Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Post-debate reviews: Clinton puts Trump on the defensive in combative debate - AP | Clinton attacked a defensive Trump. Tie holds - DebkaFile | "Psychology dramatically influences the way such debates are perceived by the public and their impact, so both candidates most probably consider deploying psychology in their planning for the encounter... Perhaps election success will be delivered to which candidate is best at the psychological task of correctly matching, or reflecting, the mood of the nation." - Psychology Today | » Clinton, Trump Created Psychological Profiles On One Another For Debate Preparation 27/09/16 08:43 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks

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"Rather, however, she went after Trump with all the skill of the Yale-trained lawyer she is, and did so for the most part with a wry tone that was more that of a mom talking to a 7-year old than the public scold she is often criticized for being." 

"In what may be Trump's most in-depth debate prep strategy, Politico reported that he hired a team to build a psychological profile of Clinton to try to understand when she feels backed into a corner and take advantage of it. (But at least one Trump adviser called it "wacky pseudo-science.")"

"Psychology dramatically influences the way such debates are perceived by the public and their impact, so both candidates most probably consider deploying psychology in their planning for the encounter... Perhaps election success will be delivered to which candidate is best at the psychological task of correctly matching, or reflecting, the mood of the nation." - Psychology Today

Clinton puts Trump on the defensive in combative debate

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HEMPSTEAD, N.Y. (AP) - Donald Trump aggressively tried to pin the nation's economic and national security problems on Hillary Clinton in the first presidential debate, belittling the former senator and secretary of state as a "typical politician" incapable of delivering the change many Americans crave.
But Trump found himself on ...

Clinton attacked a defensive Trump. Tie holds

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Clinton attacked a defensive Trump. Tie holds

The first direct face-off between the two US presidential candidates Tuesday, Sept. 27 ended in a slight edge for the Democrats’ Hillary Clinton versus Republican Donald Trump. But the score was not decisive enough to radically change the close tie prevailing in the polls when the contenders took the stage.
They still face two more debates on Oct. 9 and Oct. 19 before their final round - the Nov. 8 election for president.
Clinton grabbed the advantage by sustained attacks, when she was sharp, focused and personal. In laying out policy she was a lot less pointed, offering the voter no new or exciting ideas. Here her robotic aloofness came into play.
Trump, in contrast, spent the entire 90 minutes largely on the defensive against Clinton’s assaults – chiefly on race and his failure to publish tax returns. He was most vigorous when he accused President Obama and Clinton, as secretary of state, of creating the vacuum in which ISIS was formed, and never stopping its spread to 130 countries.
However, his lack of political experience showed at points when he should have hit back or hammered his opponent, such as on her private server, emails and her murky ties as Secretary of State with the Clinton Foundation. On those points, he fell back, showing weakness, and let her get away.
The next round of polls will indicate whether or not the debate changed the balance between them.
An Israeli moment came up over the nuclear accord with Iran, which Trump attacked as a bad deal, when Clinton claimed that Iran was just a week away from a nuclear bomb. This disclosure finally laid to rest the argument in Israel at the time by opponents of a military attack against Iran’s nuclear facilities that Iran was still two years away from a nuke. That false argument proves to have been advanced as part of a concerted political campaign against the Netanyahu government. 
Up until the first presidential face-off with her rival, Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton was unable to reverse the upward momentum in the polls of her rival, Republican nominee Donald Trump. Even after spending $60 million on her campaign, making countless clever, authoritative speeches based on her long experience at the forefront of American politics, she was unable to decisively prove to the American voter that Trump is unfit to serve as president and their commander-in-chief.
Neither could her campaign staff solve the mystery that the more she and her supporters attacked Trump, the more he gained in popularity.
The first of their three debates at Hofstra University in Hempstead N.Y. ranked as the greatest show on earth by TV audiences in every world time zone. Clinton saw it as her big chance to leap ahead and break out of the dead heat with her rival – app. 46 pc each in the polls and a tie emerging Monday among state electors.
Where the gap between them stood out most strikingly was on the social media, on which Trump won an audience of 11.5 million compared with Clinton’s 7.5 million.
Another gap proved easier to bridge: The podium for the debate, moderated by NBC's Lester Holt, was adjusted to lift Clinton’s 5 foot 4 height closer to Trump’s 6 foot 2.
There is plenty of controversy over whether or not the confrontational debates between the leading contenders actually determine the outcome of the Nov. 8 presidential election, or even what finally decides the majority of voters to come down for one candidate against the other.
The 90-minute debate Monday, Sept. 27, had three broad themes, “America’s Direction,” “Achieving Prosperity,” and “Securing America.”
But likeability, trustworthiness and temperament – how each of the two contenders comes across to the voter - – may this time, more than ever before, be the decisive factor in determining whether the Trump momentum persists or Clinton manages to turn the tide in her favor.
The next debates are scheduled for Oct. 9 and Oct. 19.
Trump has the advantage of an experienced TV showman and a larger-than-life personality; Clinton is a smooth talker with facts and issues at her fingertips from long stints in politics as first lady, senator and Secretary of State.
Her Republican rival with barely a year in politics has the enormous hutzpah to offer America not just change but a new movement to overturn the “rigged political system.”
Clinton preaches stability and the continuity of globalist policies, when this ideal has sunk the middle class in many Western countries, not just America, and the hunger for change is strongly evident. She also claims she knows how to fight terrorism from personal experience in government. “I was there” in 2011, when American elite troops execute Osama Bin Laden, she says.
But seven years later, an Al Qaeda terrorist, Ahmad Khan Rahami, set off bombs in Manhattan.
Trump, for his part, may go on at length about making American great and building a wall to keep illegal immigrants from stealing in from Mexico, but it is becoming more and more obvious that his real goal is to upend the ruling political system in the United States.
He is most convincing when, in his broad New York accents, he murders “political correctness” and vows to bury “the Washington culture.” If Trump is elected president - and means what he says - a great many political establishments, including national media and think tanks, will fall off their pedestals with a loud crash, and the new Trump popular movement will move in.
It is no wonder, therefore, that groups who subsist from the traditional US establishments vilify him day and night. But they have encountered the same dilemma as Hillary: however tellingly they lambaste him, hit him with well-deserved criticism or expose his many shortcomings, the higher he climbs in the polls.
But the real mystery will only be solved on Nov. 8, when the American voter shows whether the thirst for change is strong enough to risk backing an unpredictable, flamboyant New York business mogul for president.


Rudolph Giuliani Says Donald Trump Bit His Tongue Because Chelsea Clinton Was in the Room 

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Mr. Trump and his surrogates suggested that Bill Clinton’s relationship with Monica Lewinsky was fair game in the debate.

Insiders: Hillary won 

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HEMPSTEAD, N.Y. — Score round 1 for Hillary Clinton.
That’s according to The POLITICO Caucus — a panel of swing-state activists, strategists and operatives who watched the first debate here Monday night. The insiders’ bipartisan verdict: Clinton dispatched Donald Trump in their first of three nationally televised meetings.
Overall, roughly 80 percent of insiders — with equal numbers of Democrats and Republicans responding to the post-debate survey — said Clinton did the better job at the debate, including 99 percent of Democrats and 57 percent of Republicans. Only 21 percent — 1 percent of Democrats and 43 percent of Republicans — picked Trump as the winner.
Democrats said Clinton was prepared and succeeded in provoking Trump — who began the debate speaking so quietly the audio engineers struggled to raise his volume to a comparable level in the debate hall but quickly became more animated in the face of Clinton’s attacks.
“No contest,” said an Iowa Democrat — who, like all respondents, completed the survey anonymously. “Trump held it together for 16 minutes and fell apart.”
“Trump melted down,” added a Florida Democrat. “This is bad for him. [It] confirms all the worries of swing voters.”
Some Democrats predicted the debate would swing the momentum, which appeared to be with Trump, with public polls showing a tightening race.

“Donald Trump exposed himself to be a clown,” added a New Hampshire Democrat, who also predicted “the polls will show dramatic movement in next 24 hours.”
But a Florida Democrat countered that Clinton’s performance was unlikely to change fundamentally the trajectory of the race.
“It is becoming a base turnout election, and she did a great job tonight of making the stakes in this election very clear,” the Democrat said.
Among Republicans, the tally was closer — but that speaks to a divided party as much as actual ambivalence about which candidate performed better on Monday night.
“Trump was an embarrassment,” an Iowa Republican said. “I'd hate to be the guy in the spin room lying about how Trump won the debate.”
“It wasn't close,” a Virginia Republican added. “Sure, our tribal politics will force it to seem somewhat close, but even the most committed of Trump supporters know, deep down, that did not go well.”
But there was a significant share of Republicans who thought Trump won — most of whom said Trump’s outside appeal could be the most memorable aspect of the debate.

“Hillary Clinton sounded like every politician has sounded for the last half century. Donald Trump did not,” said an Ohio Republican. “This year that may just be enough.”
“Neither candidate earned a single undecided vote,” a Nevada Republican added. “Clinton supporters will think she won. Trump supporters will think he won. Trump gets the nod because he did not completely implode.”
Here are two other takeaways from the first debate:
Clinton met expectations on Monday night, while insiders are mixed on Trump.
The vast majority of all insiders, 88 percent, said Clinton met expectations going into Monday night. That includes nearly three-quarters of Republicans: One Florida Republican called Clinton “calm in the face of an insane person.”
Insiders were more mixed on Trump, on the other hand. Overall, 55 percent of insiders said Trump met expectations: 40 percent of Democrats and 68 percent of Republicans.
“There were no expectations,” said an Iowa Republican. “He got off to a great start, appeared reserved, but then he took the bait. The sneers and reactions when Clinton was speaking undercut his first impression.”

But for some Republicans, meeting expectations wasn’t good enough.
The expectations “were low,” said one Pennsylvania Republican. “He needed to exceed [them], and he didn't.”
And a Virginia Republican said Trump did little to appeal to a key group of Republican-leaning voters whom Trump is repelling this year: white-collar whites.
“He needs college whites, and he didn't connect,” the Republican said.
Republicans are divided on the political impact of the debate.
GOP insiders aren’t sure whether Trump is better or worse off after the Monday night debate.
Asked whether Trump’s performance makes it more likely he wins the race, just 31 percent said yes — comparable to the 33 percent who said it doesn’t. A slim plurality, 36 percent, said the debate wouldn’t have a significant impact on Trump’s chances.
The debate was “not fatal, but very definitely a missed opportunity,” said one New Hampshire Republican.
"Neither of them made a persuasive case that they were more fit than the other to be president. At this point that advantages Trump," said an Ohio Republican.
“Put plainly: he failed the presidential test,” a Virginia Republican added. “And hiding out on Fox News isn't going to fix it for him.”

But despite — or perhaps because of — Trump’s unconventional debate style, some insiders said his message could resonate more than the pundits think in the immediate wake of the debate.
“He spoke in a language that normal Americans understand,” a Virginia Republican said.
“America is looking for something different,” a Colorado Republican added. “He is very different.”

