miriam carey stamford - GS
» Editorial: Questions remain in the shooting death of Miriam Carey
13/07/14 20:13 from Opinions: Washington Post Opinion, Editorial, Op Ed, Politics Editorials - The Washington Post
THE FINDINGS of the U.S. Attorney’s investigation into the death of a young mother after a harrowing car chase on Capitol Hill settles the issue of whether there was criminal or civil rights culpability. Prosecutors said they found insuf...
» Miriam Carey, D.C. suspect, thought Obama was speaking to her - Detroit Free Press
05/10/13 13:59 from Top Stories - Google News
New YorkerMiriam Carey, D.C. suspect, thought Obama was speaking to herDetroit Free PressThe 34-year-old Connecticut woman who was shot and killed by police after a harrowing high-speed chase from the White House to Capitol Hill was delu...
7:24 AM 10/5/2013
Capitol Suspect Miriam Carey Believed Obama Electronically Monitored Her
7:08 PM 10/4/2013
'She thought President Obama was stalking her'
Investigators have found indications that Miriam Carey suffered delusions due to a history of mental illness, NBC Connecticut reports.
She believed the President was electronically monitoring her Connecticut home in order to broadcast her life on television, sources said.
The lawsuit by the Woodside Green Association indicates Carey took out a mortgage on her Stamford condo in the amount of $237,616 in September 2009.
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2442703/Miriam-Carey-Dental-hygienist-shot-dead-Capitol-Hill-suffered-postpartum-depression.html#ixzz2gnW8FlOB
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'She thought she was Prophet of Stamford and Obama was stalking her'
Miriam Carey, 34, was taken for a mental health evaluation after an encounter with Connecticut police almost a year ago, in which she claimed to be a prophet and said the President was going to place the city of Stamford under lockdown, according to CBS.
She also believed he had been electronically monitoring her Connecticut home in order to broadcast her life on television like in the movie The Truman Show.
Authorities did not alert the Secret Service about the mother-of-one as they had no evidence she had ever made any kind of threat against Obama.
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2442703/Miriam-Carey-Dental-hygienist-shot-dead-Capitol-Hill-suffered-postpartum-depression.html#ixzz2gneOy0qA
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook
Schizophrenia Meds Found at Home of Miriam Carey After Capitol Chase
Mike Nova comments:
The pieces of information that draw the attention, are:
- Very sketchy, almost nonexistent biographical data at this point, although the Brooklyn origins, with its saturation with Russian population, connections and influences, might be significant.
- History of mental illness and brain trauma: Postpartum Depressions usually resolve within a year, and longer duration would be unusual; I doubt that it was Postpartum Depression. The neighbour described the presence of her mental illness with the words "absolutely":
"A neighbor, Erin Jackson, said she believed Carey lived in the Stamford home with the baby and the girl’s father. Asked if she believed Carey suffered from a mental illness, Jackson said “absolutely.”
Why? Based on what facts and observations? Who was the girl’s father?
What was her "dark side" exactly? What kind of "temper outbursts" did she have?
History of brain trauma is very significant. Was it induced on purpose, to make her more susceptible to future influences and manipulation? This is a "horrible" but very realistic thought. Again, as in A.A. case, the pattern of interspersed stretches of "normal" and "abnormal" behaviors might be present and might be indicative of induced psychotic episodes and mental illness.
The episode of "slashing tires":
(Jackson recognized the black Infinity sedan seen on television from the incident as resembling Carey’s car.
She said the woman’s tires recently were slashed in an incident in Connecticut.)
might be also quite significant and reminds a similar piece of information in A.A. case. Was it the deliberate, pre-designed act aimed to induce stress and illness? Or was it done to get her stuck to gain time for something?Her driving during the episode was erratic and "crazy". In this regard: why the police did not simply shoot at the tires to disable the vehicle? The main source of information, just like in A.A. case, was lost. Is there some element of planning and design also: to dispose with living weapons and to prevent further investigation? The cause of this possibility is not the police, of course, they simply panicked a little, but might be a part of the general design and plan.
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They range from $30,000 to $50,000.
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Dental Hygienist Salary | Indeed.com
Approximately, on average, her car costed about the same as her annual salary (what was it exactly?). Could she afford it? Did she buy it on credit? What were her monthly payments? Did her "boyfriend", or probably, more exactly, her handler help her with the payments and was this particular type of car bought specifically with the purpose of containing and transmitting the message?
