What Would Trump Presidency Look Like? Predicting a Leader Who Goes With His Gut - by webdesk@voanews.com (Katherine Gypson)
This story profiles Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump and examines what his presidency might look like if he wins the election. It is a companion piece to a similar story on Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton. Tragedies have a way of testing presidents. They also can reveal a great deal about presidential candidates. In the hours after the worst mass shooting in U.S. history, Donald Trump’s public response revealed how his administration might deal with the...

Chicago Tribune |
Singer known from Mexico's 'The Voice' fatally shot in Chicago
Chicago Tribune Alejandro "Jano" Fuentes, a music instructor and performer, was shot while in his car and transported to Mount Sinai Hospital Thursday, June 16, 2016, in Chicago. Mourners gathered after he was taken off life support Saturday. (John J. Kim, Chicago ... Singer who performed on Mexican version of 'The Voice' dies in Chicago shootingFox News 'La Voz' singer dies two days after Chicago shootingKABC-TV Who Is Alejandro 'Jano' Fuentes? Mexico's 'The Voice' Contestant Dead After Being Shot In ChicagoInternational Business Times Local 10-The Inquisitr-Latin Times-International Business Times UK all 67 news articles » |
China woos smaller nations, while the new Philippine president sends erratic signals.

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The Russian military has rejected the Pentagon’s accusations that it targeted U.S.-backed Syrian opposition forces, saying the U.S. failed to warn about their locations.

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Russia said on June 19 that it had reached an agreement with the United States to improve coordination between their military operations in Syria.
Putin Supportive of American Proposals for Syriaby webdesk@voanews.com (VOA News)
Russian President Vladimir Putin said he agrees with an American proposal to incorporate opposition representatives in Syria's government, but balked at the idea that Syrian President Bashar al-Assad should step down immediately. During a wide-reaching interview recorded with CNN's Fareed Zakaria at the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum (Friday), Putin said the only way to ensure that democracy takes hold in Syria is with a new constitution and new elections at all...