And some Republicans cautioned against reading too much into the first match-up.
“There are two more debates to watch,” said a Virginia Republican. “Trump has more he can adjust, [while] Hillary is a fixed quantity as a virtual 30-year political incumbent. Trump will be more aggressive in the next two debates.”
Among Democrats, it was more decisive: 60 percent said the debate made it less likely Trump becomes president, compared to 15 percent who said it makes it more likely and 25 percent who said it wouldn’t have an impact.
“Trump wasn't presidential,” a Colorado Democrat said. “He needed to show restraint, and he failed. Tonight was his opportunity to show the country how he would govern, and he missed the opportunity.”
These are the members of The POLITICO Caucus, not all of whom participated in this special survey:
Colorado: Ryan Call, Laura Carno, Matt Chandler, Will Coyne, Adam Eichberg, Mark Ferrandino, Cole Finegan, Michael Fortney, Andrew Freedman, Ted Harvey, Craig Hughes, Owen Loftus, Pete Maysmith, Frank McNulty, Karen Middleton, Christopher Murray, BJ Nikkel, Josh Penry, Rick Ridder, Alan Salazar, Janice Sinden, Pat Steadman, Pat Waak, Steve Welchert, Taylor West, Roxane White, Rob Witwer
Florida: Fernand Amandi, Scott Arceneaux, JP Austin, Tim Baker, Dennis K. Baxley, Slater Bayliss, Dave Beattie, Wayne Bertsch, Ron Book, Pamela Burch Fort, Jose Calderon, Kevin Cate, Kelly Cohen, Gus Corbella, Brian Crowley, Elizabeth Cuevas-Neunder, Justin Day, Judith Diaz, Nelson Diaz, John Dowless, Ryan Duffy, Jessica Ehrlich, Joe Falk, Alia Faraj-Johnson, Mark Ferrulo, Damien Filer, Marty Fiorentino, Rich Heffley, Nick Iarossi, David Johnson, Eric Johnson, Marian Johnson, Eric Jotkoff, Chris Korge, Jackie Lee, Susan MacManus, Beth Matuga, Fred Menachem, Jon Mills, Joe Mobley, Ben Pollara, Andrea Reilly, Steve Schale, April Schiff, Max Steele, Roger Stone, Richard Swann, Kevin Sweeny, Christian Ulvert, Steve Vancore, Ashley Walker, Andrew Weinstein, Andrew Wiggins, Ryan Wiggins, Rick Wilson
Iowa: Tim Albrecht, Brad Anderson, Rob Barron, Jeff Boeyink, Bonnie Campbell, Dave Caris, Sam Clovis, Jerry Crawford, Sara Craig, John Davis, Steve Deace, John Deeth, Derek Eadon, Ed Failor Jr., Karen Fesler, David Fischer, Ben Foecke, Doug Gross, Steve Grubbs, Tim Hagle, Bob Haus, Joe Henry, Drew Ivers, Jill June, Lori Jungling, Jeff Kaufmann, Brian Kennedy, Jake Ketzner, David Kochel, Chris Larimer, Chuck Larson, Jill Latham, Jeff Link, Dave Loebsack, Mark Lucas, Liz Mathis, Jan Michelson, Chad Olsen, David Oman, Matt Paul, Marlys Popma, Troy Price, Christopher Rants, Kim Reem, Craig Robinson, Sam Roecker, David Roederer, Nick Ryan, Tamara Scott, Joni Scotter, Karen Slifka, John Smith, AJ Spiker, Norm Sterzenbach, John Stineman, Matt Strawn, Charlie Szold, Phil Valenziano, Jessica Vanden Berg, Nate Willems, Eric Woolson, Grant Young
Michigan: Jill Alper, Saul Anuzis, Andrea Bitely, Lori Carpentier, Howard Edelson, Jordan Gehrke, Steve Hood, Darwin Jiles Jr., Joe Lehman, Dennis Lennox, Katie Packer, Ronna Romney McDaniel, John Truscott, Stephanie White, John Yob
Nevada: Mac Abrams, Greg Bailor, Barbara Buckley, Yvanna Cancela, Bob Cavazos, Linda Cavazos, Jim DeGraffenreid, Andrew Diss, Peter Ernaut, Ryan Erwin, Chip Evans, Jay Gerstema, Oscar Goodman, Ryan Hamilton, Dan Hart, Pat Hickey, Zach Hudson, Jeremy Hughes, Megan Jones, Lindsey Jydstrup, Adam Khan, Peter Koltak, Roberta Lange, Sam Liberman, Laura Martin, Michael McDonald, Chuck Muth, Erven Nelson, Kristen Orthman, Neal Patel, Nick Phillips, Jon Ralston, Andres Ramires, Emmy Ruiz, Scott Scheid, Mike Slanker, James Smack, Paul Smith, Jack St. Martin, Mari St. Martin, Daniel Stewart, Brendan Summers, Riley Sutton, Robert Uithoven, Michelle White, Ed Williams, Heidi Wixom
New Hampshire: Charlie Arlinghaus, Arnie Arnesen, Patrick Arnold, Rich Ashooh, Dean Barker, Juliana Bergeron, D.J. Bettencourt, Michael Biundo, Ray Buckley, Peter Burling, Jamie Burnett, Debby Butler, Dave Carney, Jackie Cilley, Catherine Corkery, Corriveau, Fergus Cullen, Lou D’Allesandro, James Demers, Mike Dennehy, Sean Downey, Steve Duprey, JoAnn Fenton, Jennifer Frizzell, Martha Fuller Clark, Amanda Grady Sexton, Jack Heath, Gary Hirshberg, Jennifer Horn, Peter Kavanaugh, Joe Keefe, Rich Killion, Harrell Kirstein, Sylvia Larsen, Joel Maiola, Kate Malloy Corriveau, Maureen Manning, Steve Marchand, Tory Mazzola, Jim Merrill, Jayne Millerick, Claira Monier, Greg Moore, Matt Mowers, Terie Norelli, Chris Pappas, Liz Purdy, Tom Rath, Colin Reed, Jim Rubens, Andy Sanborn, Dante Scala, William Shaheen, Stefany Shaheen, Carol Shea-Porter, Terry Shumaker, Andy Smith, Craig Stevens, Kathy Sullivan, Chris Sununu, James Sununu, Jay Surdukowski, Donna Sytek, Kari Thurman, Colin Van Ostern, Deb Vanderbeek, Mike Vlacich, Ryan Williams
North Carolina: Don Davis, Francis X. De Luca, Anita Earls, Jonathan Felts, Tami L. Fitzgerald, Dylan Frick, Taylor Griffin, Robin Hayes, Morgan Jackson, Patsy Keever, Theresa Kostrzewa, Michael Luethy, Ray Martin, Thomas Mills, Melissa L. Reed, Chris Sgro, Paul Shumaker, Dee Stewart, Brad Thompson, Bruce Thompson, Charlie Wallin, Doug Wilson
Ohio: Jerry Austin, Greg Beswick, Matt Borges, Erica Bruton, Tim Burke, Janet Carson, Jai Chabria, Martha Clark, Bob Clegg, Damareo Cooper, Jo Ann Davidson, Michael Dawson, Bill DeMora, Cindy Demse, Kathy Dicristofaro, Katie Eagan, Michael Gonidakis, Wes Goodman, Joe Hallett, Ian James, Melissa Klide Hedden, David Leland, Nick Martin, Rhine McLin, David Pepper, Molly Shack, Mark R. Weaver
Pennsylvania: Chris Borick, Larry Ceisler, Valentino DiGiorgio, Jason Ercole, Dan Fee, Charlie Gerow, Marcel Groen, Leslie Gromis Baker, Mark Harris, Nan McLaughlin, Aubrey Montgomery, Christopher Nicholas, Nachama Soloveichik, David Sosar, Todd Stephens, Doc Sweitzer, David Thornburgh, Ray Zaborney
Virginia: Ray Allen, Sandra Brandt, Marc K. Broklawski, Patsy Brown, Janet Carver, John Cosgrove, Brian Coy, Doris Crouse-Mays, Tom Davis, Julie Dime, Abbi Easter, Mike Farris, John Findlay, Joe Fitzgerald, Sean Harrison, Margo Horner, Robert Hurt, Gaylene Kanoyton, Chris LaCivita, Sue Langley, Frank Leone, Robert G. Marshall, Tucker Martin, Ed Matricardi, Susan J. Rowland, Peter Snyder, Susan Swecker, Jo Thoburn
Wisconsin: Meg Andrietsch, Mary Arnold, Kevin Barthel, Mike Basford, Rebecca Bonesteel, Barry Burden, Terri Burl, Jim Camery, Patrick Guarasci, Robert Hansen, Gary Hawley, Marian Krumberger, Emily Nehring, Jason Rae, Brandon Scholz, John Zapfel
Kristen Hayford contributed to this report.
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Pat Caddell: Breitbart/Gravis Post-Debate Flash Poll Shows Hillary Clinton Won Slightly; Trump Gains ‘Plausibility’

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HEMPSTEAD, NY - SEPTEMBER 26:  during the Presidential Debate at Hofstra University on September 26, 2016 in Hempstead, New York.  The first of four debates for the 2016 Election, three Presidential and one Vice Presidential, is moderated by NBC's Lester Holt.  (Photo by Rick Wilking - Pool/Getty Images)
Democratic nominee for president Hillary Clinton edged her GOP rival Donald Trump in Monday’s presidential held at Hofstra University before a television audience estimated at 100 million viewers, according to a Breitbart/Gravis “flash poll” conducted minutes after the debate ended. Pat Caddell, the Democratic pollster and Fox News Insider, told Breitbart News that poll respondents said Clinton performed better at the debate; 48 percent said Clinton did a better job, compared to 43 percent, who said Trump did the better job. “However, 95 percent of the people we contacted told us they were not going to change their vote based on the debate,” Caddell said. Two percent of voters, previously undecided, switched to Trump after the debate. No undecideds went to Clinton. One percent switched from Trump to Clinton, and one percent switched from Clinton to Trump. “Trump won on the most critical factor, on whether Clinton or Trump was more ‘plausible’ as president, 46 percent to her 42 percent,” he said. “That for him is really what this debate was really about,” he said. Participants said they thought Clinton had a better grasp of the issues, by 48 percent to his 40 percent. “What really happened was she won on

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DEBATE BOX SCORE: By the Numbers: Butting In, and Going On, Trump Dominates

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The Republican nominee interrupted Hillary Clinton 29 times in Monday night’s event.

The 2016 Race: A Debate Victory Doesn’t Ensure a Real Shift in the Race 

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San Franciscans gathered at The Chapel in the Mission District to watch and comment on the debate.

The Run-Up: Our Middle-of-the-Night Debate Analysis Roundtable 

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Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton at the first presidential debate at Hofstra University on Monday night.

Clinton, Trump Created Psychological Profiles On One Another For Debate Preparation

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MSNBC’s Chris Hayes says he was joking about a Trump advisor telling him “We're almost 100% sure he's gonna just drop trow and moon Hillary. We're terrified." Still, it’s probably what people are thinking about as Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton gear up for their first debate later this evening. Yet, all kidding aside, both camps seem to have prepared heavily for this showdown. Kellyanne Conway, Trump’s new campaign manager, has been a godsend to the campaign, which struggled post-Cleveland. It seems that Conway has professionalized the campaign, kept it focused, and as a result—lead to Trump surging in the polls.
Trump has reportedly been speaking with his closest advisers, while Clinton has been doing the same, though she’s said that she will make the case tonight that Mr. Trump is “temperamentally unfit” to serve as president of the United States (via The Hill):
He’s spent the preparations with his close advisers, including campaign CEO and former Breitbart News executive Stephen Bannon and campaign manager Kellyanne Conway. Key confidantes and surrogates such as Rudy Giuliani, New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie and retired Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn, as well as advisers Stephen Miller, Jason Miller and son-in-law Jared Kushner, have also taken part.
Former Fox News chief Roger Ailes is also advising Trump on the debates and sending him memos but has skipped the last two debate sessions, according to the Times.
On the other side of the aisle, Clinton is reportedly throwing herself into debate prep, scripting out answers with her team and holding at least one mock debate.
She’s also mindful of Trump’s unpredictability — as The Hill reported this week, she’s preparing for whatever persona Trump may throw her way, including aggressive or below-the-belt attacks.
Clinton reportedly won’t be satisfied calling out Trump for stretching the truth. She wants to prosecute the case that he’s temperamentally unfit for office and unhinged, two key campaign messages.
Also, both camps have delved into the psychological profiles of each other. On Team Trump, they’ve allegedly built an extensive profile on the former first lady, noting Clinton’s gestures, body language, and key phrases she uses when she doesn’t know the answer, indicators Trump can use to rapidly pivot or attack her. Clinton’s communications director, Jennifer Palmieri, simply responded to these developments flippantly, saying “good luck” (via Politico):
The “psychological profile,” as the analysis is being called, is based on a statistical analysis of videos from 16 years' worth of Clinton’s debates, dating back to her 2000 campaign for Senate in New York, according to the operatives. They said it was assembled with assistance from a political data firm called Cambridge Analytica that specializes in “psychographic” modeling of voters and donors, and that Trump’s top advisers have been pleased with the results.
The advisers believe that the profile proves that Clinton has significant weaknesses and that they have identified her ‘tells’ — words, phrases or gestures she uses when she’s unsure of an answer, or is trying to deflect her way out of an uncomfortable question, according to the operatives familiar with the preparations.
For example, according to one of the sources, an operative who works with the campaign, Trump’s debate prep team believes that the profile proves that when "she doesn't know the answer, she says this, etc.” The goal, said the operative, is to get Trump to recognize the tendencies, “so when he hears her say 'X' he knows what is going on, and can respond accordingly.”
Clinton communications director Jennifer Palmieri suggested her campaign wasn’t much worried about the Trump team’s psychological analysis of Clinton. “Good luck,” she said Friday when she was asked about this story during a pre-debate media conference call. “We all have seen [Clinton] endure a lot of tough questioning over the years. We saw her endure 11 hours of tough questioning at the Benghazi hearing. And Donald Trump may think he’s the person who’s going to be able to really get under her skin, but I doubt it.”
Clinton has done the same, speaking with a series of advisers for hours to create a profile of the Republican nominee (via WaPo):
As Hillary Clinton prepared to face the most unconventional candidate of her political career on the debate stage Monday night, her campaign aides engaged in a deep study of Donald Trump's personality to glean insights into how he might act, according to several people familiar with the process.
At a working group session in August, Clinton advisers met with a small group hand-picked by the campaign to help shed light on the Republican nominee. The focus on Trump's personality suggests that Clinton's approach on Monday may be quite different from her strategy in past debates -- and that her campaign expects this event to be unlike any other.
The aides involved in debate prep including her longtime aide Philippe Reines, who has played Trump in mock debate sessions. They conferred for hours with campaign outsiders who were asked to offer advice about Trump’s personality and temperament, according to people familiar with the meeting. The meeting lasted several hours.
This is it, folks. It’s apparent that ads aren’t going to allow Clinton gain the edge over Trump; she’sheavily outspent him concerning media buys in key swing states, to no avail. The Democratic blue wall is in a fragile state, with Clinton mulling pulling out of Ohio. Guy noted it’s a rather explicit 180-degree turn from the Clinton campaign, which not so long ago was boasting about her commanding lead in the Electoral College. The debates are that last forum, where both heavily unpopular candidates could gain traction over the other. In some ways, it’s both Clinton and Trump’s debate to lose, Trump could torpedo his surge with voters, while Clinton needs to be successful in portraying the real estate magnate as unfit—and trying to bring those disaffected Democrats who have left for third party candidates back into the Clinton camp. Clinton might also try to hit Trump on his past statement that have turned out to be inaccurate, which might be a double-edged sword since Clinton has lied about her emails, which has proven to be one of the Achilles’ heel for her campaign that could be re-litigated in front of 100 million people.
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Dominique Moïsi on The Geopolitics of Emotion - Chats, Foreign Policy

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Dominique Moïsi is founder of and senior adviser to the French Institute of International Affairs. A regular writer for the Financial Times and Foreign Affairs and a visiting professor at Harvard University, Moïsi talked with Zócalo about his latest book, The Geopolitics of Emotion, and why fear, humiliation, and hope are changing our world.
Q. What is the argument you make in your book?
A. The book’s main argument is that you cannot fully understand the world we live in without trying to integrate and understand its emotions, in particular three of them, fear, hope and humiliation. These three emotions are closely linked to the notion of confidence, which is the defining factor in how nations and people address the challenges they face as well as how they relate to one another.
If one wanted to summarize these three emotions with three formulas, one would say that hope is “I want to do it, I can do it, and I will do it”; humiliation is “I can never do it” and may lead to “I might try as well to destroy you since I cannot join you”; and fear is “Oh, my God, the world has become such a dangerous place; how can I be protected from it?” Fear, humiliation, and hope thus can be seen as just natural and vital ingredients in human beings as the three components of blood; red cells, white cells and plasma. Health depends on the right balance among them. To have too much or too little of any of these three components is dangerous for the balance of the body and for its long term health. The key point is that emotions are like cholesterol, both good and bad.
Q. Samuel Huntington’s Clash of Civilizations thesis still holds much weight in the political world. Where do you think it falls short, and how does your analysis better capture the realities of today’s global conflicts?
A. In his famous 1993 essay in Foreign Affairs, which he later turned into a book, Samuel Huntington claimed that a clash of civilizations was about to dominate world politics, in which culture, alongside national interest and political ideology, was becoming a geopolitical fault line. I have always had serious reservations about Huntington’s theory. I think that in his search for a new enemy in order to focus the foreign policy of the United States after the demise of the Soviet empire, Huntington dangerously confused the notion of culture in general, including social and religious beliefs and behaviors, with that of political culture. Are not many in the Asian world also believers in the universal applicability of Western values and practices such as democracy? There also seems to be no sign of an alliance between Asia and the Islamic world against the West, as Huntington predicted. On the contrary, in the international arena, India and China behave more like satisfied status quo powers – with the exception of Taiwan and Tibet for China, and Kashmir for India – than irresponsible and dangerous revolutionaries.
Q. How do these emotions – fear, humiliation, hope – come to dominate a culture? What are the factors that determine them?
A. Like the seasons, emotions are cyclical. These cycles can be long or short, depending on the culture, on world events, on economic and political developments. In our modern world even a major sports victory can create a sense of elation that may be short lived but have serious immediate consequences. The Chinese banked on the 2008 Beijing Olympics to confirm the international status of their country, even if the Olympics are the result and not the cause of this status. Hope has not only moved east but has also taken on a materialist secular overtone. Hope today is about economic and social empowerment, and it is based on a sense of confidence which is the product of history. As long as the sense of progress among the rising millions transcends the despair, anger and hunger of the poor majority, then the culture of hope will prevail in China, India, and not only there.
If hope is confidence, humiliation is impotence, an emotion that stems above all from the feeling that you are no longer in control of your life either collectively as a people, a nation, or a religious community, or individually, as a single person. Humiliation peaks when you are convinced that the “Other” has intruded into the private realm of your own life and made you utterly dependent. Humiliation encapsulates a sense of dispossession toward the present and even more so towards the future. The dominance of humiliation in the Arab-Islamic world has many causes but the first and most important is a sense of historical decline, a fear of decay that can be traced back to the end of the 17th century, but which reached new depths in the last century.
Fear, the dominant emotion of the West, is above all a reaction to the events and feelings taking place elsewhere. The perception of our vulnerability and of our relative loss of centrality is at the very center of our identity crisis. But a single word may describe very different realities. The fear that dominates or dominated America is quite different than that which permeates Europe. The European culture of fear is dominated by the interrogation “Who are we?” Unlike Europeans, Americans are not preoccupied by the ghost of their past. America has always seen itself as a future, a project more than a history. Three key questions contribute to the current American identity crisis. Have we lost our soul – that is our ethical superiority? Have we lost our purpose – that is our sense of a unique national mission? Finally, have we lost our place in the world – that is, are we in decline? In other words, if Europeans are asking, “Who are we?” Americans are wondering, “What have we done to ourselves?”
The Geopolitics of EmotionQ. You open the book with a discussion of American hope, and you also discuss American fear within the book. How do these two emotions live side by side in America? What sort of country and conflict does that create?
A. Fear and hope coexist in America. One could say that there is one America united by fear and another united by the fear of fear and that the latter America has rallied under the banner of hope. Fear has always been present in American history. The free circulation of guns that remains characteristic of the United States to this day not only celebrates individualism and self-defense, but also represents the inheritance of a wild, violent, and dangerous past, where “man is wolf to man” and fear a natural part of life. But America is also the land of hope and dream. President Barack Obama has this on his side; he is striving not against but with the national grain, seeking not to innovate but rather to restore his country’s traditional view of itself, in which a strong belief in ethical values produces a healthy sense of optimism. One of the key reasons for optimism is that America, the quintessential nation of immigrants, will find new energies and transcend its fears thanks to the millions of new citizens arriving on its shores every year. No one in the world dreams of becoming Chinese; millions of people still dream of becoming American. As long as America keeps the power to attract and the power to integrate, she will be able to surmount the tension between fear and hope.
Q. You note that some countries exhibit a combination of the three emotions – Russia, Iran, Israel. What does this do to their country and their relationships with other countries? Are they uniquely conflict-prone, or unstable, or extreme, or something else?
A. Countries like Russia, Iran and Israel elude a simple classification because they contain all three emotions – fear, humiliation and hope – equally or in a deeply intermingled proportion.
They tend to be particularly difficult to deal with. Of course each country is a case in itself and their attitudes will vary with time depending upon their choices of leaders. Suffice it to say that the least at ease you are with yourself, the more difficult you tend to be in your relationships with others.
Q. How can the emotion of humiliation in the Arab-Islamic world be overcome, if at all?
A. Humiliation can be overcome. Flashes of hope do exist in the Arab world. Just consider the case of the Gulf emirates. They constitute a zone of prosperity and stability in an otherwise poor and turbulent environment and they are the proof that modernity and Islam are not incompatible.
Q. You note that some believe clash between the West and the East are inevitable. Are clashes between countries or cultures exhibiting different emotions inevitable?
A. Clashes between countries and cultures exhibiting different emotions are not inevitable. Knowledge is the answer to intolerance. Learning about the emotions of other cultures is crucial in a world where the “Other” becomes part of us in our multicultural societies. Self-knowledge is particularly important in the case of Islam, where ignorance of one’s own religion and culture constitutes the most fertile soil for the most extreme interpretations, radical perversions and the teaching of hatred.
Q. What is the ideal emotional state for countries, and/or for the world, going forward?
A. If collective entities like cultures and nations can be analyzed through the prisms of psychology and emotions, is it possible to conceive of a prescription for the world analogous to the medical treatment that might be prescribed for an individual? In other words, what are the political strategies and institutional mechanisms necessary to reinforce hope and to contain or reduce fear and humiliation? I am afraid you will have to wait for an answer; this is the subject of my next book.
*Photo of Mr. Moïsi courtesy Laurent Moïsi.
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Anger and fear dominate U.S. politics

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A common diagnosis of Jeb Bush's failed campaign is that the candidate was "out of touch." It's hard to argue otherwise; Bush himself admitted it. "I'm not a grievance candidate," he told NBC's Chuck Todd. Sure enough, Bush soon wasn't a candidate at all.
There are no more happy warriors on the hustings, eager to lead the richest, most powerful nation on Earth. Well, there's Ohio Gov. John Kasich. "I want you to know I'm going to continue to run a positive campaign and not get down in the gutter and throw mud at anybody," Kasich said after his defeat — one of 30 out of 30 Republican contests — in Michigan. "So I think the people are beginning to reward a positive campaign."
Good luck, Mr. Kasich.
It has been 22 years since "angry white men" powered the Republican takeover of Congress. Over the decades their anger and alienation have only intensified as their dissatisfaction has spread across the land.
More than twice as many Americans believe the country is on the wrong track as on the right track. That's a subjective judgment, but it rests on facts people often get wrong. The 2015 American Values Survey found: "The number of Americans citing crime, racial tensions, and illegal immigration as major problems increased substantially between 2012 and 2015."
Actually, crime, including violent crime, is mostly down in that period, continuing a spectacularly positive trend that is two decades long. Illegal immigration is down substantially from its 2007 peak. Racial "tensions," which are a product of perception, may well be "up" for some Americans. But since 2012, jobs, GDP growth and the number of Americans with health insurance are all up despite many perceptions that they're not.
In a world increasingly driven and navigated by data, American politics appears increasingly immune to its charms. Donald Trump's voluminous lies have been repeatedly documented and refuted, yet he leads the Republican nomination race. Demonology and nonsense reign.
"What most Republicans know about the society and the economy comes from cable news, talk radio, right-wing blogs and the amplification from emails and other social media shared by close friends and relatives," political scientist Norman Ornstein said via email. "What is the most prevalent commercial they see? For gold! Why gold? That is what you buy when the Apocalypse is coming."
On the Democratic side, life ought to be relatively cool and bright. The Democratic Party has its problems, but it's not a steaming existential mess like the GOP. Hillary Clinton is running for Obama's third term, promising both to preserve his accomplishments and, where possible, advance a similar agenda. Like Obama campaigning in 2012, when he had the delicate task of taking credit for an economic rebound while acknowledging that many skiffs had failed to rise with the tide, Clinton is constantly reminding audiences that she knows things should be better.
But to keep pace with Bernie Sanders, her Democratic rival, she's also had to get acquainted with the gloom. The essence of the Sanders campaign is that the economy is "rigged" by those at the very top who are keeping everyone else down. Politics in his view is a wholly owned subsidiary of corporate elites. "The real issue is that Congress is owned by big money and refuses to do what the American people want them to do," Sanders said.
Sanders doesn't consider Obama's presidency a liberal success under extraordinarily adverse economic and political conditions. He thinks it's a lost opportunity. He and his supporters see a bleak landscape raked over by corporations and their political enablers in pursuit of dominance and profits. They want more jobs and less trade, more health insurance and less Obamacare, more equality and less equivocating.
Sanders' list of bad guys (the rich) is short. Republicans, by contrast, offer a smorgasbord of enemies, including Mexicans and Muslims, Obama and liberals, "political correctness," China, Japan, Europe and, of course, that locus of taxes, regulation and irredeemable evil, the U.S. Government, aka "Washington."
There are serious problems in the U.S., including a long, painful decline in incomes for high-school graduates and others in jobs that have been squeezed by globalization and automation. Millions of people have been left behind by a fast-moving, unstable economy.
But the general contours of the economy and the nation circa 2016 are insufficient to explain how so many Americans came to have faith in a narrative of doom. The resulting paralysis undermines the capacity of politics and policy to use traditional levers, including the tax code and the social safety net, to address the very problems bringing everyone down.
One of Americans' most telling anxieties is the pervasive fear that they or a loved one will fall victim to a terrorist attack. For the average American, the chances are smaller than minuscule. But we are a nation seemingly hooked on fear itself. Mexican or Muslim, overbearing rich or grasping poor, we'll get a fix wherever we can find it.
Bloomberg View
Francis Wilkinson writes on politics and domestic policy for Bloomberg View.
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mikenova shared this story from Putin and Putinism - News Review. inoСМИ.Ru Смогут ли державы договориться о правилах поведения в киберпространстве inoСМИ.Ru Сначала они якобы вскрыли почтовый сервер национального комитета Демократическо...
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24/09/16 17:05 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
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24/09/16 17:05 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
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24/09/16 17:03 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Putin - Google News. CNN How this week brought Russia-US relations to a new low CNN At the heart of Russia's rocky relationship with the US stands Vladimir Putin , the man who has led the country as Presid...
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24/09/16 17:03 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty. Azerbaijan is holding a referendum on September 26 on constitutional amendments to expand its president's powers, but voters have little information about what they are b...
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24/09/16 17:02 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from В мире – Новости Google. РИА Новости Олланд призвал власти Кале снести стихийный лагерь мигрантов РИА Новости МОСКВА, 24 сен — РИА Новости. Президент Франции Франсуа Олланд призвал власти французского горо...
» New Wave Of Air Strikes On Aleppo As Damascus Prepares Offensive
24/09/16 16:45 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty. Warplanes have mounted a new wave of air strikes on rebel-held areas of Aleppo as part of a planned major offensive by the Russian-backed Syrian military.
» Pakistan Not Doing Enough Against Haqqani Network, US General Says
24/09/16 16:44 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Voice of America. The commander of U.S. and NATO forces in Afghanistan says neighboring Pakistan has not yet placed “adequate pressure” on the Haqqani Network of militants to prevent them from plotting dea...
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24/09/16 16:44 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
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24/09/16 16:43 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Putin and Putinism - News Review. baltnews.lv Focus: Вбросы компромата на WikiLeaks - дело рук «московской агентуры» baltnews.lv В WikiLeaks уже «давно внедрилась московская агентура», продолжает автор ста...
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24/09/16 16:43 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from US - Russia relations - Google News. Sputnik International US Has Repeatedly Missed its Chance to Establish Partnership With Russia Sputnik International Stephen F. Cohen, professor emeritus of Russian stu...
» UN: Rebel-held Parts of Aleppo Without Water After Syrian Bombing
24/09/16 16:41 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Voice of America. The United Nations says that intense airstrikes against rebel-held areas of the embattled city Aleppo have left 1.75 million people without running water, days into one of the most intens...
» Clinton's aide left classified briefing paper in Russian hotel – FBI documents - RT
24/09/16 16:41 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Russia - Google News. RT Clinton's aide left classified briefing paper in Russian hotel – FBI documents RT The FBI investigation looking into Hillary Clinton's breaches of professional conduct has made pub...
» Clinton, Trump to Meet Separately With Israel’s Netanyahu
24/09/16 16:40 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Voice of America. Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump will suspend weekend preparations for Monday’s presidential debate when they meet separately Sunday with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, a key ...
» Trump Suffers Another Bout of Russian Amnesia - ABC News
24/09/16 16:40 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Russia - Google News. CNBC Trump Suffers Another Bout of Russian Amnesia ABC News Donald Trump, a man who once boasted having “the world's greatest memory,” has suddenly forgotten the role that was to be p...
» Indian PM Accuses Pakistan Of Exporting Terrorism
24/09/16 16:40 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty. Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi has accused Pakistan of trying to destabilize Asia by exporting terrorism while vowing to work to isolate it internationally.
» In Syrian War, Russia Has Yet to Fulfill Superpower Ambitions - New York Times
24/09/16 16:39 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Russia - Google News. New York Times In Syrian War, Russia Has Yet to Fulfill Superpower Ambitions New York Times Russia's intervention has succeeded in freezing its interests, along with Syria's battle li...
» India's PM Says Pakistan's Support of Terror Is Destabilizing Asia
24/09/16 16:39 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Voice of America. Slamming Pakistan as an exporter of terrorism, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Saturday accused his country's South Asian neighbor of trying to destabilize Asia and vowed to isolat...
» Assad’s troops tighten grip on Aleppo as 2 million left without water
24/09/16 16:38 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Russia | The Guardian. A siege of the Syrian city has intensified after the end of the weeklong ceasefire, with little hope of reviving US-Russian backed talks President Bashar al-Assad’s troops have tight...
» In Syrian War, Russia Has Yet to Fulfill Superpower Ambitions
24/09/16 16:38 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Russia. Vladimir V. Putin has won Moscow a seat at any table where Syria’s future is debated. But his drive for renewed recognition as a superpower remains unfulfilled.
» Will Russia-Pak joint drill alter Moscow-Delhi ties? - Times of India
24/09/16 16:38 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Russia - Google News. Times of India Will Russia -Pak joint drill alter Moscow-Delhi ties? Times of India NEW DELHI: This week India- Russia relationship moved from being 'special' to regular. As Russian t...
» Hillary Clinton for President - The New York Times
24/09/16 16:26 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story . Similarly, Mrs. Clinton’s occasional missteps, combined with attacks on her trustworthiness, have distorted perceptions of her character. She is one of the most tenacious politicians of her generation, ...
» 9 times Ted Cruz insulted Donald Trump before endorsing him - Politico
24/09/16 13:13 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from trump narcissist - Google News. Politico 9 times Ted Cruz insulted Donald Trump before endorsing him Politico Continuing to unload in Indiana, Cruz offered: “He combines [dishonesty] with being a narcissis...
» Ted Cruz endorses Donald Trump months after calling him 'pathological liar', 'utterly amoral' and 'serial philanderer' - Telegraph.co.uk
24/09/16 13:12 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from trump narcissist - Google News. Telegraph.co.uk Ted Cruz endorses Donald Trump months after calling him 'pathological liar', 'utterly amoral' and 'serial philanderer' Telegraph.co.uk There was immediate sp...
» Cruz once called Trump 'a serial philanderer' and 'pathological liar.' Now he's backing him for president. Here's why. - Los Angeles Times
24/09/16 13:12 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Trump liar - Google News. Los Angeles Times Cruz once called Trump 'a serial philanderer' and 'pathological liar .' Now he's backing him for president. Here's why. Los Angeles Times Ted Cruz announced Frid...
» And you thought Trump's a narcissist? - Fresno Bee
24/09/16 13:12 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from trump narcissist - Google News. The New Yorker And you thought Trump's a narcissist ? Fresno Bee At the Congressional Black Caucus Foundation dinner Sept. 17, President Obama stated that he would “…conside...
» Trump's Biggest Clinton Conspiracy Theories, Debunked - Vanity Fair
24/09/16 13:11 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from trump narcissist - Google News. Trump's Biggest Clinton Conspiracy Theories, Debunked Vanity Fair Donald Trump is both a narcissist and a naïf, a volatile combination that has made the Republican president...
» Clinton: 'habitual liar' Trump must be curbed in presidential debate - The Guardian
24/09/16 13:11 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Trump liar - Google News. The Guardian Clinton: 'habitual liar ' Trump must be curbed in presidential debate The Guardian ... habitual liar ,” said Palmieri, who said she was worried about what it “means f...
» Шанс на стратегическое партнерство с Россией был упущен при Буше, — Washington Post - Русская Весна (пресс-релиз) (Блог)
24/09/16 13:03 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from россия и запад - Google News. Русская Весна (пресс-релиз) (Блог) Шанс на стратегическое партнерство с Россией был упущен при Буше, — Washington Post Русская Весна (пресс-релиз) (Блог) В своей речи спустя н...
» Clinton Plays It Frosty Between the Ferns - New York Times
24/09/16 13:02 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from clinton - Google News. New York Times Clinton Plays It Frosty Between the Ferns New York Times Yesterday, Hillary Clinton arguably had one of her most effective public appearances in months, and it happene...
» Donald Trump Either Lied to the Republicans or Broke the Law (Exclusive) - Newsweek
24/09/16 13:02 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from trump - Google News. Newsweek Donald Trump Either Lied to the Republicans or Broke the Law (Exclusive) Newsweek Donald Trump committed perjury. Or he looked into the faces of the Republican faithful and kn...
» Ted Cruz caves, endorses 'pathological liar' Donald Trump - CNBC
24/09/16 13:02 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from trump - Google News. CNBC Ted Cruz caves, endorses 'pathological liar' Donald Trump CNBC In a Facebook post, Cruz said he decided to vote for Trump "after many months of careful consideration, of pray...
» Trump's Companies Made $1.6 Million Off the Secret Service - Fortune
24/09/16 13:01 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from trump - Google News. Fortune Trump's Companies Made $1.6 Million Off the Secret Service Fortune The Service is tasked with protecting high-ranking government officials and presidential candidates (among ot...
» Trump, Clinton Differ on Policing - ABC News
24/09/16 13:01 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from clinton - Google News. Trump, Clinton Differ on Policing ABC News The two fatal police shootings that occurred in Tulsa and Charlotte recently have prompted a renewed focus on what police may be able to do...
» Clinton calls on Charlotte police to release video of shooting - USA TODAY
24/09/16 13:00 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from clinton - Google News. USA TODAY Clinton calls on Charlotte police to release video of shooting USA TODAY Hillary Clinton called Friday for the Charlotte, N.C. police department to release video from the s...
» Hillary Clinton's 'Angry' Face - New York Times
24/09/16 13:00 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from clinton - Google News. New York Times Hillary Clinton's 'Angry' Face New York Times When Hillary Clinton participated in a televised forum on national security and military issues this month, the chairman ...
» BREAKING: Former US Attorney Says FBI Director Comey Should Resign - Daily Caller
24/09/16 13:00 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from comey - Google News. NBCNews.com Fox News BREAKING: Former US Attorney Says FBI Director Comey Should Resign Daily Caller FBI Director James Comey should resign, according to former U.S. Attorney Joseph Di...
» Trump campaign quarrels over money woes - Politico
24/09/16 13:00 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from trump - Google News. Politico Trump campaign quarrels over money woes Politico Frustration is growing within Donald Trump's campaign over the Republican nominee's yawning money gap with Democratic rival Hi...
» Russia: Syrian Opposition Must Separate from Nusra - Voice of America
24/09/16 12:59 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from russia in syria - Google News. Voice of America Russia : Syrian Opposition Must Separate from Nusra Voice of America Lavrov complained that since the United States and Russia , as co-chairs of the Internat...
» The Mystery of Trump's Man in Moscow - POLITICO Magazine
24/09/16 12:42 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from trump - Google News. POLITICO Magazine Politico The Mystery of Trump's Man in Moscow POLITICO Magazine Politico In March, in a bold “Oh yeah?” moment during an interview with the Washington Post's editoria...
» FBI dumps new batch of Clinton probe documents - USA TODAY
24/09/16 12:41 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Top Stories - Google News. USA TODAY FBI dumps new batch of Clinton probe documents USA TODAY WASHINGTON -- Nearly 200 additional pages released late Friday from the FBI's now-closed investigation of Hilla...
» Police Intelligence Operations are leaving Cascade Mall shooting scene for the night, press conference to take place ... - BreakingNews.com
24/09/16 12:37 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from cascade mall shooting - Google News. Police Intelligence Operations are leaving Cascade Mall shooting scene for the night, press conference to take place ... BreakingNews.com Police Intelligence Operations...
» Hillary Clinton Has the Best Solution to Homegrown Terrorism - TIME
24/09/16 12:36 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from clinton - Google News. TIME Hillary Clinton Has the Best Solution to Homegrown Terrorism TIME This insight is at the heart of Clinton's plan for stopping terrorist violence at home. As she put it earlier t...
» FBI and DOJ Vow to Continue Using Junk Science Rejected by White House Report - The Intercept
23/09/16 16:21 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from fbi - Google News. The Intercept FBI and DOJ Vow to Continue Using Junk Science Rejected by White House Report The Intercept Although a report released this week by the President's Council of Advisors on S...
» Hillary Clinton Would Raise the Estate Tax to 65%
23/09/16 16:20 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Washington Free Beacon. Hillary Clinton has proposed raising the estate tax to 65 percent, which would make it more difficult for high-income individuals to pass on their wealth without paying taxes, the W...
» Trump team builds 'psychological profile' of Clinton for debate
23/09/16 14:26 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story . The “psychological profile,” as the analysis is being called, is based on a statistical analysis of videos from 16 years' worth of Hillary Clinton’s debates. | Getty Donald Trump’s tea...
» Kentucky police arrest lurking clown
23/09/16 14:10 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from BBC News - World. Kentucky police arrest a 20-year-old man dressed as a clown amid reports of dozens of lurking clowns in at least six US states.
» Mideast ‘quartet’ urges steps to resume peace talks
23/09/16 14:10 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from World. The international diplomatic “quartet” of Mideast peacemakers is calling once again for Israel and the Palestinians to take steps to resume stalled peace talks.
» Media: Turkish Journalist Detained Over 'Subliminal Coup Messages'
23/09/16 14:08 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Voice of America. A prominent Turkish journalist was detained for trial on Friday, accused of participating in a coup by sending out subliminal messages to rogue troops who tried to seize power, media said...
» Кадровые назначения в системе МВД России
23/09/16 14:07 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Сайт Президента России: Все материалы. Президент подписал указы о кадровых назначениях в системе Министерства внутренних дел Российской Федерации. Согласно Указу, генерал-лейтенант полиции Анатолий Якунин ...
» Байден сообщил о согласии Киева предоставить особый статус Донбассу - Взгляд
23/09/16 14:06 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from В мире – Новости Google. БИЗНЕС.ua Байден сообщил о согласии Киева предоставить особый статус Донбассу Взгляд Киевские власти согласились предоставить Донбассу особый статус, сообщил вице-президент США Джо...
» The Real Terrorism Problem: There is No Such Thing as Perfect Security
23/09/16 13:47 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from The National Interest. Daniel R. DePetris Security, The real terrorism challenge.  In a span of a few hours, the United States experienced a series of lone-wolf terrorist attacks from individuals who law e...
» Panel Discussion - Chasing the Dragon: The Life of an Opiate Addict
23/09/16 13:46 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from fbi's YouTube Videos. From: fbi Duration: 00:00 On September 21, 2016, FBI Director James B. Comey will join Acting DEA Administrator Chuck Rosenberg and Attorney General Loretta Lynch in a panel discu...
» Ahmad Khan Rahami Was Inspired by Bin Laden, Charges Say
23/09/16 13:45 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Federal Bureau of Investigation. One day after Mr. Rahami, the suspect in the Manhattan and New Jersey bombings, was taken into custody, investigators on Tuesday were learning more about what might have mo...
» What Does the F.B.I. Do to Prevent Terrorist Attacks?
23/09/16 13:45 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Federal Bureau of Investigation. The bureau has been criticized for failing to prevent a series of recent attacks, but there are limitations on what it can investigate without justification.
» How Ahmad Khan Rahami Passed Through a Net Meant to Thwart Terrorists
23/09/16 13:45 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Federal Bureau of Investigation. The National Targeting Center flagged Mr. Rahami, who is charged in a two-state bombing spree, for extra screening when he returned from traveling abroad, but there were no...
» Russian planes dropped bombs that destroyed UN aid convoy, US officials say
23/09/16 13:45 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from US national security | The Guardian. If confirmed, the claim of direct Russian involvement in the bombing that killed at least 20 people in Syria would have far-reaching consequences US defence officials n...
» Unmasked!
23/09/16 13:44 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Intelligence Analysis and Reporting. Title:                      Unmasked Author:                 Ronald Seth Seth, Ronald (1965). Unmaskedl The Story of Soviet Espionage . New York, Hawthorn Books LCCN:  ...
» Clapper: Russia has tried to influence US elections before - Washington Post
23/09/16 13:44 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from James R. Clapper Jr. - Google News. Washington Post Clapper : Russia has tried to influence US elections before Washington Post ... Your browser does not currently support live streaming video. Play VideoL...
» Key lawmakers accuse Russia of campaign to disrupt US election - Washington Post
23/09/16 13:44 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from James R. Clapper Jr. - Google News. Washington Post Key lawmakers accuse Russia of campaign to disrupt US election Washington Post Speaking this week at a public event hosted by The Washington Post, Direct...
» Britain’s MI6 to increase its size by 40% in four years
23/09/16 13:43 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from intelNews.org. Britain’s primary external intelligence agency, MI6, will see a 40 percent increase in personnel numbers in the next four years, according to a new report.
» Edward Snowden and the Legal Methods of Reporting Complaints
23/09/16 13:42 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from In Homeland Security. If Edward Snowden had pursued legal channels to make his point about privacy, his life may have been significantly different than it is now.
» Vladimir Putin’s Power Play May Start a Russian Political Crisis
23/09/16 13:39 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from In Homeland Security. By William Tucker Contributor, In Homeland Security In Russia’s recent parliamentary elections, the results were as expected. Russian President Vladimir Putin’s party, United Russia, ...
» Man guilty in plot for Islamic State group to behead blogger
23/09/16 13:38 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from In Homeland Security. A man charged with plotting to help the Islamic State group has pleaded guilty to conspiracy charges, including a plot to a behead conservative blogger.
» Trump is headed for a win, says professor who’s predicted 30 years of presidential outcomes correctly
23/09/16 13:38 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from In Homeland Security. Professor Allan Lichtman - who has correctly predicted every presidential election since 1984 - has made his 2016 pick: Donald Trump.
» Properly screening immigrants from terror-plagued countries is common sense - Washington Times
23/09/16 13:37 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from james b. comey - Google News. Washington Times Properly screening immigrants from terror-plagued countries is common sense Washington Times FBI Director James B . Comey has said trying to identify and spot...
» Watch Live: Panel Discussion on Opioid Addiction — FBI - Federal Bureau of Investigation (press release) (blog)
23/09/16 13:37 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from james b. comey - Google News. Federal Bureau of Investigation (press release) (blog) Watch Live: Panel Discussion on Opioid Addiction — FBI Federal Bureau of Investigation (press release) (blog) A livestre...
» Led by Chicago, homicides spiking again in some big US cities - Kankakee Daily Journal
23/09/16 13:36 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from james b. comey - Google News. Led by Chicago, homicides spiking again in some big US cities Kankakee Daily Journal As a number of major American cities are reporting more homicides this year than last year...
» It’s Not Like Hollywood: Why U.S. Airstrikes Go Awry
23/09/16 13:35 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from United States Defense and Military Forces. Military officers and experts say that almost all mistaken American strikes over the years have come down to two main reasons: faulty intelligence and battlefield...
» Obama Administration Considers Arming Syrian Kurds Against ISIS
23/09/16 13:35 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from United States Defense and Military Forces. The major policy shift could speed up the offensive against the Islamic State but also sharply escalate tensions between Turkey and the United States.
» Shell Fired by ISIS at U.S. and Iraqi Troops May Have Contained Chemical Agent
23/09/16 13:34 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from United States Defense and Military Forces. Officials say an unexploded round from an attack by the Islamic State on a military outpost in northern Iraq initially tested positive for a mustard agent. mustar...
» Foreign Wars and Terrorism
23/09/16 13:30 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from United States Defense and Military Forces. It’s time for the candidates to give voters the specifics of how they will handle Iraq, Syria and homegrown terrorism.
» Former CIA Director: Political Correctness Kills Our Ability To Stop Radical Islamic Terror - Daily Caller
23/09/16 13:29 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from cia - Google News. Washington Examiner Former CIA Director: Political Correctness Kills Our Ability To Stop Radical Islamic Terror Daily Caller Former CIA Director James Woolsey said Monday on Fox & Fr...
» CIA director to speak at cybersecurity conference at Augusta University - WRDW-TV
23/09/16 13:29 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from cia - Google News. WRDW-TV CIA director to speak at cybersecurity conference at Augusta University WRDW-TV AUGUSTA, Ga. (WRDW/WAGT) -- The director of the CIA is set to speak to cybersecurity students and ...
» CIA Director Once Voted for Communist Presidential Candidate - Washington Free Beacon
23/09/16 13:29 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from cia - Google News. Washington Free Beacon CIA Director Once Voted for Communist Presidential Candidate Washington Free Beacon Brennan told a congressional panel last week that he “froze” while taking a CIA...
» 'Donald Trump is not a patriot,' says former acting CIA chief Michael Morell - Washington Post
23/09/16 13:28 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from cia - Google News. Washington Post 'Donald Trump is not a patriot,' says former acting CIA chief Michael Morell Washington Post Former acting CIA director and Hillary Clinton supporter Michael Morell said ...
» CIA Director Voted for the Communist Party - FrontPage Magazine