General Questions:
Were some microchip devices implanted into the perps' faces, skulls, etc. and transmitted command auditory hallucinations to them?
(A.A. lower lip on the left, on a bad, out of focus photo, shows what appears to be some lesion, and his Thai friend's left ear is deformed. Does it have any significance?)
Was it done in combination with lobotomy (which, I suspect, was used by the KGB since the inception of this method, and most likely was even sponsored by them in Moniz "discovery"? He was a Portuguese "democrat", most likely a communist, very active politically and most likely did have the close connections with the KGB, who probably attempted to kill him to keep their secrets by sending a patient-murderer to him. I also suspect that lobotomy was used in Moscow show trials in late 1930-s. This might be a side issue but the indication that KGB might have the extensive experience with this procedure.
(A.A. lower lip on the left, on a bad, out of focus photo, shows what appears to be some lesion, and his Thai friend's left ear is deformed. Does it have any significance?)
Was it done in combination with lobotomy (which, I suspect, was used by the KGB since the inception of this method, and most likely was even sponsored by them in Moniz "discovery"? He was a Portuguese "democrat", most likely a communist, very active politically and most likely did have the close connections with the KGB, who probably attempted to kill him to keep their secrets by sending a patient-murderer to him. I also suspect that lobotomy was used in Moscow show trials in late 1930-s. This might be a side issue but the indication that KGB might have the extensive experience with this procedure.
Was hypnosis used in combination with all these "methods"?
What are the results of A.A. autopsy? Was something described above found in it?
What are the results of this woman autopsy, when they become available?
induced auditory hallucinations - GS
induced auditory hallucinations implanted microchips - GS
lobotomy - GS
Lobotomy - From Wikipedia
António Egas Moniz - From Wikipedia
hypnosis - GS
kgb hypnosis
kgb lobotomy blogs
-What are the results of A.A. autopsy? Was something described above found in it?
What are the results of this woman autopsy, when they become available?
induced auditory hallucinations - GS
induced auditory hallucinations implanted microchips - GS
lobotomy - GS
Lobotomy - From Wikipedia
António Egas Moniz - From Wikipedia
hypnosis - GS
kgb hypnosis
kgb lobotomy blogs
Postpartum Depression
Onset and duration[edit source]
Postpartum depression usually begins in the first few months after childbirth. In Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition it is defined as depression with onset within 4 weeks after childbirth. Postpartum depression can also affect women who have suffered a miscarriage.[7] It usually begins around two weeks after childbirth.[8] It may last up to several months or even a year.[9]
We reached out to a former employer who said he fired Carey last year after working for him for about a year. He told ABC7 News that Carey was, “at first pleasant, and then we started to see a darker side of her.”
Read more: http://www.wjla.com/articles/2013/10/capitol-shooting-miriam-carey-motive-still-in-question-94869.html#ixzz2gl1ydS3O
Woman identified as Miriam Carey, 34, killed after incident with car at White House barricade
She is said to have had a history of mental illness and traumatic brain injury. NBC News reports that she did not have a gun, or any other weapon in her vehicle. A law enforcement source is quoted as saying she "was using her car as a weapon."
Dr. Brian L. Evans, a periodontist in Hamden, Conn., for whom Ms. Carey had worked until about a year ago, said that he believed that she had suffered a significant head injury sometime during the year she was employed by him. He described Ms. Carey as having “a bit of a temper,” but “nothing unusual, nothing that would ever lead us to think she would ever do anything like this.”
Stamford Mayor Michael Pavia said in a press statement late Thursday that city officials cannot provide more information on the local woman believed to have beenfatally shot in Washington, D.C. after leading police on a high-speed chase from the White House to the Capitol.
"A full investigation is underway by federal authorities who are in Stamford currently," Pavia said in the press release. "Stamford police are assisting federal authorities as needed."
Motive unknown: The Capitol Hill fatal car chase — MSNBC
Mike Nova comments: I think it remains a question if this Facebook page was made and published by the subject herself or by some other players, who intended it as a message with "likes"; it does not contain anything else, as I can see it now. This style of "messaging" might have some parallels with "messaging system" in etchings on A.A. gun. This might mean that this information is intended to be perceived as messages with some references to messaging sources, and this, in turn, might indicate the deliberate attempt to threaten and to intimidate (IMVHAPO).
Miriam Carey did have a Facebook page. There’s a Miriam Carey from Stamford, Connecticut which is being assumed to be her Facebook page. She was originally from Brooklyn, New York. Here is a picture of Miriam Carey using one of the pictures:
Miriam Carey on Facebook


(Black Infinity Symbol: "the ball is in your court" and "we have the balls" ["to do what we have done"] - M.N.)

