Saturday, April 13, 2024

Selected Articles Review at 11 a.m. [Inoreader digest]

Selected Articles Review at 11 a.m.

created by Michael Novakhov  •  Apr 13 2024

Selected Articles Review at 11 a.m. Daily
From The News And Times -
Current Selected Articles:
All Current Articles:
The Psychology of the FBI and Police informants - Google Searches - 3.6.24
Michael Novakhov (Mike Nova) 3/05/2024 08:30:00 AM ... 2h
Biden to Iran regarding imminent attack: 'Don't'
WASHINGTON (NewsNation) — President Joe Biden said Friday he expected Iran to launch a strike on Israel...
Audio Posts In English - The News And Times - 14h
Кто виноват в наводнении в Оренбургской области?
Следственный комитет возбудил уголовное дело из-за прорыва дамбы в районе Орска. Экологи не сомневаются,...
DW (Russian) 14h
@MailOnline: James Crumbley's threatening jailhouse phone calls where he vowed to...
James Crumbley's threatening jailhouse phone calls where he vowed to get revenge on prosecutor who charged...
Daily Mail Online (@MailOnline) / Twitter 14h
Warner calls lack of Havana Syndrome intel 'very, very problematic' - AOL
Warner calls lack of Havana Syndrome intel 'very, very problematic'  AOL
"Havana syndrome" - Google News 14h
What Is Havana Syndrome? Havana Syndrome Symptoms and Whether You Should Worry -...
What Is Havana Syndrome? Havana Syndrome Symptoms and Whether You Should Worry  The Albany Herald
"Havana syndrome" - Google News 14h
Ex-Shin Bet chief: Netanyahu unfit for office, leading Israel to its doom
Saying the PM is directly responsible through his policies for 'the greatest disaster' in Israel's history,...
The Times of Israel 14h
German Police Stop Pro-Palestinian Conference - German Police Stop Pro-Palestinian...
German Police Stop Pro-Palestinian Conference - German Police Stop Pro-Palestinian Conference  The New...
"Germany" - Google News 14h
Biden calls Netanyahu's approach to Gaza war a 'mistake' - The Independent US
Biden calls Netanyahu's approach to Gaza war a 'mistake'  The Independent US
"Biden and Netanyahu" - Google News 14h
Pope Francis' approval rating remains high in the U.S. but has slipped since 2021...
Pope Francis' approval rating remains high in the U.S. but has slipped since 2021  Catholic News Agency
"pope francis" - Google News 14h
McCabe denies Russia probe was 'coup,' but admits 'unacceptable' errors - Fox28 Savannah
McCabe denies Russia probe was 'coup,' but admits 'unacceptable' errors  Fox28 Savannah
"Andrew McCabe" - Google News 14h
13 men plead not guilty to role in Brooklyn synagogue tunnel scuffle - Newsday
13 men plead not guilty to role in Brooklyn synagogue tunnel scuffle  Newsday
"orthodox judaism" - Google News 14h
Thousands of ultra-Orthodox protest in Jerusalem against IDF draft - Cleveland Jewish...
Thousands of ultra-Orthodox protest in Jerusalem against IDF draft  Cleveland Jewish News
"orthodox judaism" - Google News 14h
Israeli defence minister says a direct Iranian attack would require appropriate response...
Israeli defence minister says a direct Iranian attack would require appropriate response
"Iran" - Google News 14h
Blinken asks China to use its influence to dissuade Iran from striking Israel - The...
Blinken asks China to use its influence to dissuade Iran from striking Israel  The Times of Israel
"Iran" - Google News 14h
Donald Trump would be denied a federal security clearance if he tried to get one...
Donald Trump would be denied a federal security clearance if he tried to get one  The HillThe post Donald...
Trump And Trumpism – The News And Times 14h
Trump's hush money trial begins Monday. Here's what to expect. – NBC News
Trump's hush money trial begins Monday. Here's what to expect.  NBC NewsThe post Trump's hush money trial...
Trump And Trumpism – The News And Times 14h
Trump's 1st criminal trial begins Monday. Here's what you need to know. – Yahoo!...
Trump's 1st criminal trial begins Monday. Here's what you need to know.  Yahoo! VoicesThe post Trump's...
Trump And Trumpism – The News And Times 14h
@JeremyW76322101: Co is this guy. @CIA Director William Burns 🫱🏼‍🫲🏾
Co is this guy. @CIA Director William Burns 🫱🏼‍🫲🏾—...
William Burns cia / Twitter Search 14h
Активы компаний "крабовых королей" с Дальнего Востока перешли в госсобственность
В собственность Росимуществу передали активы восьми рыбопромышленных компаний с Дальнего Востока, а также...
Российская Газета 14h
Many FBI agents are struggling to make ends meet. Housing costs are to blame
... 23h

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Innologica Ltd. 35 Akad. Boris Stefanov str., 1700 Sofia, Bulgaria

Friday, April 12, 2024

Saved Web Pages - Daily Report at 9 p.m. [Inoreader digest]

Saved Web Pages - Daily Report at 9 p.m.

created by Michael Novakhov  •  Apr 12 2024

The most notable news articles in full text version.
Current Page:
Many FBI agents are struggling to make ends meet. Housing costs are to blame
... 9h
Calls grow for NATO ally to send "game-changing" laser weapon to Ukraine
Calls for the United Kingdom, a key NATO ally, to test its new laser weapon on the battlefields of... 11h
В Москве полиция ворвалась в квартиру киргизского дипломата
В Москве полиция ворвалась в квартиру советника посольства Кыргызстана Манаса Жолдошбекова. Как сообщили... 11h
DragonFire: UK laser could be used against Russian drones on Ukraine front line 12h
How the Israel-Hamas War Is Tilting the Global Power Balance in Favor of Russia,...
Moscow and Beijing seek to ride the wave of solidarity with Palestinians while taking advantage of American... 12h
Hamas tells negotiators it doesn't have 40 Israeli hostages needed for first round...
Hamas has indicated it is currently unable to identify and... 12h
Putin and the Orthodox Church: how his faith shapes his politics
In light of recent events around Ukraine, we are re–sharing this extract from The Mighty and the Almighty... 13h
Встреча с Президентом России Владимиром Путиным | Официальный интернет-портал Президента...
Встреча президентов Беларуси и Российской Федерации Александра Лукашенко и Владимира Путина состоялась... 13h
Переговоры Путина и Лукашенко продлились почти четыре часа — РБК
Политика , 11 апр, 23:41  0  Переговоры президентов Путина и Лукашенко продлились почти четыре... 13h
В Москве прошли переговоры Путина и Лукашенко. Рассказываем главное
13:30В Волжском 68-летняя женщина стала донором почки для самой себя13:16МЧС предупреждает об ухудшении... 14h

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Innologica Ltd. 35 Akad. Boris Stefanov str., 1700 Sofia, Bulgaria