23/09/16 13:28 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from cia - Google News. FrontPage Magazine CIA Director Voted for the Communist Party FrontPage Magazine Brennan told a congressional panel last week that he “froze” while taking a CIA polygraph test four years...
» CIA Director Reveals He Was Once a Communist Sympathizer - New York Magazine
23/09/16 13:28 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from cia - Google News. New York Magazine CIA Director Reveals He Was Once a Communist Sympathizer New York Magazine In 1976, future CIA director John Brennan was a college student disgusted by Watergate and th...
» Bombings in New York, New Jersey were terror attacks, White House says
23/09/16 13:18 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from DEBKAFile. September 21, 2016, 8:37 AM (IDT) White House spokesman Josh Earnest said Tuesday at a briefing for journalists in New York that the bombings carried out by Ahmed Khan Rahami in Manhattan and Ne...
» FBI seeks two men in connection with NYC bombings
23/09/16 13:17 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from DEBKAFile. September 21, 2016, 9:36 PM (IDT) The image of two men was circulated by the FBI Wednesday night as wanted for questioning, after they were seen walking away with the suitcase which Ahmed K...
» Ahmad Khan Rahimi - Google Search
23/09/16 13:11 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story . Ahmad Khan Rahimi's father says he told FBI that son had 'become ... The Indian Express - 9 hours ago Ahmad Khan Rahimi's father says he told FBI that son had 'become bad'. Ahmad Khan Rahimi has been charged ...
» Rahimi’s Al Qaeda handler is based in Quetta
23/09/16 13:01 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from DEBKAFile. Ahmad Khan Rahimi who was born 28 years ago n Afghanistan made several trips to his home country and Pakistan between 2011 and 2014. During those trips, he secretly visited Quetta, the capital o...
» How the Radical Nusra Chief Upset the Obama-Putin Applecart for Syria
23/09/16 12:59 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from DEBKAFile. September 22, 2016, 5:12 PM (IDT) The Syrian rebel movement gangs up against the US as well as Russia.
» Who Ordered the US Air Strike on a Syrian Army Post? A Secret Probe Seeks an Answer
23/09/16 12:58 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from DEBKAFile. September 22, 2016, 5:12 PM (IDT) Obama orders a secret probe in Washington to discover who it was.
» Russian-Syrian Aleppo tactics await the South
23/09/16 12:58 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from DEBKAFile. September 23, 2016, 6:49 PM (IDT) In scores of air raids launched early Friday, Sept. 23, Syrian and Russian bombers pulverized Syrian rebel strongholds in eastern Aleppo, while, on the ground, ...
» FBI looked into suspected bomber Ahmad Rahami in 2014, officials say - Washington Post
23/09/16 12:57 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from fbi - Google News. Washington Post FBI looked into suspected bomber Ahmad Rahami in 2014, officials say Washington Post As details continued to emerge about Ahmad Khan Rahami, the 28-year-old named as the ...
» FBI: Bombing suspect's father contacted the feds in 2014 - KTRK-TV
23/09/16 12:56 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from fbi - Google News. FBI : Bombing suspect's father contacted the feds in 2014 KTRK-TV The father of the man suspected in the weekend bombings in New York and New Jersey called the FBI in 2014 to say his son...
» Bombing Suspect Drew FBI's Attention In 2014 After Domestic Dispute - NPR
23/09/16 12:56 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from fbi - Google News. NPR Bombing Suspect Drew FBI's Attention In 2014 After Domestic Dispute NPR A domestic dispute in 2014 triggered FBI scrutiny into Ahmad Khan Rahami, who late Tuesday was charged in the ...
» News Wrap: FBI investigated New York-area bombing suspect in 2014 - PBS NewsHour
23/09/16 12:56 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from fbi - Google News. News Wrap: FBI investigated New York-area bombing suspect in 2014 PBS NewsHour In our news wrap Tuesday, The New York Times reported that the FBI briefly investigated Ahmad Khan Rahami, ...
» FBI says it looked into New York bombing suspect 2 years ago - Chicago Tribune
23/09/16 12:55 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from fbi - Google News. KPRC Houston FBI says it looked into New York bombing suspect 2 years ago Chicago Tribune Police captured Ahmad Khan Rahami after a shootout that left him and two officers injured on Sep...
» GOP Subpoenas FBI to Turn over Clinton Email Docs - Fox News
23/09/16 12:55 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from fbi - Google News. Fox News GOP Subpoenas FBI to Turn over Clinton Email Docs Fox News House Committee on Science, Space and Technology Chairman Lamar Smith, R-Texas, subpoenaed FBI Director James Comey on...
» Customs agency notified FBI, other agencies about Rahami's ... - CNN
23/09/16 12:55 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from fbi - Google News. CNN CNN First on CNN: Customs agency notified FBI, FBI , other agencies about Rahami's ... overseas travel CNN (CNN) Customs and Border Protection officers put information about Ahmad Kh...
» McCaul: We'll look at FBI's prior probe into accused bomber - Politico (blog)
23/09/16 12:55 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from fbi - Google News. Politico (blog) McCaul: We'll look at FBI's prior probe into accused bomber Politico (blog) House Homeland Security Committee Chairman Michael McCaul said Tuesday that his committee plan...
» Why FBI Suspects Keep Attacking Americans - FrontPage Magazine
23/09/16 12:54 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from fbi - Google News. FrontPage Magazine Why FBI Suspects Keep Attacking Americans FrontPage Magazine The FBI has indeed been handcuffed in terrorist investigations by President Obama whose administration has...
» FBI Director Gets a Big Wake-Up Call from Congress After Letting Hillary Off the Hook - Independent Journal Review
23/09/16 12:53 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from fbi - Google News. Independent Journal Review FBI Director Gets a Big Wake-Up Call from Congress After Letting Hillary Off the Hook Independent Journal Review The FBI Director's recommendation to the Attor...
» The FBI spent $1.3M to crack the iPhone — this hacker spent just $100 - VICE News
23/09/16 12:53 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from fbi - Google News. VICE News The FBI spent $1.3M to crack the iPhone — this hacker spent just $100 VICE News A security researcher has demonstrated that the passcode of an iPhone can be cracked using off-t...
» FBI Omits Mention Of ISIS Connections In Criminal Complaint Of NYC Bomber - Daily Caller
23/09/16 12:52 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from fbi - Google News. FBI Omits Mention Of ISIS Connections In Criminal Complaint Of NYC Bomber Daily Caller Just off of the corner of Broadway and 23rd Street in Manhattan's Chelsea neighborhood in the early...
» Terrorists in US Will 'Get Through,' Feds Can't 'Stop Everything,' FBI Official Warns - ABC News
23/09/16 12:52 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from fbi - Google News. Newsday Terrorists in US Will 'Get Through,' Feds Can't 'Stop Everything,' FBI Official Warns ABC News Some radical jihadists plotting to attack inside the United States will "unfortunat...
» Another Judge Declares FBI's Playpen Warrant Invalid, Suppresses All Evidence - Techdirt
23/09/16 12:51 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from fbi - Google News. Another Judge Declares FBI's Playpen Warrant Invalid, Suppresses All Evidence Techdirt Cyrus Farivar of Ars Technica reports that another federal judge has found the warrant used by the ...
» FBI Veteran Outlines How Agency Approaches Terrorism Warning Signs - NPR
23/09/16 12:51 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from fbi - Google News. FBI Veteran Outlines How Agency Approaches Terrorism Warning Signs NPR How does the FBI handle warning signs like those that were reportedly exhibited by Ahmad Rahami? NPR's Robert Siege...
» Can the F.B.I. Do More to Investigate Suspected Extremists? - Room for Debate
23/09/16 12:36 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Responses to Can the F.B.I. Do More to Investigate Suspected Extremists?. Faiza Patel Faiza Patel is the co-director of the Liberty and National Security Program at the Brennan Center for Justice at New Yo...
» US|What Does the FBI Do to Prevent Terrorist Attacks? - New York Times
23/09/16 12:34 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from fbi - Google News. New York Times US|What Does the FBI Do to Prevent Terrorist Attacks? New York Times WASHINGTON — The F.B.I. is the government agency in charge of investigating terrorism. But the bureau ...
» Can the FBI Do More to Investigate Suspected Extremists? - New York Times
23/09/16 12:33 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from fbi - Google News. New York Times Can the FBI Do More to Investigate Suspected Extremists? New York Times This suggests that we need to revisit the F.B.I. 's domestic investigation guidelines. They are dra...
» Yahoo hit with hack affecting at least 500 million user accounts, FBI investigating - The Mercury News
23/09/16 12:33 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from fbi - Google News. The Mercury News Yahoo hit with hack affecting at least 500 million user accounts, FBI investigating The Mercury News “We take these types of breaches very seriously and will determine h...
» Yahoo Says Hacker Stole Data on At Least 500 Million Users - Variety
23/09/16 12:31 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Cyber Warfare - Google News. Variety Yahoo Says Hacker Stole Data on At Least 500 Million Users Variety Yahoo on Thursday confirmed a massive data breach, in which it said a “state-sponsored” hacker broke ...
» Feinstein and Schiff Statement on Russian Hacking
23/09/16 12:30 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Lawfare - Hard National Security Choices. Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-CA)  (D-CA), vice chair of the Senate Intelligence Committee, and Representative Adam Schiff (D-CA), the ranking Democratic members of ...
» ‘Doomsday Today in Aleppo’: Assad and Russian Forces Bombard City
23/09/16 12:29 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from NYT > World. A clear sign that the Syrian government has returned to trying to stamp out the rebel movement and seize ground through military force.
» Foreign Hacker Who Aided Islamic State Gets 20 Years in US
23/09/16 12:29 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Voice of America. A computer hacker who helped the Islamic State by providing names of more than 1,000 U.S. government and military workers as potential targets has been sentenced to 20 years in prison.   ...
» Donald Trump Promises Deregulation of Energy Production - Wall Street Journal
23/09/16 12:27 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Top Stories - Google News. Wall Street Journal Donald Trump Promises Deregulation of Energy Production Wall Street Journal PITTSBURGH—Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump promised sweeping deregu...
» Nearly 30 civilians dead in air strikes on Syria's Aleppo: monitor - The Daily Star
23/09/16 12:26 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Top Stories - Google News. Financial Express India Today Nearly 30 civilians dead in air strikes on Syria's Aleppo: monitor The Daily Star People inspect a damaged site after airstrikes on the rebel held T...
» Kingdom Comedown: Falling Oil Prices Shock Saudi Middle Class
23/09/16 12:25 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from WSJ.com: World News. A sharp drop in the price of oil, Saudi Arabia’s main revenue source, has forced the government to withdraw some benefits this year—raising the cost of living in the kingdom and hurtin...
» U.S. Believes Russia Bombed Syrian Aid Convoy
23/09/16 12:24 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from WSJ.com: World News. U.S. intelligence agencies believe that Russian aircraft conducted the strike that targeted a humanitarian aid convoy in northern Syria on Monday, according to U.S. officials.
» U.S. Spy Chief Suggests Russia Was Behind Election-Linked Hacks
23/09/16 12:24 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from WSJ.com: World News. Director of National Intelligence James Clapper said Russia has been conducting similar exercises against the U.S. since the 1960s.
» German Parties Targeted in Cyberattack
23/09/16 12:24 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from WSJ.com: World News. Hackers sought to infiltrate the computer systems of several German political parties this summer, officials said Wednesday, raising fears of foreign interference in the country’s poli...
» U.S., Russia Spar Over Syria at U.N.
23/09/16 12:23 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from WSJ.com: World News. The top U.S. and Russian diplomats clashed over Syria during a United Nations Security Council meeting Wednesday, fueling doubts about whether a shredded cease-fire effort can be salva...
» Russia Suggests U.S. Drone May Have Hit Aid Convoy in Syria
23/09/16 12:23 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from WSJ.com: World News. Russia’s Defense Ministry said an armed drone belonging to the U.S.-led coalition was in the vicinity of a humanitarian aid convoy that was hit by an airstrike Monday in Syria.
» U.S. Military Seeks More Troops for Iraq
23/09/16 12:23 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from WSJ.com: World News. The U.S. military is requesting authority to send up to 500 new troops to Iraq ahead of a much-anticipated campaign to take back Mosul from Islamic State, according to U.S. officials.
» Venezuela Electoral Council Sets High Bar for Maduro Vote
23/09/16 12:23 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from WSJ.com: World News. The alliance that opposes President Nicolás Maduro must collect 20% of all voter signatures in each state during a three-day period, making it highly unlikely the government will change.
» Excommunicating Saudis? A New Fracture Emerges in Islam
23/09/16 12:22 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from WSJ.com: World News. Buoyed by Russia’s new influence in the Middle East, Chechnya’s leader hosted a high-profile conference on who qualifies to be a Sunni Muslim. Notably left out was Saudi Arabia’s relig...
» Iranian Leader Lashes Out at Saudi Arabia in U.N. Speech
23/09/16 12:22 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from WSJ.com: World News. Iranian President Hassan Rouhani railed at the U.S. and Saudi Arabia for policies that he said have created division and chaos from Syria to North Africa in an address Thursday to the ...
» Muslim Brotherhood Regains Foothold in Jordan's Parliament
23/09/16 12:21 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from WSJ.com: World News. The Muslim Brotherhood’s political arm won eight seats in this week’s Jordanian elections, a mostly symbolic victory that nonetheless revives the movement’s presence in the legislature...