Doesn't he look like someone? Is this a message also? Historically, the origins of Russian state are traced down to Vikings.
By the way, I think you should call him PussyPut. It is the mask with his eyes.
Mike Nova comments: I think it remains a question if this Facebook page was made and published by the subject herself or by some other players, who intended it as a message with "likes"; it does not contain anything else, as I can see it now. This style of "messaging" might have some parallels with "messaging system" in etchings on A.A. gun. This might mean that this information is intended to be perceived as messages with some references to messaging sources, and this, in turn, might indicate the deliberate attempt to threaten and to intimidate (IMVHAPO).
Miriam Carey did have a Facebook page. There’s a Miriam Carey from Stamford, Connecticut which is being assumed to be her Facebook page. She was originally from Brooklyn, New York. Here is a picture of Miriam Carey using one of the pictures:
Miriam Carey on Facebook


(Black Infinity Symbol: "the ball is in your court" and "we have the balls" ["to do what we have done"] - M.N.)
CONTEST TIME ! Our Viking mascot needs a name. What do you think we should call him ? A $50 gift card awarded to the best entry ! If more than 1 person submits the same name and we choose that entry, 1 winner will be randomly selected. Winner will be announced Friday on our website.

Doesn't he look like someone? Is this a message also? Historically, the origins of Russian state are traced down to Vikings.
By the way, I think you should call him PussyPut. It is the mask with his eyes.
When the FBI and secret service showed up late Thursday afternoon, some residents of the complex were asked to evacuate, including Angela Corrente, 37, who lived in the same building as Carey.
Corrente said she didn't know Carey, but saw her frequently. They would let each other in and out of the building, she said. She recalled that the last time she was Carey was about a week ago. "She had a baby," Corrente said. "She's pretty quiet. Pretty much kept to herself."
(WASHINGTON) — A woman killed by police Thursday after a high-speed chase through Washington, D.C., that led to a lockdown of Capitol Hill suffered post-partum depression following the recent birth of her daughter, the now-identified suspect’s mother told ABC News.
The family confirmed the woman killed in the Washington, D.C., incident was Miriam Carey, 34, a dental hygienist from Stamford, Conn.
Authorities said the woman led police on a chase down Pennsylvania Avenueto the Capitol after ramming a gate at the White House.
Authorities described Carey has having a “mental illness.”
“She had post-partum depression after having the baby” last August, said the woman’s mother, Idella Carey.
She added, “A few months later, she got sick. She was depressed. … She was hospitalized.”
Carey had a 1-year-old daughter named Erica, her mother said. Police confirmed that a 1-year-old girl was taken from the car and put in “protective custody.”
Idella Carey said her daughter had “no history of violence” and she did not know why she was in Washington, D.C. She said she believed Carey was taking the little girl to a doctor’s appointment Thursday in Connecticut.
Dr. Steven Oken, her boss of eight years, described Carey as a “non-political person” who was “always happy.”
“I would never in a million years believe that she would do something like this,” he said. “It’s the furthest thing from anything I would think she would do, especially with her child in the car. I am floored that it would be her.”
A neighbor, Erin Jackson, said she believed Carey lived in the Stamford home with the baby and the girl’s father. Asked if she believed Carey suffered from a mental illness, Jackson said “absolutely.”
Jackson recognized the black Infinity sedan seen on television from the incident as resembling Carey’s car.
She said the woman’s tires recently were slashed in an incident in Connecticut.
Police, including SWAT and bomb disposal units, surrounded Carey’s home in Stamford Thursday evening. Police there said they were awaiting a search warrant from Washington, though 50 people from the apartment building already were being evacuated for the night.
Cops said Carey eluded police after they stopped her car and drew their guns. When she continued to flee, she drove “very erratically, very dangerously,” said Senate Sergeant at Arms Terrance Gainer.
She ultimately rammed a police car and was shot by police without exiting the car, Gainer said. Two officers, one from the Capitol Police and one from Secret Service, were injured in the incident.
No weapons were found in the car, police said.
to egg on - GS
In a news conference, D.C. Police Chief Cathy L. Lanier said the incident did not appear to be an accident, noting there was “a lengthy pursuit.”
