"The real McCoy": some sources and free associations, with the most relevant comments omitted for the lack of time and space:
The real McCoy - GS
"The real McCoy" is an idiom and metaphor used in much of the English-speaking world to mean "the real thing" or "the genuine article", e.g., "he's the real ...
The real McCoy - Wikipedia
In 1881, the expression was used in James S. Bond's The rise and Fall of the 'Union club"; or Boy life in Canada. A character says, "By jingo! yes; so it will be. It's the 'real McCoy,' as Jim Hicks says. Nobody but a devil can find us there."[4]
The expression has been falsely associated with Elijah McCoy's oil-drip cup invention.[5] The Real McCoy at One theory is that railroad engineers' looking to avoid inferior copies would request it by name, and inquire if a locomotive was fitted with 'the real McCoy system".[5][6] This possible origin is mentioned as a legend in Elijah McCoy's biography at the National Inventors Hall of Fame.[7] The original publication of this claim can be traced to an advertisement which appeared in the December 1966 issue of Ebony. The ad, for Old Taylor Bourbon whiskey, ends with the tag line: "...but the most famous legacy McCoy left his country was his name."[8]
"The real McCoy kicks butts" - GS = The little piece of shit "Real McCoy" will get his ugly stinky red ass kicked and his brains bashed in and will be turned into a zombie and a "useful idiot" and will be disposed of after his usefulness expires.
The rise and Fall of the 'Union club"; or Boy life in Canada - GS
coy - GS
coyote - GS
The coyote (US /kaɪˈoʊtiː/ or /ˈkaɪ.oʊt/, UK /kɔɪˈjoʊteɪ/, or /kɔɪˈjoʊt/; Canis latrans), also known as the American jackal, brush wolf, or the prairie wolf, ...
A coyote in Chicago's Lincoln Park, 2011. Urban coyotes are ...
A coydog is the hybrid offspring of a coyote (Canis latrans) and a ...
Coyote (disambiguation). From Wikipedia, the free ...
2 Functional cognates; 3 Coyote in the modern world; 4 References ...
Coyote attacks on humans are uncommon and rarely cause ...
Coywolves are canid hybrids of wolves and coyotes. They have ...
Coyote is a slang term for a person who smuggles immigrants over the border from Mexico to the United States.
coyote ugly - GS
coyote and the buffalo story - GS
coyote tango - GS
Coyote zombie - (
coyote tango - GS - Images); with the head almost invisible for the lack of use and usefulness.
say uncle - GS
In the United States and Canada, the idiomatic expression "Say 'uncle'!" may be used as an imperative command to demand submission of one's opponent, ...
In the United States and Canada, the
idiomatic expression "
Say 'uncle'!" may be used as an
imperative command to demand submission of one's opponent, such as during an informal wrestling match. Similarly, the exclamation "
Uncle!" is an indication of submission – analogous to "
I give up" – or it may be a cry for mercy, in such a game or match.
Although it is often regarded as an Americanism, there are at least two differing theories as to the true origin of the phrase: ancient Rome and 19th century England.
Roman Empire theory says. Roman children, when beset by a bully, would be forced to say the
Latin phrase, "
Patrue, mi Patruissimo," or, "
Uncle, my best Uncle," in order to surrender and be freed.
There are various opinions as to the
reason that Roman bullies forced their victims to "
cry 'Uncle!'". It may be that it was simply a way of making the victim call out for help from a grownup, thus proving his or her weakness. Alternatively, it may have started as a way of forcing the victim to grant the victor a title of respect – as in "
Call me Uncle!" — for in Roman times, one's father's brother was accorded nearly the same power and status as one's father. The chosen form of the Latin word for "uncle" ("
patrue") tends to support this theory, in that it specifically denotes the paternal uncle – as opposed to the brother of one's mother ("
avunculus"), who occupied a somewhat lower rung in patrilineal Roman society.
The 19th century England theory says it comes from an English joke about a bullied parrot being coaxed to address his owner's uncle.
"say uncle" - Ronald Reagan - GS
The President's News Conference
February 21, 1985 |
Q. Mr. President, on Capitol Hill—on Capitol Hill the other day, Secretary Shultz suggested that a goal of your policy now is to remove the Sandinista government in Nicaragua. Is that your goal?
The President. Well, remove in the sense of its present structure, in which it is a Communist totalitarian state, and it is not a government chosen by the people. So, you wonder sometimes about those who make such claims as to its legitimacy. We believe, just as I said Saturday morning, that we have an obligation to be of help where we can to freedom fighters and lovers of freedom and democracy, from Afghanistan to Nicaragua and wherever there are people of that kind who are striving for that freedom.
And we're going to try to persuade the Congress that we can legitimately go forward and, hopefully, go forward on a multiyear basis with the Scoop Jackson plan for trying to bring development and help to all of Central America.
Q. Well, sir, when you say remove it in the sense of its present structure, aren't you then saying that you advocate the overthrow of the present government of Nicaragua?
The President. Well, what I'm saying is that this present government was one element of the revolution against Somoza. The freedom fighters are other elements of that revolution. And once victory was attained, the Sandinistas did what Castro had done, prior to their time, in Cuba. They ousted and managed to rid themselves of the other elements of the revolution and violated their own promise to the Organization of American States—as a result of which they had received support from the Organization-that their revolutionary goal was for democracy, free press, free speech, free labor unions, and elections, and so forth, and they have violated that.
And the people that are fighting them, the freedom fighters opposing them, are Nicaraguan people who want the goals of the revolution restored. And we're going to try to help.
Q. Is the answer yes, sir? Is the answer yes, then?
The President. To what?
Q. To the question, aren't you advocating the overthrow of the present government? If—
The President. Not if the present—
Q.—you substitute another form of what you say was the revolution?
The President.
Not if the present government would turn around and say, all right, if they'd say: "Uncle. All right, come on back into the revolutionary government, and let's straighten this out and institute the goals."
Read more at the American Presidency Project:
Q. Mr. President, I wonder if we might return to Nicaragua. In answer to Sam's question, when he pressed you, you said that you—or you seemed to be saying that you wouldn't advocate the overthrow of the government,
not if the present government would turn around and say, "Uncle." Well, aren't you really saying that you want the present government out, and secondly, sir, should the United States be trying to influence a government of another nation in this hemisphere?
The President. I think that what we're doing and what we have proposed doing is within the U.N. Charter and within the OAS Charter and the right of people to do what the freedom fighters are doing. You can say it's like saying, is the glass half full or half empty? You can say we're trying to oust the Sandinistas by what we're saying.
We're saying we're trying to give those who fought a revolution to escape a dictatorship, to have democracy, and then had it taken away from them by some of their fellow revolutionaries—we're saying we want them to have a chance to have that democracy that they fought for. And I don't think the Sandinistas have a decent leg to stand on.
What they have done is totalitarian. It is brutal, cruel. And they have no argument against what the rest of the people in Nicaragua want.
Read more at the American Presidency Project: