. Communicate openly and in words, not sounds... Posted by mikenov on Mon Jan 9 12:09:08 2017. mikenov on Twitter
» mikenov on Twitter: The U.S. and Global Security Review: Donald, make complete, clean break with Russia
09/01/17 06:45 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
The U.S. and Global Security Review: Donald, make complete, clean break with Russia Posted by mikenov on Mon Jan 9 11:45:28 2017. mikenov on Twitter
» mikenov on Twitter: Donald, make complete, clean break with Russia; and after the field is cleared and leveled, REBUILD, as smart builder. This is the only way.
09/01/17 06:40 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
Donald, make complete, clean break with Russia; and after the field is cleared and leveled, REBUILD, as smart builder. This is the only way. Posted by mikenov on Mon Jan 9 11:40:43 2017. mikenov on Twitter
» mikenov on Twitter: The Hidden Gun Epidemic: Suicides
09/01/17 05:56 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
The Hidden Gun Epidemic: Suicides Posted by mikenov on Mon Jan 9 10:56:49 2017. mikenov on Twitter
» mikenov on Twitter: Airstrikes by Russia Buttress Turkey in Battle vs. ISIS
09/01/17 05:52 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
Airstrikes by Russia Buttress Turkey in Battle vs. ISIS Posted by mikenov on Mon Jan 9 10:52:50 2017. mikenov on Twitter
» mikenov on Twitter: Kushner: Trump didn't believe conspiracy theories @CNNPolitics
09/01/17 04:45 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
Kushner: Trump didn't believe conspiracy theories @CNNPolitics Posted by mikenov on Mon Jan 9 09:45:28 2017. mikenov on Twitter
» mikenov on Twitter: The U.S. and Global Security Review: Russi did it! | » BBC News - Jerusalem lorry attac...
09/01/17 04:25 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
The U.S. and Global Security Review: Russi did it! | » BBC News - Jerusalem lorry attac... Posted by mikenov on Mon Jan 9 09:25:56 2017. mikenov on Twitter
» Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks: Jerusalem lorry attacker 'was IS supporter'
09/01/17 04:17 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from BBC News - Home. Israel's prime minister has said "all the signs" are that a man who killed four soldiers in Jerusalem supported so-called Islamic State (IS). Although Benjamin Netanyahu did not evidence f...
» mikenov on Twitter: BBC News - Jerusalem lorry attacker 'was IS supporter'
09/01/17 02:56 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
BBC News - Jerusalem lorry attacker 'was IS supporter' Posted by mikenov on Mon Jan 9 07:56:17 2017. mikenov on Twitter
» mikenov on Twitter: Jared Kushner’s Rise to Unimaginable Power via @intelligencer
09/01/17 02:53 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
Jared Kushner’s Rise to Unimaginable Power via @intelligencer Posted by mikenov on Mon Jan 9 07:53:08 2017. mikenov on Twitter
» mikenov on Twitter: 4 Die as Palestinian Rams Truck Into Israeli Soldiers in Jerusalem
08/01/17 21:49 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
4 Die as Palestinian Rams Truck Into Israeli Soldiers in Jerusalem Posted by mikenov on Mon Jan 9 02:49:32 2017. mikenov on Twitter
» Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks: william j burns carnegie - Google Search
08/01/17 20:13 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story . Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
» Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks: How We Fool Ourselves on Russia - The New York Times
08/01/17 20:11 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story . In the quarter-century since the end of the Cold War, profound grievances, misperceptions and disappointments have often defined the relationship between the United States and Russia. I lived through this tur...
» mikenov on Twitter: How We Fool Ourselves on Russia
08/01/17 19:46 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
How We Fool Ourselves on Russia Posted by mikenov on Mon Jan 9 00:46:10 2017. mikenov on Twitter
» mikenov on Twitter: ♠ Paul Desmond Quartet - East of the Sun (Full Album) HQ AUDIO via @YouTube
08/01/17 18:52 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
♠ Paul Desmond Quartet - East of the Sun (Full Album) HQ AUDIO via @YouTube Posted by mikenov on Sun Jan 8 23:52:29 2017. mikenov on Twitter
» Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks: East of the Sun (And West of the Moon) - YouTube
08/01/17 17:08 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story . Published on Jan 19, 2015 Provided to YouTube by Phonofile East of the Sun (And West of the Moon) · Paul Desmond For All We Know ℗ 1960 Move Released on: 1960-01-01 Composer: Bowman Auto-generated ...
» Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks: Reince Priebus acknowledges Russia was behind hacks - Business Insider
08/01/17 13:55 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from Politics. Incoming Chief-of-Staff Reince Priebus on Fox News Sunday. Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
» mikenov on Twitter: Chris Wallace Grills Reince Priebus For Blaming DNC for Hack FULL Interv... via @YouTube
08/01/17 13:55 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
Chris Wallace Grills Reince Priebus For Blaming DNC for Hack FULL Interv... via @YouTube Posted by mikenov on Sun Jan 8 18:55:19 2017. mikenov on Twitter
» mikenov on Twitter: Trump's chief of staff acknowledges that Russia was behind DNC hacks via @bi_politics
08/01/17 13:54 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
Trump's chief of staff acknowledges that Russia was behind DNC hacks via @bi_politics Posted by mikenov on Sun Jan 8 18:54:59 2017. mikenov on Twitter
» Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks: Chris Wallace Grills Reince Priebus For Blaming DNC for Hack FULL Interview 1/8/17 - YouTube
08/01/17 13:47 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story . Published on Jan 8, 2017 Reince Priebus Fox News Sunday FULL Interview 1/8/17. Fox News Sunday host Chris Wallace pressed incoming White House chief-of-staff Reince Priebus after he seemingly suggested that t...
» Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks: trump - Google Search
08/01/17 13:25 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story . Republican Senators Urge Trump To Embrace Findings On Russia ... Huffington Post - 1 hour ago WASHINGTON, Jan 8 (Reuters) - Two senior Republican senators urged President-elect Donald Trump to punish Russia i...
