Los Angeles Times |
CIA director: FBI and CIA find 'strong consensus' that Russian hacks were intended to help Trump win election
Los Angeles Times There is "strong consensus" among U.S. intelligence services that Russia orchestrated hacks and online leaks in part to help Donald Trump win the White House, the head of the CIA told agency employees in a message Friday. FBI Director James B. Comey ... FBI chief backs CIA's conclusion Russia interfered with electionNew York Post The Proof Is Not In The PutinDaily Caller FBI, James Clapper back CIA, say Russia interfered in U.S. election to help TrumpWashington Times Baltimore Sun -Daily Mail -NBCNews.com -NPR all 1,440 news articles » |
CIA director reassures staff: Intel agencies similar in hacking assessment
CNN Washington (CNN) CIA Director John Brennan told his workforce in an internal message that theCIA, Director of National Intelligence and FBI are on the same page regarding Russian hacking, according to multiple intelligence officials who have viewed ... FBI, CIA Agree That Russia Was Trying To Help Trump Win The ElectionNPR CIA director: FBI and CIA find 'strong consensus' that Russian hacks were intended to help Trump win electionLos Angeles Times Former CIA chief calls Trump 'Moscow's useful idiot'PRI The Denver Post -CBS News -NBCNews.com -NPR all 1,938 news articles » |
The Boston Globe |
FBI agrees with CIA that Russia aimed to help Trump win
The Boston Globe WASHINGTON — FBI Director James Comey and Director of National Intelligence James Clapper Jr. are in agreement with a CIA assessment that Russia intervened in the 2016 election in part to help Donald Trump win the White House, officials disclosed ... FBI agrees with CIA assessment that Russia meddled in the US election to help Trump winBusiness Insider FBI backs CIA claims that Russia hacked the electionEngadget Intelligence Committee Chair Questions Existence of CIA Report on Russian HackingTruth-Out The Hill (blog) -UPROXX all 319 news articles » |
CBS News |
FBI, CIA agree on Russia's role in election hacks
CBS News December 16, 2016, 6:34 PM | CIA Director John Brennan told his staff Friday that he, FBI Director James Comey and Director of National Intelligence James Clapper were all on the same page regarding Russia's role in interfering with the U.S. election. The CIA Has Been Undermining Governments For YearsNewsweek The 'Slam Dunk' That Isn't – The CIA, Russia And The Hacking Of The 2016 Presidential ElectionHuffington Post Politics|CIA Judgment on Russia Built on Swell of EvidenceNew York Times Fox News -Daily Kos -Politico -Washington Post all 3,772 news articles » |
Trump Could Turn Western Values Into a Facadeby Alexander Görlach, Constantin Weiss and Joseph S. Nye
"If there is no American power behind those values, they will become a façade, simple rhetoric. It's a matter of combining values with policy and implementation. Take Russia’s invasion of Crimea, for example. Russian President Vladimir Putin stole land from his neighbor using force ― something that is against any post-1945 agreement. Without U.S.-imposed sanctions, Putin surely would have gotten away with it much easier and perhaps would have continued seizing territory."
"The Trump camp's insistence that the intelligence is not worthy of a deep dive has put it squarely in opposition to a fact-based inquiry supported by scores of nonpartisan intelligence professionals. The consequences of Trump's posture are dangerous for his governing in the future (and are a bit of an insult to those who risk their lives to get information for his daily briefings, which he doesn't attend)."
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Russia and Cyber Operations: Challenges and Opportunities for the Next U.S. Administrationby Ben Buchanan and Michael Sulmeyer
Russian cyber operations against the United States aim to both collect information and develop offensive capabilities against future targets. Washington must strengthen its defenses in response.
German Chancellor Angela Merkel is reportedly sending a top aide to New York next week to meet with President-elect Donald Trump's designated national security adviser
The annual Cato Surveillance Conference kicked off this week with a panel on "Intelligence Under a Trump Administration," featuring former Director of the National Counterterrorism Center Matthew Olsen and Lawfare's own Susan Hennessey, Timothy Edgar, and Carrie Cordero. In a discussion moderated by Shane Harris of The Wall Street Journal (and Rational Security), the group discussed how Trump's antagonistic approach to the intelligence community and his dismissive attitude toward intelligence briefings will shape the coming administration.