Told about the confrontation on Capitol Hill, Windley said: “I would have pulled over, stopped. Why wouldn’t she? Why would she have done this? Why? And why with her daughter in the car? Why would she do something like that?”
black infinity symbol - GS
Below, you see an example of the ancient occultic Alchemy symbol for brimstone (sulfur - GS - M.N.). It incorporates both the Double Cross of Lorraine, as well as the Infinity symbol. Both are occult symbols in their own right.

infinity symbol tattoo design
intimidation - W
intimidation campaign - GS
» Putin, Obama may discuss Syria next week in Bali: Kremlin
03/10/13 10:27 from Reuters: International
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russian President Vladimir Putin and U.S. President Barack Obama may discuss the Syria crisis on the sidelines of an Asia-Pacific summit next week in Bali, a Kremlin aide said on Thursday.
Operation "Skyfall" - a message from "The Blue Sepia Lady"
Below, you see an example of the ancient occultic Alchemy symbol for brimstone (sulfur - GS - M.N.). It incorporates both the Double Cross of Lorraine, as well as the Infinity symbol. Both are occult symbols in their own right.

"The Infinite Double Cross"?
The reference to the "double cross", a symbol of betrayal and treachery, is curious and might be the indication of either the hypothetical "double-crosser's" - traitor's or mastermind perpetrator's ambivalence about his/her actions or his/her brazen arrogance or "criminal signature" or all of the above; or, on the other hand the attempt to mislead the investigation. The timing might not be coincidental. This type of the double cross is, obviously, also a part of the Orthodox Christian symbolism and it is hard to assign any significance to this imagery at this point. It is not a bad idea to check the religious affiliations, formal and informal of this and previous perps and their 'significant others."
For the sake of completeness and logic, there is a number of third parties which would be interested to saw the discord between the two primary parties. This, of course, makes the picture more complex but has to be considered and to be looked into carefully, whatever difficult it might be.
There is also a possibility of a non-formal-state affiliated but powerful and devilish actor ("sulfur, brimstone producer"), whose true purposes might be somewhat enigmatic at this point.
This image also contains quite obvious (and elegant) sexual, phallic symbolism: balls on the bottom and dick shaft with a dick head on the top. And as such it probably is intended to convey the notions of power and domination, and, by extension the attempt at intimidation also, as referred to in more details below. It would be also wise not to overestimate the significance of symbolic imagery, just like any symbolism in general.
- M.N.
brimstone missile - GS

Diagram of the Brimstone missile showing its tail control flaps
? "This is our "Brimstone missile"; just as in "this is our ELF weapon"?
"This is and will be our response: our low tech weapon (just a car driven by the manipulated, crazy, hypnotised or in some other ways controlled driver) to your hi tech weapon systems".
The quote marks here are very important: do not ascribe this line of thought to me; I am just trying to understand, to decipher and to interpret theirs.
- M.N.
Brimstone (missile) - From Wikipedia
Brimstone is an air-launched ground attack missile developed by MBDA for Britain's Royal Air Force. It was originally intended for "fire and forget" use against mass formations of enemy armour, using a millimetre wave (mmW) seeker to ensure accuracy even against moving targets. Experience in Afghanistan led to the addition of laser guidance in the dual-mode Brimstone missile, allowing a "man in the loop" to pick out specific targets when friendly forces or civilians were in the area. The Tandem Shaped charge warhead is much more effective against modern tanks than similar weapons such as the AGM-65G Maverick, whilst the small blast area minimises collateral damage. Three Brimstones are carried on a launcher that occupies a single weapon station, allowing a single aircraft to carry many missiles.