» mikenov on Twitter: Paul Desmond: From The Hot Afternoon 1969 via @YouTube
08/01/17 13:11 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
Paul Desmond: From The Hot Afternoon 1969 via @YouTube Posted by mikenov on Sun Jan 8 18:11:42 2017. mikenov on Twitter
» mikenov on Twitter: The U.S. and Global Security Review: Republican senators urge Trump to embrace findings...
08/01/17 13:09 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
The U.S. and Global Security Review: Republican senators urge Trump to embrace findings... Posted by mikenov on Sun Jan 8 18:09:53 2017. mikenov on Twitter
» mikenov on Twitter: News Reviews and Opinions: Trump accepts U.S. intelligence on Russia hacking,...
08/01/17 13:08 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
News Reviews and Opinions: Trump accepts U.S. intelligence on Russia hacking,... Posted by mikenov on Sun Jan 8 18:08:03 2017. mikenov on Twitter
» Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks: Republican senators urge Trump to embrace findings on Russia hacking
08/01/17 12:45 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story . &amp;amp;amp;amp;lt;iframe src="//" height="0" width="0" style="display:none;visibility:hidden"&amp;amp;amp;amp;gt;&amp;amp;amp;amp;lt;/iframe&amp...
» Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks: Trump accepts U.S. intelligence on Russia hacking, top aide says
08/01/17 12:41 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story . &amp;amp;amp;amp;lt;iframe src="//" height="0" width="0" style="display:none;visibility:hidden"&amp;amp;amp;amp;gt;&amp;amp;amp;amp;lt;/iframe&amp...
» mikenov on Twitter: Trump accepts U.S. intelligence on Russia hacking, top aide says via @Reuters
08/01/17 12:22 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
Trump accepts U.S. intelligence on Russia hacking, top aide says via @Reuters Posted by mikenov on Sun Jan 8 17:22:39 2017. mikenov on Twitter
» Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks: Paul Desmond: Edmonton 1976 - YouTube
08/01/17 09:22 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story . Published on Apr 23, 2015 Paul Desmond - Edmonton Festival 76 Recorded live at Edmonton Jazz Festival, Canada Wednesday, April 14, 1976. Desmond appeared only half a dozen times with his "Canadian Quartet" --...
» Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks: Paul Desmond: From The Hot Afternoon 1969 - YouTube
08/01/17 08:04 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story . Published on Apr 23, 2015 Paul Desmond - From The Hot Afternoon Original Release Date: 2000 Audio CD (April 4, 2000) Paul Desmond's first genuine all-Brazilian album under the Creed Taylor signature was a bea...
» Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks: PM Netanyahu's Greeting for Christmas and the New Year - YouTube
08/01/17 06:46 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story . Published on Dec 22, 2016 To all of our Christian friends around the world, Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. I send you these greetings from Jerusalem. I'm standing in the courtyard of this magnificent I...
» Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks: PM Netanyahu's Remarks at Weekly Cabinet Meeting - 08/01/2017 - YouTube
08/01/17 06:32 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story . Published on Jan 8, 2017 דברי ראש הממשלה בנימין נתניהו ...
» Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks: "Spend less time in virtual reality" - Christian Russia - YouTube
08/01/17 05:59 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story . Published on Jan 7, 2017 Christmas is celebrated on the 7th of January in the Gregorian Calendar. This date is observed by Orthodox Christians from Central and Eastern Europe, as well as Greece, and a minorit...
» Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks: Orthodox Christmas in 360: Midnight service at Christ the Savior Cathedral in Moscow - YouTube
08/01/17 05:29 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story . Published on Jan 8, 2017 Hundreds of Orthodox Christians gathered at Christ the Savior Cathedral in Moscow on Friday, to attend a midnight service led by Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and all Russia. In line wit...
» mikenov on Twitter: U.S. intel report: Putin directed cyber campaign to help Trump via @Reuters
08/01/17 04:52 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
U.S. intel report: Putin directed cyber campaign to help Trump via @Reuters Posted by mikenov on Sun Jan 8 09:52:13 2017. mikenov on Twitter
» mikenov on Twitter: Mike Nova: Howl!
07/01/17 14:55 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
Mike Nova: Howl! Posted by mikenov on Sat Jan 7 19:55:36 2017. mikenov on Twitter
» mikenov on Twitter: Airport shooting suspect complained of hearing voices, officials say via @nbcnews
07/01/17 10:49 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
Airport shooting suspect complained of hearing voices, officials say via @nbcnews Posted by mikenov on Sat Jan 7 15:49:05 2017. mikenov on Twitter
» mikenov on Twitter: Iraq war veteran accused of killing five at Ft. Lauderdale airport via @Reuters
07/01/17 02:10 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
Iraq war veteran accused of killing five at Ft. Lauderdale airport via @Reuters Posted by mikenov on Sat Jan 7 07:10:55 2017. mikenov on Twitter
» mikenov on Twitter: Factbox: U.S. intel report on Russian cyber attacks in 2016 election via @Reuters
07/01/17 01:55 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
Factbox: U.S. intel report on Russian cyber attacks in 2016 election via @Reuters Posted by mikenov on Sat Jan 7 06:55:32 2017. mikenov on Twitter
» Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks: 5 dead, 8 injured in shooting at Fort Lauderdale airport
06/01/17 21:04 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story . The melee, which erupted around 1 p.m. EST, brought air traffic to a standstill at the heavily traveled airport. Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
» Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks: Esteban Santiago - Google Search
06/01/17 19:20 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story . Esteban Santiago Identified as Fort Lauderdale Airport Shooter NBC New York - 2 hours ago Federal sources told NBC News the shootings did not appear to be an act of terrorism, and that the gunman, identified ...
» Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks: ft lauderdale airport - Google Search
06/01/17 18:44 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story . Fort Lauderdale airport shooting: What we know USA TODAY - 3 hours ago A deadly shooting took place at the Fort Lauderdale -Hollywood International Airport in Fort Lauderdale , Florida on Friday afternoon. Fo...
