Groups aligned with the Kremlin are expected to win a vast majority of the vote.

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New York Times |
A Russian-Iranian Axis
New York Times In fact, a Russian-Iranian bond for military cooperation is rapidly forming, based on a meeting of interests between Russians competing with the West for strategic influence throughout the Middle East, and Iranian hard-liners seeking to dominate local ... and more » |
Irish Examiner |
How Vladimir Putin is using Donald Trump for his own gain
Irish Examiner Mr Trump's pro-Putinism goes back to at least 2007, when he told CNN that the Russian strongman was doing “a great job” rebuilding Russia. Mr Trump was pushing real estate deals in Moscow at the time and, according to one Moscow-based American ... and more » |
Forbes |
Probing Putin's Power
Forbes To make matters worse, his rapidly disintegrating health while in office didn't engender a lot of confidence among the populace. Detractors claimed Russia was “on its knees.” A Meteoric Rise to Power. Enter Vladimir Putin, Yeltsin's appointed favorite, ... |
Новости дня - ASPNOVA (пресс-релиз) |
Кадыров: «Россия — это я»
Новости дня - ASPNOVA (пресс-релиз) «Путин — спаситель нашего народа. Я не люблю льстить, но если бы не президент, Россия давно бы развалилась. Он сейчас собирает Россию, которую развалили враги. И если Владимир Путин уйдет с поста президента, Россия опять развалится». «Для нас, молодых, президент — наш кумир. ... «Культ ... |
Обозреватель |
Обманет ли Путин Обаму?
Обозреватель Именно сейчас у Путина появляется возможность уйти из Сирии на относительно приемлемых для себя условиях, не потеряв лицо — а там и для нормализации отношений с Вашингтоном и Западом в целом не так уж и далеко. Вспомним, что еще одним результатом встречи Путина с ... and more » |
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PoliticusUSA |
Exposing Trump's Strongman Bluster - Russia Isn't Great and ...
PoliticusUSA "Russia wasn't going to realize its technology potential under a regime where business success depends mainly on political connections." and more » |
The Week Magazine |
Vladimir Putin is trying to take down liberal democracy — and he might be winning
The Week Magazine Today, there are many more Putin 2.0s to be found. They're in countries of the former Soviet bloc, and perhaps even in China, where Xi Jinping has embarked on a program of concentration of power and cult of personality not seen since China's economic ... Thugs and KissesNew York Times all 206 Exposing Trump's Strongman Bluster - Russia Isn't Great and ...PoliticusUSA all 136 news articles » | |
Putin's US Defenders Trump has praised President Vladimir Putin, a former KGB operative who tolerates little dissent, for his “very strong control over a country. ” Putin has returned the favor by strongly endorsing Trump. For sure, we've also seen Putin defended by some ... Thugs and KissesNew York Times Vladimir Putin is trying to take down liberal democracy — and he might be winningThe Week Magazine What Donald Trump And His Apologists Don't Get About The National InterestThe Federalist all 257 news articles » |
Russia Review - 9.16-1.16: Russian hacking a question of revenge and respect - The Washington Postby Mike Nova (