» Syrian, Russian Warplanes Pummel Rebel-Held Neighborhoods of Aleppo
23/09/16 12:21 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from WSJ.com: World News. Bombardment is part of the government’s fresh offensive in the northern city. The U.S. and Russia have said they’re committed to trying to revive cease-fire.
» Britain's Intelligence Agency to Recruit 40% More Spies - TIME
23/09/16 12:19 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from World - Google News. TIME Britain's Intelligence Agency to Recruit 40% More Spies TIME ANGELO CARCONI—ANSA via AP The UK's Secret Intelligence Service, MI6, is to recruit 1000 more spies by 2020. (File pho...
» Russian Votes From Syria Hint At Size of Military Deployment - Newsweek
23/09/16 12:19 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from World - Google News. Newsweek Russian Votes From Syria Hint At Size of Military Deployment Newsweek Nearly 5,000 Russians voted in the country's parliamentary election from the territory of Syria, a large ...
» Putin Names Close Ally to Head Russia's Spy Agency - New York Times
23/09/16 12:18 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from World - Google News. Newsweek Putin Names Close Ally to Head Russia's Spy Agency New York Times MOSCOW — Russian President Vladimir Putin has named his longtime ally, the speaker of parliament and Putin's ...
» Philippines seeks Duterte visits to Japan, China next month - Reuters
23/09/16 12:18 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from World - Google News. Reuters Philippines seeks Duterte visits to Japan, China next month Reuters Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte raises a middle finger thrust out in an obscene gesture as he speaks be...
» Преподаватель Бауманки приговорен к 7 годам колонии по делу о госизмене
23/09/16 11:22 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Каспаров.Ru. Преподаватель МГТУ имени Баумана Владимир Лапыгин приговорен к 7 годам колонии строгого режима по делу о государственной измене.
» Как Москва издевается над американцами - Обозреватель
23/09/16 11:21 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Андрей Пионтковский - Google News. Обозреватель Как Москва издевается над американцами Обозреватель Сцена в Совете Безопасности между американским Госсекретарем Джоном Керри и российским министром иностран...
» Media: Suspected Russian Cyberattack Targets German Parties
23/09/16 11:19 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Voice of America. German security officials say a cyberattack believed to be directed by Russia targeted journalists and lawmakers in recent weeks. The domestic intelligence agency BfV says the German Parl...
» Russia may not be so united behind United Russia
23/09/16 11:17 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Russia Direct. Russia may not be so united behind United Russia According to initial estimates, the party of power – United Russia – performed even better than expected in parliamentary elections. But how ...
» Why a plan for future Russia-EU relations is necessary
23/09/16 11:15 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Russia Direct. Why a plan for future Russia-EU relations is necessary Relations between Moscow and Brussels since the beginning of the Ukraine conflict leave much to be desired. What is vital now is to rec...
» What are the major security threats for Russia in Eurasia?
23/09/16 11:14 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Russia Direct. What are the major security threats for Russia in Eurasia? With the changing geopolitical reality, the nature of the security threats facing Russia is changing as well. The majority of them ...
» Russian MP: 'We will buy Bulgaria, we already bought half of the coast'
23/09/16 11:13 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Russia News. A statement by a Russian parliamentarian has sent shockwaves through Bulgaria, as the country begins to realise that the many Russians who bought real estate in the country may sooner or later...
» NEWSWATCH: “Why the Kremlin’s big win in Russian elections may not be a victory” – Christian Science Monitor/Fred Weir
23/09/16 11:13 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Johnson's Russia List. … United Russia … may have won a crushing victory in Sunday’s parliamentary elections … undoubtedly … a huge boost for … Putin. But the most c...
» A fresh start for a new version of the KGB
23/09/16 11:12 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Russia Direct. A fresh start for a new version of the KGB The centralization of the nation’s security forces within a new Ministry of State Security is either a pragmatic management move – or a precursor t...
» RA’s Daily Russia News Blast – Sept 21, 2016
23/09/16 11:11 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Robert Amsterdam. TODAY : CIA head says Putin will run in 2018, increase stronghold on society; founder of art collective Voina arrested in Czech Republic; Czechoslovakia; NATO rejects Russian air safety p...
» Top diplomats of Russia and UK discuss Syria and bilateral ties
23/09/16 11:10 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Russia Beyond The Headlines. Sergey Lavrov and Boris Johnson meet in New York
» Interview with Sky NEWS
23/09/16 11:10 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Mikhail Khodorkovsky. Mikhail Khodorkovsky talks with Sky NEWS about his support of candidates in the State Duma elections, and gives his assessment of Russia under Putin, and what might come after http://...
» The reasons behind the Obama non-recovery
23/09/16 11:01 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from – Latest Content. The Obama administration and some economists argue that the recovery since the Great Recession ended in 2009 has been unusually weak because of the recession’s severity and the fact that ...
» PH, Russia explore possible military deals
23/09/16 11:01 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Russia News. The Department of Foreign Affairs on Wednesday said officials from the Russian Federal Service for Military-Technical Cooperation briefed the Philippine Embassy in Moscow on the different aspe...
23/09/16 11:00 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Johnson's Russia List. Ukraine’s military intelligence claims Russia’s nuclear forces have begun training, simulating the conditions of a large-scale conflict. Kiev’s military intelli...
» The new US-Russia ceasefire in Syria is unofficially over
23/09/16 11:00 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Russia Direct. The new US-Russia ceasefire in Syria is unofficially over A recent U.S. airstrike on positions of Syrian government forces was either a mistake – or a deliberate attempt to end the ceasefire...
» BRICS nations seek - firm' legal framework against terror
23/09/16 10:59 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Russia News. New York, Sep 21 : Strongly condemning recent terror attacks, including in India, the BRICS member nations sought a "firm" legal framework under the UN for concerted efforts to fight terrorism...
» Medvedev Warns Russia of Economic Reform’s ‘High Social Cost’
23/09/16 10:57 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Johnson's Russia List. (Moscow Times – themoscowtimes.com – September 22, 2016) Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev has warned that the reforms needed to save Russia’s economy will...
» [Medvedev:] New dynamics in Russia’s socioeconomic development
23/09/16 10:57 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Johnson's Russia List. (Government.ru/Rossiyskaya Gazeta – September 22, 2016) Article by Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev for the academic journal Voprosy Ekonomiki (Economic Issues) vopreco.ru/ru...
» Lost Trillions Haunt Russian Budget Keeper in Cheap-Oil Era
23/09/16 10:57 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Johnson's Russia List. (Bloomberg – bloomberg.com – Evgenia Pismennaya, Anna Andrianova – September 21, 2016) To get a snapshot of a budget in crisis, visit any of the 10,700 abandone...
» The results of the Duma elections send the wrong signal to the Kremlin
23/09/16 10:56 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Russia Direct. The results of the Duma elections send the wrong signal to the Kremlin What does the victory of the United Russia ruling party in the parliamentary elections mean for Russia’s political futu...
» Russian election chiefs to investigate Reuters findings of irregularities
23/09/16 10:55 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Russia News. Russia's national election authority said it would look into evidence found by Reuters of inflated turnout figures and people voting more than once at three polling stations in two regions dur...
» Senate and House Dems accuse Russia of using hackers to influence the election
23/09/16 10:55 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Russia News. Chairman of Senate Intelligence Committee Sen. Dianne Feinstein arrives at a briefing on July 31, 2014 on Capitol Hill in Washington, DC The top Democrats on the U.S. Senate and House of Repre...
» The Middle East's time of troubles: The view from Russia
23/09/16 10:54 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Russia Direct. The Middle East's time of troubles: The view from Russia A new report from a group of leading Middle East experts in Russia lays out the primary challenges facing the troubled region A ...
» Russia’s security services are trying to reform their way out of the shadows
23/09/16 10:52 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from oD Russia. Sweeping reforms to Russia’s power ministries show that the FSB has the country’s security monopoly in its sights.   Sudden and sweeping reforms to Russia’s security ministries don’t signal...
» Kalashnikov Corporation signs contracts with 15 new countries over 2 years
23/09/16 10:51 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Russia Beyond The Headlines. The Kalashnikov Corporation’s book of foreign orders exceeds $200 mln
» Аналитик намекнул, что Путину грозит резкое ухудшение здоровья - Главред
23/09/16 10:48 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from здоровье путина - Google News. Главред Аналитик намекнул, что Путину грозит резкое ухудшение здоровья Главред "Причиной для оглашения досрочных президентских выборов может стать резкое ухудшение состо...
» U.S., Russia lose illusions, recognize limits in Syria fight - UPI.com
23/09/16 10:47 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from US - Russia relations - Google News. UPI.com U.S. , Russia lose illusions, recognize limits in Syria fight UPI.com And now, after the Russian -Turkish and Russian - U.S. compromises, as well as the expecte...
» В Киеве заявили, что НАТО увеличит помощь Украине - РИА Новости
23/09/16 10:47 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from В мире – Новости Google. РИА Новости В Киеве заявили, что НАТО увеличит помощь Украине РИА Новости КИЕВ, 23 сен — РИА Новости. НАТО заверила Украину в том, что будет наращивать помощь для усиления оборонос...
» Robb: Obama's United Nations speech proves why his foreign policy has failed - azcentral.com
23/09/16 10:47 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Russia international behavior - Google News. azcentral.com Robb: Obama's United Nations speech proves why his foreign policy has failed azcentral.com As Obama put it in his U.N. speech: “We are all stakeho...
» In Ukraine, a New Approach to Peace - STRATFOR
23/09/16 09:28 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from russia ukraine - Google News. STRATFOR In Ukraine , a New Approach to Peace STRATFOR As the cease-fire in Syria crumbles, negotiations over another area of contention between Moscow and the West — Ukraine ...
» The Many Times Donald Trump Has Lied About His Mob Connections
23/09/16 09:27 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from MoJo Articles | Mother Jones. Jonathan Ernst/Reuters via ZUMA Press Last week, media coverage of Donald Trump may have hit an inflection point, when major news outlets, while covering Trump's latest birthe...
» The Many Times Donald Trump Has Lied About His Mob Connections - Mother Jones
23/09/16 09:25 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from russia as mafia state - Google News. Mother Jones The Many Times Donald Trump Has Lied About His Mob Connections Mother Jones Shapiro, O'Brien wrote, was a "street-level gangster with close ties to th...
» Russia Concerned Over Possible US Supplies of Lethal Arms to Ukraine - Sputnik International
23/09/16 09:25 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from russia ukraine - Google News. Sputnik International Russia Concerned Over Possible US Supplies of Lethal Arms to Ukraine Sputnik International Russia is concerned over the likely US supplies of lethal aid ...
» HN: West, Czech populists admire Russia's quasi-totalitarianism - Prague Daily Monitor
23/09/16 09:20 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from russia and the west - Google News. HN: West , Czech populists admire Russia's quasi-totalitarianism Prague Daily Monitor Prague, Sept 22 (CTK) - Western populists, including Czech President Milos Zeman and...
» Clinton's health matters -- and it seems pretty good: Letters - Long Beach Press Telegram
23/09/16 09:20 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from putin's health - Google News. Clinton's health matters -- and it seems pretty good: Letters Long Beach Press Telegram Yes, health matters, and Hillary Clinton has proven to be an exceptionally strong a...
» Lawmakers accuse Putin of ordering political hacking - Las Vegas Review-Journal
23/09/16 09:19 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Putin - Google News. Las Vegas Review-Journal Lawmakers accuse Putin of ordering political hacking Las Vegas Review-Journal They called on Russian President Vladimir Putin to order a halt to the political ...
» Ставка на кулака. Российская экономика возвращается в традиционную нишу
23/09/16 09:19 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Главные темы дня. Наша страна, очевидно, весьма далека от «новой индустриализации», но вероятно — вступила в состояние аграрной революции. И это уже неплохо Статья из журнала:  Статья из журнала Pазго...
» Washington Post: Путин проучил Обаму на глазах всего мира - Правда.Ру
23/09/16 09:17 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Putin and Putinism - News Review. Правда.Ру Washington Post: Путин проучил Обаму на глазах всего мира Правда.Ру Соглашение, которое в сентябре Керри заключил с министром иностранных дел России Сергеем Лавр...
» Путин готовится уйти: сценарии развития событий для Украины и России - Апостроф
23/09/16 09:17 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Putin and Putinism - News Review. Апостроф Путин готовится уйти: сценарии развития событий для Украины и России Апостроф Как вариант, они могут быть объявлены в связи с ухудшением состояния здоровья Путина...
» Срочно! Кремль "сливает" Путина - сценарий развития событий для Украины и России - Ужгород - Окно в Европу
23/09/16 09:13 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Putin and Putinism - News Review. Ужгород - Окно в Европу Срочно! Кремль "сливает" Путина - сценарий развития событий для Украины и России Ужгород - Окно в Европу Как вариант, они могут быть объя...