It’s not clear who authorized the seizure of the small unmanned craft, which the Pentagon uses to studyatmospheric and water conditions.

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gulfnews.com |
Is Trump a threat to democracy? | GulfNews.com
gulfnews.com Donald Trump's election as president of the United States has raised a question that few Americans ever imagined asking: Is the American democracy in danger ... and more » |
RT |
FBI chief agrees with CIA on Russia's alleged election help for Trump – report
RT “It is the assessment of the intelligence community that Russia's goal here was to favor onecandidate over the other, to help Trump get elected. That's the consensus view,” a senior US official said. In response, outgoing President Barack Obama blamed ... Russian Hacking May Have Helped Trump Win, but Russians Don't Really CareHuffington Post Myth Trump Called for Russian Hack Started with Katy TurLifeZette FBI backs CIA view that Russia intervened to help Trump win electionLexington Herald Leader Newser -Independent Journal Review all 489 news articles » |
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New York Times |
Donald Trump's Foreign Policy Team: Built to Fail
New York Times WASHINGTON — With the announcement that he will nominate the Exxon Mobil chief executive Rex Tillerson as his secretary of state, President-elect Donald J. Trump has rounded out a foreign policy team that is, to put it mildly, profoundly different ... and more » |
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Ваша плодотворная деятельность по продвижению высоких духовных и нравственных ценностей, по расширению межконфессионального и межцивилизационного диалога снискала Вам искреннее уважение миллионов людей во всём мире.
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Lenta.ru |
Путин и Папа Римский обсудили вопросы защиты христиан
Lenta.ru Президент России Владимир Путин по телефону поздравил Папу Римского Франциска с 80-летним юбилеем. Об этом в субботу, 17 декабря, сообщается на сайте Кремля. Глава государства отметил большой личный вклад понтифика в укрепление отношений России и Ватикана. Также ... Путин поговорил по телефону с папой римскимРБК Путин поздравил папу римского Франциска с 80-летиемИнтерфакс Путин и Абэ разулись, чтобы выйти на татамиКомсомольская правда Росбалт.RU -ТАСС -НТВ.Ru -Президент России Все похожие статьи: 250 » |
Salon |
What they did in the shadows: President Putin and President Trump, and what we know about what we don't know
Salon If the Electoral College cannot save democracy, it's equally true that Vladimir Putin cannot destroy it. One of them is irrelevant and the other — well, definitely isn't, but may be something of a distraction. The damage to democracy has already been ... Electoral College must delay, or else Putin picks the next US presidentThe Hill (blog) Of Course Russia Meddles in Our Elections — But the 'Hacking' Claim Is a FarceNational Review all 2,315 news articles » |
Washington Post |
For a president-elect who touts 'America first,' Russian hacking poses a problem
Washington Post The test has come over Russia's brazen intrusion into the U.S. election process through its hacking of the servers at the Democratic National Committee and the email account of John Podesta, Hillary Clinton's campaign manager. Contrary to what Trump ... FBI and CIA now agree that Russia hacked to help Trump winThe Verge FBI accepts CIA conclusion that Russians hacked to help TrumpUSA TODAY FBI Agrees With CIA: Russia Was Trying To Help Trump Win ElectionSlate Magazine (blog) Business Insider -NPR -NBCNews.com -Washington Post all 502 news articles » |
Trump faces 'unpresidented' moment on Twitter
CNBC Given the history between NBC's "Saturday Night Live" and Trump, it seems at least one user expects the show's writers to include the blunder in actor Alec Baldwin's portrayal of the president-elect on SNL. SNL tweet. Trump has previously called out ... |
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New York Times |
Donald Trump: The Russian Poodle
New York Times Both Nixon and Trump responded badly to the revelations, Nixon by ordering a cover-up andTrump by denouncing the C.I.A. and, incredibly, defending Russia from the charges that it tried to subvert our election. I never thought I would see a dispute ... and more » |
In 1972, President Richard Nixon’s White House dispatched burglars to bug Democratic Party offices. That Watergate burglary and related “dirty tricks,” such as releasing mice at a Democratic press conference and paying a woman to strip naked and shout her love for a Democratic candidate, nauseated Americans — and impelled some of us kids at the time to pursue journalism.