» mikenov on Twitter: Intel report: Putin directly ordered effort to influence election @CNNPolitics
06/01/17 17:39 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
Intel report: Putin directly ordered effort to influence election @CNNPolitics Posted by mikenov on Fri Jan 6 22:39:57 2017. mikenov on Twitter
» Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks: Intel report: Putin directly ordered effort to influence election
06/01/17 17:39 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story . The campaign -- which consisted of hacking Democratic groups and individuals, including Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta, and releasing that information via third-party websites, including WikiLeaks -- ...
» Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks: Fort Lauderdale airport shooting: Five people shot dead by Florida gunman
06/01/17 16:11 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from BBC News - Home. Five people have been shot dead by a gunman at Fort Lauderdale airport in Florida, say officials. It happened at the baggage claim area in Terminal 2, just before 1300 local time (1800 GMT...
» mikenov on Twitter: U.S. Congress certifies Trump's Electoral College victory via @Reuters
06/01/17 15:41 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
U.S. Congress certifies Trump's Electoral College victory via @Reuters Posted by mikenov on Fri Jan 6 20:41:19 2017. mikenov on Twitter
» mikenov on Twitter: Five people killed in shooting at Fort Lauderdale airport, suspect in custody
06/01/17 14:31 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
Five people killed in shooting at Fort Lauderdale airport, suspect in custody Posted by mikenov on Fri Jan 6 19:31:36 2017. mikenov on Twitter
» mikenov on Twitter: News Reviews and Opinions: Trump to seek probe of secret report he says was g...
06/01/17 14:21 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
News Reviews and Opinions: Trump to seek probe of secret report he says was g... Posted by mikenov on Fri Jan 6 19:21:34 2017. mikenov on Twitter
» mikenov on Twitter: Trump to seek probe of secret report he says was given to NBC via @Reuters
06/01/17 14:13 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
Trump to seek probe of secret report he says was given to NBC via @Reuters Posted by mikenov on Fri Jan 6 19:13:27 2017. mikenov on Twitter
» Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks: Three dead as shooter opens fire at Ft. Lauderdale airport: MSNBC
06/01/17 14:09 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story . &amp;amp;amp;amp;lt;iframe src="//" height="0" width="0" style="display:none;visibility:hidden"&amp;amp;amp;amp;gt;&amp;amp;amp;amp;lt;/iframe&amp...
» mikenov on Twitter: Three dead as shooter opens fire at Ft. Lauderdale airport: MSNBC via @Reuters
06/01/17 14:08 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
Three dead as shooter opens fire at Ft. Lauderdale airport: MSNBC via @Reuters Posted by mikenov on Fri Jan 6 19:08:00 2017. mikenov on Twitter
» mikenov on Twitter: News Reviews and Opinions: Incidents and Accidents Review
06/01/17 13:54 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
News Reviews and Opinions: Incidents and Accidents Review Posted by mikenov on Fri Jan 6 18:54:51 2017. mikenov on Twitter
» mikenov on Twitter: Family left 'bewildered' by murder-suicide of wealthy husband and wife in dream home via @telegraphnews
06/01/17 13:32 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
Family left 'bewildered' by murder-suicide of wealthy husband and wife in dream home via @telegraphnews Posted by mikenov on Fri Jan 6 18:32:31 2017. mikenov on Twitter
» mikenov on Twitter: The U.S. and Global Security Review: Ide ho! - Awesome Wolf Howling Compilation | Russi...
06/01/17 11:18 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
The U.S. and Global Security Review: Ide ho! - Awesome Wolf Howling Compilation | Russi... Posted by mikenov on Fri Jan 6 16:18:00 2017. mikenov on Twitter
» mikenov on Twitter: Awesome Wolf Howling Compilation via @YouTube
06/01/17 09:27 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
Awesome Wolf Howling Compilation via @YouTube Posted by mikenov on Fri Jan 6 14:27:13 2017. mikenov on Twitter
» Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks: Wolves Howl - YouTube
06/01/17 09:25 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story . Uploaded on Jan 31, 2008 These are my favorite animals - wolves. They're howling up to the moon and they're calling other Wolves Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
» mikenov on Twitter: News Reviews and Opinions: "If the world were listening, I would say there's ...
06/01/17 09:11 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
News Reviews and Opinions: "If the world were listening, I would say there's ... Posted by mikenov on Fri Jan 6 14:11:11 2017. mikenov on Twitter
» mikenov on Twitter: RT @voxdotcom: Obama: repeal and delay “is, simply put, irresponsible”
06/01/17 08:55 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
RT @voxdotcom: Obama: repeal and delay “is, simply put, irresponsible” Posted by mikenov on Fri Jan 6 13:55:02 2017. 64 retweets mikenov on Twitter
» mikenov on Twitter: RT @NBCPolitics: Trump has been strikingly consistent in denying Russian election interference
06/01/17 08:53 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
RT @NBCPolitics: Trump has been strikingly consistent in denying Russian election interference Posted by mikenov on Fri Jan 6 13:53:52 2017. 16 retweets mikenov on Twitter
» mikenov on Twitter: RT @MailOnline: Number of famous deaths in 2016 is only expected once every 200 years
06/01/17 08:53 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
RT @MailOnline: Number of famous deaths in 2016 is only expected once every 200 years Posted by mikenov on Fri Jan 6 13:53:15 2017. 25 retweets mikenov on Twitter
» mikenov on Twitter: RT @cnni: Donald Trump to meet with top spy chiefs as tension over alleged election-related hacking by Russia grows…
06/01/17 08:52 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
RT @cnni: Donald Trump to meet with top spy chiefs as tension over alleged election-related hacking by Russia grows… Posted by mikenov on Fri Jan 6 13:52:35 2017. 32 retweets mikenov on Twitter
» mikenov on Twitter: RT @CNNPolitics: US intelligence identified the go-betweens Russians used to provide stolen emails to WikiLeaks, officials say…
06/01/17 08:49 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
RT @CNNPolitics: US intelligence identified the go-betweens Russians used to provide stolen emails to WikiLeaks, officials say… Posted by mikenov on Fri Jan 6 13:49:51 2017. 143 retweets mikenov on Twitter
» mikenov on Twitter: RT @RobbyMook: This report should be released asap with few redactions as possible. Public needs to know extent of Russia's role https://t…
06/01/17 08:49 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