» Putin Moves Longtime Ally From Parliament to Intelligence - Newsweek
23/09/16 09:12 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Putin and Putinism - News Review. Newsweek Putin Moves Longtime Ally From Parliament to Intelligence Newsweek Russian President Vladimir Putin has appointed a new chairman of parliament, moving another one...
» Putin Nominates New Speaker of Russian Parliament - New York Times
23/09/16 09:11 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Putin - Google News. Newsweek Putin Nominates New Speaker of Russian Parliament New York Times MOSCOW — Russian President Vladimir Putin has named his top political strategist to serve as the speaker of th...
» Vladimir Putin the biggest beneficiary of the Syrian ceasefire, whether it's salvaged or not - National Post
23/09/16 09:11 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Putin - Google News. National Post Vladimir Putin the biggest beneficiary of the Syrian ceasefire, whether it's salvaged or not National Post Obama had good reason to resent Russia's increasingly assertive...
» Situation Report: Syria Ceasefire Dead As Airstrikes Pound Aleppo; Hillary's Putin Warnings; Congress Blames ... - Foreign Policy (blog)
23/09/16 09:11 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Putin - Google News. Washington Post Situation Report: Syria Ceasefire Dead As Airstrikes Pound Aleppo; Hillary's Putin Warnings; Congress Blames ... Foreign Policy (blog) It's over. In the middle of a mee...
» The Morning Vertical, September 23, 2016
23/09/16 09:06 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from The Interpreter. O N MY MIND The sword and shield of the regime are coming back, or so it seems. But what does the potential return of the KGB, in the form of a new Ministry of State Security mean in pract...
» The Daily Vertical: From Trolling To Espionage
23/09/16 09:06 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from The Interpreter. T he Daily Vertical is a video primer for Russia-watchers that appears Monday through Friday. Viewers can suggest topics via Twitter @PowerVertical  or on the  Power Vertical Facebook  pag...
» 8 Russian Firefighters Die in Moscow Blaze
23/09/16 09:05 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Voice of America. Eight Russian firefighters died when the roof of a plastics warehouse in Moscow collapsed while they were trying to extinguish a massive blaze, the Emergencies Minister said.   Emergencie...
» Afghanistan's Hekmatyar Gets Peace Deal Mixed Reaction
23/09/16 09:05 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Voice of America. A peace deal signed with a notorious Afghan warlord is opposed by some political figures and rights groups who worry about its impact on the country’s fledgling democracy. Thursday's agre...
» The west looks on as corruption and bigotry rule in the 'new Ukraine'
23/09/16 09:04 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Russia | The Guardian. The country desperately needs peace and national reconciliation. Only this way can it become an asset for Europe, not a burden Two years ago, the west looked at Ukraine with enthusia...
» Главу предприятия управделами президента нашли мертвым в центре Москвы - РБК
23/09/16 09:03 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from В мире – Новости Google. РБК Главу предприятия управделами президента нашли мертвым в центре Москвы РБК Глава одной из компаний управделами президента найден мертвым в офисе на Арбате в центре Москвы. По п...
» В Москве при падении строительного лифта погибли пять человек - РБК
23/09/16 09:02 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from В мире – Новости Google. РБК В Москве при падении строительного лифта погибли пять человек РБК В Москве в районе Хорошево-Мневники упал лифт на строительной площадке. При падении погибли пять человек, уточ...
» Путин предложил Вячеслава Володина на пост спикера Госдумы - Газета.Ru
23/09/16 09:02 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from В мире – Новости Google. Газета.Ru Путин предложил Вячеслава Володина на пост спикера Госдумы Газета.Ru Президент России Владимир Путин предложил кандидатуру первого замлавы администрации президента Вячесл...
» Don't bank on oil freeze boosting prices, warns Russian finance minister - CNBC
23/09/16 09:01 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Russia - Google News. CNBC Don't bank on oil freeze boosting prices, warns Russian finance minister CNBC A touted oil production freeze by Saudi Arabia might not be enough to boost crude prices, even if it...
» Russia may borrow up to $7 billion abroad in 2017 - Reuters
23/09/16 09:01 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Russia - Google News. Reuters Russia may borrow up to $7 billion abroad in 2017 Reuters Siluanov's remarks follow the ministry's successful placement of a $1.25 billion Eurobond top-up on Thursday at a yie...
» Kyrgyz President Arrives In Moscow To Continue Medical Treatment
23/09/16 09:00 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty. Kyrgyz President Almazbek Atambaev's office says the Central Asian leader has arrived in Moscow to continue his treatment for apparent problems with his heart.
» Putin Meets With Republika Srpska President In Moscow
23/09/16 08:59 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty. Russian President Vladimir Putin has held talks with Republika Srpska (RS) President Milorad Dodik in Moscow.
» The Daily Vertical: From Trolling To Espionage (Transcript)
23/09/16 08:59 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty. (The views expressed in this commentary do not necessarily reflect the views of RFE/RL.)
» Eight Firefighters Die In Moscow Warehouse Blaze
23/09/16 08:59 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty. Eight firefighters have been killed while responding to a massive blaze at a warehouse in the east of Moscow. Local media said they died when part of the roof collapsed o...
» Fire At Moscow Warehouse Kills Eight Firefighters
23/09/16 08:59 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty. Eight firefighters have lost their lives while extinguishing a conflagration at a warehouse in Moscow.
» Reports Say Moscow Police Chief Yakunin Resigns
23/09/16 08:58 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty. Media reports in Russia say Moscow police chief Anatoly Yakunin is resigning.
» Putin Proposes Volodin As State Duma's Speaker
23/09/16 08:53 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty. Russian President Vladimir Putin has proposed the first deputy chief of the presidential administration, Vyacheslav Volodin, as the State Duma's new speaker.
» ‘Few Indications’ Russia, Syria Plan to Ease Crisis
23/09/16 08:52 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Voice of America. U.S. military and intelligence officials are questioning whether Russia has the will or the capability to do anything about the growing crisis in Syria, accusing Moscow of perpetuating a ...
» US General: 'Russians are Responsible' for Attacked Convoy in Syria
23/09/16 08:51 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Voice of America. America’s top military officer says Russia bears ultimate responsibility for Monday’s airstrike on a U.N. humanitarian convoy in Syria. VOA’s Michael Bowman reports General Joseph Dunford...
» Putin Nominates New Speaker of Russian Parliament
23/09/16 08:51 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Voice of America. Russian President Vladimir Putin has named his top political strategist to serve as the speaker of the newly elected parliament after elections that saw the main pro-Kremlin party strengt...
» U.S., Russia Fail To Agree On How To Revive Syria Ceasefire - Huffington Post
23/09/16 08:50 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Russia - Google News. Huffington Post U.S., Russia Fail To Agree On How To Revive Syria Ceasefire Huffington Post NEW YORK (Reuters) - The United States and Russia failed to agree on how to revive a short-...
» 'Few Indications' Russia, Syria Plan to Ease Crisis - Voice of America
23/09/16 08:50 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Russia - Google News. Voice of America 'Few Indications' Russia , Syria Plan to Ease Crisis Voice of America U.S. military and intelligence officials are questioning whether Russia has the will or the capa...
» U.S. Abandons Syria Truce Efforts and Lays The Blame With Russia - Bloomberg
23/09/16 08:50 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Russia - Google News. Washington Post U.S. Abandons Syria Truce Efforts and Lays The Blame With Russia Bloomberg U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry abandoned his bid to salvage a cease-fire aimed at easing...
» Russias Brutal Clinton-Bashing, Trump-Loving Election Coverage - Daily Beast
23/09/16 08:49 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Russia - Google News. Daily Beast Russias Brutal Clinton-Bashing, Trump-Loving Election Coverage Daily Beast “That is predictable, as Trump has never said that the revival of the Soviet Union would be a di...
» Most Puerto Ricans face a second night without electricity
23/09/16 00:11 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from World. Most Puerto Ricans faced another night of darkness Thursday as crews slowly restored electricity a day after a fire at a power plant caused the aging utility grid to fail and blacked out the entire ...
» Obama Puts Syria at Arm's Length as Carnage Drags On - New York Times
23/09/16 00:10 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from World - Google News. New York Times Obama Puts Syria at Arm's Length as Carnage Drags On New York Times President Obama at a luncheon at the United Nations General Assembly on Tuesday. His farewell address...
» Philippines seeks Duterte visits to Japan, China late October: foreign ministry sources
23/09/16 00:10 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Reuters: World News. MANILA (Reuters) - Diplomats in the Philippines are in talks with counterparts in Japan and China to try and arrange visits for President Rodrigo Duterte at the end of next month, fore...
» Syrian Government Forces Say They Will Begin Operations in Rebel-Held Parts of Aleppo
23/09/16 00:10 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from World – TIME. Syria’s military command for Aleppo says it is commencing operations in the contested city’s rebel-held eastern quarters. In a statement carried on state news Thursday the command...
» Despite video, much of Oklahoma police shooting is murky
23/09/16 00:08 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Stars and Stripes. A white Oklahoma police officer was charged with manslaughter Thursday in the fatal shooting of an unarmed black man, but early evidence and different accounts of events are muddling the...
» Military: Pot confabs off-limits to Alaska-based soldiers
23/09/16 00:08 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from www.washingtontimes.com stories: Security. JOINT BASE ELMENDORF-RICHARDSON, Alaska (AP) - Marijuana may be legal in Alaska, but pot fairs are still off-limits to about 11,000 members of the Army stationed ...
» FBI Gathering Facts, Evaluating Investigation Into Brad Pitt Abuse Allegations - Hollywood Reporter
23/09/16 00:07 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from fbi - Google News. Hollywood Reporter FBI Gathering Facts, Evaluating Investigation Into Brad Pitt Abuse Allegations Hollywood Reporter The Los Angeles Police Department is not investigating Brad Pitt for ...
» Путин доверил Нарышкину внешнюю разведку, Фрадков ушел на пенсию - Вести.Ru
23/09/16 00:04 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Putin and Putinism - News Review. Вести.Ru Путин доверил Нарышкину внешнюю разведку, Фрадков ушел на пенсию Вести.Ru Своим указом Владимир Путин освободил Михаила Фрадкова от должности руководителя Службы ...
» США возлагают на РФ ответственность за наступление сирийских войск в Алеппо - РИА Новости
23/09/16 00:03 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from В мире – Новости Google. РИА Новости США возлагают на РФ ответственность за наступление сирийских войск в Алеппо РИА Новости ВАШИНГТОН, 23 сен – РИА Новости. США возлагают на РФ ответственность за наступле...
» Diplomacy Falters as Syria Launches New Offensive
23/09/16 00:02 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Voice of America. Syria announced a fresh, major offensive against besieged rebel-held eastern Aleppo on Thursday, as foreign ministers met and failed again in New York to agree on any diplomatic plan to t...
» US, Russia continue to exchange charges amid effort to salvage cease-fire - Washington Post
23/09/16 00:00 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Russia - Google News. Washington Post US, Russia continue to exchange charges amid effort to salvage cease-fire Washington Post UNITED NATIONS — Just as Secretary of State John F. Kerry was telling Followi...
» Russians are trying to influence the US election, lawmakers say - Charlotte Observer
23/09/16 00:00 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Russia and US Presidential Elections of 2016 - Google News. Russians are trying to influence the US election , lawmakers say Charlotte Observer For months, Americans have speculated that Russia is trying t...
» Democratic lawmakers accuse Russia of seeking to influence US election - CNBC
22/09/16 23:59 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Russia - Google News. CNBC Democratic lawmakers accuse Russia of seeking to influence US election CNBC "Based on briefings we have received, we have concluded that the Russian intelligence agencies are mak...
» Top Intel Democrats Warn That Russia Is Trying To Influence The Election For Trump - PoliticusUSA
22/09/16 23:59 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Russia and US Presidential Elections of 2016 - Google News. Top Intel Democrats Warn That Russia Is Trying To Influence The Election For Trump PoliticusUSA ... Influence The Election For Trump. By Jason Ea...
» Top US officer: Russia bombed Syria humanitarian aid convoy - Fox News
22/09/16 23:56 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from syria kurds russia - Google News. Fox News Top US officer: Russia bombed Syria humanitarian aid convoy Fox News WASHINGTON – The top U.S. military officer told Congress on Thursday that he believes Russia ...
» Top Democrats Say They've Concluded That Russia Behind Hacks - ABC News
22/09/16 23:54 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Russia - Google News. CNBC Top Democrats Say They've Concluded That Russia Behind Hacks ABC News The top Democrats on the House and Senate intelligence committees said Thursday that they have concluded tha...
» Top Dems: Russians Trying to Influence US Election - 41 NBC News
22/09/16 23:54 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
mikenova shared this story from Russia and US Presidential Elections of 2016 - Google News. Raw Story Top Dems: Russians Trying to Influence US Election 41 NBC News Russian intelligence agencies are trying to interfere with the U.S. pres...

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