Breitbart News |
Obama's Ineptitude Enables Terror; Trump Correct to Call Him Out
Breitbart News Talking on Fox & Friends Monday, presumptive Republican nominee Donald Trump said that “we're led by a man that either is not tough, not smart, or he's got something else in mind.” Trump was chastising President Barack Obama for policies that invite ... and more » |
NBCNews.com |
Elizabeth Warren Slams Donald Trump: He's a 'Thin-Skinned, Racist Bully'
NBCNews.com BEDFORD, N.H. — Sen. Elizabeth Warren did not hold back against Donald Trump on Saturday, continuing her tirade against the presumptive Republican nominee's business history and calling him a "thin-skinned, racist bully." Warren, the senator from ... Sen. Warren throws verbal punches at former rival Scott BrownMy Fox Boston all 22 news articles » |
Los Angeles Times |
Are the media complicit in mass shootings?
Los Angeles Times Among the most chilling details to emerge in the Orlando massacre is that the killer paused during his three-hour rampage at the Pulse nightclub to search Facebook for news about it. “Pulse Orlando” and “shooting,” Omar Mateen typed into his smartphone ... Investigators Say Orlando Shooter Showed Few Warning Signs Of RadicalizationNPR Psychologist: I Never Evaluated Orlando Shooter MateenNBCNews.com Why the 'lone-wolf' terrorist is a mythNew York Post WFTV Orlando-Washington Post-Miami Herald-Business Insider all 1,511 news articles » |
Reuters |
Tension at funerals for Orlando victims with protest, irate driver
Reuters ORLANDO, Fla. Funerals for two of the 49 victims killed in the shooting at a nightclub in Florida were marked by tense scenes on Saturday, as an impatient driver was accused of injuring two law enforcement officers and one burial took place under the ... Are the media complicit in mass shootings?Los Angeles Times Investigators Say Orlando Shooter Showed Few Warning Signs Of RadicalizationNPR Psychologist: I Never Evaluated Orlando Shooter MateenNBCNews.com UPI.com -WFTV Orlando -Washington Post -Miami Herald all 1,595 news articles » |
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Huffington Post |
Orlando Shooting Funeral Procession Hit By Car, Officers Injured
Huffington Post Hundreds of people blocked members of the anti-gay Westboro Baptist Church who showed up to protest at another funeral. 06/18/2016 08:45 pm ET. By Bernie Woodall and Roselle Chen. ORLANDO, Fla. (Reuters) - Funerals for two of the 49 victims killed in ... Post-Orlando Truth For You: Gay Bars Arent Safe SpacesDaily Beast Orlando and broader context of anti-LGBT backlashThe Hill (blog) Orlando massacre took more than lives, it took innocenceSacramento Bee (blog) Orlando Sentinel -New York Times -Breitbart News -USA TODAY all 151 news articles » |
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Florida Assistant State Attorney Kenneth Lewis was suspended on Friday after insulting the city of Orlando on his Facebook page, WESH-TV reported.
Lewis first posted the disparaging remarks on Sunday, hours after the mass shooting attack at the Pulse nightclub that left 49 people dead and 53 others injured.
“The entire city should be leveled. It is void of a single redeeming quality. It is a melting pot of 3rd world miscreants and ghetto thugs,” he wrote. “It is void of culture. If you live down there you do it at your own risk and at your own peril. If you go down there after dark there is seriously something wrong with you.”
Officials with the state attorney’s office said that Lewis’ post violated its policy regarding social media, and could be grounds for termination.
Lewis also attracted criticism in 2014, when he sent a Facebook message stating the following:
Happy Mother’s Day to all the crack hoes out there. It’ never too late to turn it around, tie your tubes, clean up your life and make difference to someone out there that deserves a better mother.
He later called it “an inspirational message.” He was subsequently forced to undergo sensitivity training and was temporarily reassigned.
In another post, Lewis suggested that Supreme Court Justice Sonya Sotomayor would be working for McDonald’s had she not benefited from affirmative action policies.
“Reason enough why no country should ever engage in the practice of Affirmative Action again,” he wrote. “Where would she be if she didn’t hit the quota lottery? Here’s a hint: ‘Would you like to supersize that sir?'”
EU Releases Details on Extended Sanctions Against Russiaby webdesk@voanews.com (VOA News)
The European Union on Saturday published details of its decision extending sanctions against Russia for its 2014 takeover of Ukraine's Crimean Peninsula, saying it continues to oppose the "illegal annexation ... and does not recognize it." The extended penalties include asset freezes and visa bans against nearly 150 Russians and 37 entities that the EU's statement described as "responsible for action against Ukraine's territorial integrity." An official...