RT @RobbyMook: This report should be released asap with few redactions as possible. Public needs to know extent of Russia's role https://t… Posted by mikenov on Fri Jan 6 13:49:35 2017. 486 retweets mikenov on Twitter
» mikenov on Twitter: RT @CNNPolitics: Sen. Tim Kaine: Why is Donald Trump acting like Russian President Vladimir Putin's "defense lawyer”?…
06/01/17 08:48 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
RT @CNNPolitics: Sen. Tim Kaine: Why is Donald Trump acting like Russian President Vladimir Putin's "defense lawyer”?… Posted by mikenov on Fri Jan 6 13:48:52 2017. 215 retweets mikenov on Twitter
» mikenov on Twitter: RT @IsraeliPM: After the outrageous anti-Israel UN resolution, the US House of Representatives voted to support Israel and reject this one-…
06/01/17 08:45 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
RT @IsraeliPM: After the outrageous anti-Israel UN resolution, the US House of Representatives voted to support Israel and reject this one-… Posted by mikenov on Fri Jan 6 13:45:48 2017. 467 retweets mikenov on Twitter
» mikenov on Twitter: RT @FT: James Clapper, director of national intelligence, blames Russia for US pre-election cyber attacks. For more go to…
06/01/17 08:45 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
RT @FT: James Clapper, director of national intelligence, blames Russia for US pre-election cyber attacks. For more go to… Posted by mikenov on Fri Jan 6 13:45:14 2017. 40 retweets mikenov on Twitter
» mikenov on Twitter: RT @CNN: Joe Biden to Trump: 'Grow up, Donald'
06/01/17 08:44 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
RT @CNN: Joe Biden to Trump: 'Grow up, Donald' Posted by mikenov on Fri Jan 6 13:44:11 2017. 2931 retweets mikenov on Twitter
» mikenov on Twitter: RT @CNNPolitics: Former CIA Director James Woolsey on not advising Trump anymore: I "didn't want to fly under false colors"…
06/01/17 08:43 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
RT @CNNPolitics: Former CIA Director James Woolsey on not advising Trump anymore: I "didn't want to fly under false colors"… Posted by mikenov on Fri Jan 6 13:43:47 2017. 1124 retweets mikenov on Twitter
» mikenov on Twitter: RT @Martin_Dempsey: If the world were listening, I would say there's more that brings us together than there is that tears us apart: https:…
06/01/17 08:23 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
RT @Martin_Dempsey: If the world were listening, I would say there's more that brings us together than there is that tears us apart: https:… Posted by mikenov on Fri Jan 6 13:23:44 2017. 40 retweets mikenov on Twitter
» mikenov on Twitter: RT @Martin_Dempsey: Intelligence is hard, thankless work. Fortunately, we have dedicated, patriotic, and courageous men and women on the j…
06/01/17 08:23 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
RT @Martin_Dempsey: Intelligence is hard, thankless work. Fortunately, we have dedicated, patriotic, and courageous men and women on the j… Posted by mikenov on Fri Jan 6 13:23:25 2017. 2755 retweets mikenov on Twitter
» Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks: House votes to rebuke UN on Israeli settlement resolution
06/01/17 08:12 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story . Please enable JavaScript to view the &amp;amp;amp;amp;lt;a href=";amp;amp;amp;amp;utm_medium=richardson_widget" target="_blank"&amp;amp;amp;amp;gt;featur...
» mikenov on Twitter: House votes to rebuke UN on Israeli settlement resolution
06/01/17 08:11 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
House votes to rebuke UN on Israeli settlement resolution Posted by mikenov on Fri Jan 6 13:11:45 2017. mikenov on Twitter
» mikenov on Twitter: Republican senators introduce bill to move US embassy in Israel to Jerusalem
06/01/17 07:42 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
Republican senators introduce bill to move US embassy in Israel to Jerusalem Posted by mikenov on Fri Jan 6 12:42:09 2017. mikenov on Twitter
» Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks: congress israel - Google Search
06/01/17 07:41 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story . Congress Votes to Condemn Obama over UN Vote on Israel Fox News - 9 hours ago The House passed a resolution on Thursday denouncing the Obama administration's abstention from a critical United Nations Security...
» Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks: Россия сокращает военное присутствие в Сирии - YouTube
06/01/17 07:30 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story . Published on Jan 6, 2017 Подпишитесь на канал Россия24: https://...
» Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks: Intel chiefs' take on Trump - YouTube
06/01/17 07:23 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story . Published on Jan 6, 2017 President-elect Donald Trump is set to receive his intelligence briefing about the alleged Russian hack into the 2016 presidential election. Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
» Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks: PM Netanyahu Responds to Congress Vote - YouTube
06/01/17 07:19 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story . Published on Jan 6, 2017 After the outrageous anti-Israel resolution at the UN, the US House of Representatives voted yesterday resoundingly to support Israel and reject this one-sided resolution. Democrats a...
» mikenov on Twitter: U.S. intel report identifies Russians who gave emails to WikiLeaks -officials via @Reuters
06/01/17 01:18 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
U.S. intel report identifies Russians who gave emails to WikiLeaks -officials via @Reuters Posted by mikenov on Fri Jan 6 06:18:52 2017. mikenov on Twitter
» mikenov on Twitter: Trump team has differences of opinion on shaping spy agencies: sources via @Reuters
06/01/17 00:37 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
Trump team has differences of opinion on shaping spy agencies: sources via @Reuters Posted by mikenov on Fri Jan 6 05:37:55 2017. mikenov on Twitter
» mikenov on Twitter: Via @NPR: Trump Reportedly Picks Ex-Senator, Banned From Russia, As His Intelligence Chief
05/01/17 22:18 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
Via @NPR: Trump Reportedly Picks Ex-Senator, Banned From Russia, As His Intelligence Chief Posted by mikenov on Fri Jan 6 03:18:08 2017. mikenov on Twitter
» mikenov on Twitter: U.S. intercepts capture senior Russian officials celebrating Trump win
05/01/17 21:53 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
U.S. intercepts capture senior Russian officials celebrating Trump win Posted by mikenov on Fri Jan 6 02:53:46 2017. mikenov on Twitter
» Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks: Police Capture Escaped RI Inmate James Morales In Somerville - CBS Local
05/01/17 16:55 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from Police News Review. CBS Local Police Capture Escaped RI Inmate James Morales In Somerville CBS Local James Morales, 35, who was on the run since he escaped Wyatt Correctional Facility, was captured in Some...
» Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks: Family left 'bewildered' by murder-suicide of wealthy husband and wife in dream home
05/01/17 16:52 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from Russia and Ukraine News Review. None Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
» Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks: James R. Clapper Jr. - Google News: Senate hearing exposes differences between Trump and intelligence officials - Washington Post
05/01/17 16:51 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from U.S. National Security and Military News Review. Washington Post Senate hearing exposes differences between Trump and intelligence officials Washington Post January 5, 2017 3:08 PM EST - Director of Nation...
» Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks: DEBKAFile: Intel agency heads brief Obama on classified Russian cyberattack report
05/01/17 16:51 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from U.S. National Security and Military News Review. January 5, 2017, 10:14 PM (IDT) The heads of US intelligence agencies arrived at the White House early Thursday afternoon (local time) to comprehensively br...
» Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks: Intel agency heads brief Obama on classified Russian cyberattack report
05/01/17 16:51 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from U.S. National Security and Military News Review. January 5, 2017, 10:14 PM (IDT) The heads of US intelligence agencies arrived at the White House early Thursday afternoon (local time) to comprehensively br...
» Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks: Just Security: And Dan Coats Makes Five–Senior Policymakers in a Trump Administration Who Would Take a Hardline on Russia
05/01/17 16:49 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from U.S. National Security and Military News Review. Ryan Goodman President-elect Donald Trump will reportedly name former Indiana Senator Dan Coats to replace James Clapper as Director of National Intelligenc...
» Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks: Putin Trump: Donald Trump’s fight with America’s spies
05/01/17 16:46 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from Trump. CNN Putin Trump Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
» Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks: Putin Trump: Did Putin direct Russian hacking? And other big questions
05/01/17 16:46 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from Trump. The Atlantic Putin Trump Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
» Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks: Putin Trump - Google News: Maybe Trump is playing Putin, Israel's victory of law, and other notable commentary - New York Post
05/01/17 16:45 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from Trump. Maybe Trump is playing Putin , Israel's victory of law, and other notable commentary New York Post Perhaps Donald Trump is playing Vladimir Putin “as effectively as he played the U.S. media througho...
» Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks: trump and intelligence community - Google News: Trump weighing changes to US intelligence community - WSIL TV
05/01/17 16:45 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from Trump. WSIL TV Trump weighing changes to US intelligence community WSIL TV (AP Photo/Evan Vucci, File). FILE - In this Dec. 28, 2016 file photo, President-elect Donald Trump speaks to reporters at Mar-a-La...
» Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks: Top intel officials reject Trump view on Russia hacks - CNN
05/01/17 16:44 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from Russia, Putin and Putinism. CNN Top intel officials reject Trump view on Russia hacks CNN Washington (CNN) Lawmakers and senior US intelligence officials are drawing a line in the sand for President-elect ...
» Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks: Politics|Senators Defend Intelligence Agencies' Findings on Russian Hacking - New York Times
05/01/17 16:43 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from Russia, Putin and Putinism. New York Times Politics|Senators Defend Intelligence Agencies' Findings on Russian Hacking New York Times WASHINGTON — Senate Republicans and Democrats defended on Thursday the ...
» Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks: Ishmael Jones: From Russia with doubt - Power Line (blog)
05/01/17 16:42 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from Russia, Putin and Putinism. Power Line (blog) Ishmael Jones: From Russia with doubt Power Line (blog) Mr. Jones advises that his commentary has been reviewed and approved by the CIA's publications review b...
» Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks: Vladimir Putin: The Troublemaker - TIME
05/01/17 16:42 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from Russia, Putin and Putinism. TIME Vladimir Putin : The Troublemaker TIME Russian President Vladimir Putin has always been a night owl, holding meetings into the early hours of the morning. He's also the pro...
» Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks: Maybe Trump is playing Putin, Israel's victory of law, and other notable commentary - New York Post
05/01/17 16:42 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from Russia, Putin and Putinism. Maybe Trump is playing Putin , Israel's victory of law, and other notable commentary New York Post Perhaps Donald Trump is playing Vladimir Putin “as effectively as he played th...
» Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks: rferlonline's YouTube Videos: 'A Grave Concern' - U.S. Spy Chief Accuses Russia Of Unprecedented Meddling In Election
05/01/17 16:42 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from Russia News Review. From: rferlonline Duration: 04:10 U.S. Director of National Intelligence James Clapper said Russia's alleged meddling in the American presidential vote was a "grave concern." Originally...
» Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks: Информационное агентство УНИАН: Маккейн объяснил, почему Путин после агрессии в Украине решил вмешаться в выборы США
05/01/17 16:41 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from Russia News Review. Сенатор Джон Маккейн заявил, что бездеятельность США побудила Путина отдать приказ осуществить кибернападение с целью вмешаться в выборы, потому что Вашингтон не организовал для РФ высо...
» Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks: Керри призвал администрацию Трампа с уважением относиться к мнению разведки - РИА Новости
05/01/17 16:40 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from Russia News Review. РИА Новости Керри призвал администрацию Трампа с уважением относиться к мнению разведки РИА Новости ВАШИНГТОН, 5 янв – РИА Новости. Госсекретарь США Джон Керри призвал администрацию Дон...
» Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks: Haqqin: Джон Керри: "Обама держал меня на длинном поводке"
05/01/17 16:40 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from Russia News Review. Haqqin Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
» Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks: us elections - Google News: US intelligence chief says Russia involvement in 2016 election unprecede... - Reuters
05/01/17 16:38 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from Recent Events Review In Brief. Reuters US intelligence chief says Russia involvement in 2016 election unprecede... Reuters WASHINGTON U.S. Director of National Intelligence James Clapper said on Thursday t...
» Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks: police officers in Des Moines - Google News: Iowa man accused of repeatedly impersonating firefighter -
05/01/17 16:38 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from Recent Events Review In Brief. Iowa man accused of repeatedly impersonating firefighter 28, police officers pulled over Stinson for driving while his license was...
» Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks: McCain and Graham vs. Trump and Putin - Politico
05/01/17 16:33 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from Putin and Putinism - News Review. Politico McCain and Graham vs. Trump and Putin Politico John McCain and Lindsey Graham have spent the past eight years chiding President Barack Obama's foreign policy, sar...
» Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks: Why Putin's Russia will be keeping quiet about 1917 -
05/01/17 16:33 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from Putin and Putinism - News Review. Why Putin's Russia will be keeping quiet about 1917 Putin supporters, on the other hand, have been convinced by years of state television p...
» Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks: For Putin, 2016 Was a Very Good Year - Newsweek
05/01/17 16:33 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from Putin and Putinism - News Review. Newsweek For Putin , 2016 Was a Very Good Year Newsweek When peering into Russia's future from a Russian vantage point, one has to mark the year 2014 as a major threshold....
» Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks: Is Putin the most powerful man in the world? - CNN
05/01/17 16:33 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from Putin and Putinism - News Review. CNN Is Putin the most powerful man in the world? CNN Is Putin the most powerful man in the world? Phil Black looks at how hacking, military might and Putin's personality h...
» Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks: Asymmetrical diplomacy: Will Putin's charm offensive win over Trump? - CNN
05/01/17 16:32 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from Putin and Putinism - News Review. CNN Asymmetrical diplomacy: Will Putin's charm offensive win over Trump? CNN Others see in Putin's charm offensive evidence of "asymmetric diplomacy:" unpredicta...
» Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks: В.А.Волк, М.И.Волк, И.И.Волк
05/01/17 16:31 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from Putin and Putinism - News Review. Уважаемые Валентина Александровна, Марина Игоревна, Ирина Игоревна, Примите мои соболезнования в связи с кончиной Игоря Петровича Волка. Посвятив себя авиации, космонавтик...
» Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks: Соболезнования в связи с кончиной лётчика-космонавта Игоря Волка
05/01/17 16:31 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from Putin and Putinism - News Review. Владимир Путин выразил соболезнования родным лётчика-космонавта, Героя Советского Союза Игоря Петровича Волка в связи с его кончиной. В телеграмме главы государства, в час...
» Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks: Подробности личной жизни Владимира Путина - Электорат.Инфо
05/01/17 16:31 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from Putin and Putinism - News Review. Электорат.Инфо Подробности личной жизни Владимира Путина Электорат.Инфо спросили Владимира Путина во время прямой линии. «Бывает, но только на себя. Значит недоволен собой...
» Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks: Путин выразил соболезнования в связи с кончиной космонавта Волка - РИА Новости
05/01/17 16:30 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from Putin and Putinism - News Review. РИА Новости Путин выразил соболезнования в связи с кончиной космонавта Волка РИА Новости РИА Новости. Сергей Гунеев · Перейти в фотобанк. МОСКВА, 5 янв — РИА Новост...
» Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks: Trump is in for a 'rude awakening' on Putin, ex-senator and diplomat George Mitchell warns - CNBC
05/01/17 16:30 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from Putin and Putinism - News Review. CNBC Trump is in for a 'rude awakening' on Putin , ex-senator and diplomat George Mitchell warns CNBC President-elect Donald Trump's skepticism about U.S. intelligence con...
» Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks: Kaine: Why is Trump Putin's 'defense lawyer'? - WUTR WFXV CNYhomepage
05/01/17 16:30 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from Putin and Putinism - News Review. Press TV Kaine: Why is Trump Putin's 'defense lawyer'? WUTR WFXV CNYhomepage Sen. Tim Kaine on Thursday criticized President-elect Donald Trump, alleging he is acting like...
» Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks: Леонид Радзиховский: Путин не переиграл. Он пересидел - Фонтанка.Ру
05/01/17 16:30 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from Putin and Putinism - News Review. СЕГОДНЯ Леонид Радзиховский: Путин не переиграл. Он пересидел Фонтанка.Ру Поэтому теперь в разговоре с «Фонтанкой» его разбирает кандидат психологических наук – публицист ...
» Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks: Russian hacking claims: US spy chief promises Putin motive - BBC News
05/01/17 16:29 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from Putin and Putinism - News Review. CNN Russian hacking claims: US spy chief promises Putin motive BBC News The US intelligence chief has promised to explain why Russia allegedly meddled in the US presidenti...
» Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks: Russian hacking: US spy chief promises Putin motive - BBC News
05/01/17 16:29 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from Putin and Putinism - News Review. CNN Russian hacking: US spy chief promises Putin motive BBC News The US intelligence chief has promised to explain why Russia allegedly meddled in the US presidential elec...
» Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks: US spy chief promises 'Putin hack' motive - BBC News
05/01/17 16:29 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from Putin and Putinism - News Review. Bloomberg US spy chief promises ' Putin hack' motive BBC News Director of National Intelligence General James Clapper told Congress the motive of Russian President Vladimi...
» Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks: Путин – супергерой европейских ультра -
05/01/17 16:28 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from Putin and Putinism - News Review. Путин – супергерой европейских ультра В декабре на сайте государственного французском радио France Info появилась заметка под названием «Почему...
» Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks: Centrist Democrats Using Putin and Russian Hackers To Maintain Control of Their Party -
05/01/17 16:28 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from Putin and Putinism - News Review. Centrist Democrats Using Putin and Russian Hackers To Maintain Control of Their Party The more they talk about spies, hackers, and Putin , ...
» Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks: New York Police Urged to Fix Inequities in Deployment of Investigators - New York Times
05/01/17 16:27 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from Police News Review. New York Times New York Police Urged to Fix Inequities in Deployment of Investigators New York Times The New York City public advocate, the City Council speaker and other elected offici...
» Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks: Turkey nightclub attack: Police 'detain several Uighurs' in raids - BBC News
05/01/17 16:26 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from Police News Review. Turkey nightclub attack: Police 'detain several Uighurs' in raids BBC News Turkey has arrested a number of people of Uighur ethnicity over a deadly nightclub attack that k...
» Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks: Cops shoot Staten Island gunman, question possible second suspect - New York Daily News
05/01/17 16:26 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from Police News Review. WABC-TV Cops shoot Staten Island gunman, question possible second suspect New York Daily News Police responded to the corner of Kreischer and Androvette Sts. around 1:20 a.m. after rece...
» Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks: Cops shoot suspect who opened fire in Staten Island, seek second - New York Daily News
05/01/17 16:25 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from Police News Review. WABC-TV Cops shoot suspect who opened fire in Staten Island, seek second New York Daily News Police responded to the corner of Kreischer and Androvette Sts. around 1:20 a.m. after recei...
» Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks: Retired Senator Dan Coats - Google Search
05/01/17 15:17 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story . Dan Coats Expected to Be Named Intelligence Director New York Times - 1 hour ago Retired Senator Dan Coats of Indiana is expected to be named the Trump administration's director of national intelligence, acco...
» Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks: Dan Coats Expected to Be Named Intelligence Director
05/01/17 15:16 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story . So the conservative Club For Growth, a big supporter of Republican candidates, jumped in on Thursday . “The President-elect’s threat of a ‘big border tax’ is bad policy and bad precede...
» mikenov on Twitter: Dan Coats Expected to Be Named Intelligence Director
05/01/17 15:08 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
Dan Coats Expected to Be Named Intelligence Director Posted by mikenov on Thu Jan 5 20:08:14 2017. mikenov on Twitter
» mikenov on Twitter: News Reviews and Opinions: Intelligence Chief Criticizes ‘Disparagement’ of F...
05/01/17 15:05 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
News Reviews and Opinions: Intelligence Chief Criticizes ‘Disparagement’ of F... Posted by mikenov on Thu Jan 5 20:05:11 2017. mikenov on Twitter
» mikenov on Twitter: Intelligence Chief Criticizes ‘Disparagement’ of Findings on Russian Hacking
05/01/17 14:15 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
Intelligence Chief Criticizes ‘Disparagement’ of Findings on Russian Hacking Posted by mikenov on Thu Jan 5 19:15:10 2017. mikenov on Twitter
» Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks: Berlin truck attacker used at least 14 names: German police
05/01/17 13:49 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story . &amp;amp;amp;amp;lt;iframe src="//" height="0" width="0" style="display:none;visibility:hidden"&amp;amp;amp;amp;gt;&amp;amp;amp;amp;lt;/iframe&amp...
» Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks: Comey defends actions during 'challenging' U.S. election year
05/01/17 13:48 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story . &amp;amp;amp;amp;lt;iframe src="//" height="0" width="0" style="display:none;visibility:hidden"&amp;amp;amp;amp;gt;&amp;amp;amp;amp;lt;/iframe&amp...
» mikenov on Twitter: Comey defends actions during 'challenging' U.S. election year via @Reuters
05/01/17 13:47 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
Comey defends actions during 'challenging' U.S. election year via @Reuters Posted by mikenov on Thu Jan 5 18:47:24 2017. mikenov on Twitter
» mikenov on Twitter: U.S. intelligence chiefs call Russia 'major' cyber threat to U.S. via @Reuters
05/01/17 13:46 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
U.S. intelligence chiefs call Russia 'major' cyber threat to U.S. via @Reuters Posted by mikenov on Thu Jan 5 18:46:20 2017. mikenov on Twitter
» mikenov on Twitter: News Reviews and Opinions: Reports that Trump eyeing revamp of spy agencies a...
05/01/17 13:36 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
News Reviews and Opinions: Reports that Trump eyeing revamp of spy agencies a... Posted by mikenov on Thu Jan 5 18:36:18 2017. mikenov on Twitter
» mikenov on Twitter: Reports that Trump eyeing revamp of spy agencies are false: spokesman via @Reuters
05/01/17 13:30 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
Reports that Trump eyeing revamp of spy agencies are false: spokesman via @Reuters Posted by mikenov on Thu Jan 5 18:30:35 2017. mikenov on Twitter
» mikenov on Twitter: Top U.S. intelligence official 'resolute' in belief Russia hacked election via @Reuters
05/01/17 13:13 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
Top U.S. intelligence official 'resolute' in belief Russia hacked election via @Reuters Posted by mikenov on Thu Jan 5 18:13:17 2017. mikenov on Twitter
» Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks: Live political coverage |
05/01/17 10:13 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from Live political coverage. Congress grills top U.S. spies on alleged Russian cyber attacks on the 2016 presidential campaign. by Derek Caney 1/5/2017 1:34:19 PM 8:34 AM Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
» Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks: Президент России
05/01/17 10:02 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story . Новогоднее обращение к граждана ...
» Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks: Putin Fantomas - Google Search
05/01/17 10:01 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story . Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
» mikenov on Twitter: News Reviews and Opinions: » Соболезнования в связи с кончиной лётчика-космон...
05/01/17 09:47 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
News Reviews and Opinions: » Соболезнования в связи с кончиной лётчика-космон... Posted by mikenov on Thu Jan 5 14:47:11 2017. mikenov on Twitter
» mikenov on Twitter: The U.S. and Global Security Review: Clown and Generals: "The old Cherokee simply repli...