double cross - GS
Meaning: An act of treachery, perpetrated on a previous partner in a deceit. - Phrase Dictionary
dou·ble–cross transitive verb \ˌdə-bəl-ˈkrȯs\ - Merriam-Webster Dictionary
to cheat or deceive (someone) especially by doing something that is different from what you said you would do
Full Definition of DOUBLE-CROSS: to deceive by double-dealing : betray
— dou·ble–cross·er noun
First Known Use of DOUBLE-CROSS: 1903
Related to DOUBLE-CROSS: Synonyms:
backstab, cross, double-cross, sell (out), two-time
double cross noun
Definition of DOUBLE CROSS:
1. a : an act of winning or trying to win a fight or match after agreeing to lose it
b : an act of betraying or cheating an associate
2. a cross between first-generation hybrids of four separate inbred lines (as in the production of hybrid seed corn)
Examples of DOUBLE CROSS: <politics is full of double crosses and backbiting>
First Known Use of DOUBLE CROSS: 1834
Related to DOUBLE CROSS: Synonyms:
backstabbing, business, disloyalty, betrayal, faithlessness, falseness, falsity, infidelity, perfidy, sellout, treachery, treason, two-timing, unfaithfulness
Betrayal - From Wikipedia
double cross of Lorraine - GS
Cross of Lorraine - From Wikipedia
orthodox christian cross - GS
russian orthodox cross - GS
russian orthodox cross for sale - GS
The reference to the "double cross", a symbol of betrayal and treachery, is curious and might be the indication of either the hypothetical "double-crosser's" - traitor's or mastermind perpetrator's ambivalence about his/her actions or his/her brazen arrogance or "criminal signature" or all of the above; or, on the other hand the attempt to mislead the investigation. The timing might not be coincidental. This type of the double cross is, obviously, also a part of the Orthodox Christian symbolism and it is hard to assign any significance to this imagery at this point. It is not a bad idea to check the religious affiliations, formal and informal of this and previous perps and their 'significant others."
For the sake of completeness and logic, there is a number of third parties which would be interested to saw the discord between the two primary parties. This, of course, makes the picture more complex but has to be considered and to be looked into carefully, whatever difficult it might be.
There is also a possibility of a non-formal-state affiliated but powerful and devilish actor ("sulfur, brimstone producer"), whose true purposes might be somewhat enigmatic at this point.
This image also contains quite obvious (and elegant) sexual, phallic symbolism: balls on the bottom and dick shaft with a dick head on the top. And as such it probably is intended to convey the notions of power and domination, and, by extension the attempt at intimidation also, as referred to in more details below. It would be also wise not to overestimate the significance of symbolic imagery, just like any symbolism in general.
- M.N.
brimstone missile - GS
Diagram of the Brimstone missile showing its tail control flaps
Published on Jun 25, 2013
The UK developed, combat-proven, Brimstone missile carries out the world's first surface-to-surface salvo engagement of multiple Fast In-shore Attack Craft (FIAC).
? "This is our "Brimstone missile"; just as in "this is our ELF weapon"?
"This is and will be our response: our low tech weapon (just a car driven by the manipulated, crazy, hypnotised or in some other ways controlled driver) to your hi tech weapon systems".
The quote marks here are very important: do not ascribe this line of thought to me; I am just trying to understand, to decipher and to interpret theirs.
Brimstone (missile) - From Wikipedia
Brimstone is an air-launched ground attack missile developed by MBDA for Britain's Royal Air Force. It was originally intended for "fire and forget" use against mass formations of enemy armour, using a millimetre wave (mmW) seeker to ensure accuracy even against moving targets. Experience in Afghanistan led to the addition of laser guidance in the dual-mode Brimstone missile, allowing a "man in the loop" to pick out specific targets when friendly forces or civilians were in the area. The Tandem Shaped charge warhead is much more effective against modern tanks than similar weapons such as the AGM-65G Maverick, whilst the small blast area minimises collateral damage. Three Brimstones are carried on a launcher that occupies a single weapon station, allowing a single aircraft to carry many missiles.
double cross - GS
Meaning: An act of treachery, perpetrated on a previous partner in a deceit. - Phrase Dictionary
dou·ble–cross transitive verb \ˌdə-bəl-ˈkrȯs\ - Merriam-Webster Dictionary
to cheat or deceive (someone) especially by doing something that is different from what you said you would do
Full Definition of DOUBLE-CROSS: to deceive by double-dealing : betray
— dou·ble–cross·er noun
First Known Use of DOUBLE-CROSS: 1903
Related to DOUBLE-CROSS: Synonyms:
backstab, cross, double-cross, sell (out), two-time
double cross noun
Definition of DOUBLE CROSS:
1. a : an act of winning or trying to win a fight or match after agreeing to lose it
b : an act of betraying or cheating an associate
2. a cross between first-generation hybrids of four separate inbred lines (as in the production of hybrid seed corn)
Examples of DOUBLE CROSS: <politics is full of double crosses and backbiting>
First Known Use of DOUBLE CROSS: 1834
Related to DOUBLE CROSS: Synonyms:
backstabbing, business, disloyalty, betrayal, faithlessness, falseness, falsity, infidelity, perfidy, sellout, treachery, treason, two-timing, unfaithfulness
Betrayal - From Wikipedia
Double cross[edit]
Double cross is a phrase meaning to deceive by double-dealing.[4]
The phrase originates from the use of the word cross in the sense of foul play; deliberate collusion to lose a contest of some kind.