20 Russian Soccer Fans Deported by France for Fightingby By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS
A group of 20 Russian soccer fans has been deported from France after being accused of involvement in hooliganism at the European Championship.
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Jerusalem Post Israel News |
The FBI's failure in Orlando
Jerusalem Post Israel News FBI agents are very good at their work. They gather intelligence and thwart dangerous attacks that endanger the country's security. In fact, they were already pretty good at their job even before 9/11. The Americans' (as well as the Europeans') biggest ... Missed clues or unreal expectations: Could FBI have stopped Orlando attack?KUTV 2News Entrapment Actions Distract FBI From Real Threats Like Orlando TerroristSputnik International all 19 news articles » |
Investigators Say Orlando Shooter Showed Few Warning Signs Of Radicalization
NPR As investigators probe the background of Omar Mateen, whose attack on Pulse nightclub in Orlando left 49 people dead, they say he bore few warning signs of radicalization. Mateen had allegedly pledged allegiance to ISIS in a 911 call during the attack, ... and more » |
Two sheriff's deputies struck during Orlando funeral procession
USA TODAY A weekend of funerals for many of those killed in last Sunday's massacre at an Orlando gay nightclub resulted in more casualties Saturday when two sheriff's deputies on motorcycles accompanying a procession to a burial site were struck and severely ... Car Crashes Into Funeral Procession for Orlando Shooting VictimABC News Driver Strikes 2 Deputies After Cutting Through Orlando Funeral ProcessionNBCNews.com 2 Florida Deputies Injured After Woman Drives into Funeral Procession for Orlando Shooting VictimPeople Magazine CBS News -International Business Times -TMZ.com -Daily Mail all 20 news articles » |
RT |
Putin calls to mend Russia's ties with West as he slams NATO
Chicago Tribune President Vladimir Putin called for improving Russia's ties with the West to prevent a return to the Cold War, while keeping a hard line toward NATO, which he accused of being completely "contemptuous" toward his nation. "If we continue to act ... Deadly irony: US calls Russia 'aggressive' as NATO creeps eastwardRT Canada's complicated relationship with Russia likely to become more so: WalkomToronto Star Putin: Russia Achieves 'Significant Progress' With Missile Defense SystemsSputnik International Reuters -The Weekly Standard (blog) all 155 news articles » |
ТРК "Петербург-Пятый канал" |
Итоги второго дня международного экономического форума в Петербурге
ТРК "Петербург-Пятый канал" Деловые встречи второго дня международного экономического форума в Петербурге завершились ближе к полуночи. К вечеру были подписаны контракты на 118 миллиардов рублей. Активный интерес у итальянцев, чья делегация самая внушительная. Подробнее наш корреспондент ... Владимир Путин: Россия будет отвечать на расширение ПРО США в ЕвропеКоммерсантъ Путин: система Путин и таинственная ракета: что угрожает ядерным силам России?BBC Russian Путин обещал отвечать на размещение ПРО США в Европе представляет опасность для РоссииНТВ.ru Путин: США не удастся ПРОвести РоссиюАналитическое агентство "Русь Православная" Нефть России- News Front - новости Новороссии, ЛНР, ДНР -РБК -ИА REGNUM Все похожие статьи: 1 084 » |
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Lenta.ru |
Распивавших пиво фанатов Radiohead избили в Стамбуле
Lenta.ru Группа злоумышленников напала на фанатов британской рок-группы Radiohead в Стамбуле. Инцидент произошел в пятницу, 17 июня, в музыкальном магазине Velvet Indieground, где проходила презентация нового альбома коллектива, сообщает телеканал CNN Turk. Хулиганы с ... СМИ: в Стамбуле за распитие алкоголя избиты поклонники рок-группы RadioheadТАСС Исламисты напали на фанатов рок-группы Radiohead в Стамбуле из-за пиваКомсомольская правда В Стамбуле неизвестные напали на фанатов группы Radiohead. ВИДЕОРИА Новости Вести.Ru-Радиостанция ЭХО МОСКВЫ-Amic.ru-Коммерсантъ Все похожие статьи: 58 » |
Pakistan Reopens Main Border Crossing With Afghanistan After Fighting Subsided by webdesk@voanews.com (Ayaz Gul)
Pakistan reopened the busy Torkham border crossing with Afghanistan for traffic Saturday, a week after deadly clashes between the two countries prompted the closure, stranding thousands of travelers and trade convoys on both sides. Pakistani officials say Afghans with valid travel documents are being allowed to cross while trucks carrying trading goods have also resumed their cross-border journey. The border skirmishes erupted over Pakistan’s construction of a gate to prevent terrorist and other illegal movement. Afghan authorities insisted the construction was taking place in a disputed territory and violated mutual understandings. Islamabad rejected the allegations, saying the facility was being built 37 meters inside Pakistan. Officials say the gunfire left at least four soldiers dead and more than 40 people wounded, including civilians, on both sides. Afghanistan and Pakistan blamed each other for initiating the conflict. The firing subsided after Islamabad and Kabul agreed to seek a settlement through diplomatic means. The Afghan government announced Friday the deputy foreign minister, Hekmat Khalil Karzai will travel to Pakistan “very soon” to discuss the Torkham crossing issue. A Pakistan Foreign Ministry statement said Saturday the Afghan delegation will visit Islamabad Monday. “Pakistan welcomes the visit and looks forward to meaningful deliberations through a constructive engagement between the two sides with a view to promoting bilateral relations as well as peace and stability of our two countries, and the region,” it said. Businessmen in landlocked Afghanistan say they have suffered losses amounting to $10 million due to the weeklong suspension of the traffic at the Torkham crossing. Nearly 60 percent of imported goods enter Afghanistan through the border crossing, say traders. Some 2,000 trucks carrying commodities and other goods cross the Torkham point every day.