Now in 2016 we have a political scandal that in some respects is even more staggering. Russian agents apparently broke into the Democrats’ digital offices and tried to change the election outcome. President Obama on Friday suggested that this was probably directed by Russia’s president, saying, “Not much happens in Russia without Vladimir Putin.”
In Watergate, the break-in didn’t affect the outcome of the election. In 2016, we don’t know for sure. There were other factors, but it’s possible that Russia’s theft and release of the emails provided the margin for Donald Trump’s victory.
The C.I.A. says it has “high confidence” that Russia was trying to get Trump elected, and, according to The Washington Post, the directors of the F.B.I. and national intelligence agree with that conclusion.
Both Nixon and Trump responded badly to the revelations, Nixon by ordering a cover-up and Trump by denouncing the C.I.A. and, incredibly, defending Russia from the charges that it tried to subvert our election. I never thought I would see a dispute between America’s intelligence community and a murderous foreign dictator in which an American leader sided with the dictator.
Let’s be clear: This was an attack on America, less lethal than a missile but still profoundly damaging to our system. It’s not that Trump and Putin were colluding to steal an election. But if the C.I.A. is right, Russia apparently was trying to elect a president who would be not a puppet exactly but perhaps something of a lap dog — a Russian poodle.
In Britain, Prime Minister Tony Blair was widely (and unfairly) mocked as President George W. Bush’s poodle, following him loyally into the Iraq war. The fear is that this time Putin may have interfered to acquire an ally who likewise will roll over for him.
Frankly, it’s mystifying that Trump continues to defend Russia and Putin, even as he excoriates everyone else, from C.I.A. officials to a local union leader in Indiana.
Now we come to the most reckless step of all: This Russian poodle is acting in character by giving important government posts to friends of Moscow, in effect rewarding it for its attack on the United States.
Rex Tillerson, Trump’s nominee for secretary of state, is a smart and capable manager. Yet it’s notable that he is particularly close to Putin, who had decorated Tillerson with Russia’s “Order of Friendship.”
Whatever our personal politics, how can we possibly want to respond to Russia’s interference in our election by putting American foreign policy in the hands of a Putin friend?
Tillerson’s closeness to Putin is especially troubling because of Trump’s other Russia links. The incoming national security adviser, Michael Flynn, accepted Russian money to attend a dinner in Moscow and sat near Putin. A ledger shows $12.7 million in secret payments by a pro-Russia party in Ukraine to Trump’s former campaign manager Paul Manafort. And the Trump family itself has business connections with Russia.
It’s true that there will be counterbalances, including Gen. James Mattis, the former Marine commander who has no illusions about Moscow and is expected to be confirmed as defense secretary. But over all it looks as if the Trump administration will be remarkably pro-Putin — astonishing considering Putin’s Russia has killed journalists, committed war crimes in Ukraine and Syria and threatened the peaceful order in Europe.
So it’s critical that the Senate, the news media and the public subject Tillerson to intense scrutiny. There are other issues to explore as well, including his role in enabling corruption in Chad, one of the poorest countries in the world. The same is true of his role in complicity with the government of Angola, where oil corruption turned the president’s daughter into a billionaire even as children died of poverty and disease at a higher rate than anywhere else in the world.
Maybe all this from Russia to Angola was just Tillerson trying to maximize his company’s revenue, and he will act differently as secretary of state. Maybe. But I’m skeptical that his ideology would change in fundamental ways.
This is not only about Tillerson just as the 1972 break-in was not only about the Watergate building complex. This is about the integrity of American democracy and whether a foreign dictator should be rewarded for attacking the United States. It is about whether we are led by a president or a poodle.