News and Opinions - Новости и Мнения: A blog about Russia and her relations with The West
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Росбалт.RU |
Путин и Медведев заявили о победе «Единой России» на выборах в Госдуму
РБК Владимир Путин и Дмитрий Медведев оценили результаты «Единой России» на выборах в Госдуму как победу. Об этом они заявили, приехав в штаб квартиру партии после оглашения первых результатов итогов выборов. Президент Владимир Путин и премьер Дмитрий Медведев ... Путин может приехать в штаб «Единой России» сегодня ночьюРосбалт.RU Путин: трудно и тяжело, но люди проголосовали за «Единую Россию»Газета.Ru Видеотрансляция: Путин и Медведев в штабе "Единой России"Российская Газета НТВ.ru -ТАСС -Комсомольская правда Все похожие статьи: 75 » |
The Guardian |
Vladimir Putin questions US commitment to Syria ceasefire deal
The Guardian Russia has accused Washington of failing to rein in the rebels, and on Saturday Putin asked why the US has insisted on not releasing a written copy of the agreement. Officials have provided details of the agreement in press conferences, but have not ... Putin unsure of U.S. commitment to Syria cease-fire amid increased Putin questions US commitment to Syria Putin: Terrorists use Syria ceasefire to try & regroupRT BBC News-FRANCE 24-The Australian all 4,846 news articles » |
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Bibi Backs Trump — on Putin
The News (subscription) Putin is no Stalin, whom FDR and Harry Truman called “Good old Joe” and “Uncle Joe.” Unlike Nikita Khrushchev, he never drowned a Hungarian Revolution in blood. He did crush the Chechen secession. But what did he do there that General Sherman did ... and more » |
Bloomberg |
Putin Seeks to Oust Ghosts of 2011 Protests as Russians Vote
Bloomberg The pro-Putin United Russia party is expected to emerge from Sunday's ballot with an increased majority, as election officials seek to avoid the unrest that was triggered by widespread allegations of vote-rigging five years ago. The format has changed ... and more » |
Breitbart News |
Donald Trump's praise for Putin shows how dangerous he would be
The Seattle Times Anyone who doubts the threat need only observe Trump's repeated praise for Russia's VladimirPutin. “I've already said he is really very much of a leader,” Trump gushed to NBC's Matt Lauer, “far more than our president has been a leader. The man has ... Trump 'Tonight': 'I Don't Know Putin,' But Wouldn't Be a 'Bad Thing' to Get Along with RussiaBreitbart News all 5,327 news articles » |
Roanoke Times |
Will: Russia's Putin a study in thugocracy
The Columbian Although in 2009 Putin denounced the pact as “collusion to solve one's problems at others' expense,” in 2015 he defended it as Stalin's means of buying time to prepare for the Nazi onslaught. This fable is refuted by, among other facts, this: Stalin ... Post-factual politics normal for PutinGrand Island Independent all 3 news articles » |
In this week’s Western media highlights, Steven Lee Myers explains in the New York Times Trump’s fascination with Russia’s Vladimir Putin. In her column for the Washington Post, Anne Applebaum spells out a potential scenario of Russian hackers undermining the U.S. presidential election. In the Russian media, experts discussed the reasons for putting Levada Center on the “foreign agents” list, and disserted upon the country’s development path and the so-called “legacy of the past.”
The latest series of military exercises in Russia have unnerved its Western neighbors, who are concerned that Russia may be preparing for a military campaign. The Russian military is indeed preparing for war, but that does not mean the Kremlin actually plans to initiate one anytime soon.
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Police have clashed with protesters in the Azerbaijani capital, Baku, after an antigovernment rally. The police intervention came after hundreds of demonstrators held a rally on September 17 protesting an upcoming referendum that would give Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev greater powers.
Originally published at -
Originally published at -
Now that some Russians have put up statues in honor of past Russian dictators like Ivan the Terrible, something they had not done for 400 years, and Joseph Stalin, which they hadn’t done since Khrushchev’s expose, others are calling for naming a square in a closed city to honor one of the latter’s most horrific henchmen, Lavrenty Beria.
Last week, the Russian Ministry of Justice made an unexpected inspection of Renova, a company owned by Viktor Vekselberg, Russia's seventh wealthiest oligarch, after arresting two officers on fraud charges the previous week. The investigation recalled the 2008 case of the Zaslavskiy brothers, accused of 'industrial espionage' in another company in which Vekselberg had invested, TNK-BP.
О борьбе с коррупцией в канун выборов в ГД - Андрей Нечаев, Сергей Попов
Critics of the Republican presidential candidate say his kind words for the Russian leader reflect authoritarian and dangerous instincts.
Donald Trump’s Putin Crush by By THOMAS L. FRIEDMAN
He doesn’t let reality, including the harm the Russian leader has brought to his own people, get in the way of his post-truth politics.
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Spy Games on and off the Track by By BRAD SPURGEON
“Crash,” by Toby Vintcent, is a thriller set in the world of Formula One and Moscow’s corridors of power.
Concern Over Colin Powell’s Hacked Emails Becomes a Fear of Being Next by By MICHAEL D. SHEAR and NICHOLAS FANDOS
A panicked network anchor went home and deleted his entire personal Gmail account, and a Democratic senator began rethinking the virtues of a flip phone.
After a similar 2006 death, London expelled four diplomats and broke some ties with Moscow. These days, the calculations of realpolitik have changed. |
Член королевской семьи Великобритании впервые совершил каминг-аут Лорд Ивар Маунтбаттен (Ivar Mountbatten), двоюродный брат королевы Великобритании Елизаветы II, признался, что является бисексуалом. Это первый случай, когда член британской королевской семьи публично говорит о своей нетрадиционной сексуальной ориентации, пишет в ... Член британской королевской семьи впервые заявил о своей нетрадиционной сексуальной ориентацииКомсомольская правда Потомок Пушкина из британской королевской семьи совершил каминг-аутМосковский Комсомолец Брат Елизаветы II признался в бисексуальностиДни.Ру Росбалт.RU-Правда.Ру-Hello!-НТВ.ru Все похожие статьи: 55 » |
В Киеве погиб замглавы администрации президента Украины
РБК Замглавы администрации президента Украины погиб в аварии на водном мотоцикле, рассказал спикер Нацполиции Ярослав Тракало. Инцидент произошел в Киеве возле Гаванского моста, пишет «РБК-Украина». Погиб замглавы администрации президента Украины Андрей Таранов, ... Замглавы администрации Порошенко врезался в баржу на гидроцикле и погиб Замглавы администрации Порошенко убился о баржуВести.Ru Замглавы администрации Порошенко погиб, катаясь на водном мотоциклеРИА Новости Коммерсантъ-Росбалт.RU-Газета.Ru -Российская Газета Все похожие статьи: 190 » |
The chances are slim that opponents of President Vladimir V. Putin, divided and largely ineffective, will make gains in Sunday’s parliamentary elections.

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Akram Aylisli was once cherished by Azerbaijan's government, but he's now a target of its crackdown on dissent. The 78-year-old writer is barred from leaving the country and could face years in prison if tried and convicted on charges he calls absurd.

Pakistan continues to be a "tremendously duplicitous partner," according to Bob Corker, chairman of the U.S. Senate Foreign Relations Committee.
WASHINGTON -- Witnesses testifying at a U.S. congressional hearing on September 15 voiced deep concern about rising Russian influence and instability in Azerbaijan, as well as the continued forced closure of RFE/RL’s bureau in Azerbaijan’s capital, Baku. The hearing, entitled “Azerbaijan: Do Human Rights Matter?” was organized by the bipartisan Tom Lantos Human Rights Commission, chaired by U.S. Representative James McGovern (D-MA), and took place just two weeks before a planned...

Russian President Vladimir Putin said he remained "positive" about the Syria cease-fire agreement struck with the United States last week but called for more transparency from Washington.

Tensions between Russian and U.S. diplomats have spilled over at the United Nations Security Council after Russian officials demanded to know whether the United States intentionally supported Islamic State militants with air strikes that hit Syrian government troops.

U.S. Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton has implored black leaders to help protect the legacy of President Barack Obama, warning of a "dangerous and divisive vision" that could come if her Republican rival, Donald Trump, is elected.

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The Kremlin saw a tactical opportunity to demonstrate American weakness.

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E.U. leaders will discuss proposals for more defense cooperation and even a European army.

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Human rights groups are already calling the summit an ‘abject failure.’

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Edgar Matobato, a former militiaman, testifies before a senate committee hearing in the Philippines that President Rodrigo Duterte, while he was mayor of Davao city, ordered him to kill criminals and political opponents. Duterte was in charge of Davao between 1988 and 2013
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Vladimir Putin said the prominence of Russia and himself as an issue in the U.S. presidential campaign indicates the country’s growing importance.

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The new allied deterrent force for the Baltic region will be in place by May 2017, with some units arriving earlier, the head of the western alliance’s military committee said.

NEW YORK (AP) -- An apparent explosion in a crowded Chelsea neighborhood of New York City on Saturday night left 25 people with minor injuries, authorities said....
PHILADELPHIA (AP) -- Hillary Clinton's campaign is aggressively outworking Donald Trump in battleground Pennsylvania, a state the billionaire businessman can scarcely afford to lose and still hope to become president....
Women Who Spied by fredslibrary
Title: Women Who Spied
Author: Adolph A. Hoehling
Hoehling, A. A. (1967). Women Who Spied. New York: Dodd, Mead
LCCN: 67017751
Date Posted: September 9, 2016
Reviewed by Paul W. Blackstock and Frank L. Schaf[1]
True stories of espionage by women from the American Revolution to the 1950s. Includes the story of Lydia Darrach, an agent for the Continental Army; Sarah Thompson of the Civil War; and Louise de Bettignies and Maria de Victorica (the Kaiser’s woman in New York) of World War I. Stories from the World War II period include that of Velvalee Dickinson (who spied For Japan in the United States) and a collection of stories of SOE women agents for England, Also includes on account of photo-interpreter Barbara Slade, who covered German U-1 and U-2 launch sites for Royal Air Force Intelligence, and the post-World War II story of the intelligence and counterintelligence activities of Czechoslovakia’s Milada Horakova. A good bibliography of feminine espionage is included.
[1] Blackstock, Paul W. (1978) and Frank L. Schaf, Jr. Intelligence, Espionage, Counterespionage, And Covert Operations: A Guide to Information Sources. Detroit: Gale Research Co., p. 145

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