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The Guardian |
Twenty Russia supporters deported from France but plan to return for Wales
The Guardian A group of 20 Russian football fans will be deported from France on Saturday after French authorities accused them of being involved in hooliganism – but they will not have their visas cancelled and all plan to return to France for Monday's match ... and more » |
РИА Новости |
Иванов считает, что не нужно торопиться с отменой антироссийских санкций
РИА Новости МОСКВА, 18 июн — РИА Новости. Глава администрации Кремля Сергей Иванов в интервью ведущему программы "Вести в субботу" Сергею Брилеву признался, что не хотел бы скорой отмены антироссийских санкций. По его словам, санкции, конечно, нанесли огромный ущерб, ... Глава администрации Путина ратует, чтобы «санкции продержались подольше»Росбалт.RU Глава администрации Кремля призвал не торопиться с отменой санкций Lenta.ru «Не было бы счастья…»: санкции помогут России вырваться впередГазета Труд Известия-Радіо Свобода-Новая газета -Российская Газета Все похожие статьи: 344 » |
Сергей Шойгу проверил условия размещения личного состава и вопросы обеспечения всеми видами довольствия, а также встретился с российскими летчиками, выполняющими боевые задачи по уничтожению террористической инфраструктуры в Сирии.

На встрече затрагивались актуальные вопросы военного и военно-технического сотрудничества оборонных ведомств и отдельные аспекты взаимодействия в рамках борьбы с террористическими группировками, действующими на территории Сирии.

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Russia's Defense Minister Visits Syria, Meets Assad
ABC News Russia's defense minister has traveled to Syria to meet with its leader and visit the Russian air base. The Defense Ministry said Saturday that Sergei Shoigu met with Syrian President Bashar Assad to discuss military ties and cooperation in fighting ... and more » |
Шойгу по поручению Путина встретился с Асадом
РБК Глава Минобороны России Сергей Шойгу по поручению Владимира Путина встретился с президентом Сирии Башаром Асадом. Шойгу и Асад обсудили военное сотрудничество стран. Министр обороны России Сергей Шойгу во время своего визита в Сирию встретился с президентом ... На базе "Хмеймим" Шойгу показали новейшие самолетыВести.Ru Шойгу проинспектировал авиабазу "Хмеймим" в СирииРИА Новости Шойгу проинспектировал авиабазу Хмеймим в СирииLenta.ru ТАСС-Взгляд -Московский комсомолец- Комсомольская правда Все похожие статьи: 110 » |
RT |
Russia's defense minister visits Syria, meets Assad
Washington Post MOSCOW — Russia's defense minister visited Syria on Saturday to meet the country's leader and inspect the Russian air base there, a high-profile trip intended to underline Moscow's role in the region. Sergei Shoigu met with President Bashar Assad in ... Russian defense minister meets Assad, inspects Khmeimim airbase in SyriaRT all 23 news articles » |
Pro-Moscow Group with Ties to Putin Administration Appears Behind Bulgaria’s Switch on NATO and Russiaby paul goble (noreply@blogger.com)
Paul Goble
Staunton, June 18 – Ten days ago, Bulgarian President Rosen Plevneliev gave a tough pro-NATO and anti-Russian speech in the European Parliament; two days ago, his prime minister Boiko Borisov said Sofia would not take part in a proposed NATO force intended to counter Russian forces on the Black Sea.
In between those two events was a meeting of Bulgaria’s “Russophile” organization, a 34,000-member group with close ties to Moscow and the upper reaches of Russian security services and one totally opposed to Bulgarian cooperation with NATO and Western sanctions on Russia.
That meeting, as US-based Russian commentator Kseniya Kirillova points out, was reported only sparingly in Russia and Bulgaria but a report about it was featured on the homepage of the Russian Institute for Strategic Studies (RISI) that was set up by the SVR and is now attached to Putin’s Administration (nr2.com.ua/blogs/Ksenija_Kirillova/Rusofily-otkalyvayut-Bolgariyu-ot-NATO-120937.htmland riss.ru/events/31606/).
The RISI report specified that the Russian delegation to the “Russophile” meeting included Aleksandr Vasilenko, a United Russia Duma deputy, Aleksandr Fomenko of the Russian Writers Union, Russian diplomats, education officials, and a senior advisor to the RISI director.
Under normal circumstances, perhaps, one might see such a delegation and such a meeting as nothing more than things designed to promote cultural cooperation between two historically close peoples. But the meeting as reported by RISI clearly had more immediate political goals involving NATO and sanctions.
The 600 delegates to the session, RISI noted, adopted “a sharp declaration” categorically condemning “aggression toward Russia” and the June 8 speech of President Plevneliev. Nikolai Malinov, the president of the Russophiles group, told the meeting that polls show that “82 percent of the Bulgarians are Russophiles” and demanded that Sofia reflect on that.
Indeed, Malinov insisted, “to be a patriot in Bulgaria means to be a Russophile.”
This meeting and RISI’s involvement with it are among the most blatant of Moscow’s current “soft power” moves in Europe to try to undercut NATO and divide Europe. They are a reminder of the means the Russian government is prepared to use and how effective such “below the radar” actions can be in particular countries.
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РИА Новости |
Число отравившихся в украинском Измаиле выросло до 277 человек
РИА Новости КИЕВ, 18 июн — РИА Новости. Симптомы острого отравления зафиксированы у более чем 270 человек в украинском городе Измаил, сообщил мэр города Андрей Абрамченко в эфире телеканала "112 Украина". Отравление. Архивное фото · © Fotolia/ photophonie · В украинском ... Почти 300 человек отравились в Одесской областиВзгляд Почти 300 человек в Одесской области госпитализированы с отравлениемРосбалт.RU В Измаиле объявлена чрезвычайная ситуация из-за вспышки неизвестной инфекцииNews Front - новости Новороссии, ЛНР, ДНР ТАСС-УКРАИНСКАЯ ПРАВДА-Обозреватель -Последние новости в мире Все похожие статьи: 551 » |
Russian hooligans 'had Kremlin links'by Daniel Boffey Policy Editor
UK government: we suspect many of those who attacked England supporters are in Russia’s uniformed services, fighting Putin’s ‘hybrid warfare’
Senior government officials fear the violence unleashed by Russian hooligans at Euro 2016 was sanctioned by the Kremlin and are investigating links with Vladimir Putin’s regime.
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French prosecutors sought terrorism charges against two people linked to the killer of a police captain and his companion this week, raising the specter that the knife attack was part of a broader plot.