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President Obama says he warned Russian leader to cease interference in US electoral process / US demands China return seized drone / The magnificent men in their flying machines
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Salon |
What they did in the shadows: President Putin and President Trump, and what we know about what we don't know
Salon At the end of a year in American political life that has come to seem increasingly fictional — a John le Carré spy novel, set in a Philip K. Dick alternate universe — we have reached what is surely the final plot twist. Large numbers of Americans ... Obama says partisan divisions make US vulnerable to foreign propagandaWashington Post Democrats need to get a grip if they want to win next timeBusiness Insider Obama Vows Retaliation as Evidence of Russian Hacking MountsABC News Daily Beast -Slate Magazine -New York Times -RealClearPolitics all 1,896 news articles » |
U.S. News & World Report |
The Latest: Tanker skids off highway, explodes in Baltimore
U.S. News & World Report A vehicle involved in a crash sits on the fast lane of Highway Interstate 80 after an accident during a snowfall, Saturday, Dec. 17, 2016, in Lodi, N.J. (AP Photo/Julio Cortez) The Associated Press. By The Associated Press. The Latest on severe winter ... SEE IT: Baltimore fuel tanker slides over rail, explodesNew York Daily News Eastern States Struck by Fatal Traffic Accidents Amid Snow and Icy ConditionsWall Street Journal Tractor-trailer crashes, bursts into flames along Maryland highwayWBAL Baltimore Fairbanks Daily News-Miner -Channel3000.com - WISC-TV3 -CBS Local -Baltimore Sun all 41 news articles » |
New York Times |
Asia Pacific|China Agrees to Return Seized Drone, Ending Standoff, Pentagon Says
New York Times BEIJING — The Pentagon on Saturday said that Beijing had agreed to return an underwater drone seized by China in international waters, an indication that the two countries were moving to resolve an unusual incident that risked sharpening tensions in ... Pentagon: China to return seized Navy droneFox News China Says It Will Return Seized US Underwater Drone In 'Appropriate' WayNPR China agrees to return US drone seized in South China Sea, Pentagon saysUSA TODAY CNBC -Wall Street Journal -NBCNews.com -Politico all 870 news articles » |
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Trump’s willingness to play Kissinger’s “balance-of-power game” promises a new era of unpredictability.

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Syrians and what remains of "the West" will be taxed at the highest rates.

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The case for political moderation in our immoderate age.

Donald Trump: The Russian Poodle by By NICHOLAS KRISTOF
Vladimir Putin is being rewarded for his attack on the United States.
One of the most heartbreaking problems I’ve faced as CDC director is our nation’s opioid crisis.

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With the explicit aim of getting Donald J. Trump elected, a website run by a far-right activist pumped out anti-Hillary Clinton hoaxes and drew tens of thousands of views.

U.S. Faces Tall Hurdles in Detaining or Deterring Russian Hackers by By ADAM GOLDMAN and MATT APUZZO
Russia says American efforts to capture hackers may violate international law and has shown that it will not be easily influenced by public shaming.
To Understand Trump, Learn Russianby By ANDREW ROSENTHAL
The language has two words for truth. It’s time for Americans to learn them.
Useful Idiots Galore by By PAUL KRUGMAN
Russia got lots of help in the United States hacking the election.
What we know so far about Russia’s reputed involvement in the election that saw Donald Trump defeat Hillary Clinton
According to US intelligence officials, Russian hackers made repeated attempts before this year’s election to get into major US institutions, including the White House and the state department. The tactics were simple: send out volleys of phishing emails and hope that someone clicked.
Continue reading...Obama Threatens Action Against Russiaby By NATIONAL PUBLIC RADIO
The president said in an interview on Thursday with National Public Radio that the United States will take action against Russia for its involvement in the presidential election.
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Mrs. Clinton has kept a low profile since her election defeat, but speaking to donors on Thursday, she made pointed comments about Russia’s role.
President Vladimir Putin of Russia and Prime Minister Shinzo Abe of Japan held a press conference in Tokyo on Friday and committed to continue talks about economic cooperation and a territory dispute. The dispute over what Russia calls the southern Kurile Islands and Japan calls the Northern Territories has prevented Japan and Russia from signing a peace treaty ending World War II.
Obama on hacking: Russians did it by Guardian Staff
Got a minute? President addresses election hacking at end-of-year news conference … dodges question on whether election was tipped … and everything else in US politics. By Tom McCarthy
“Based on uniform intelligence assessments, the Russians were responsible for hacking the DNC,” Barack Obama told reporters. But he declined to say whether he thought Russia won the election for Trump.