05/01/17 09:26 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
The U.S. and Global Security Review: Clown and Generals: "The old Cherokee simply repli... Posted by mikenov on Thu Jan 5 14:26:46 2017. mikenov on Twitter
» mikenov on Twitter: Ну, погоди! все серии подряд смотреть онлайн бесплатно via @YouTube
05/01/17 09:15 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
Ну, погоди! все серии подряд смотреть онлайн бесплатно via @YouTube Posted by mikenov on Thu Jan 5 14:15:38 2017. mikenov on Twitter
» Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks: clown and generals - Google Search
05/01/17 08:49 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story . Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
» Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks: two dead wolves - Google Search
05/01/17 08:31 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story . Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks
» Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks: Игорь Волк - Google Search
05/01/17 08:01 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story . Умер космонавт Игорь Волк РИА Ново...
» Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks: Putin fears Clinton - Google News: GOP intel chair to Trump: Cozying up to Putin a bad bet - Washington Examiner (blog)
04/01/17 22:39 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from Recent Events Review In Brief. Slate Magazine GOP intel chair to Trump: Cozying up to Putin a bad bet Washington Examiner (blog) Devin Nunes of California, the House Intelligence Committee chairman, told t...
» Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks: police officers shootings - Google News: Cops fatally shoot man firing handgun outside Brooklyn lounge - New York Daily News
04/01/17 22:37 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from Recent Events Review In Brief. New York Daily News Cops fatally shoot man firing handgun outside Brooklyn lounge New York Daily News Cops fatally shot a teenage gunman seen blasting away at an occupied Bro...
» Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks: Russia influence in Eastern Europe - Google News: Trump Attacks of US Intelligence on Russia Unnerve Lawmakers - Wall Street Journal
04/01/17 22:36 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from Recent Events Review In Brief. Wall Street Journal Trump Attacks of US Intelligence on Russia Unnerve Lawmakers Wall Street Journal Many analysts and U.S. intelligence agencies believe that Mr. Putin is tr...
» Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks: clinton trump debate - Google News: A Timeline of Trump's Strange, Contradictory Statements on Russian Hacking - WIRED
04/01/17 22:36 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from Recent Events Review In Brief. WIRED A Timeline of Trump's Strange, Contradictory Statements on Russian Hacking WIRED September 26, 2016: In the first presidential debate : “I don't think anybody knows it ...
» Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks: Police officers Bronx - Google News: SEE IT: Trio of NYPD cops beats Bronx man as he lies on ground - New York Daily News
04/01/17 22:34 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from Recent Events Review In Brief. New York Daily News SEE IT: Trio of NYPD cops beats Bronx man as he lies on ground New York Daily News The NYPD is investigating a disturbing video that shows a group of offi...
» Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks: trump - Google News: Trump attacks set intelligence community on edge - CNN
04/01/17 22:34 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from Recent Events Review In Brief. CNN Trump attacks set intelligence community on edge CNN (CNN) Intelligence officials are increasingly dismayed about President-elect Donald Trump's tweets and continued publ...
» Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks: trump and russia - Google News: Why Is Trump So Reluctant to Accept Claims of Russian Hacking? - The Atlantic
04/01/17 22:34 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from Recent Events Review In Brief. The Atlantic Why Is Trump So Reluctant to Accept Claims of Russian Hacking? The Atlantic While there is some principled skepticism about attributing the hacks to Russia , Tru...
» Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks: us russia syria - Google News: Turks Turn Down US Military Help in Syria, Accept Russian Aid Instead -
04/01/17 22:33 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from Recent Events Review In Brief. Turks Turn Down US Military Help in Syria , Accept Russian Aid Instead Al Bab sits about halfway between Aleppo and Manbij and the U.S. is concerned t...
» Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks: trump and russia - Google News: Donald Trump Plans Revamp of Top US Spy Agency - Wall Street Journal
04/01/17 22:32 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from Recent Events Review In Brief. Wall Street Journal Donald Trump Plans Revamp of Top US Spy Agency Wall Street Journal The planning comes as Mr. Trump has leveled a series of social media attacks in recent ...
» Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks: trump - Google News: Donald Trump Plans Revamp of Top US Spy Agency - Wall Street Journal
04/01/17 22:32 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from Recent Events Review In Brief. Wall Street Journal Donald Trump Plans Revamp of Top US Spy Agency Wall Street Journal WASHINGTON—President-elect Donald Trump , a harsh critic of U.S. intelligence agencies,...
» Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks: Vladimir Putin's Newest Export: Terrorists - Daily Beast
04/01/17 22:24 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from Putin and Putinism - News Review. Daily Beast Vladimir Putin's Newest Export: Terrorists Daily Beast Sputnik Photo Agency / Reuters. FROM RUSSIA WITH HATE. Vladimir Putin's Newest Export: Terrorists. ISIS ...
» Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks: Ivanka Trump's New Washington Home Once Belonged to a Putin Foe - New York Times
04/01/17 22:22 from 1. My News Blogs from mikenova (2 sites)
mikenova shared this story from Putin and Putinism - News Review. New York Times Ivanka Trump's New Washington Home Once Belonged to a Putin Foe New York Times The six-bedroom, 6,870-square-foot house that Ivanka Trump and her husband, J...

RUSSIA and THE WEST - РОССИЯ и ЗАПАД: Putin: READ MY LIPS: "кое-что хорошее мы всё-таки ...

RUSSIA and THE WEST - РОССИЯ и ЗАПАД: Putin: READ MY LIPS: "кое-что хорошее мы всё-таки ...: Совещание с членами Правительства - 11 января 2017 года 14:50 - Москва, Кремль Владимир Путин провёл совещание с членами Правительства....

RUSSIA and THE WEST - РОССИЯ и ЗАПАД: Russian Lessons: редиска - нехороший человек...

RUSSIA and THE WEST - РОССИЯ и ЗАПАД: Russian Lessons: редиска - нехороший человек...: редиска нехороший человек   Джентельмены удачи Нехороший человек ( редиска ) этот нехороший человек предаст нас при первой опас...

Yesterday (1.10.17) Senate Hearing is a lesson in democracy for Russian leaders.

Yesterday (1.10.17) Senate Hearing is a lesson in democracy for Russian leaders. "Our [American] democracy is not at risk" (Sen. Burr), the Russian pseudo-democracy, in fact, a dictatorship, is.