The Desert Sun |
After Orlando, more genuine policy dialogue is needed
The Desert Sun Until those sorts of questions are cleared up, groups as different as the NRA and the ACLU will find themselves in the same camp, arguing that government watch lists are unreliable and therefore a threat to people's constitutional rights. It's a valid ... and more » |
Trump: Sanders 'waiting for the FBI convention' to nab nomination from Clinton
CNN "He's waiting for the FBI to do what everybody thinks they're going to do," Trump added. "I think he's saying, 'Let's hang in there because its ultimately called the FBI... We'll see if the right thing happens. Everybody knows what the right thing is ... and more » |
Ars Technica |
Smile, you're in the FBI face-recognition database
Ars Technica The GAO report, titled "FACE RECOGNITION TECHNOLOGY: FBI Should Better Ensure Privacy and Accuracy," comes nearly two years after the bureau said its facial recognition project graduated from a pilot project to "full operational capability." The facial ... and more » |
The Pentagon said concerns were raised Saturday with counterparts in Moscow after a Russian aircraft was accused of conducting a strike in Syria this week against U.S.-backed opposition fighters.
In a statement, Pentagon press secretary Peter Cook said an "extraordinary session" was convened earlier Saturday via video link ...
Missed clues or unreal expectations: Could FBI have stopped Orlando attack?
WJLA "They don't have crystal balls," said Jim Wedick, a former FBI supervisor with 35 years of experience. He has no personal knowledge of the Mateen investigation, but generally speaking, he believes if there is even a slim thread to follow, FBI agents ... and more » |
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U.S. officials said the team of about a dozen men would assist troops from the UAE to track down militants from al-Qaida in the Arabian Peninsula.
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