“I’m finding it a little curious that everybody’s acting surprised that this [hacking] would have undermined the election of Hillary Clinton because you guys wrote about it every day,” Obama said. “This was an obsession that dominated the news coverage.”
I can assure the public that there was not the kind of tampering with the voting process that was a concern and will continue to be a concern. That the votes that were cast were counted, they were counted appropriately. We have not seen evidence of machines being tampered with.
– Barack Obama
Hillary Clinton, meanwhile, accused Russian president Vladimir Putin of having a “personal beef” against her. She cited criticism she made as secretary of state that Russia’s 2011 parliamentary elections were rigged as the motive.
CIA director John Brennan told staff he had met with the head of the FBI and the director of national intelligence and “there is strong consensus among us on the scope, nature, and intent of Russian interference in our presidential election.”
Are we talking about the same cyberattack where it was revealed that head of the DNC illegally gave Hillary the questions to the debate?
I feel that Barack has been that for the nation in ways that people will come to appreciate. Having a grown-up in the White House who can say to you in times of crisis and turmoil ‘hey it’s going to be OK, let’s remember the good things that we have, let’s look at the future, let’s look at all the things that we’re building’.
– Michelle Obama
They have been cordial, and in some cases have involved me making some pretty specific suggestions about… maintaining the effectiveness, integrity, cohesion of the office, our various democratic institutions. And he has listened. I can’t say that he will end up implementing.
– Barack Obama
It might take just a minute to catch up on the latest campaign news. But good journalism takes time and costs money. If you like the Guardian’s politics coverage, please consider joining us by becoming a member for only $6.99 a month. Thanks for reading!
Acknowledging a slaughter in Aleppo, Obama defended his policy, saying, “unless we were all in and we were willing to take over Syria, then we were going to have problems.” He said Russia and Iran had “blood on their hands.”
Charity fundraising page auctioning off coffee date with Ivanka Trump taken down without explanation after scrutiny https://t.co/T6P3wVMAMk pic.twitter.com/ysbsKhiMeg
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President Obama discussed his concerns over the recent cyberattack by Russia and how the United States should address the issue.
Senior UK MPs to be briefed on dangers posed by Putin's Russia by Daniel Boffey Policy editor
Cross-party group will visit Estonia and Finland where politicians will inform them of hybrid warfare threat
A cross-party group of senior MPs, including the shadow defence secretary, Nia Griffith, is to be briefed by officials in Finland and Estonia on the threat posed by Russia, in an attempt by the MPs to help suspend any sympathy British politicians may have with the Kremlin.
A delegation of six MPs will meet officials and local politicians on Sunday to discuss the threat of hybrid warfare from Vladimir Putin’s government. Last month it was announced that the European Union was planning to set up a “hybrid threat” centre in Finland to combat the growing number of cyberattacks, including disinformation and fake news promoted on social media. Estonian politicians have accused Russia of stirring antagonism towards immigrants in their country.
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Arguing the Truth with Trump and Putin by By MASHA GESSEN
Imagine the conversation we’d be having if we weren’t debating facts.
Brian Franklin of Fort Worth, Texas, was freed in May after 21 years in prison because his accuser admitted that she lied when she didn't acknowledge a previous sex assault.

Heimlich died from complications after suffering a massive heart attack on Monday. The Cincinnati surgeon became famous in 1970s for creating the anti-choking technique.

Engadget |
Recommended Reading: How Russia hacked the US
Engadget The best long-form writing on technology and more in print and on the web. Billy Steele, @wmsteele. 49m ago in Internet. Comments. 271 Shares. Share. Tweet. Share. Save. Ron Sachs-Pool/Getty Images. The Perfect Weapon: How Russian Cyberpower |
kgw.com |
Police officer shot in Dallas, Ore.
kgw.com DALLAS, Ore. – A police officer was shot in Dallas, Oregon Friday evening, according to Oregon State Police. The officer and the suspect were both wounded. The shooting occurred near a Walmart. No other details were immediately released. This is a ... and more » |
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