It has also been suggested that the term was inspired by the practice of 18th-century British thief taker and criminal Jonathan Wild, who kept a ledger of his transactions and is said to have placed two crosses by the names of persons who had cheated him in some way. This folk etymology is almost certainly incorrect, but there is documentary evidence that the term did exist in the 19th century.
More recently, the phrase was used to refer to either of two possible situations:
- A competitor participating in the fix who has agreed to throw their game instead competes as usual, against the original intention of their collaborators - one "cross" against another.
- Two opposing parties are approached, urging them to throw the game and back the other. Both parties lose out, and the perpetrators benefit by backing a third, winning party.
This use has passed into common parlance, so that, for example, in World War II, British Military Intelligence used the Double Cross System to release captured Nazis back to Germany bearing false information.
(To 'cross swords' was a term for a duel where two drawn swords made an X. So to cross someone was to take a sparring position against them.)
Mike Nova comments: Is this a reference to the supposed or perceived (by GRU and Russian military) "losing position" in missile defence and other related matters during Medvedev presidency and to the return to their usual aggressive and irreconcilable posture after Putin's reelection to the third term, confirmed by his marked departure from Medvedev's relatively dovish stance to his much more "hawkish" one in international and domestic matters? This "mad driving episode" (and the previous Washington Navy Yard shooting episode, the two latest and the most visible ones in a seemingly endless chain) is thus pointedly counterpoised to the humiliating exposure and expulsion of Russian GRU sleeper agents in June of 1910 during the Medvedev presidency.
Cross of Lorraine - From Wikipedia
The Lorraine cross was carried to the Crusades by the original Knights Templar, granted to them for their use by the Patriarch of Jerusalem.[2][3]
In the Catholic Church, an equal-armed Lorraine Cross denotes the office of archbishop.
orthodox christian cross - GS
russian orthodox cross - GS
russian orthodox cross for sale - GS
images for russian orthodox cross for sale - GS
infinity symbol tattoo design
intimidation - W
Description[edit source]
Threatening behaviors may be conceptualized as a maladaptive outgrowth of normal competitive urge for interrelational dominance generally seen in animals. Alternatively, intimidation may result from the type of society in which individuals are socialized, as human beings are generally reluctant to engage in confrontation or threaten violence.[4]
Like all behavioral traits it exists in greater or lesser manifestation in each individual person over time, but may be a more significant "compensatory behavior" for some as opposed to others. Behavioral theorists often see threatening behaviours as a consequence of being threatened by others, including parents, authority figures, playmates and siblings. “Use of force is justified when a person reasonably believes that it is necessary for the defense of oneself or another against the immediate use of unlawful force.”[5]
Intimidation may be employed consciously or unconsciously, and a percentage of people who employ it consciously may do so as the result of selfishly rationalized notions of its appropriation, utility or self-empowerment. Intimidation related to prejudice and discrimination may include conduct "which annoys, threatens, intimidates, alarms, or puts a person in fear of their safety...because of a belief or perception regarding such person's race, color, national origin, ancestry, gender, religion, religious practice, age, disability or sexual orientation, regardless of whether the belief or perception is correct."[6]
Intimidation may be manifested in such manner as physical contacts, glowering countenance, emotional manipulation, verbal abuse, making someone feel lower than you, purposeful embarrassment and/or actual physical assault. “Behavior may include, but is not limited to, epithets, derogatory comments or slurs and lewd propositions, assault, impeding or blocking movement, offensive touching or any physical interference with normal work or movement, and visual insults, such as derogatory posters or cartoons.”[6]
9.6.13: The Central Intelligence Agency's classified personality profile of Mr. Putin, prepared by the agency for Mr. Obama and other policy makers, says he was bullied in his youth. It also describes Mr. Putin as insecure...
intimidation campaign - GS
Obama cancels Asia tour over shutdown; raises questions on U.S. pivot
WASHINGTON/NUSA DUA, Indonesia - President Barack Obama called off plans to visit Asia and attend two summits because of the U.S. government shutdown, raising questions about the strategic "pivot" to the region that he announced just two years ago.
03/10/13 10:27 from Reuters: International
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russian President Vladimir Putin and U.S. President Barack Obama may discuss the Syria crisis on the sidelines of an Asia-Pacific summit next week in Bali, a Kremlin aide said on Thursday.
Operation "Skyfall" - a message from "The Blue Sepia Lady"